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Cirilo, PDRREFERÊNCIAS221Martinez-Mir A, Glaser B, Chuang GS et al. Germline Fumarate Hydratase Mutations in Families withMultiple Cutaneous and Uterine Leiomyomata. J Invest Dermatol, 741-744, 2003.McCarroll SA, Kuruvilla FG, Korn JM et al. Integrated detection and population-genetic analysis ofSNPs and copy number variation. Nat Genet, 40, 1166-1174, 2008.Meadows KL, Andrews DM, Xu Z et al. Genome-wide analysis of loss of heterozygosity and copynumber amplification in uterine leiomyomas using the 100K single nucleotidepolymorphism array. Exp Mol Pathol, Epub ahead of print, 2011.Melchor L, Saucedo-Cuevas LP, Muñoz-Repeto I et al. Comprehensive characterization of the DNAamplification at 13q34 in human breast cancer reveals TFDP1 and CUL4A as likely candidatetarget genes. Breast Cancer Res, 11, R86, 2009.Meloni AM, Surti U, Sandberg AA. Deletion of chromosome 13 in leiomyomas of the uterus. CancerGenet Cytogenet, 53, 199-203, 1991.Mertens HJ, Heineman MJ, Theunissen PH et al. Androgen, estrogen and progesterone receptorexpression in the human uterus during the menstrual cycle. Eur J Obstet Gynecol ReprodBiol, 98, 58-65, 2001.Mesquita FS, Dyer SN, Heinrich DA et al. Reactive oxygen species mediate mitogenic growth factorsignaling pathways in human leiomyoma smooth muscle cells. Biol Reprod, 82, 341-351,2010.Meza-Zepeda LA, Kresse SH, Barragan-Polania AH et al. Array comparative genomic hybridizationreveals distinct DNA copy number differences between gastrointestinal stromal tumors andleiomyosarcomas. Cancer Res, 66, 8984-8993, 2006.Micci F, Teixeira MR, Haugom L et al. Genomic aberrations in carcinomas of the uterine corpus.Genes Chrom Cancer, 40, 229-246, 2004.Middlebrook BS, Eldin K, Li X et al. Smad1-Smad5 ovarian conditional knockout mice develop adisease profile similar to the juvenile form of human granulosa cell tumors. Endocrinology,150, 5208-5217, 2009.Mills RE, Walter K, Stewart C et al. Mapping copy number variation by population-scale genomesequencing. Nature, 470, 59-65, 2011.Minelli L, Romagnolo C, Giambanco L et al. Uterine leiomyoma metastasis as a first sign of breastcancer. J Am Assoc Gynecol Laparosc, 5, 213-215, 1998.Misao R, Nakanishi Y, Fujimoto J et al. Expression of sex hormone-binding globulin mRNA in uterineleiomyoma, myometrium and endometrium of human subjects. Gynecol Endocrinol, 9, 317-323, 1995.Mitelman Database of Chromosome Aberrations and Gene Fusions in Cancer (2011). Mitelman F,Johansson B and Mertens F (Eds.), F, Johansson B, Mertens F. The impact of translocations and gene fusions on cancercausation Nature Rev Cancer, 7, 233-245, 2007.

Cirilo, PDRREFERÊNCIAS222Mitra R, Lee J, Jo J et al. Prediction of Postoperative Recurrence-Free Survival in Non-Small CellLung Cancer by Using an Internationally Validated Gene Expression Model. Clin Cancer Res,17, 2934-2946, 2011.Mittal KR, Chen F, Wei JJ et al. Molecular and immunohistochemical evidence for the origin ofuterine leiomyosarcomas from associated leiomyoma and symplastic leiomyoma-like areas.Mod Pathol, 22, 1303–1311, 2009.Mittal KR and Joutovsky A. Areas with benign morphologic and immunohistochemical features areassociated with some uterine leiomyosarcomas. Gynecol Oncol, 104, 362–365, 2007.Mittal KR, Popiolek D, Demopoulos RI. Uterine myxoid leiomyosarcoma within a leiomyoma. HumPathol, 31, 398–400, 2000.Mizuochi T, Kimura A, Ueki I et al. Molecular genetic and bile acid profiles in two Japanese patientswith 3beta-hydroxy-DELTA5-C27-steroid dehydrogenase/isomerase deficiency. Pediatr Res,68, 258-263, 2010.Mo R, Rao SM, Zhu YJ. Identification of the MLL2 complex as a coactivator for estrogen receptoralpha. J Biol Chem, 281, 15714-15720, 2006.Mok SC, Bonome T, Vathipadiekal V et al. A gene signature predictive for outcome in advancedovarian cancer identifies a survival factor: microfibril-associated glycoprotein 2. Cancer Cell,16, 521-532, 2009.Moore AB, Yu L, Swartz CD et al. Human uterine leiomyoma-derived fibroblasts stimulate uterineleiomyoma cell proliferation and collagen type I production, and activate RTKs and TGF betareceptor signaling in coculture. Cell Commun Signal, 10, 8-10, 2010.Moore SD, Herrick SR, Ince TA et al. Uterine leiomyomata with t(10;17) disrupt the histoneacetyltransferase MORF. Cancer Res, 64, 5570–5577, 2004.Moorehead ME and Conard CJ. Uterine leiomyomas: a treatable condition. Ann N Y Acad Sci, 948,21-29, 2001.Müller M, Beck IM, Gadesmann J et al. MMP19 is upregulated during melanoma progression andincreases invasion of melanoma cells. Mod Pathol, 23, 511-521, 2010.Murnane JP. Telomere loss as a mechanism for chromosome instability in human cancer. CancerRes, 70, 4255-4259, 2010.Mylonas I, Brüning A, Shabani N et al. Evidence of inhibin/activin subunit betaC and betaE synthesisin normal human endometrial tissue. Reprod Biol Endocrinol, 19, 143, 2010.Nabokikh A, Ilhan A, Bilban M et al. Reduced TGF-beta1 expression and its target genes in humaninsulinomas. Exp Clin Endocrinol Diabetes, 115, 674-682, 2007.Napoli JL. Biochemical pathways of retinoid transport, metabolism, and signal transduction. ClinImmunol Immunopathol, 80, 52–62, 1996.

