Boletim 440 - Navegue nas Ondas Curtas do Radio

Boletim 440 - Navegue nas Ondas Curtas do Radio

Boletim 440 - Navegue nas Ondas Curtas do Radio


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@-tividade<br />


dx<br />

Nº <strong>440</strong> - 03 de MAIO de 2009<br />

QSL<br />


NAVEGANDO...<br />



Caros amigos,<br />

Somos to<strong>do</strong>s pessoas contamina<strong>do</strong>s pelos vírus da RF, e temos este salutar vício de ouvir rádio.<br />

Mas, atualmente, aqueles que tem esta paixão, tem observa<strong>do</strong> um empobrecimento apresenta<strong>do</strong> pelas emissoras, em<br />

suas programações, e isso nos entristece muito.<br />

Pois, grande parte <strong>do</strong>s entusiastas, aprenderam a ouvir rádio na infância, e assim foram toca<strong>do</strong>s por grandes programa<strong>do</strong>res<br />

e apresenta<strong>do</strong>res e programações ricas em boa música e agradável entretenimento.<br />

Se somos <strong>do</strong>s que gostam de freqüência Modulada, vemos hoje, uma mesmice completa <strong>nas</strong> programações das FMs,<br />

onde os locutores nem sempre são seleciona<strong>do</strong>s pela boa dicção, pela boa colocação da voz e pelo carisma na interação<br />

com os ouvintes.<br />

Nestas emissoras, vemos, ou melhor ouvimos, locutores que acreditam que se deva gritar ao microfone para poderem<br />

ser ouvi<strong>do</strong>s, outros falam numa velocidade tal que conseguimos captar 40 a 60% daquilo que falam; isso sem mencionar<br />

aqueles que incluem em seu vocabulários uma imensa quantidade de gírias, muitas <strong>do</strong> sub-mun<strong>do</strong> <strong>do</strong> crime, as quais não<br />

temos conhecimento e nem vivência para entender... e acreditam que isso é fazer rádio.<br />

Que saudade nos dá <strong>do</strong>s grandes comunica<strong>do</strong>res, sejam de que ramo musical, ou conotação política; pois o ecletismo é<br />

sempre total, quan<strong>do</strong> se fala em qualidade.<br />

A programação pode ser dividida em <strong>do</strong>is tipos: boa ou ruim, somente isso, seja ela de que tendência for.<br />

Pois existe o bom e o ruim na música sertaneja de raiz, existe o bom e o ruim na MPB, existe o bom e o ruim na música<br />

clássica... em toda atividade as coisas são assim mesmo...simples e diretas.<br />

É por isso, que dá gosto ouvir <strong>Ondas</strong> Médias, á noite, procuran<strong>do</strong> captar as emissoras das peque<strong>nas</strong> cidades.<br />

Nestas emissões notur<strong>nas</strong>, de emissoras de poucos recursos financeiros, os programa<strong>do</strong>res tem maior liberdade de<br />

fazerem aquela seleção musical que gostam e não aquela que a direção pede ou que é mostra<strong>do</strong> pela direção que o bloco<br />

da mídia deseja dar.<br />

Na programação <strong>do</strong> dia, as emissoras, com raras exceções apresentam programações que parecem ter si<strong>do</strong> cópias Xerox,<br />

distribuídas entre quase todas.<br />

O famoso “jabá” forneci<strong>do</strong> pelas grava<strong>do</strong>ras direciona quase todas as programações para termos algo que parece uma<br />

epidemia geral que assola todas as rádios.<br />

Parece que alguém comanda, sazonalmente, a direção que to<strong>do</strong>s devem seguir, e temos a impressão que num perío<strong>do</strong><br />

abriram somente as torneiras <strong>do</strong>s chama<strong>do</strong>s “sertanejos da cidade” e somos abduzi<strong>do</strong>s pelos Zezés, pelos Chororós, pelos<br />

Leonar<strong>do</strong>s, pelas duplas “rolha de poço” consideradas culturais; depois alguém fecha esta torneira que eles não chamam<br />

mais de sertaneja, pois se consideram “country”, por ser mais chic.<br />

É aí então, que vem outro a abrir a torneira <strong>do</strong> Axé, e somos inunda<strong>do</strong>s pelo batuque geral e pelas letras mais “criativas”<br />

de nossa música, onde utilizam tanto alê, iê, aô, Iô, que chegamos a julgar que se não existissem as vogais no alfabeto,<br />

estes letristas estariam perdi<strong>do</strong>s.<br />

Outra torneira que abre é a <strong>do</strong> tal Funk, que eles apregoam ser um movimento cultural das minorias residentes <strong>nas</strong> favelas,<br />

mas não conseguimos ver cultura, numa música que pregoa a violência, as drogas, usan<strong>do</strong> até refrões imitan<strong>do</strong> o som de<br />

armas atiran<strong>do</strong>.<br />

Mas, deixan<strong>do</strong> estas, torneiras diárias, principalmente das emissoras de FM, comandadas pelas grava<strong>do</strong>ras na divulgação<br />

daquilo que deseja tornar Hits <strong>do</strong> momento; temos na programação noturna das emissoras de <strong>Ondas</strong> Médias, um rico filão<br />

a ser explora<strong>do</strong> em termos de boas programações.<br />

Diariamente, no perío<strong>do</strong> noturno, fico abisma<strong>do</strong> e satisfeito em ouvir sambas de João Nogueira, curtir Hotel Califórnia<br />

com Eagles, Debaixo <strong>do</strong>s caracóis com o Roberto, Five hundred miles com Peter, Paul and Mary, verdadeiras pérolas <strong>do</strong>s<br />

Beatles, Abba, Cartola, Lupicínio Rodrigues, Tião Carreiro e Pardinho, Agostinho <strong>do</strong>s Santos, Elis Regina, Moreira da Silva,<br />

Almir Sater, Sivuca, Gonzaguinha, Demônios da Garoa...<br />

Músicas que não se ouve durante a programação <strong>do</strong> dia, mas que são apresentadas todas as noites <strong>nas</strong> peque<strong>nas</strong><br />

emissoras de <strong>Ondas</strong> Médias.<br />

É certo, que para militarmos <strong>nas</strong> escutas em <strong>Ondas</strong> Médias, temos que ter muita paciência com as emissoras religiosas,<br />

que hoje são em número muito grande, as quais chegam a apresentar quase toda a programação diária sem se identificar,<br />

acredito que pesquisan<strong>do</strong> as <strong>Ondas</strong> Médias, fazen<strong>do</strong> DX no horário da Gray Line, e posteriormente fazen<strong>do</strong> radio escuta,<br />

curtin<strong>do</strong> a programação de uma mais voltada para o sertanejo de raiz, outra voltada para o Flash Back, ou alguma que<br />

apresente MPB, teremos condições de fazer aquele maravilhoso relax pessoal, de final de dia, algo que somente o rádio<br />

pode nos proporcionar.<br />

As <strong>Ondas</strong> Médias, se apresentam hoje como um rico filão dexista, desde que o opera<strong>do</strong>r tenha atenção dedicação e<br />

paciência, bem como poderá ser um maravilhoso mun<strong>do</strong> para o lazer pessoal, ao se curtir programações que julgamos<br />

jamais teríamos oportunidade de ouvir no rádio.<br />

É por isso que exortamos to<strong>do</strong>s a sempre darem uma pesquisada no dial das <strong>Ondas</strong> Médias...<br />

...pedras muito preciosas podem ser encontradas nesta banda.<br />

Um abraço a to<strong>do</strong>s,<br />

Equipe Ediorial <strong>do</strong> @tividade DX<br />

DX Clube <strong>do</strong> Brasil


Um espaço reserva<strong>do</strong>, especialmente para os amantes de radiorecepção,<br />

particularmente, na banda de 2300Khs à 5.050 Khz.<br />

Adalberto Marques Azeve<strong>do</strong><br />

Caros amigos,<br />

Em mais um Navegan<strong>do</strong> <strong>Ondas</strong> Tropicais, estamos de volta, com novas informações, notícias e dicas a to<strong>do</strong>s os amantes de<br />

nossas queridas <strong>Ondas</strong> Tropicais. Desejamos a to<strong>do</strong>s uma agradável e proveitosa leitura e que nos forneçam informações<br />

de retorno sobre suas opiniões á cerca desta nossa publicação.<br />

OT- Estu<strong>do</strong> e Pesquisa<br />

Nesta semana o nosso OT-Estu<strong>do</strong> e Pesquisa abordarfá um fato novo que está surgin<strong>do</strong> em nosso meio, chama<strong>do</strong><br />

dexismo ULtraLIght. E mais até que isso, por se tratar, aqui de dexismo ULtraLIght em <strong>Ondas</strong> Tropicais.<br />

