Catálogo Smartphone & Tablet - Cabral Moncada Leilões

Catálogo Smartphone & Tablet - Cabral Moncada Leilões

Catálogo Smartphone & Tablet - Cabral Moncada Leilões

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CABRALMONCADALEILÕESGlossário / GlossaryAngelim Marblewood Marmaroxylon racemosumAzinho Holm Oak Querqus ilexBétula Yellow Birch Betula alleghaniensisBuxo Boxwood Buxus sempervirensCâmbala Iroko Wood Chlorophora excelsaCânfora Camphorwood Cinnamomun camphoraCarvalho Oak Quercus roburCasquinha Scots Pine Pinus sylvestrisCastanho Chestnut Castanea sativaCedro Cedar Cedrela odorataCerejeira Cherry Wood Prunus aviumÉbano Ebony Diospyros crassifloraEspinheiro Thornbush Crataegus oxyacanthaFreixo European Ash Fraxinus excelsiorGonçalo Alves Zebrawood Astronium fraxinifoliumMogno Mahogany VariusMurta Myrtlewood Myrtus communisNogueira Walnut Juglans regiaPau-cetim Satinwood Euxilophora paraensisPau-rosa Kingwood Aniba duckeiPau-roxo Purpleheart Peltogyne speciesPau-santo Brazilian Rosewood Dalbergia nigraPau-violeta Kingwood Dalbergia cearensisPinho Pine Pinus pinasterRaiz de MognoBurr-MahoganyRaiz de NogueiraBurr-WalnutSândalo Sandalwood Santalum albumSissó Sissoo Dalbergia sissooSucupira Brazilian Chesrtnut Bowdichia nítidaTamarindo Tamarind Tamarindus indicaTeca Teak Tectona grandisVinhático Brazilian Mahogany Plathymenia reticulataZimbro Juniper Juniperis communiARTE LUSÍADA - Portuguese commands of art during the Expansion of the Portuguese Empire, from Africa to Asia,consisting of pieces of furniture, sculpture, painting, silver, etc., combining the Portuguese artistic influence andtaste and the local beliefs, traditions, styles and techniques.ESTILO MANUELINO – Portuguese late gothic style, of architectural ornamentation incorporating maritimeelements and representations of the discoveries brought from the voyages of the Portuguese navigators.The style was named after King Manuel I (1495-1521).ESTILO FILIPINO – A decorative art style in use in Portugal during the Portuguese Habsburg Dynasty (1580-1640)during which reigned D. Filipe I (1580-1598), D. Filipe II (1598-1621) and D. Filipe III (1621-1640).ESTILO POMBALINO – A decorative art style in use during and after the reign of D. José (1750-1777) King ofPortugal, usually described by the market under the name of the King’s Prime Minister, the Marquis de Pombal.cabral moncada leilões Q 411

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