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Bayesian Analysis of Intervention Model with AR ErrorApplied to the IPCA SeriesLetícia Lima Milani RodriguesUniversidade Federal de Alfenas - Unifal-MGGislene Araújo PereiraUniversidade Federal de Alfenas - Unifal-MGDeive Ciro de OliveiraUniversidade Federal de Alfenas - Unifal-MGThis study aimed the fit to intervention model with AR error for the series of Index Consumer PriceIndex - IPCA, from January 1992 to October 2009, using Bayesian focus. The IPCA Series had oneintervention on June 1994, the launch date of the new currency, the Real. The inference about theparameters was performed by applying the Gibbs sampler, considering the marginal complete distributions.For the Bayesian analysis of the intervention model with AR (1) error, was used a priori improperJeffreys. The analysis was made with 20,000 iterations. To check convergence, we used the method ofgraphic techniques and the method proposed by Geweke (1992). The convergence of parameters waschecked by both methods.131

Distribuição Geométrica Exponencial com Função de RiscoCrescenteMari RomanCER-DEs - Universidade Federal de São CarlosFrancisco Louzada-NetoCER-DEs - Universidade Federal de São CarlosVicente Garibay CanchoICMC - USPEste trabalho propõem uma distribuição geométrica exponencial (GED) com função de risco crescente,como alternativa aos modelos GED propostos por Adamidis & Loukas (1998) e Adamidis et. al (2005).Realizamos o estudo de um conjunto de dados artificiais, para o qual propomos a abordagem Bayesiana,via Metropolis-Hasting. Os parâmetros foram transformados para não restringir o espaço paramétrico eforam consideradas distribuições normais a priori para os mesmos. No processo iterativo considerou-seburn in de 2000 comintervalo entre os valores gerados de tamanho 160. Foram calculados os intervalosde credibilidade e HPD, os quais contêm os verdadeiros valores dos parâmetros.132

Bayesian Analysis of Intervention Model with AR ErrorApplied to the IPCA SeriesLetícia Lima Milani RodriguesUniversidade Federal de Alfenas - Unifal-MGGislene Araújo PereiraUniversidade Federal de Alfenas - Unifal-MGDeive Ciro de OliveiraUniversidade Federal de Alfenas - Unifal-MGThis study aimed the fit to intervention model with AR error for the series of Index Consumer PriceIndex - IPCA, from January 1992 to October 2009, using Bayesian focus. The IPCA Series had oneintervention on June 1994, the launch date of the new currency, the Real. The inference about theparameters was performed by applying the Gibbs sampler, considering the marginal complete distributions.For the Bayesian analysis of the intervention model with AR (1) error, was used a priori improperJeffreys. The analysis was made with 20,000 iterations. To check convergence, we used the method ofgraphic techniques and the method proposed by Geweke (1992). The convergence of parameters waschecked by both methods.131

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