Como temos nota<strong>do</strong> <strong>nas</strong> listas de registro das escutas <strong>do</strong>s dexistas, estão ocorren<strong>do</strong> muita captações, interessantes,<br />

da recente atividade Ultralight, que é fazer dexismo através de receptores simples, verdadeiros Walkmans, que utilizam<br />

somente fones, por não possuírem nem alto falantes, e são alimenta<strong>do</strong>s por duas pilhas peque<strong>nas</strong> AA.<br />

Esta modalidade UltraLight, está se desenvolven<strong>do</strong> muito rapidamente, principalmente nos Esta<strong>do</strong>s Uni<strong>do</strong>s, mas com<br />

exemplos significativos também de dexistas da América <strong>do</strong> Sul.<br />

Nesta semana, estivemos observan<strong>do</strong> as diversas listas que assinamos e nelas constatamos a existência de LOGs<br />

UltraLight, de <strong>Ondas</strong> Médias e de <strong>Ondas</strong> <strong>Curtas</strong>.<br />

Nestes LOGs de <strong>Ondas</strong> <strong>Curtas</strong>, resolvermos selecionar aqueles que se referem á <strong>Ondas</strong> Tropicais, e os apr4esentamos<br />

nesta nossa seção de hoje, para mostrar a to<strong>do</strong>s, que não é aquele receptor top table, que nos custou os “olhos da<br />

cara”, que será o fator mais importante para conseguirmos boas escutas, pois estes aficiona<strong>do</strong>s <strong>do</strong> UltraLight, estão nos<br />

mostran<strong>do</strong> que utilizan<strong>do</strong> aqueles mini receptores, que a maioria utiliza para ouvir música enquanto caminha, também se<br />

pode ser escutas fenomenais e de longa distância.<br />

O dexismno UltraLight está quebran<strong>do</strong> diversos paradigmas que temos enraiza<strong>do</strong>s em nossa cultura dexista, transforman<strong>do</strong><br />

em mentiras, diversas afirmações que ouvimos muito no dia a dia de nosso hobby, tais como:<br />

- Não existe mini receptor com sensibilidade e seletividade boa para se fazer dx<br />

- O receptor é o fator mais importante num dx.<br />

- O preço <strong>do</strong> receptor é proporcional a sua competência e capacidade.<br />

- Mini receptor de duas pilhas somente capta emissora local.<br />

Hoje os dexistas já mostraram que todas estas frases são falsas , pois temos recordes fantásticos em termos de distância<br />

entre a emissora e o receptor Ultra Light, <strong>do</strong>s quais, graças a divulgação feita pelo dexista Horácio Nigro, na Condig LIst,<br />

repasso aos senhores.<br />

Estes LOGs Recordistas, foram feitos com estes mini receptores, e organiza<strong>do</strong>s, dia 11 de abril passa<strong>do</strong>, de Recordes Ultra Light:<br />

Longest Distance Domestic Reception within Canada and the USA1<br />

5556 km/3450 miles Allen Willie, St. John’s, NF, KNX-1070 Los Angeles, CA 10/05/08 (SRF-M37V)<br />

**3244 km/2016 miles Kevin Schanilec, B’bridge Is. WA, KVNS-1700 B’nsville TX, 1/1/2008 (SRF-59**)<br />

Longest Distance Reception @ 50 kW. -Western Hemisphere<br />

5556 km/3450 miles Allen Willie, St. John’s, NF, KNX-1070 Los Angeles, CA 10/05/08 (SRF-M37V)<br />

**5364 km/3333 miles Kevin Schanilec, Bainbridge Is. WA, RVC-530, 12/10/2007 (SRF-59)<br />

Longest Distance Reception @ 10 kW. -Western Hemisphere<br />

3965 km/ miles Allen Willie, St. John’s, NF, RJR-720 St. Cath. Jamaica 10/07/08 (SRF-M37V)<br />

**2253 km/1400 miles Gil Stacy, Savannah,GA, ZBVI-780, Roadtown, Tortola 1/8/2008(SRF-59 **)<br />

Longest Distance Reception @ 1 kW. -Western Hemisphere<br />

4570 km/2838 miles Allen Willie , St. John’s, NF KVNS – 1700 Brownsville.TX 4/8/2009 (SRF-M37V)<br />

**3244 km/2016 miles Kevin Schanilec, B’bridge Is. WA, KVNS-1700 B’nsville TX, 1/1/2008 (SRF-59**)<br />

Longest Distance Domestic Reception of a Graveyard Station -Western Hemisphere<br />

2347 km/1470 miles Allen Willie, St. John’s, NF, WERE -1490 Cleveland Heights, OH 3/6/09 (SRF-M37V)<br />

**2347 km/1470 miles Dianne Froude, St. John’s,NF,WERE –1490 Cleveland Hts,OH 3/6/09 (SRF- M37V**)


Caros amigos, tal como estamos fazen<strong>do</strong> <strong>nas</strong> últimas sema<strong>nas</strong>, apresentamos em seguidas os LOGs de escutas de<br />

<strong>Ondas</strong> Tropicais que estão ocorren<strong>do</strong>. Informamos que os LOGs estão apresenta<strong>do</strong>s da mesma maneira que o foram pelos<br />

dexistas, e por isso não apresentam nenhuma padronização na apresentação.<br />

2310, VL8A, Alice Springs NT, 2055-2135*, 03 Apr, infos, music, announcements, ABC news jingle at 2130, news; 35332; \\<br />

2325 VL8T only, even after 2100. (Carlos Gonçalves, Portugal, April 6, dxldyg via DX LISTENING DIGEST)<br />

2325, VL8T, Tennant Creek NT, 212-2115, 02 Apr, ABC news; 15331; better on 03 Apr at 2100. (Carlos Gonçalves, Portugal,<br />

April 6, dxldyg via DX LISTENING DIGEST)<br />

2380 0150 09/04 R. Difusora de Limeira (tent.), Limeira/SP-B, mx, “abraço<br />

a irmã Valdirene”, 24332, INA- Itamar Nunes - PY9001SWL- Icom IC-R75-Long wire 20 metros com balun 9:1-Cuiabá, MT<br />

– Brasil(Via lista <strong>Radio</strong> Escutas)<br />

2485, VL8K, Katherine NT, 1913-1924, 02 Apr, talks; 15331, no better at 2100, but found better on 03 Apr at 2100. (Carlos<br />

Gonçalves, Portugal, April 6, dxldyg via DX LISTENING DIGEST)<br />

** COLOMBIA. 2980, <strong>Radio</strong> Vida Nueva, 0630-0720, April 9, 2nd harmonic of 1490. Spanish religious ballads. Spanish<br />

talk. Weak but readable. Good clear ID at 0708. Thanks to Henrik Klemetz for the help IDing this one. Also heard earlier<br />

at 0250-0315+.(Alexander-PA) Brian Alexander, Mechanicsburg, PA Equipment: TenTec RX-340, two 100 foot longwires<br />

(Via Cumbre DX)<br />

3253, WWRB-Manchester, TN, 0947-0955 Apr 6, man announcer in English with preaching followed by choir singing. Poor<br />

but // fundamental 3185 (good) and spur 3117 (fair). (Rich D’Angelo, 2216 Burkey Drive, Wyomissing, PA 19610, U.S.A.,<br />

Ten-Tec RX-340, Drake R-8B, Eton E1, Lowe HF-150, Eton E5; 0D Alpha Delta DX Sloper, RF Systems Mini-<br />

Win<strong>do</strong>m, Datong FL3, JPS ANC-4, NASWA Flashsheet via DXLD) Nice match, in both cases the spurs are plus and minus<br />

68 kHz from fundamental, so probably same transmitter, night and day (Glenn Hauser, DX LISTENING DIGEST)<br />

** ECUADOR. 3279.9, La Voz del Napo, 0956-1016 Apr 6, rustic Latin vocals followed by several Spanish language<br />

announcements at 0959 and ID at 1000 accompanied by flute music. After another Latin vocals a man began an overmodulated<br />

spiritual talk with light instrumental music in the background. Poor to fair (Rich D’Angelo, 2216 Burkey<br />

Drive, Wyomissing, PA 19610, U.S.A., Ten-Tec RX-340, Drake R-8B, Eton E1, Lowe HF-150, Eton E5; 0D Alpha Delta DX<br />

