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Cirilo, PDRREFERÊNCIAS225Penner AS, Rock MJ, Kielty CM et al. Microfibril-associated glycoprotein-2 interacts with fibrillin-1and fibrillin-2 suggesting a role for MAGP-2 in elastic fiber assembly. J Biol Chem, 277,35044-35049, 2002.Perez GD. Caracterização das deleções no cromossomo 7 em Leiomiomas Uterinos pelametodologia de hibridação in situ fluorescente. In: Dissertação de Mestrado, 81 pp, 2004.Perou CM, Sorlie T, Eisen MB et al. Molecular portraits of human breast tumours. Nature, 406, 747–752, 2000.Perou CM, Sorlie T, Eisen MB, et al. Molecular portraits of human breast tumours. Nature, 406, 747–752, 2000.Pinkel D, Segraves R, Sudar D et al: High resolution analysis of DNA copy number variation usingcomparative genomic hybridization to microarrays. Nat Genet, 20, 207–211, 1998.Pinto D, Marshall C, Feuk L et al. Copy-number variation in control population cohorts. Hum MolGenet, 16, 168–173, 2007.Pitt CW and Cooper JP. Pot1 inactivation leads to rampant telomere resection and loss in one cellcycle. Nucleic Acids Res, 38, 6968-6975, 2010.Pole JC, Courtay-Cahen C, Garcia MJ et al. High-resolution analysis of chromosome rearrangementson 8p in breast, colon and pancreatic cancer reveals a complex pattern of loss, gain andtranslocation. Oncogene, 25, 5693-5706, 2006.Polito P, Dal Cin P, Kazmierczak B et al. Deletion of HMG17 in uterine leiomyomas with ringchromosome 1. Cancer Genet Cytogenet, 108, 107-109, 1999.Pranzatelli, MR. The neurobiology of the opsoclonus-myoclonus syndrome. Clin. Neuropharmacol,15, 186–228, 1992.Prenzel KL, Schäfer E, Stippel D et al. Multiple giant leiomyomas of the esophagus and stomach. DisEsophagus, 19, 504-508, 2006.Przybytkowski E, Ferrario C, Basik M. The use of ultra-dense array CGH analysis for the discovery ofmicro-copy number alterations and gene fusions in the cancer genome. BMC Med Genomics,27; 4-6, 2011.Ptacek T, Song C, Walker CL et al. Physical mapping of distinct 7q22 deletions in uterine leiomyomaand analysis of a recently annotated 7q22 candidate gene. Cancer Genet Cytogenet, 174, 116-120, 2007.Quade BJ, Wang TY, Sornberger K et al. Molecular pathogenesis of uterine smooth muscle tumorsfrom transcriptional profiling. Genes Chrom Cancer, 40, 97–108, 2004.Quintana DG, Thome KC, Hou ZH et al. ORC5L, a new member of the human origin recognitioncomplex, is deleted in uterine leiomyomas and malignant myeloid diseases. J Biol Chem, 273,27137-27145, 1998.

Cirilo, PDRREFERÊNCIAS226Redon R, Ishikawa S, Fitch KR et al. Global variation in copy number in the human genome. Nature,444, 444-454, 2006.Reeves R. Structure and function of the HMGI(Y) family of architectural transcription factors.Environ Health Perspect, 108, 803–809, 2000.Rein MS, Barbieri RL, Friedman AJ. Progesterone: A critical role in the pathogenesis of uterinemyomas. Am J Obstet Gynecol, 172, 14–18, 1995.Rein MS, Friedman AJ, Barbieri RL et al. Cytogenetic abnormalities in uterine leiomyomata. ObstetGynecol, 77, 923–926, 1991.Rein MS, Powell WL, Walters FC. et al. Cytogenetic abnormalities in uterine myomas are associatedwith myoma size. Mol Hum Reprod, 4, 83-86, 1998.Rikala SM, El-Rifai W, Lahtinen T et al. Different patterns of DNA copy number changes ingastrointestinal stromal tumors, leiomyomas, and schwannomas. Hum Pathol, 29, 476-481,1998.Rogatto, SR. Citogenética sem risco: Biossegurança e garantia de qualidade. Ed. FUNPEC, 170pp,2000.Rooney JE, Gurpur PB, Burkin DJ. Laminin-111 protein therapy prevents muscle disease in the mdxmouse model for Duchenne muscular dystrophy. Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A, 106, 7991-7996,2009.Roth TM, Klett C, Cowan BD. Expression profile of several genes in human myometrium and uterineleiomyoma. Fertil Steril, 87, 635-641, 2007.Rudolph KL, Chang S, Lee HW et al. Longevity, stress response, and cancer in aging telomerasedeficientmice. Cell. Mar, 96, 701-712, 1999.Ryan BM, Robles AI, Harris CC. Genetic variation in microRNA networks: the implications for cancerresearch. Nat Rev Cancer, 10, 389-402, 2010.Sanchez-Garcia F, Akavia UD, Mozes E et al. Identification of Significant Targets in Cancer. BMCBioinfo, 11, 189-198, 2010.Sargent MS, Weremowicz S, Rein MS et al. Translocations in 7q22 define a critical region in UterineLeiomyomata. Cancer Genet Cytogenet, 77, 65-68, 1994.Sarkar S, Dey BK, Dutta A. MiR-322/424 and -503 are induced during muscle differentiation andpromote cell cycle quiescence and differentiation by down-regulation of Cdc25A. Mol BiolCell, 21, 2138-2149, 2010.Sayagués JM, Abad Mdel M, Melchor HB et al. Intratumoural cytogenetic heterogeneity of sporadiccolorectal carcinomas suggests several pathways to liver metastasis. J Pathol, 221, 308-319,2010.Schena M, Shalon D, Davis RW et al. Quantitative monitoring of gene expression patterns with acomplementary DNA microarray. Science, 270, 467–470, 1995.

