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Visualizar Tese - Instituto de Biociências - Unesp Visualizar Tese - Instituto de Biociências - Unesp


Tese de Doutorado Hirose, G. L., 2009 Pohle, G.; Mantelatto, F. L. M.; Negreiros-Fransozo, M. L. & Fransozo, A. 1999. Larval Decapoda (Brachyura). 1281-1351p. In: Boltovskoy, D. (Ed). South Atlantic Zooplankton. 2:1705. Porter, H. J. 1960. Zoeal stages of the stone crab, Menippe mercenaria Say. Chesapeake Science. 11: 16-29. Queiroga, H. & Blanton, J. 2005. Interactions between behaviour and physical forcing in the control of horizontal transport of Decapod Crustacean larvae. Advances in Marine Biology, 47: 107-214. Sampedro, M. P.; González-Gurriaran & Freire, J. 2003. Moult cycle and growth of Maja squinado (Decapoda: Majidae) in coastal habitats of Galicia, north-west Spain. Journal of the Marine Biological association of the United Kingdom, 83: 995-1005. Sastry, A. N. 1983. Ecological aspects of reproduction. pp. 179-270. In. F. J. Vernberg and W. B. Vernberg, (eds.) The Biology of Crustacea. Environmental Adaptations. Academic Press, New York. Schaff, T.; Levin, L. Blair, N.; Demaster, D.; Pope, R. & Boehme, S. 1992. Spatial heterogeneity of benthos on the Carolina continental slope: Large (100km)-scale variation. Marine Ecology Progress Series, 88: 143-160. Scheltema, R. S. 1986. On dispersal and planktonic larvae of benthic invertebrates: an eclectic over view and summary of problems. Bulletin of Marine Science. 39(2): 290-322. Schwamborn, R.; Ekau, W.; Voss, M. & Saint-Paul, U. 2002. How important are mangroves an a carbon source for decapod crustacean larvae in a tropical estuary? Marine Ecology Progress Series, 229: 195-205. 84

Tese de Doutorado Hirose, G. L., 2009 Scotto, L. E. 1979. larval development of the Cuban Stone crab, Menippe nodifrons (Brachyura, Xanthidae), under laboratory conditions with notes on the status of the family Menippidae, Fishery Bulletin, 77(2): 359-386. Shanks, A. L.; Granthan, B. A. & Carr, M. H. 2003. Propagule dispersal distance and the size and spacing of marine reserves. Ecological Applications 13(1): 159-169. Sumida, P. Y. P. & Pires-Vanin, A. M. S. 1997. Benthic associations of the shelfbreak and upper slope off Ubatuba, SP, south-easthern, Brazil. Estuarine and Coastal shelf Science 44: 779-784. Thorson, G. 1950. Reproductive and larval ecology of marine bottom invertebrates. Biological Reviews and Biological Proceedings of the Cambridge Philosophical Society, 25: 1-45. Valentin, J. L. 2001. The Cabo Frio upwelling system, Brasil. In: Seeliger. U. Kjerfve, B (Eds.). Costal Marine Ecosystems of Latin America. Ecological Studies, 144: 97- 106. Wear, R. G. 1970. Notes and bibliography on the larvae of xanthid crabs. Pacific Sciences, 24: 84-89. Welch, J. E. & Epifanio, C. E. 1995. Effects of variations in prey abundance on growth and development of crab larvae reared in the laboratory and in large field-deployed enclosures. Marine Ecology Progress Series, 116: 55-64. Zang, D.; Lin, J. & Creswell, R, L. 1998. Mating behavior and spawning of the banded coral shrimp Stenopus hispidus in the laboratory, Journal of Crustacean Biology, 18(3): 511-518. Zimmerman, T. L. & Felder, D. L. 1991. Reproductive ecology of an intertidal Brachyura crab, Sesarma sp. (nr. Reticulatum), from the Gulf of Mexico. Biological Bulletin,181:387-401. 85

<strong>Tese</strong> <strong>de</strong> Doutorado Hirose, G. L., 2009<br />

Pohle, G.; Mantelatto, F. L. M.; Negreiros-Fransozo, M. L. & Fransozo, A. 1999. Larval<br />

Decapoda (Brachyura). 1281-1351p. In: Boltovskoy, D. (Ed). South Atlantic<br />

Zooplankton. 2:1705.<br />

Porter, H. J. 1960. Zoeal stages of the stone crab, Menippe mercenaria Say. Chesapeake<br />

Science. 11: 16-29.<br />

Queiroga, H. & Blanton, J. 2005. Interactions between behaviour and physical forcing<br />

in the control of horizontal transport of Decapod Crustacean larvae. Advances in<br />

Marine Biology, 47: 107-214.<br />

Sampedro, M. P.; González-Gurriaran & Freire, J. 2003. Moult cycle and growth of<br />

Maja squinado (Decapoda: Majidae) in coastal habitats of Galicia, north-west<br />

Spain. Journal of the Marine Biological association of the United Kingdom, 83:<br />

995-1005.<br />

Sastry, A. N. 1983. Ecological aspects of reproduction. pp. 179-270. In. F. J. Vernberg<br />

and W. B. Vernberg, (eds.) The Biology of Crustacea. Environmental Adaptations.<br />

Aca<strong>de</strong>mic Press, New York.<br />

Schaff, T.; Levin, L. Blair, N.; Demaster, D.; Pope, R. & Boehme, S. 1992. Spatial<br />

heterogeneity of benthos on the Carolina continental slope: Large (100km)-scale<br />

variation. Marine Ecology Progress Series, 88: 143-160.<br />

Scheltema, R. S. 1986. On dispersal and planktonic larvae of benthic invertebrates: an<br />

eclectic over view and summary of problems. Bulletin of Marine Science. 39(2):<br />

290-322.<br />

Schwamborn, R.; Ekau, W.; Voss, M. & Saint-Paul, U. 2002. How important are<br />

mangroves an a carbon source for <strong>de</strong>capod crustacean larvae in a tropical estuary?<br />

Marine Ecology Progress Series, 229: 195-205.<br />


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