Sloper, RF Systems Mini-Win<strong>do</strong>m, Datong FL3, JPS ANC-4, NASWA Flashsheet( via DXLD)<br />

3310 2240 10/04 R. Mosoj Chaski (tent.), Cochabamba-BOL, YL em quechua,<br />

mx, 35443, INA- Itamar Nunes - PY9001SWL- Icom IC-R75-Long wire 20 metros com balun 9:1-Cuiabá, MT – Brasil(Via<br />

lista <strong>Radio</strong> Escutas)<br />

3330u 0313 11/04 CHU, Ottawa-CAN, ape<strong>nas</strong> os bips carecterísticos, áudio<br />

ruim, 25222, INA- Itamar Nunes - PY9001SWL- Icom IC-R75-Long wire 20 metros com balun 9:1-Cuiabá, MT – Brasil(Via<br />

lista <strong>Radio</strong> Escutas)<br />

** HONDURAS. 3339.99, <strong>Radio</strong> Misiones Internacionales, 0720-0733, April 10, contemporary Spanish religious music.<br />

Spanish ID at 0730. English religious talk with Spanish translations at 0731. Fair signal. (Alexander-PA) - Brian Alexander,<br />

Mechanicsburg, PA - Equipment: TenTec RX-340, two 100 foot longwires(Via Cumbre DX)<br />

3345, PAPUA NEW GUINEA, presumed R. Northern Popendetta, 1038-1050, April 8, Tok Pisin. W ancr w/ talk re “education”<br />

at t/in; M & W ancrs between mx bits; pop-like mx selection; poor; fading under band noise by t/out. (Barbour-NH) - Scott R.<br />

Barbour Jr. Intervale, NH-USA - NRD-545,RX-350D,MLB1,200’Bevs,60mDipole (Via HCDX)<br />

3385, PAPUA NEW GUINEA, R. East New Britain Rabaul, 1020-1037, April 8, Tok Pisin. Ancrs w/ talk & ads/promos;<br />

including one in EG re”..Saturday night..brought to you by () Industries.”; local ballad at t/out; fair at best. Over the past<br />

few years, this has been the most reliable PNG I can pick up here in NH. (Barbour-NH) - Scott R. Barbour Jr. Intervale, NH-<br />

USA - NRD-545,RX-350D,MLB1,200’Bevs,60mDipole (Via HCDX)<br />

PAPA NEW GUINEA. <strong>Radio</strong> East New Britain(presumed). 3385. April 11. 1054-1106. PNG’s most often heard SW frequency<br />

logged with Pidgin announcements and island music at armchair copy level. - Stephen Bass Columbus, Ohio Icom 746PRO<br />

and Wellbrook 330S Loop(Via Cumbre DX)<br />

3485/U WSY70 New York <strong>Radio</strong>, volmet; 2339, 14-Apr; ID @2340 (Frodge-MI)- Harold Frodge, Midland MI, USA- Drake<br />

R8B + 125 ft. bow-tie, 85 ft. RW & 180 ft. center-fed RW (Via Cumbre DX).<br />

3815 - 10/04/2009 2101 KNR –Tasiilaq, GRL mx tentative USB mode- Mauro Ritola -Swl 1510--IK2GFT--JRC525Nrd<br />

- Lowe HF150-Filter PAR Electronics – BCST-LPF + BCST-HPF-Evasdropper SWL Sloper 11mt to 120mt Band- Loop<br />

LFL1010--Lat. 45.42166° Long. 9.1248° -Locator grid. Jn 45 Nk-(Via BCL News)<br />

** CHINA. 3900, Hulun Buir PBS, Hailar, 2118-2136, 04 Apr, Mandarin, orchestral music (western pieces), jingle + ID at<br />

2130, talks, presumably news; 35332. 73, (Carlos Gonçalves, Portugal, April 6, dxldyg via DX LISTENING DIGEST)<br />

3900 R.Playback Int’l or relay, site, CLANDESTINE-1849-..., 12 Apr, English, oldies, chatter; carrier+LSB; 25332; \\ 6870,<br />

6220 (feed delay). Still on at 2100+.- Carlos Gonçalves, PORTUGAL (Via lista <strong>Radio</strong> Escutas)<br />

3904 9/4 20.35 Continental R. - EE ID e MX buono- Roberto Pavanello - Vercelli / Itália (Via BCLNews)<br />

3910 Reflections Europe, IRL, CLANDESTINE-1847-..., 12 Apr, English, rlgs. propag. prgrs; 35433, vy. strg. at 09PM; \\

6295, 12255. - Carlos Gonçalves, PORTUGAL (Via lista <strong>Radio</strong> Escutas)<br />

** IRELAND. 3910, Reflections Europe, 1847-..., 12 Apr, English, religious propaganda programs; 35433, very strong at<br />

09PM [sic]; \\6295, 12255.(Via DXLD)<br />

3912 Voice of the People, Goyang, CLANDESTINE-KOR, 1824-1840, 09 Apr, Korean, talks, songs; 23341, \\ 6518 & 6600.<br />

- Carlos Gonçalves, PORTUGAL (Via lista <strong>Radio</strong> Escutas)<br />

3931.7 Bogusman, G or IRL, CLANDESTINE-1853-..., 12 Apr, English, pps, chatter abt. records; 25332; still on at 2100+<br />

when better. - Carlos Gonçalves, PORTUGAL (Via lista <strong>Radio</strong> Escutas)<br />

3935, ZLXA R Reading Service, Levín. NEW ZEALAND. - The last special broadcast for DX-ers on Mar 20-22 was NOT<br />

broadcast! (Tried in vain e.g. by Atkins, Berg, Bredahl Jorgensen, Cássio, Maroti, Petersen, Ritola, Salmaniw, Savolainen<br />

and Wilkner, (DSWCI DX Win<strong>do</strong>w April 1 via DXLD)<br />

3990 Xinjiang PBS, Urumqi, CHINA- 1731-1800*, 11 Apr, Uighur, songs, announcements, TS; 25332; \\ 4980, 6120, 7195.<br />

- Carlos Gonçalves, PORTUGAL (Via lista <strong>Radio</strong> Escutas)<br />

4319 usb, AFN, Diogo Garcia, BIOT, CHAGOS ARCHIPELAGO, 252-2309, 01 Apr, infos, NPR ID, ad for Hawaii, AFN ID,<br />

news at 2300; 33342, adjacent utility QRM. 73, (Carlos Gonçalves, Portugal, April 6, dxldyg via DX LISTENING DIGEST)<br />

mostly filed under DIEGO GARCIA elseissues ** CHILE. Santiago closing Hi Andrew, I note that you have been reducing<br />

Santiago transmissions step by step, and that Portuguese on SW is to be eliminated at the end of April. I wonder if this also<br />

applies to Spanish -- and thus whether you are going to close <strong>do</strong>wn the Calera de Tango facility completely<br />

Have the transmitters reached the end of their useful life (Sound fine to me as far as modulation and reliability.) Is CVC<br />

selling the site Thanks for any info you can provide about what is in store. Regards, (Glenn Hauser, WORLD OF RADIO,<br />

to Andrew Flynn, Christian Vision, via DXLD)<br />



59,40’ East OFFICIAL WEB : www.portoboccadimagra.it/fotoporto.html - PARTECIPANTS : DARIO MONFERINI (DM)<br />





<strong>440</strong>9.8, R. Eco, Reyes, 2301-2314, 01 Apr, Castilian, ID, songs; 25441. (Carlos Gonçalves, Portugal, April 6, dxldyg via DX<br />


LAOS. 4412.61v, Lao National <strong>Radio</strong> - Sam Neua (site per EiBi), 1222-1233*, April 16. Talk in vernacular; // 6130 till sign-off<br />

announcement and choral National Anthem (Pheng Xat Lao); both frequencies about equal strength; 6130 continued on<br />

(Ron Howard, Asilomar Beach, CA, Etón E1- Via Cumbre DX)<br />

4451, R. Stª Ana, Stª Ana del Yacuma, 2303-2313, 01 Apr, Castilian, infos, Indian tunes; 25331. (Carlos Gonçalves, Portugal,<br />

April 6, dxldyg via DX LISTENING DIGEST)<br />

4500, CHINA, presumed Xinjiang PBS Urumqi, 0003-0018, April 5, listed Mongolian. W ancr w/ exotic ballads & talk;<br />

poor & deteriorating under band noise by t/out. (Barbour-NH) - Scott R. Barbour Jr. Intervale, NH-USA - NRD-545,RX-<br />

