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STERZA, J.M.; FERNANDES, L.L.Zooplankton community of the VitóriaBay Estuarine System (SoutheasternBrazil). Characterization during a threeyear study. Brazilian Journal ofOceanography, n. 54, v. 2/3, p. 95-105, 2006.Tang, K.W.; Chena, Q.C.; Wong, C.K.Distribution and biology of marinecladocerans in the coastal waters ofsouthern China. Hydrobiologia, v.307, p. 1-3, 1993.Taylor, F.J.R.; Fukuyo, Y.; Larsen,J.; Hallegraeff, G.M. Taxonomyof harmful dinoflagellates. In:HALLEGRAEFF, G.M.; ANDERSON,D.M.; CEMBELLA, A.D. (Eds.). Manualon harmful marine microalgae.Monographs on OceanographicMethodologies 11. Paris: Unesco, 2003.p. 389-432.Turner, J.T. Zooplankton feeding ecology:contents of fecal pellets of the copepodsTemora turbinata and T. stylifera fromcontinental slope waters near themouth of the Mississippi River. MarineBiology, n. 82, p. 73-83, 1984.Calanoida). Proceedings-of-the-Biological-Society-of-Washington,v. 97, n. 2, p. 369-391, 1984.Walter, T.C. Review of the taxonomy anddistribution of the demersal copepodgenus Pseudodiaptomus (Calanoida:Pseudodiaptomidae) from southernIndo-West Pacific waters. AustralianJournal of Marine and FreshwaterResearch, v. 38, n. 3, p. 363-393,1987.Williams, G.L. A classification of livingand fossil dinoflagellates. Hanover:Sheridan Press, 1993. 351 p.WONG, C.K., JI, C.; NIP, T.H. M. Dielcycle in the percentage abundance ofparthenogenetic females with embryosof different developmental stages infour species of marine cladocerans.Journal of Plankton Research, v.26, n. 9, p. 1095-1103, 2004.VALIELA, I. Marine ecological processes.2 ed. New York: Spring-Verlag, 1995.686 p.VITAL BRAZIL, J.M.; KARAOLIS, D.K.R.;RIVERA, I.N.G.; ALVES, R.M.;RODRIGUES, D.P.; CAMPOS, L.C.Virulence-associated genes in clinicaland environmental Vibrio choleraestrains isolated in Brazil between 1991-1999. FEMS Microbiol. Let., v. 215,p. 15-21, 2002.WALTER, T.C. New species ofPseudodiaptomus from the Indo-Pacific, with a clarification of P. aurivilliand P. mertoni (Crustacea: Copepoda:104Informe sobre as Espécies Exóticas Invasoras Marinhas no Brasil

STERZA, J.M.; FERNANDES, L.L.Zooplankton community of the VitóriaBay Estuarine System (SoutheasternBrazil). Characterization during a threeyear study. Brazilian Journal ofOceanography, n. 54, v. 2/3, p. 95-105, 2006.Tang, K.W.; Chena, Q.C.; Wong, C.K.Distribution and biology of marinecla<strong>do</strong>cerans in the coastal waters ofsouthern China. Hydrobiologia, v.307, p. 1-3, 1993.Taylor, F.J.R.; Fukuyo, Y.; Larsen,J.; Hallegraeff, G.M. Taxonomyof harmful dinoflagellates. In:HALLEGRAEFF, G.M.; ANDERSON,D.M.; CEMBELLA, A.D. (Eds.). Manualon harmful marine microalgae.Monographs on OceanographicMetho<strong>do</strong>logies 11. Paris: Unesco, 2003.p. 389-432.Turner, J.T. Zooplankton feeding ecology:contents of fecal pellets of the copepodsTemora turbinata and T. stylifera fromcontinental slope waters near themouth of the Mississippi River. MarineBiology, n. 82, p. 73-83, 1984.Calanoida). Proceedings-of-the-Biological-Society-of-Washington,v. 97, n. 2, p. 369-391, 1984.Walter, T.C. Review of the taxonomy anddistribution of the demersal copepodgenus Pseu<strong>do</strong>diaptomus (Calanoida:Pseu<strong>do</strong>diaptomidae) from southernIn<strong>do</strong>-West Pacific waters. AustralianJournal of Marine and FreshwaterResearch, v. 38, n. 3, p. 363-393,1987.Williams, G.L. A classification of livingand fossil dinoflagellates. Hanover:Sheridan Press, 1993. 351 p.WONG, C.K., JI, C.; NIP, T.H. M. Dielcycle in the percentage abundance ofparthenogenetic females with embryosof different developmental stages infour species of marine cla<strong>do</strong>cerans.Journal of Plankton Research, v.26, n. 9, p. 1095-1103, 2004.VALIELA, I. Marine ecological processes.2 ed. New York: Spring-Verlag, 1995.686 p.VITAL BRAZIL, J.M.; KARAOLIS, D.K.R.;RIVERA, I.N.G.; ALVES, R.M.;RODRIGUES, D.P.; CAMPOS, L.C.Virulence-associated genes in clinicaland environmental Vibrio choleraestrains isolated in Brazil between 1991-1999. FEMS Microbiol. Let., v. 215,p. 15-21, 2002.WALTER, T.C. New species ofPseu<strong>do</strong>diaptomus from the In<strong>do</strong>-Pacific, with a clarification of P. aurivilliand P. mertoni (Crustacea: Copepoda:104Informe sobre as Espécies Exóticas Invasoras Marinhas no Brasil

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