Cirilo, PDRREFERÊNCIAS225Penner AS, Rock MJ, Kielty CM et al. Microfibril-associated glycoprotein-2 interacts with fibrillin-1and fibrillin-2 suggesting a role for MAGP-2 in elastic fiber assembly. J Biol Chem, 277,35044-35049, 2002.Perez GD. Caracterização das <strong>de</strong>leções no cromossomo 7 em Leiomiomas Uterinos pelametodologia <strong>de</strong> hibridação in situ fluorescente. In: Dissertação <strong>de</strong> Mestrado, 81 pp, 2004.Perou CM, Sorlie T, Eisen MB et al. Molecular portraits of human breast tumours. Nature, 406, 747–752, 2000.Perou CM, Sorlie T, Eisen MB, et al. Molecular portraits of human breast tumours. Nature, 406, 747–752, 2000.Pinkel D, Segraves R, Sudar D et al: High resolution analysis of DNA copy number variation usingcomparative genomic hybridization to microarrays. Nat Genet, 20, 207–211, 1998.Pinto D, Marshall C, Feuk L et al. Copy-number variation in control population cohorts. Hum MolGenet, 16, 168–173, 2007.Pitt CW and Cooper JP. Pot1 inactivation leads to rampant telomere resection and loss in one cellcycle. Nucleic Acids Res, 38, 6968-6975, 2010.Pole JC, Courtay-Cahen C, Garcia MJ et al. High-resolution analysis of chromosome rearrangementson 8p in breast, colon and pancreatic cancer reveals a complex pattern of loss, gain andtranslocation. Oncogene, 25, 5693-5706, 2006.Polito P, Dal Cin P, Kazmierczak B et al. Deletion of HMG17 in uterine leiomyomas with ringchromosome 1. Cancer Genet Cytogenet, 108, 107-109, 1999.Pranzatelli, MR. The neurobiology of the opsoclonus-myoclonus syndrome. Clin. Neuropharmacol,15, 186–228, 1992.Prenzel KL, Schäfer E, Stippel D et al. Multiple giant leiomyomas of the esophagus and stomach. DisEsophagus, 19, 504-508, 2006.Przybytkowski E, Ferrario C, Basik M. The use of ultra-<strong>de</strong>nse array CGH analysis for the discovery ofmicro-copy number alterations and gene fusions in the cancer genome. BMC Med Genomics,27; 4-6, 2011.Ptacek T, Song C, Walker CL et al. Physical mapping of distinct 7q22 <strong>de</strong>letions in uterine leiomyomaand analysis of a recently annotated 7q22 candidate gene. Cancer Genet Cytogenet, 174, 116-120, 2007.Qua<strong>de</strong> BJ, Wang TY, Sornberger K et al. Molecular pathogenesis of uterine smooth muscle tumorsfrom transcriptional profiling. Genes Chrom Cancer, 40, 97–108, 2004.Quintana DG, Thome KC, Hou ZH et al. ORC5L, a new member of the human origin recognitioncomplex, is <strong>de</strong>leted in uterine leiomyomas and malignant myeloid diseases. J Biol Chem, 273,27137-27145, 1998.

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