350D,MLB1,200’Bevs,60mDipole (Via HCDX)<br />

4699.4, R. San Miguel, Riberalta, 2309-2321, 01 Apr, Castilian, Indian tunes, advertisements 6 infos; 35332, bad audio.<br />

(Carlos Gonçalves, Portugal, April 6, dxldyg via DX LISTENING DIGEST)<br />

4716 2246 10/04 R. Yura (tent.), Yura-BOL, SS, advs. atendimento médico,<br />

cel. 7674-1809, 25332, INA- Itamar Nunes - PY9001SWL- Icom IC-R75-Long wire 20 metros com balun 9:1-Cuiabá, MT –<br />

Brasil(Via lista <strong>Radio</strong> Escutas)<br />

4.716.70 22.31 10/04/2009, R. Yatun Ayllu Yura, Yura, BOLIVIA - SS, Om Talk “Som las oito de la noche trinta e um<br />

minutos”, 35343 – UG - Ulysses Galletti - Itatiba - S.P (Via lista <strong>Radio</strong> escutas).<br />

4716.7, R. Yura, Yura, 2311-2319, 01 Apr, Quechua, talks, seemingly infos, Indian music; 35332. (Carlos Gonçalves,<br />

Portugal, April 6, dxldyg via DX LISTENING DIGEST)<br />

VIETNAM [non]. 4739.60v, R. TV. Son La. This has not been heard for about two months now. Have been checking ran<strong>do</strong>mly<br />

from about 1245-1400. Their normal sign-off was 1401 (Ron Howard, Asilomar Beach, CA, April 16- Via Cumbre DX)<br />

** PERU. 4746.9, R. Huanta 2000, Huanta, 2314-2324, 01 Apr, Castilian & Quechua, talks on aiding private business;<br />

34433, CODAR QRM. (Carlos Gonçalves, Portugal, April 6, dxldyg via DX LISTENING DIGEST)<br />

ANDAMAN & NICOBAR ISLANDS. 4760, AIR Port Blair (presumed), 1445-1500, April 10. In English (Indian accent) with<br />

sermon about Good Friday; not parallel to 9425, but programs were very similar; religious songs (Christian); weak (Ron<br />

Howard, Asilomar Beach, CA, Etón E1) (Via Cumbre DX)<br />

4765, TAJIKISTAN, presumed Tajik <strong>Radio</strong> Yangiyul, 0105, April 6, listed Tajik. Light pop-like mx; M & W ancr w/ talk; format<br />

similar to my logs of CODAR free, ex-4635; poor under CODAR. (Barbour-NH) - Scott R. Barbour Jr. Intervale, NH-USA -<br />

NRD-545,RX-350D,MLB1,200’Bevs,60mDipole (Via HCDX)<br />

** NIGERIA. 4770, R. Nigeria, Kaduna, 1507-, 05 Apr, carrier detected, nothing else; 15341. (Carlos Gonçalves, Portugal,<br />

April 6, dxldyg via DX LISTENING DIGEST)<br />

NIGERIA 4770 <strong>Radio</strong> Nigeria Kaduna, Kaduna, 21:50-22:00, escuchada el 9 de abril con emisión de música afro-pop,<br />

locutor en inglés con ID “<strong>Radio</strong> Nigeria..”, SINPO 35433- José Miguel Romero - Burjasot (Valencia) – España - Sangean

ATS 909 - Antena <strong>Radio</strong> Master A-108<br />

4774.9, R. Tarma, Tarma, 2316-2325, 01 Apr, Castilian, advertisements; 33432, CODAR QRM. (Carlos Gonçalves, Portugal,<br />

April 6, dxldyg via DX LISTENING DIGEST)<br />

** DJIBOUTI. 4780, Heard after some days absent, in Arabic, at 1720-1750 UT April 6, with some lovely traditional songs,<br />

34343 (José Pedro Turner, Portugal, April 6, dxldyg via DX LISTENING DIGEST)<br />

4780 RTV Djibouti, Djibouti, DJIBOUTI -AA, 0325, 29/03, OM, nxs 45333- Rubens Ferraz Pedroso - Receptores: Sony ICF<br />

SW 7600G e Degen DE1103 - Antena: RC3-FM.(Via lista <strong>Radio</strong> Escutas)<br />

4780 RTV Djibouti, Djibouti, DJIBOUTI -AA, 0317, 10/04, OM, nxs 45333- Rubens Ferraz Pedroso - Receptores: Sony ICF<br />

SW 7600G e Degen DE1103 - Antena: RC3-FM.(Via lista <strong>Radio</strong> Escutas)<br />



: 44° 02,70’ North/09° 59,40’ East OFFICIAL WEB : www.portoboccadimagra.it/fotoporto.html - PARTECIPANTS : DARIO<br />


: AOR 7030, PERSEUS, RF SPACE SDR-IQ, CIAO RADIO H102, (2) DEGEN 1103 (FILTERS 80 + 110 kHz),ATS 909<br />



4789.98 RRI Fak-fak - INDONESIA - 1301-1335 Apr 8. Lite vocals, both In<strong>do</strong> and EG, YL ancr hosting. Good signal but<br />

roughed up by CODAR. (Wilkins-CO) John Wilkins, Wheat Ridge, Colora<strong>do</strong>. Drake R-8, 100-foot RW.(Via HCDX)<br />

** INDONESIA. 4789.98, RRI Fak-fak 1301-1335 Apr 8. Lite vocals, both In<strong>do</strong> and English, YL hosting. Good signal but<br />

roughed up by CODAR (John Wilkins, Wheat Ridge, Colora<strong>do</strong>. Drake R-8, 100-foot RW, Cumbredx mailing list via DXLD)<br />

4790 PERU <strong>Radio</strong> Vision Apr 11 0710-0730 SS OM talking on a poor signal. Reception was further hindered by<br />

deep fades and a faint het even with ECSS engaged. Full station ID’s heard at 0722 and at 0730. Non-stop talk during this<br />

period, but nothing religious was heard. (Barker-PA) - Bruce Barker-Broomall, PA. Equipment: NRD535D and an Alpha<br />

Delta DX Sloper.(ViaCumbre DX)<br />

Peru, 4790.00, <strong>Radio</strong> Vision, 0920-0938, Sine on time for today. Noted a canned ID as “...<strong>Radio</strong> Vision... trenta Kilohertz<br />

... Peru.” by a male which included Huaynos music then the stations indicative data such as frequency and schedule. At<br />

0922, regular music is presented. Signal was fair to good. Don’t know where the “trenta” came from in the above ID<br />

(Chuck Bolland, April 14, 2009) - Clewiston, Florida - Receiver: Watkins Johnson HF1000 – (Via HCDX)<br />

4790.2, <strong>Radio</strong> Visión, Chiclayo, PERU- 0545-0556, 08-04, español, canciones religiosas, programa “La Voz de la Salvación”.<br />

24322. (Méndez) - Manuel Méndez - Lugo, España - Escuchas realizadas en casco urbano de Lugo - Grundig Satellit 500<br />

y Sony ICF SW 7600 G - Antena de cable, 8 metros. (Via Cumbre DX)<br />

4796.4, R. Lipez [sic; isn`t it Lípez Guess you did not really hear that name or ID --- gh] (ex-R. Mallku), Uyuni, 2320-2327,<br />

01 Apr, Aymara, talks, songs & Indian tunes; 33432, adjacent QRM de CHINA 4800. (Carlos Gonçalves, Portugal, April 6,<br />

dxldyg via DX LISTENING DIGEST)<br />

4800, XERTA, MEXICO - <strong>Radio</strong> Transcontinental de América, México D. F., 0539-0545, 08-04, comentario religioso, locutor,<br />

español. Mejor en LSB 15321. (Méndez) - Manuel Méndez - Lugo, España - Escuchas realizadas en casco urbano de Lugo<br />

- Grundig Satellit 500 y Sony ICF SW 7600 G - Antena de cable, 8 metros. (Via Cumbre DX)<br />

Ecua<strong>do</strong>r, 4815, <strong>Radio</strong> Buen Pastor, 1010-1040, At tune in, noted steady local type popular music. Did not hear any comments<br />

until 1015 with a canned ID by a female and a male in Spanish, then back to music. Again at 1032, a male comments in<br />

Spanish which was live. This is followed by canned ADS or promos using the echo effect most of the time. Back to music at<br />

