Visualizar Tese - Instituto de Biociências - Unesp

Visualizar Tese - Instituto de Biociências - Unesp Visualizar Tese - Instituto de Biociências - Unesp


Tese de Doutorado Hirose, G. L., 2009 Lopes, R. M.; Katsuragawa, M.; Dias, J. F.; Montú, M. A.; Muelbert, J. H.; Gorri, C. & Brandini, P. F. 2006. Zooplankton and ichthyoplankton distribution on the southern Brazilian shelf: an overview. Scientia Marina, 70(2): 189-202. Mantelatto, F. L. M. & Fransozo, A. 1999. Reproductive biology and moulting cycle of the crab Callinectes ornatus (Decapoda, Portunidae) from the Ubatuba region, São Paulo, Brazil. Crustaceana, 72(1): 65-76. Mantelatto, F. L. M. & Fransozo, A. 2000. Brachyuran community in Ubatuba bay, northern coast of São Paulo state, Brazil. Journal of Shellfish research, 19(2): 701- 709. Melo, G. A. S. 1996. Manual de identificação dos Brachyura (Caranguejos e siris) do litoral Brasileiro. São Paulo: Plêiade/FAPESP, 604p. Metzler, P. M.; Glibert, P. M.; Gaeta, S. A. & Lublan, J. 1997. New and regenerated production in the South Atlantic off Brazil, Deep-see Research, 44: 363-384. Morgan, S. G. 2001. The larval ecology of marine communities, In: Bertness M. D. Gaines; S. D. & Hay, M. E. (eds.) Marine Community Ecology, Sinauer Associates, Ins., Sunderland, M. A., p. 159-181. Nagaraj, M. 1993. Combined effects of temperature and salinity on the zoeal development of the green crab, Carcinus maenas (Linnaeus, 1758) (Decapoda: Portunidae). Scientia Marina, 57 (1): 1-8. Negreiros-Fransozo, M. L. & Nakagaki, J. M. 1998. Differential benthic occupation by crabs in the Ubatuba bay, São Paulo, Brazil. Journal of Shellfish Research, 17(1): 293-297. Ng, P. K. L.; Guinot, D. & Davie, P. J. F. 2008. Systema Brachyurorum: Part I, An anotated checklist of extant Brachyuran Crabs of the world. The Raffles Bulletin of Zoology, 17: 1-286. 49

Tese de Doutorado Hirose, G. L., 2009 Williams, A. B. 1980. A new crab family from the vicinity of submarine thermal vents on the Galapagos Rift (Crustacea: Decapoda: Brachyura). Proceedings of Biological Society of Washington, (93): 443-472. Odebrecht, C. & Castello, J. P. 2001. The convergency ecosystem in the southwest Atlantic. In: U,Seeliger & B. Kjerfve (eds.). Ecological Studies, Costal Marine Ecosystem of Latin America. vol 144, Springer – Verlag Berlin Heidelberg. Palácio, F. J. 1982. Revisión zoogeográfica marina del sur del Brasil. Boletim do Instituto Oceanográfico. 31(1): 69-92. Pinheiro, M. A. A. & Fransozo, A. 2002. Reproduction of the speckled swimming crab Arenaeus cribrarius (Brachyura: Portunidae) on the Brazilian coast near 23º30’S. Journal of Crustacean Biology, 22(2): 416-428. Pires, A. M. S. 1992. Structure and dynamics of benthic megafauna on the continental shelf offshore of Ubatuba, southeastern Brazil. Marine Ecology Progress Series, (86): 63-76. Pohle, G.; Mantelatto, F. L. M.; Negreiros-Fransozo, M. L. & Fransozo, A. 1999. Larval Decapoda (Brachyura). 1281-1351p. In: Boltovskoy, D, (Ed). South Atlantic Zooplankton, 2: 1705p. Queiroga, H. Costlow, J. D. & Moreira, M. H. 1994. Larval abundance patterns of Carcinus maenas (Decapoda, Brachyura) in Canal de Mira (Ria de Aveiro, Portugal). Marine Ecology Progress Series, 111: 63-72. Queiroga, H. J. B. B. 1995. Processos de dispersão e recrutamento das larvas do caranguejo Carcinus maenas (L.) na Ria de Aveiro. Tese de Doutorado apresentada a Universidade de Aveiro, 268p. Rice, A. L. 1980. Crab zoeal morphology and its bearing on the classification of the Brachyura. Zoological Society of London Sympossium, 35: 271-424. 50

<strong>Tese</strong> <strong>de</strong> Doutorado Hirose, G. L., 2009<br />

Williams, A. B. 1980. A new crab family from the vicinity of submarine thermal vents<br />

on the Galapagos Rift (Crustacea: Decapoda: Brachyura). Proceedings of Biological<br />

Society of Washington, (93): 443-472.<br />

O<strong>de</strong>brecht, C. & Castello, J. P. 2001. The convergency ecosystem in the southwest<br />

Atlantic. In: U,Seeliger & B. Kjerfve (eds.). Ecological Studies, Costal Marine<br />

Ecosystem of Latin America. vol 144, Springer – Verlag Berlin Hei<strong>de</strong>lberg.<br />

Palácio, F. J. 1982. Revisión zoogeográfica marina <strong>de</strong>l sur <strong>de</strong>l Brasil. Boletim do<br />

<strong>Instituto</strong> Oceanográfico. 31(1): 69-92.<br />

Pinheiro, M. A. A. & Fransozo, A. 2002. Reproduction of the speckled swimming crab<br />

Arenaeus cribrarius (Brachyura: Portunidae) on the Brazilian coast near 23º30’S.<br />

Journal of Crustacean Biology, 22(2): 416-428.<br />

Pires, A. M. S. 1992. Structure and dynamics of benthic megafauna on the continental<br />

shelf offshore of Ubatuba, southeastern Brazil. Marine Ecology Progress Series,<br />

(86): 63-76.<br />

Pohle, G.; Mantelatto, F. L. M.; Negreiros-Fransozo, M. L. & Fransozo, A. 1999.<br />

Larval Decapoda (Brachyura). 1281-1351p. In: Boltovskoy, D, (Ed). South Atlantic<br />

Zooplankton, 2: 1705p.<br />

Queiroga, H. Costlow, J. D. & Moreira, M. H. 1994. Larval abundance patterns of<br />

Carcinus maenas (Decapoda, Brachyura) in Canal <strong>de</strong> Mira (Ria <strong>de</strong> Aveiro,<br />

Portugal). Marine Ecology Progress Series, 111: 63-72.<br />

Queiroga, H. J. B. B. 1995. Processos <strong>de</strong> dispersão e recrutamento das larvas do<br />

caranguejo Carcinus maenas (L.) na Ria <strong>de</strong> Aveiro. <strong>Tese</strong> <strong>de</strong> Doutorado apresentada<br />

a Universida<strong>de</strong> <strong>de</strong> Aveiro, 268p.<br />

Rice, A. L. 1980. Crab zoeal morphology and its bearing on the classification of the<br />

Brachyura. Zoological Society of London Sympossium, 35: 271-424.<br />


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