Cirilo, PDRREFERÊNCIAS221Martinez-Mir A, Glaser B, Chuang GS et al. Germline Fumarate Hydratase Mutations in Families withMultiple Cutaneous and Uterine Leiomyomata. J Invest Dermatol, 741-744, 2003.McCarroll SA, Kuruvilla FG, Korn JM et al. Integrated <strong>de</strong>tection and population-genetic analysis ofSNPs and copy number variation. Nat Genet, 40, 1166-1174, 2008.Meadows KL, Andrews DM, Xu Z et al. Genome-wi<strong>de</strong> analysis of loss of heterozygosity and copynumber amplification in uterine leiomyomas using the 100K single nucleoti<strong>de</strong>polymorphism array. Exp Mol Pathol, Epub ahead of print, 2011.Melchor L, Saucedo-Cuevas LP, Muñoz-Repeto I et al. Comprehensive characterization of the DNAamplification at 13q34 in human breast cancer reveals TFDP1 and CUL4A as likely candidatetarget genes. Breast Cancer Res, 11, R86, 2009.Meloni AM, Surti U, Sandberg AA. Deletion of chromosome 13 in leiomyomas of the uterus. CancerGenet Cytogenet, 53, 199-203, 1991.Mertens HJ, Heineman MJ, Theunissen PH et al. Androgen, estrogen and progesterone receptorexpression in the human uterus during the menstrual cycle. Eur J Obstet Gynecol ReprodBiol, 98, 58-65, 2001.Mesquita FS, Dyer SN, Heinrich DA et al. Reactive oxygen species mediate mitogenic growth factorsignaling pathways in human leiomyoma smooth muscle cells. Biol Reprod, 82, 341-351,2010.Meza-Zepeda LA, Kresse SH, Barragan-Polania AH et al. Array comparative genomic hybridizationreveals distinct DNA copy number differences between gastrointestinal stromal tumors andleiomyosarcomas. Cancer Res, 66, 8984-8993, 2006.Micci F, Teixeira MR, Haugom L et al. Genomic aberrations in carcinomas of the uterine corpus.Genes Chrom Cancer, 40, 229-246, 2004.Middlebrook BS, Eldin K, Li X et al. Smad1-Smad5 ovarian conditional knockout mice <strong>de</strong>velop adisease profile similar to the juvenile form of human granulosa cell tumors. Endocrinology,150, 5208-5217, 2009.Mills RE, Walter K, Stewart C et al. Mapping copy number variation by population-scale genomesequencing. Nature, 470, 59-65, 2011.Minelli L, Romagnolo C, Giambanco L et al. Uterine leiomyoma metastasis as a first sign of breastcancer. J Am Assoc Gynecol Laparosc, 5, 213-215, 1998.Misao R, Nakanishi Y, Fujimoto J et al. Expression of sex hormone-binding globulin mRNA in uterineleiomyoma, myometrium and endometrium of human subjects. Gynecol Endocrinol, 9, 317-323, 1995.Mitelman Database of Chromosome Aberrations and Gene Fusions in Cancer (2011). Mitelman F,Johansson B and Mertens F (Eds.), F, Johansson B, Mertens F. The impact of translocations and gene fusions on cancercausation Nature Rev Cancer, 7, 233-245, 2007.

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