1035. Signal was good. (Chuck Bolland, April, 11, 2009)- Clewiston, Florida - WJ HF1000 & NRD545 – (Via Cumbre DX)<br />

4815 RADIO EL BUEN PASTOR. Saraguro, Ecua<strong>do</strong>r. 2305-2330 abril 9 - Anuncios de Hostal Samanahuaxi, CNE. Pgm<br />

Saraguro al dia. “...el Buen Pastor sube, sube, sube como la espuma...” - Rafael Rodriguez R. - Fomeque, Cundinamarca<br />

– COLOMBIA - Sony ICF 2010 hilo de 15 metros (Via Condig LIst)<br />

** ECUADOR. 4815, RADIO EL BUEN PASTOR. Saraguro, Ecua<strong>do</strong>r. 2305-2330 abril 9. Anuncios de Hostal Samanahuaxi,<br />

CNE. Pgm Saraguro al dia. “...el Buen Pastor sube, sube, sube como la espuma...” (Rafael<br />

Rodríguez R., Fomeque, Cundinamarca - COLOMBIA, April 14, Sony ICF 2010, hilo de 15 metros, (condiglist yg via DXLD<br />

Peru, 4824.50, La Voz de La Selva, 1020-1035, Nice signal here with Huaynos and Popular music presented. Between tunes,<br />

a male comments in Spanish. Also, an canned AD and ID between tunes. At 1026 a series of canned promos and ADs. Signal<br />

was fair to good. (Chuck Bolland, April 14, 2009) - Clewiston, Florida - Receiver: Watkins Johnson HF1000 – (Via HCDX)<br />

4825 Rádio Canção Nova, Cachoeira Paulista - SP, PP, 2132, 03/04, OM/YL, talks, sinal um tanto distorci<strong>do</strong> 45333- Rubens<br />

Ferraz Pedroso - Receptores: Sony ICF SW 7600G e Degen DE1103 - Antena: RC3-FM.(Via lista <strong>Radio</strong> Escutas)<br />

UNIDENTIFIED [non]. 4831, Golos Rossii, site 2117-2136, 02 Apr, Russian, music, chimes + ID, talks, Russian songs;<br />

24432, het with MONGOLIA 4830, CODAR QRM. External mixing spur 73, (Carlos Gonçalves, Portugal, April 6, dxldyg<br />


4835, VL8A, Alice Springs NT, 2133-2158, 02 Apr, cf. \\ 4910, 5025, transmitter off 2138-2141, then \\ 4910 only, songs;<br />

34433, CODAR QRM. (Carlos Gonçalves, Portugal, April 6, dxldyg via DX LISTENING DIGEST)<br />


DX-NIGHTS BOCCA DI MAGRA (LA SPEZIA) - GEOGRAPHIC COORDINATES : 44° 02,70’ North/09° 59,40’ East<br />

OFFICIAL WEB : www.portoboccadimagra.it/fotoporto.html - PARTECIPANTS : DARIO MONFERINI (DM) & GIAMPIERO


SPACE SDR-IQ, CIAO RADIO H102, (2) DEGEN 1103 (FILTERS 80 + 110 kHz),ATS 909 SANGEAN (FILTERS 80 + 110<br />



4845 0120 11/04 R. Cultura <strong>do</strong> Amazo<strong>nas</strong>, Manaus/AM-B, PP, id, “A rádio da<br />

família amazonense”, mx “Não acabou o amor...”avisos de ouvinte: “Maria<br />

avisa seus pais no município...”, 35333, INA- Itamar Nunes - PY9001SWL- Icom IC-R75-Long wire 20 metros com balun<br />

9:1-Cuiabá, MT – Brasil(Via lista <strong>Radio</strong> Escutas)<br />

MAURITANIA 4845 <strong>Radio</strong> Mauritanie, Nouakchott, 18:48-18:50, escuchada el 9 de abril en árabe a locutor en conversación<br />

telefónica con invita<strong>do</strong>, posible entrevista, SINPO 34443- José Miguel Romero - Burjasot (Valencia) – España - Sangean<br />

ATS 909 - Antena <strong>Radio</strong> Master A-108<br />

4845 MAURITANIA R. Mauritanie Apr. 15 0730-0745 Stringed instruments playing pleasant African music until 0740<br />

when an OM comes on with talk in AA until tune out at 0745. Fair signal with lousy local weather. (Barker-PA)<br />

Bruce Barker- Broomall, PA. Equipment: NRD 535D and an Alpha Delta DX Sloper.(Via HCDX)<br />


DI MAGRA (LA SPEZIA) - GEOGRAPHIC COORDINATES : 44° 02,70’ North/09° 59,40’ East OFFICIAL WEB : www.<br />

portoboccadimagra.it/fotoporto.html - PARTECIPANTS : DARIO MONFERINI (DM) & GIAMPIERO BERNARDINI (GIB)<br />


RADIO H102, (2) DEGEN 1103 (FILTERS 80 + 110 kHz),ATS 909 SANGEAN (FILTERS 80 + 110 kHz) GRUNDIG G6<br />



In<strong>do</strong>nesia, 4845.25, RRI Ambon, (pres) 1032-1045, In here with popular In<strong>do</strong>nesian music. No break in the music as the signal<br />

begins to Fade at 1039. (Chuck Bolland, Arpil 14, 2009) - Clewiston, Florida - Receiver: Watkins Johnson HF1000 – (Via HCDX)<br />

4855 10/4 21.15 R. Clube <strong>do</strong> Parà - Belem PP MX buono- Roberto Pavanello - Vercelli / Itália (Via BCLNews)<br />

4865, R. Logos, Stª Cruz de la Sierra, 2307-2315, 31 Mar, Castilian, announcements, religious propaganda program;<br />

24331, QRM de Brazil +CODAR. (Carlos Gonçalves, Portugal, April 6, dxldyg via DX LISTENING DIGEST)<br />

4877.59, Rádio Difusora Roraima, Boa Vista- BRAZIL - possibly the one at 2330 to 2338 as a reactivation. Any Brasil DXers<br />

have this one now Thanks! 73s de (Bob Wilkner, Florida, April 6, WORLD OF RADIO 1455, DX LISTENING DIGEST)<br />

Hello Robert, We knew that the radio broadcaster in Roraima was active on 4875v kHz, because I heard in janeiro/2009 and<br />

you also heard (presumed) in March 2009. But now that your hearing, confirmed that she is really active. Congratulations ...<br />

because of issuing a more active Tropical Wave, always makes us happy. A big hug, (Adalberto<br />

Marques de Azeve<strong>do</strong>, Barbacena - MG - Brasil, DX Clube <strong>do</strong> Brasil, via Wilkner, Cumbre DX via DXLD)<br />

Hello Adalberto, Unfortunately my log is too weak to properly identify the station as Roraima for certain. :( Best of 73s (Bob Wilkner, ibid.)<br />

Hello Robert, I hear very well in janeiro/2009; after that no one else had any LOG, only their (presumend). I tried to<br />

contact them by e-mail but not reply. When you have opportunity, monitoring it, it will be important to confirm that it<br />

is active, Best 73 (Adalberto, ibid.)<br />

Rádio Roraima, provavelmente confirmada no ar. 4877.67, Unidentified, 1015 to 1030 19 March. This close to the Brasil<br />

station inactive for over a year (Robert Wilkner - Pompano Beach, Florida, USA - Drake R8, NRD 535D (HCDX), via @<br />

tividade DX April 5 via DXLD)<br />

Esta emissão captada pelo Robert Wilkner, muito provavelmente se refere á Rádio Roraima, de Boa Vista-RR, emissora<br />

que tem si<strong>do</strong> muito pouco captada, sen<strong>do</strong> que a escuta anterior a esta fui eu que consegui, em 08 de janeiro passa<strong>do</strong>, com<br />

muita clareza e a possibilidade de identificação completa pois ouvi o identify da emissora (Adalberto Marques de Azeve<strong>do</strong>,<br />

@tividade DX April 5 via DXLD) (Via DXLD)<br />

4885 15-20/02 2140...0605 R.CLUBE PARA’, BELEM, BRASIL, SONGS CARNAVAL, IDs. POOR/SUFF BOC15 DX-<br />

NIGHTS BOCCA DI MAGRA (LA SPEZIA) - GEOGRAPHIC COORDINATES : 44° 02,70’ North/09° 59,40’ East<br />

OFFICIAL WEB : www.portoboccadimagra.it/fotoporto.html - PARTECIPANTS : DARIO MONFERINI (DM) & GIAMPIERO<br />


