Visualizar Tese - Instituto de Biociências - Unesp

Visualizar Tese - Instituto de Biociências - Unesp Visualizar Tese - Instituto de Biociências - Unesp


12p11.21, 12p13.31, 16p11.2, 16q24.3, 17q21.31, 20p11.2 and 20p13. The 75 modulatorsplay an important role in ULs pathogenesis regardless of tumor multiplicity and menstrualcycle phase.The integrative analysis allowed the identification of 75 modulators based on geneexpression data and then generates the association of these findings with genomic imbalances.Forty-five out of 75 modulators have shown an inverse association between genomicalterations (gains or losses) and gene expression pattern (up- or down-regulation). Severalmechanisms, besides CNAs, are associated with gene expression regulation. Epigeneticmechanisms and miRNAs, for example, can regulate transcriptional events. Gene expressionregulation by miRNAs has been a major focus in studies of tumors, including ULs [33, 34]. Inthe present study, 30 out of 45 genes that showed an inverse association betweengenomic/transcriptomic data could be explained by miRNA regulation. The additional 15genes could be regulated by other mechanisms. In addition, 44 out of 75 modulators aremapped on chromosomal regions that generally are not frequent targets of breakpoints.Therefore, this study suggests that deregulated expression genes in ULs frequently areassociated with genomic alterations and regulation by miRNAs. Altogether, CNAs andmiRNA could explain the main mechanisms of regulation of gene expression of ULs samples.Based on Akavia et al. [17], it was selected 30 modulators showing the highest scoresvalues with 14 of them showing positive association (CALCRL, COL3A1, CTDSP1, DBN1,DIP2C, FGFR1, GPR4, HSPB7, IGFBP5, MFAP5, NUPR1, and TNS1) or negativeassociation (CENPF and RHOH). The TNS1, HSPB7, IGFBP5, GPR4 and CTDSP1modulators were not detected in modules, indicating that they could be classified into a newclass of genes specifically associated with ULs. These selected modulators genes could beputative candidates to uterine leiomyomas development and are discussed below.11

The modulators were mainly associated with cancer involving cell cycle (P < 10 -4 ) andcellular growth and proliferation functions (P < 10 -3 ). Damage of cell cycle has beendescribed in the pathogenesis of several tumors [35, 36], including ULs [37, 38, 39]. Inaddition, cellular proliferation stimulated by growth factors and/or steroid hormones is one ofthe mechanisms accountable for volume increase observed in ULs tumors [5].Menorrhagia, characterized by excessive uterine bleeding, is one of the mostfrequently symptoms associated with ULs and may have implications for fertility andcontraception. The canonical pathway intrinsic mechanism for prothrombin activation beginswith trauma to the blood vessel or exposure of blood to collagen in a traumatized vessel wall.Prothrombin overactivation could be associated with excessive bleeding observed in affectedpatients [40]. In the present study, the gene associated with this pathway was COL3A1, whichshowed positive association. The up-regulation of this gene has been previously associatedwith increase of collagen deposition in ULs [41]. The in silico functional analysis revealedthat COL3A1 molecule was associated with response to collagenase Clostridium histolyticum,an treatment recently approved for progressive Dupuytren contractures disease (DD) [42]. DDis a fibroproliferative disorder of unknown etiology that often results in shortening andthickening of the palmar fascia, leading to permanent and irreversible flexion contracture ofthe digits [43]. Therefore, COL3A1 is as candidate gene for further studies aiming to evaluateits correlation with menorrhagia and fibroid formation in UL patients.Fibroblast growth factor receptor (FGFR), showing positive association in the presentstudy, belongs to the family of receptor tyrosine kinases (RTKs). Activated RTKs play animportant role in the enhanced proliferation described in ULs [for review 44]. In addition, upregulationof FGF1 was associated with menorrhagia in patients with ULs [45]. FGFR1 hasbeen reported as a potential therapeutic target in breast cancers [46]. The in silico functionalanalysis showed an association with FGF1 molecule and pazopanib, a tyrosine kinase12

12p11.21, 12p13.31, 16p11.2, 16q24.3, 17q21.31, 20p11.2 and 20p13. The 75 modulatorsplay an important role in ULs pathogenesis regardless of tumor multiplicity and menstrualcycle phase.The integrative analysis allowed the i<strong>de</strong>ntification of 75 modulators based on geneexpression data and then generates the association of these findings with genomic imbalances.Forty-five out of 75 modulators have shown an inverse association between genomicalterations (gains or losses) and gene expression pattern (up- or down-regulation). Severalmechanisms, besi<strong>de</strong>s CNAs, are associated with gene expression regulation. Epigeneticmechanisms and miRNAs, for example, can regulate transcriptional events. Gene expressionregulation by miRNAs has been a major focus in studies of tumors, including ULs [33, 34]. Inthe present study, 30 out of 45 genes that showed an inverse association betweengenomic/transcriptomic data could be explained by miRNA regulation. The additional 15genes could be regulated by other mechanisms. In addition, 44 out of 75 modulators aremapped on chromosomal regions that generally are not frequent targets of breakpoints.Therefore, this study suggests that <strong>de</strong>regulated expression genes in ULs frequently areassociated with genomic alterations and regulation by miRNAs. Altogether, CNAs andmiRNA could explain the main mechanisms of regulation of gene expression of ULs samples.Based on Akavia et al. [17], it was selected 30 modulators showing the highest scoresvalues with 14 of them showing positive association (CALCRL, COL3A1, CTDSP1, DBN1,DIP2C, FGFR1, GPR4, HSPB7, IGFBP5, MFAP5, NUPR1, and TNS1) or negativeassociation (CENPF and RHOH). The TNS1, HSPB7, IGFBP5, GPR4 and CTDSP1modulators were not <strong>de</strong>tected in modules, indicating that they could be classified into a newclass of genes specifically associated with ULs. These selected modulators genes could beputative candidates to uterine leiomyomas <strong>de</strong>velopment and are discussed below.11

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