Professor Orientador: Nestor Cezar Heck - Ufrgs

Professor Orientador: Nestor Cezar Heck - Ufrgs Professor Orientador: Nestor Cezar Heck - Ufrgs


RESUMOO presente trabalho mostra as atmosferas mais importantesque são utilizadas em fornos de tratamento térmico. Além do mais,dados práticos foram obtidos na esferoidização de um aço SAE10B22, que utilizou uma atmosfera em base de nitrogênio comercial.Para a verificação destes dados, foi realizado um trabalho teórico,onde foram feitos cálculos para obtenção de um sistema teóricosemelhante ao sistema real. Os dados teóricos obtidos foramsimulados em um programa de simulações termodinâmicas.6

ABSTRACTThe present work shows the most important atmospheres thatare used in heat treating furnaces. Besides, pratical data wasobtained from a spheroidizing heat treatment of a SAE 10B22 steel,that used a prepared nitrogen-based atmosphere. For the verificationof these data, a theoretical work was accomplished where was madecalculations for obtaining of a theoretical system similar to the realsystem. The obtained theoretical data were simulated in a program ofthermodynamic simulations.7

ABSTRACTThe present work shows the most important atmospheres thatare used in heat treating furnaces. Besides, pratical data wasobtained from a spheroidizing heat treatment of a SAE 10B22 steel,that used a prepared nitrogen-based atmosphere. For the verificationof these data, a theoretical work was accomplished where was madecalculations for obtaining of a theoretical system similar to the realsystem. The obtained theoretical data were simulated in a program ofthermodynamic simulations.7

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