SPACE SDR-IQ, CIAO RADIO H102, (2) DEGEN 1103 (FILTERS 80 + 110 kHz),ATS 909 SANGEAN (FILTERS 80 + 110<br />



4885Khz, 01:39, 03/04/09, <strong>Radio</strong> Clube <strong>do</strong> Pará Sinpo22222- Jesús Augusto de M.B.S - Jardim Atlantico, Olinda, PE.-<br />

Receptor TecSun PL600 + long wire + balun 9:1- Receptor DE1107 + long wire + balun 9:1 (Via lista <strong>Radio</strong> escutas)<br />

4885 BRAZIL R. Clube <strong>do</strong> Para Apr 16, 0725-0750. OM in Portuguese talking and occasionally playing PP balads. Signal<br />

fair. (Barker-PA) Bruce Barker-Broomall, PA. Equipment: NRD535D and an Alpa Delta DX Sloper.(Via Cumbre DX)<br />

4905 Rádio Anhagüera, Araguaína - TO, BRASIL - PP, 0135, 09/04, mx gospel, relg 35233- Rubens Ferraz Pedroso -<br />

Receptores: Sony ICF SW 7600G e Degen DE1103 - Antena: RC3-FM.(Via lista <strong>Radio</strong> Escutas)<br />

4905 15-19/02 1800-2230* R.TCHAD, AFRO POP in FF,NX, TALKS GOOD/V.GOOD BOC15 DX-NIGHTS BOCCA<br />

DI MAGRA (LA SPEZIA) - GEOGRAPHIC COORDINATES : 44° 02,70’ North/09° 59,40’ East<br />

OFFICIAL WEB : www.portoboccadimagra.it/fotoporto.html - PARTECIPANTS : DARIO MONFERINI (DM) & GIAMPIERO<br />


SPACE SDR-IQ, CIAO RADIO H102, (2) DEGEN 1103 (FILTERS 80 + 110 kHz),ATS 909 SANGEAN (FILTERS 80 + 110<br />



4910, VL8T, Tennant Creek NT, 2132-2156, 02 Apr, news, weather, program announcements, songs; 35433, QRM de INDIA<br />

with IS at 2144; \\ 4835 only at 2140 onwards. (Carlos Gonçalves, Portugal, April 6, dxldyg via DX LISTENING DIGEST)<br />

Australia, 4910, ABC Tennant Creek, 0828-0830, Just a couple more minutes left on the schedule for today. Noted music<br />

when tuning in. At 0929 heard a male talking in English. Couldn’t catch the details due to noise and signal’s poor strength.<br />

Off the air at exactly 0830. (Chuck Bolland, April 10, 2009-Clewiston, Florida-Watkins Johnson HF1000 (Via HCDX)<br />

** AUSTRALIA. 4910, VL8T, Tennant Creek, 0810-0830*, April 10, program of local ballads. // 4835 - VL8A, Alice Springs.<br />

Both frequencies poor in noisy conditions. (Alexander-PA) - Brian Alexander, Mechanicsburg, PA - Equipment: TenTec RX-<br />

340, two 100 foot longwires(Via Cumbre DX)<br />

Australia, 4910.00, ABC, 0839-0841, Tuned in while news was being presented. “ABC News ...” announced by a female.<br />

This was followed with more news. Signal dropped off the air at 0841 exactly. I guess they had forgotten to turn off the<br />

transmitter earlier when they’re scheduled to cease transmission at 0830 Signal was good while active. (Chuck Bolland,<br />

April 14, 2009) - Clewiston, Florida - Receiver: Watkins Johnson HF1000 – (Via HCDX)<br />

4915 14+16+17/02 2237....0455 R.DIFUSORA MACAPA’, AMAPA’, BRASIL. TALKS PP. POOR/GOOD BOC15 DX-<br />

NIGHTS BOCCA DI MAGRA (LA SPEZIA) - GEOGRAPHIC COORDINATES : 44° 02,70’ North/09° 59,40’ East<br />

OFFICIAL WEB : www.portoboccadimagra.it/fotoporto.html - PARTECIPANTS : DARIO MONFERINI (DM) & GIAMPIERO<br />


SPACE SDR-IQ, CIAO RADIO H102, (2) DEGEN 1103 (FILTERS 80 + 110 kHz),ATS 909 SANGEAN (FILTERS 80 + 110<br />



4925 16-18/02 2325-0001 RRI JAMBI,INDONESIA, NXs, LOCAL NEWS 2330,ID, LOVE AMBON 2359, NASIONAL NX<br />


North/09° 59,40’ East OFFICIAL WEB : www.portoboccadimagra.it/fotoporto.html - PARTECIPANTS : DARIO MONFERINI<br />






DI MAGRA (LA SPEZIA) - GEOGRAPHIC COORDINATES : 44° 02,70’ North/09° 59,40’ East<br />

OFFICIAL WEB : www.portoboccadimagra.it/fotoporto.html - PARTECIPANTS : DARIO MONFERINI (DM) & GIAMPIERO<br />


SPACE SDR-IQ, CIAO RADIO H102, (2) DEGEN 1103 (FILTERS 80 + 110 kHz),ATS 909 SANGEAN (FILTERS 80 + 110<br />



4930 VOA, via Selebi-Phikwe - Moepeng-Hill, BOTSWANA-EE, 0327, 29/03, OM/YL, nxs 45233- Rubens Ferraz Pedroso<br />

- Receptores: Sony ICF SW 7600G e Degen DE1103 - Antena: RC3-FM.(Via lista <strong>Radio</strong> Escutas)<br />

4930 VOA, via Selebi-Phikwe - Moepeng-Hill, BOTSWANA-EE, 0319, 10/04, OM, nxs 35233- Rubens Ferraz Pedroso -<br />

Receptores: Sony ICF SW 7600G e Degen DE1103 - Antena: RC3-FM.(Via lista <strong>Radio</strong> Escutas)<br />

4950, R. Madre de Dios, Ptº Mal<strong>do</strong>na<strong>do</strong>, 2208-2220, 04 Apr, Castilian, songs; 25331. (Carlos Gonçalves, Portugal, April 6,<br />

dxldyg via DX LISTENING DIGEST)<br />

4955, R. Cultural Amauta, Huanta, 2210-2225, 04 Apr, Castilian, ID+FM frequency announcements, Indian songs; 45333.<br />

(Carlos Gonçalves, Portugal, April 6, dxldyg via DX LISTENING DIGEST)<br />

4955 <strong>Radio</strong> Cultural Amauta, Huanta, quéchua, PERU- 0235, 09/04, OM 25232- Rubens Ferraz Pedroso - Receptores:<br />

Sony ICF SW 7600G e Degen DE1103 - Antena: RC3-FM.(Via lista <strong>Radio</strong> Escutas)<br />

** ZAMBIA. 4965, <strong>Radio</strong> Christian Voice at 2250 with man excitedly preaching about Jesus, and songs. Poor Apr. 3<br />

(Harold Sellers, Sha<strong>do</strong>w Lake DX Camp, near Stouffville, Ontario, Eton E-1 and 150 ft northeast wire, ODXA yg via DXLD)<br />

Presumably English Apparently in his logs if no language is specified, English is assumed (gh, DXLD)<br />

4965, 1825-1845 UT April 6, CVC Voice Africa, Lusaka, with fair signal, and NOT in English. YL announcer with several afropop<br />

songs. I’ve sent an e-mail asking about this but it keeps bouncing back (José Pedro Turner, Portugal, April 6, dxldyg via<br />


4965, CVC, Lusaka, 1941-1957, 04 Apr, English, interview during some religious propaganda program; 44343, adjacent<br />

utility QRM (Carlos Gonçalves, Portugal, April 6, dxldyg via DX LISTENING DIGEST)<br />

4965 The Voice, Lusaka, ZÂMBIA-E, 2129, 03/04, mx gospel, YL, relg 45233- Rubens Ferraz Pedroso - Receptores: Sony<br />

ICF SW 7600G e Degen DE1103 - Antena: RC3-FM.(Via lista <strong>Radio</strong> Escutas)<br />

** INDIA. 4970, AIR Shillong, 1322-1335, April 6. Back on the air today. Scholastic program with students being verbally given<br />

a question in English with multiple choice answers, students picking the correct answer; 1333 back to the studio; “This is the<br />

North Eastern Service of All India <strong>Radio</strong> broadcasting from Shillong on 60.36 meters on shortwave, corresponding to 4,970<br />

kHz.”; sports news in assume Hindi; fair. (Ron Howard, Asilomar Beach, CA, Etón E1, dxldyg via DX LISTENING DIGEST)

