O Brasil e as Operações de Manutenção da Paz das ... - Funag

O Brasil e as Operações de Manutenção da Paz das ... - Funag

O Brasil e as Operações de Manutenção da Paz das ... - Funag


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CONCLUSÃO 287em 8/12/98, antes mesmo <strong>da</strong> intervenção <strong>da</strong> OTAN no Kosovo, nosseguintes termos 189 :“When peacekeeping operations become necessary,I wish to reaffirm that, while regional organizationsundoubtedly have an important role to play, any militaryintervention by the international community must remainsubject to the approval of the Security Council.Dispensing with its <strong>as</strong>sent, <strong>as</strong> some are tempted to do,would mean setting an unfortunate prece<strong>de</strong>nt. It would callin question the very first article of the Charter of theOrganization, which provi<strong>de</strong>s for effective collective me<strong>as</strong>uresfor the prevention and removal of threats to the peace. Weshould then not be far from a return to the system of spheresof influence b<strong>as</strong>ed on the individual interests of States, ratherthan on the principle of sharing of responsibilities”.Em tom mais contun<strong>de</strong>nte, o SGNU frisou em discurso proferidoem 17/5/99, quando então a intervenção <strong>da</strong> OTAN na RFI granjeava,que “the c<strong>as</strong>e of Kosovo h<strong>as</strong> c<strong>as</strong>t into sharp relief the fact thatMember States and regional organizations sometimes takeenforcement action without Security Council authorization”,acrescentando “... that unless the Security Council is restored to itspreeminent position <strong>as</strong> the sole source of legitimacy on the use offorce, we are on a <strong>da</strong>ngerous path to anarchy.” 190 Essepronunciamento foi feito, em Haia, durante <strong>as</strong> Comemorações doCentenário <strong>da</strong> realização <strong>da</strong> Primeira Conferência <strong>de</strong> <strong>Paz</strong> <strong>de</strong> 1899,diante <strong>de</strong> uma platéia expressiva <strong>de</strong> autori<strong>da</strong><strong>de</strong>s mundiais.Embora tenha ocorrido uma violação d<strong>as</strong> norm<strong>as</strong> d<strong>as</strong> NaçõesUnid<strong>as</strong> e um <strong>de</strong>srespeito à autori<strong>da</strong><strong>de</strong> do CSNU, po<strong>de</strong>r-se-ia189Nações Unid<strong>as</strong>, (1998), doc. SG/SM/6823, p. 3.190Nações Unid<strong>as</strong>, (1999), doc SG/SM/6997.

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