Visualizar Tese - Instituto de Biociências - Unesp

Visualizar Tese - Instituto de Biociências - Unesp Visualizar Tese - Instituto de Biociências - Unesp


[53] Nikitenko LL, Cross T, Campo L et al. (2006) Expression of terminally glycosylatedcalcitonin receptor-like receptor in uterine leiomyoma: endothelial phenotype and associationwith microvascular density. Clin Cancer Res 12: 5648-5658.[54] Lin N, Chen S, Pan W et al. (2011) NP603, a novel and potent inhibitor of FGFR1tyrosine kinase, inhibits hepatic stellate cell proliferation and ameliorates hepatic fibrosis inrats. Am J Physiol Cell Physiol, in press.19

AArray CGHExpression arrayBtumoral phenotype.CFigure 1. Characterization of modulators A. Hierarchical clustering of samples according tomenstrual cycle phase (proliferative and secretory), number of samples evaluated (2 or 3 samples or 1sample) and diagnosis of multiple or solitary tumors (TMeV v.4.5). B. Chromosomal mapping of 75modulators which most of them (~60%) were mapped at interchromosomal regions and telomericregions (30%). Around 6% were mapped in regions close to telomeres. C. Selection of genes withpositive (red) and negative (blue) association among top 30 gene modulators, totalizing 14 genes aspotential drivers [29].20

AArray CGHExpression arrayBtumoral phenotype.CFigure 1. Characterization of modulators A. Hierarchical clustering of samples according tomenstrual cycle phase (proliferative and secretory), number of samples evaluated (2 or 3 samples or 1sample) and diagnosis of multiple or solitary tumors (TMeV v.4.5). B. Chromosomal mapping of 75modulators which most of them (~60%) were mapped at interchromosomal regions and telomericregions (30%). Around 6% were mapped in regions close to telomeres. C. Selection of genes withpositive (red) and negative (blue) association among top 30 gene modulators, totalizing 14 genes aspotential drivers [29].20

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