** UGANDA. 4976, R. Uganda, Kampala, 1940-1956, 04 Apr, English, interview with a Zimbabwean singer; 45333, muffled<br />

audio. 73, (Carlos Gonçalves, Portugal, April 6, dxldyg via DX LISTENING DIGEST)<br />

4980 Xinjiang PBS, Urmqi, CHINA- 1734-1800*, 11 Apr, Uighur, songs, announcements, TS; 25332; \\ 3990, 6120, 7195. -<br />

Carlos Gonçalves, PORTUGAL (Via lista <strong>Radio</strong> Escutas)<br />


BOC15 DX-NIGHTS BOCCA DI MAGRA (LA SPEZIA) - GEOGRAPHIC COORDINATES : 44° 02,70’ North/09° 59,40’ East<br />

OFFICIAL WEB : www.portoboccadimagra.it/fotoporto.html - PARTECIPANTS : DARIO MONFERINI (DM) & GIAMPIERO<br />


SPACE SDR-IQ, CIAO RADIO H102, (2) DEGEN 1103 (FILTERS 80 + 110 kHz),ATS 909 SANGEAN (FILTERS 80 +<br />



4991, R. Manantial, Chilca, 2214-226, 04 Apr, Quechua, talks; 34332, adjacent QRM de BRASIL 4985 as usual. (Carlos<br />

Gonçalves, Portugal, April 6, dxldyg via DX LISTENING DIGEST)<br />

5000 0200 09/04 WWV, , EE, bips, hora UTC por OM, 25332, INA- Itamar Nunes - PY9001SWL- Icom IC-R75-Long wire<br />

20 metros com balun 9:1-Cuiabá, MT – Brasil(Via lista <strong>Radio</strong> Escutas)<br />

5005 - 10/04/2009 2023 R.Diffusion de Guinea-Bata, GNE Px mx in S- Mauro Ritola -Swl 1510--IK2GFT--JRC525Nrd<br />

- Lowe HF150-Filter PAR Electronics – BCST-LPF + BCST-HPF-Evasdropper SWL Sloper 11mt to 120mt Band- Loop<br />

LFL1010--Lat. 45.42166° Long. 9.1248° -Locator grid. Jn 45 Nk-(Via BCL News)<br />

5005, BATA, <strong>Radio</strong> Nacional at 2300 with national anthem at sign-off, off at 2301. Weak under QRM Apr. 4 (Harold Sellers,<br />

Sha<strong>do</strong>w Lake DX Camp, near Stouffville, Ontario, Eton E-1 and 150 ft northeast wire, ODXA yg via DXLD)<br />

5005, R. Nacional, noted at 1850-1915 UT April 6 with African songs program. Very weak signal. 2433 2/1 (José Pedro<br />

Turner, Portugal, April 6, dxldyg via DX LISTENING DIGEST)<br />

5005, RNGE/”R. Bata”, Bata, 2152-2212, 02 Apr, Vernacular, African pops, Castilian for communiqués at 2205; 55444 but<br />

overmodulated.( via DXLD)<br />

EQ. GUINEA: R.Nacional (Bata): 5005, 4/16/09, 2255-2300* Afro-pop song, then NA. MARS net started as<br />

NA was ending. No ID or any other talk hrd, but assume it was them. Good sig (Yoder,PA) Andrew Yoder<br />

Drake R8 + 100’longwire (I rolled up 200’ so that I could mow the yard)(Via Cumbre DX).<br />



44° 02,70’ North/09° 59,40’ East OFFICIAL WEB : www.portoboccadimagra.it/fotoporto.html - PARTECIPANTS : DARIO<br />


: AOR 7030, PERSEUS, RF SPACE SDR-IQ, CIAO RADIO H102, (2) DEGEN 1103 (FILTERS 80 + 110 kHz),ATS 909<br />



5009.95 MADAGASCAR. <strong>Radio</strong> Madagasikara (Antananarivo), 0310-0335, 4/8/2009, French(). Pop music with occasional<br />

low audio talk by man. Talk by man and woman at 0319 with piano music in the<br />

background. Talk ended at 0324, and a program of upbeat yet smooth vocal music with a hint of African instruments<br />

followed. Talk by man at 0330. Poor signal with fading, improving to good at 0321 peak, then degrading slowly until poor<br />

again at 0335. Not certain of language, but appeared to be French or French sounding vernacular. (Jim Evans, TN, Eton<br />

E1, 200’ Ran<strong>do</strong>m Wire) Jim Evans-Germantown, TN-TenTec RX-340, Drake R8B, Eton E1, Sony ICF-SW7600G, Ran<strong>do</strong>m<br />

Wires (90’ and 200’), Eavesdropper Dipole(Via Cumbre DX)<br />



44° 02,70’ North/09° 59,40’ East OFFICIAL WEB : www.portoboccadimagra.it/fotoporto.html - PARTECIPANTS : DARIO<br />


: AOR 7030, PERSEUS, RF SPACE SDR-IQ, CIAO RADIO H102, (2) DEGEN 1103 (FILTERS 80 + 110 kHz),ATS 909<br />



New [sic], 5014.33 0225-0243* 05.04, R. Altura, Cerro de Pasco (presumed), Spanish animated talk, one Huayno sung by a<br />

woman, more talk mentioning Pasco, abrupt s/off in mid sentence. Has been off the air since August 2008! Seems reactivated<br />

with a good transmitter; 34333, weak CWQRM (Anker Petersen, Denmark, in Skovlunde on my AOR AR7030PLUS with 28<br />

metres of longwire, via Dario Monferini, playdx yg via WORLD OF RADIO 1455, DXLD)<br />

** PERU. 5014.4, 5/4 0035, <strong>Radio</strong> Altura, long talks, songs; weak, fading, poor/fair. rx: Drake SPR-4 & Icom R71E. ant:<br />

T2FD. Ciao (Giampiero Bernardini, Milano, Italia, WORLD OF RADIO 1455, DX LISTENIN DIGEST)<br />

** TURKMENISTAN. 5015.00, 2325-0145 05-06.04, Türkmen R, Asgabat. Turkmen folksongs by choir of men, nearly fading<br />

out, but coming back with a sports program, splashes from R Rebelde 5025. 24232; New Peruvian was not on the air! (Anker<br />

Petersen, Denmark, on my AOR AR7030PLUS with 28 metres of longwire, via Dario Monferini, playdx yg via DXLD)<br />

5015 AIR, Delhi, INDIA-1812-1826, 09 Apr, Vernacular, chanting; 35343; gone at recheck at 1836. - Carlos Gonçalves,<br />

PORTUGAL (Via lista <strong>Radio</strong> Escutas)<br />

5025Khz, 01:41Utc, 03/04/09, <strong>Radio</strong> Rebelde, CUB- Sinpo22322- Jesús Augusto de M.B.S - Jardim Atlantico, Olinda, PE.-

Receptor TecSun PL600 + long wire + balun 9:1- Receptor DE1107 + long wire + balun 9:1 (Via lista <strong>Radio</strong> escutas)<br />

5025, VL8K, Katherine NT, 2135-2157, 02 Apr, cf. \\ 4835, 4910 till 2140, chatter, songs, phone-ins; 34433, QRM de<br />

CUBA, and to avoid being stronger the K9AY was used instead of the 270º [CeAm-AUS] Beverage. 73, (Carlos Gonçalves,<br />

Portugal, April 6, dxldyg via DX LISTENING DIGEST)<br />

5025 <strong>Radio</strong> Rebelde, La Habana, CUBA - SS, 0130, 09/04, OM, tx de jogo 35233- Rubens Ferraz Pedroso - Receptores:<br />

Sony ICF SW 7600G e Degen DE1103 - Antena: RC3-FM.(Via lista <strong>Radio</strong> Escutas)<br />



44° 02,70’ North/09° 59,40’ East OFFICIAL WEB : www.portoboccadimagra.it/fotoporto.html - PARTECIPANTS : DARIO<br />


: AOR 7030, PERSEUS, RF SPACE SDR-IQ, CIAO RADIO H102, (2) DEGEN 1103 (FILTERS 80 + 110 kHz),ATS 909<br />



5.025.00 09:01 11/04/2009 R. Rebelde, La Habana, CUBA - SS, Om Talk “Mui boenos dias”, 35343 - UG - Ulysses Galletti<br />

- Itatiba - S.P (Via lista <strong>Radio</strong> escutas).<br />

4930 Unid (VOA), idioma unid, UNID- 0132, 09/04, mx, OM 25232- Rubens Ferraz Pedroso - Receptores: Sony ICF SW<br />

7600G e Degen DE1103 - Antena: RC3-FM.(Via lista <strong>Radio</strong> Escutas)<br />

