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Cirilo, PDRREFERÊNCIAS217Jacobson EM, Hugo ER, Borcherding DC et al. Prolactin in breast and prostate cancer: molecular andgenetic perspectives. Discov Med, 11, 315-324, 2011.Jacoby VL, Fujimoto VY, Giudice LC et al. Racial and ethnic disparities in benign gynecologicconditions and associated surgeries. Am J Obstet Gynecol, 202, 514-521, 2010.Jashnani KD, Agrawal VR, Naik LP. Metastasis of breast lobular carcinoma in a cervical leiomyoma.Indian J Pathol Microbiol, 50, 378-379, 2007.Jensen KB, Dredge BK, Stefani G et al. Nova-1 regulates neuron-specific alternative splicing and isessential for neuronal viability. Neuron, 25, 359–371, 2000.Jeong YJ, Noh EM, Lee YR et al. 17beta-estradiol induces up-regulation of PTEN and PPARgamma inleiomyoma cells, but not in normal cells. Int J Oncol, 36, 921-927, 2010.Jiang Y, Suo G and Sadarangani A. Expression profiling of protein tyrosine kinases and their ligandactivators in leiomyoma uteri. Syst Biol Reprod Med, 56, 318–326, 2010.Jin M, Tanaka S, Sekino Y et al. A novel, brain-specific mouse drebrin: cDNA cloning, chromosomalmapping, genomic structure, expression, and functional characterization. Genomics, 79, 686-692, 2002.Jones MR, Italiano L, Wilson SG et al. Polymorphism in HSD17B6 is associated with key features ofpolycystic ovary syndrome. Fertil Steril, 86, 1438-1446, 2006.Jönsson G, Staaf J, Vallon-Christersson J et al. Genomic subtypes of breast cancer identified by arraycomparativegenomic hybridization display distinct molecular and clinical characteristics.Breast Cancer Res, 12, 2010.Kallioniemi A, Kallioniemi OP, Sudar D et al. Comparative genomic hybridization for molecularcytogenetics analysis of solid tumors. Science, 258, 818-821, 1992.Kanamori T, Takakura K, Mandai M et al. PEP-19 overexpression in human uterine leiomyoma. MolHum Reprod, 9, 709-717, 2003.Kandalaft PL and Esteban JM. Bilateral massive ovarian leiomyomata in a young woman: a casereport with review of the literature. Mod Pathol, 5, 586-589, 1992.Katoh M. Genetic alterations of FGF receptors: an emerging field in clinical cancer diagnostics andtherapeutics. Expert Rev Anticancer Ther, 10, 1375-1379, 2010.Käufl SD, Makovitzky J, Kuhn C et al. Inhibin/activin-betaC subunit in human endometrialadenocarcinomas and HEC-1a adenocarcinoma cell line. In Vivo, 24, 695-698, 2010.Kawaguchi K, Fujii S, Konishi I et al Ultrastructural study of cultured smooth muscle cells fromuterine leiomyoma and myometrium under the influence of sex steroids. Gynecol Oncol, 21,32-41, 1985.Kayisli UA, Berkkanoglu M, Kizilay G et al. Expression of proliferative and preapoptotic molecules inhuman myometrium and leiomyoma throughout the menstrual cycle. Reprod Sci, 14, 678-686, 2007.

Cirilo, PDRREFERÊNCIAS218Kazmierczak B, Bol S, Wanschura S et al. Pac clone containing the HMGI(Y) gene spans thebreakpoint of a 6p21 translocation in a uterine leiomyoma cell line. Genes ChromosomesCancer, 17, 191-193, 1996.Kazmierczak B, Wanschura S, Rosigkeit J et al. Molecular characterization of 12q14–15rearrangements in three pulmonary chondroid hamartomas. Cancer Res, 55, 2497–2499,1995.Ke L, Che YN, Cao YX et al. Polymorphisms of the HSD17B6 and HSD17B5 genes in Chinese womenwith polycystic ovary syndrome. J Womens Health, 19, 2227-2232, 2010.Khorram O, Garthwaite M, Golos T. Uterine and ovarian aryl hydrocarbon receptor (AHR) and arylhydrocarbon receptor nuclear translocator (ARNT) mRNA expression in benign andmalignant gynaecological conditions. Mol Hum Reprod, 8, 75-80, 2002.Kimmich T, Brüning A, Käufl SD et al. Inhibin/activin-betaC and -betaE subunits in the Ishikawahuman endometrial adenocarcinoma cell line. Arch Gynecol Obstet, 282, 185-191, 2010.Kondo NI, Yoshida S, Kajiyama H et al. Metastasis of breast cancer to a uterine leiomyoma. BreastCancer, 16, 157-161, 2009.Kools PF and Van de Ven WJ. Amplification of a rearranged form of the high mobility group proteingene hmgic in osteosarcoma cells. Cancer Genet Cytogenet, 91, 1–7, 1996.Kroeger H, Jelinek J, Estécio MR. Aberrant CpG island methylation in acute myeloid leukemia isaccentuated at relapse. Blood, 112, 1366-1373, 2008.Kuivaniemi H, Tromp G, Prockop DJ. Mutations in collagen genes: causes of rare and some commondiseases in humans. FASEB J, 5, 2052-2060, 1991.Laganà A, Russo F, Sismeiro C et al. Variability in the incidence of miRNAs and genes in fragile sitesand the role of repeats and CpG islands in the distribution of genetic material. PLoS One, 17,e11166, 2010.Lara PC, Lloret M, Clavo B et al. Severe hypoxia induces chemo-resistance in clinical cervical tumorsthrough MVP over-expression. Radiat Oncol, 6, 1-14, 2009.Laser L, Lee P and Wei J. Cellular senescence in usual type uterine leiomyoma. Fertil Steril, 93,2020-2026, 2010.Laurila E, Savinainen K, Kuuselo R et al. Characterization of the 7q21-q22 amplicon identifiesARPC1A, a subunit of the Arp2/3 complex, as a regulator of cell migration and invasion inpancreatic cancer. Genes Chromosomes Cancer, 48, 330-339, 2009.Lavecchia A, Di Giovanni C, Novellino E. Inhibitors of Cdc25 phosphatases as anticancer agents: apatent review. Expert Opin Ther Pat, 20, 405-425, 2010.Lea IA, Jackson MA, Li X et al. Genetic pathways and mutation profiles of human cancers: site- andexposure-specific patterns. Carcinogenesis, 28, 1851-1858, 2007.

