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10 o Encontro Brasileiro de Estatística Bayesiana10 th Bayesian Statistics Brazilian Meeting21 a 24 de março de 2010March 21 to 24, 2010Apresentações OraisOral Communications23

10 o Encontro Brasileiro de Estatística Bayesiana10 th Bayesian Statistics Brazilian MeetingApresentações OraisOral CommunicationsScale Mixtures of Normal Distributions: A Bayesian Analysis of Stochastic Volatility inMeanCarlos Antonio Abanto-Valle, Helio dos Santos Migon e Victor Hugo LachosBayesian Inference for a Skew-Normal IRT Model under the Centred ParameterizationCaio Lucidius Naberezny Azevedo, Heleno Bolfarine e Dalton Francisco de AndradeDiagnostics for Gaussian Process EmulatorsLeonardo S. Bastos e Anthony O’HaganBayesian Coalescent Modeling of the Evolutionary Response of HIV to TherapyAlexander F. Braunstein, Shane T. Jensen e Jon McAuliffeBayesian Nonlinear Regression Models with Scale Mixtures of Skew Normal Distributions:Estimation and Case Influence DiagnosticsVicente Garibay Cancho, Victor Hugo Lachos e Marinho G. AndradePartitioning Diversity Measure for Hierarchical Beta and Dirichlet ModelsDipak Dey, Kent Holsinger e Juan C. VivarA General Class of Nonseparable Space-time Covariance ModelsThais Cristina Oliveira da Fonseca e Mark F. J. SteelExact Simulation and Bayesian Inference for Jump-Diffusion ProcessesFlávio B. Gonçalves e Gareth O. RobertsRegression Models for Exceedance Data via the Full LikelihoodFernando Ferraz do Nascimento, Dani Gamerman e Hedibert Freitas LopesSpatially Varying Autoregressive ProcessesAline Araújo Nobre, Bruno Sansó e Alexandra M. SchmidtAn Efficient Split-Merge MCMC Algorithm for Mixture Models with an Unknown Numberof ComponentsErlandson Ferreira Saraiva, Luís Aparecido Milan e Francisco Louzada-NetoBayesian Beta Dynamic Model and ApplicationsCibele Queiroz da Silva, Helio dos Santos Migon e Leandro Tavares Correia24

10 o Encontro Brasileiro de Estatística Bayesiana10 th Bayesian Statistics Brazilian Meeting21 a 24 de março de 2010March 21 to 24, 2010Apresentações OraisOral Communications23

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