Cirilo, PDRREFERÊNCIAS218Kazmierczak B, Bol S, Wanschura S et al. Pac clone containing the HMGI(Y) gene spans thebreakpoint of a 6p21 translocation in a uterine leiomyoma cell line. Genes ChromosomesCancer, 17, 191-193, 1996.Kazmierczak B, Wanschura S, Rosigkeit J et al. Molecular characterization of 12q14–15rearrangements in three pulmonary chondroid hamartomas. Cancer Res, 55, 2497–2499,1995.Ke L, Che YN, Cao YX et al. Polymorphisms of the HSD17B6 and HSD17B5 genes in Chinese womenwith polycystic ovary syndrome. J Womens Health, 19, 2227-2232, 2010.Khorram O, Garthwaite M, Golos T. Uterine and ovarian aryl hydrocarbon receptor (AHR) and arylhydrocarbon receptor nuclear translocator (ARNT) mRNA expression in benign andmalignant gynaecological conditions. Mol Hum Reprod, 8, 75-80, 2002.Kimmich T, Brüning A, Käufl SD et al. Inhibin/activin-betaC and -betaE subunits in the Ishikawahuman endometrial a<strong>de</strong>nocarcinoma cell line. Arch Gynecol Obstet, 282, 185-191, 2010.Kondo NI, Yoshida S, Kajiyama H et al. Metastasis of breast cancer to a uterine leiomyoma. BreastCancer, 16, 157-161, 2009.Kools PF and Van <strong>de</strong> Ven WJ. Amplification of a rearranged form of the high mobility group proteingene hmgic in osteosarcoma cells. Cancer Genet Cytogenet, 91, 1–7, 1996.Kroeger H, Jelinek J, Estécio MR. Aberrant CpG island methylation in acute myeloid leukemia isaccentuated at relapse. Blood, 112, 1366-1373, 2008.Kuivaniemi H, Tromp G, Prockop DJ. Mutations in collagen genes: causes of rare and some commondiseases in humans. FASEB J, 5, 2052-2060, 1991.Laganà A, Russo F, Sismeiro C et al. Variability in the inci<strong>de</strong>nce of miRNAs and genes in fragile sitesand the role of repeats and CpG islands in the distribution of genetic material. PLoS One, 17,e11166, 2010.Lara PC, Lloret M, Clavo B et al. Severe hypoxia induces chemo-resistance in clinical cervical tumorsthrough MVP over-expression. Radiat Oncol, 6, 1-14, 2009.Laser L, Lee P and Wei J. Cellular senescence in usual type uterine leiomyoma. Fertil Steril, 93,2020-2026, 2010.Laurila E, Savinainen K, Kuuselo R et al. Characterization of the 7q21-q22 amplicon i<strong>de</strong>ntifiesARPC1A, a subunit of the Arp2/3 complex, as a regulator of cell migration and invasion inpancreatic cancer. Genes Chromosomes Cancer, 48, 330-339, 2009.Lavecchia A, Di Giovanni C, Novellino E. Inhibitors of Cdc25 phosphatases as anticancer agents: apatent review. Expert Opin Ther Pat, 20, 405-425, 2010.Lea IA, Jackson MA, Li X et al. Genetic pathways and mutation profiles of human cancers: site- an<strong>de</strong>xposure-specific patterns. Carcinogenesis, 28, 1851-1858, 2007.

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