** CUBA [and non]. R. Rebelde, 5025, was open carrier at 0535-0540+April 12. Propagation was terrible at this time with<br />

WWCR 5070 only poor, no CFRX on 6070, nothing on 9 MHz except DW-Kigali in German on<br />

9480 (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)<br />

China, 5030.00, China National <strong>Radio</strong> One, (pres) 1050-1100, Noted a male and female in Chinese language comments<br />

which sounded like news. Each person comments briefly, then the other person comments about the same length of time.<br />

At 1058, music and promo together. Signal was fair to poor with lots of clutter underneath China’s signal.<br />

Time ticks on the hour followed with ID. Sorry <strong>do</strong>n’t understand Chinese enough to copy details. (Chuck Bolland, April 14,<br />

2009) - Clewiston, Florida - Receiver: Watkins Johnson HF1000 – (Via HCDX)<br />

Peru, 5039.15, <strong>Radio</strong> Libertad, 1043-1050 Noted a male in Spanish language comments before the music. Generally,<br />

Huaynos music was presented. Noted the male and female cheering on the musicans who are playing the music ... “vamos”,<br />

“Arriva” with words like those. At 1048 canned comments, which sounded like promo. More music and comments. From all<br />

the yelling and cheering, it seems like this station is having a party this morning. At 1050 a “real” live person comments. Signal<br />

is poor by now. (Chuck Bolland, April 14, 2009) - Clewiston, Florida - Receiver: Watkins Johnson HF1000 – (Via HCDX)<br />

5050 0320 11/04 WWRB (tent.), McCaysville-USA, EE, Pregação religiosa,<br />

25332, INA- Itamar Nunes - PY9001SWL- Icom IC-R75-Long wire 20 metros com balun 9:1-Cuiabá, MT – Brasil(Via<br />

lista <strong>Radio</strong> Escutas)<br />

5050, AIR Aizawl, 1513-1517, April 6. Distinctive network programming (// 9425) in assume Hindi, with ads till the start of the<br />

news; heard underneath Guangxi FBS (Ron Howard, Asilomar Beach, CA, Etón E1, dxldyg via DX LISTENING DIGEST)<br />

INDIA. 5050, AIR Aizawl, 1417-1436, April 11. Heard under Guangxi FBS, with chanting/singing till BoH news in English;<br />

poor. (Ron Howard, Asilomar Beach, CA, Etón E1)(Via Cumbre DX)<br />

** INDIA. 5050, AIR Aizawl, 1417-1436, April 11. Heard under Guangxi FBS, with chanting/singing till BoH news in English;<br />

poor. (Via DXLD)<br />

5059.2 LV DE LAS HUARINJAS. Huanacabamba, Perú. 2350-0040 abril 11- musica folclorica. Anuncios de curanderos y<br />

farmacias botanicas “...siempres compartien<strong>do</strong> la mejor musica a traves de La Voz de las Huarinjas...” “...somos La Voz de las<br />

Huarinjas desde Huancabamba para to<strong>do</strong> el Perú...” reactivada luego de varias sema<strong>nas</strong> fuera del aire, Nota<strong>do</strong> cierre a las<br />

0204* - Rafael Rodriguez R. - Fomeque, Cundinamarca – COLOMBIA - Sony ICF 2010 hilo de 15 metros (Via Condig LIst)<br />


BOC15 DX-NIGHTS BOCCA DI MAGRA (LA SPEZIA) - GEOGRAPHIC COORDINATES : 44° 02,70’ North/09° 59,40’ East<br />

OFFICIAL WEB : www.portoboccadimagra.it/fotoporto.html - PARTECIPANTS : DARIO MONFERINI (DM) & GIAMPIERO<br />


SPACE SDR-IQ, CIAO RADIO H102, (2) DEGEN 1103 (FILTERS 80 + 110 kHz),ATS 909 SANGEAN (FILTERS 80 + 110<br />



5070 0325 11/04 WWCR (tent.), Nashville-USA, EE, Entrevista, OM, 35333, INA- Itamar Nunes - PY9001SWL- Icom IC-<br />

R75-Long wire 20 metros com balun 9:1-Cuiabá, MT – Brasil(Via lista <strong>Radio</strong> Escutas)<br />

5070 WWCR, Nashville, ESTADOS UNIDOS- EE, 0229, 09/04, OM, pregação, relg 45233- Rubens Ferraz Pedroso -<br />

Receptores: Sony ICF SW 7600G e Degen DE1103 - Antena: RC3-FM.(Via lista <strong>Radio</strong> Escutas)<br />

5100 18/02 0358-0402 R. BANA, ERITREA, ADDRESS : Ministry of Education, P.O. Box 609, Asmara. NEWS in AMHARIC.<br />


59,40’ East OFFICIAL WEB : www.portoboccadimagra.it/fotoporto.html - PARTECIPANTS : DARIO MONFERINI (DM)<br />





5120.1 ONDAS DEL SURORIENTE. Quillabamba, Perú. 1205-1225 abril 11 - Anuncios de Incafarma, retransmitien<strong>do</strong> el<br />

servicio de noticias de RPP( <strong>Radio</strong> Programas del Perú) “La rotativa del aire” - Rafael Rodriguez R. - Fomeque, Cundinamarca<br />

– COLOMBIA - Sony ICF 2010 hilo de 15 metros (Via Condig LIst)<br />

5446,5u 0330 11/04 AFRTS (tent.), , EE, YL talks, 23332, INA- Itamar Nunes - PY9001SWL- Icom IC-R75-Long wire 20<br />

metros com balun 9:1-Cuiabá, MT – Brasil(Via lista <strong>Radio</strong> Escutas)<br />

OT-News<br />

Caros amigos, neste nosso espaço OT-News de hoje, apresento as últimas notícias ocorridas no mun<strong>do</strong> das <strong>Ondas</strong> Tropicais.<br />

VENDE-SE: Rádio Difusora de Poços de Caldas<br />

O engenheiro/dexista Sarmento Campos, manteve conversa telefônica com o Sr. Rogério Cioffi, Diretor da Rádio Difusora<br />

de Poços de Caldas (4.945 kHz), e foi informa<strong>do</strong> que estão queren<strong>do</strong> se desfazer da freqüência de 4.945 kHz.<br />

Acrescentou até que, caso não consigam vender a freqüência, a diretoria da emissora pretende alugar o canal a interessa<strong>do</strong>s,<br />

que possam enviar o áudio até Poços de Caldas, por meio de algum link ou por streaming na Internet.<br />

Informou que os interessa<strong>do</strong>s devem fazer contato pelo telefone número 55 35 3722.1530 ou pelo endereço eletrônico<br />

rcioffi@casasertaneja.com.br<br />

OT- SHACK<br />

Caros amigos, nosso OT-Shack apresenta, nesta edição, uma mnotagem que será muito interessante áqueles que montaram<br />

a antena G5RV da edcição passada. Trata-se de um acopla<strong>do</strong>r de ante<strong>nas</strong>, muito eficiente para atuar de 3 a 30 MHz.<br />

Adalberto Marques de Azeve<strong>do</strong><br />

Barbacena – MG<br />

Um simples e eficiente Acopla<strong>do</strong>r para <strong>Ondas</strong> <strong>Curtas</strong><br />

Apresentamos a antena G5RV, uma antena praticamente multibandas, porém, tal como afirmamos naquele artigo, trata-se<br />

de uma antena que precisa trabalhar em conjunto com um acopla<strong>do</strong>r.<br />

Mas, qual acopla<strong>do</strong>r devemos utilizar, visto que existem uma infinidade de modelos e montagens povoan<strong>do</strong> a internet <br />

Fomos ao passa<strong>do</strong> da SWL, naqueles anos <strong>do</strong>ura<strong>do</strong>s, quan<strong>do</strong> a Rádio Netherlands, nos brindava com maravilhosos<br />

programas, e tinham o salutar hábito de enviar informações técnicas aos seus ouvintes.<br />

Nesta época a emissora costumava nos enviar folhetos com detalhes preciosos sobre a montagem de ante<strong>nas</strong> e acessórios<br />

de apoio ás escutas.<br />

E foi num destes folhetos antigos, que encontrei um esquema simples de um acopla<strong>do</strong>r, que a nos atrás montei e que<br />

sempre proporcionou ótimo desempenho <strong>nas</strong> minhas escutas.<br />

O esquema era<br />

simplifica<strong>do</strong> e assim resolvi<br />

fazer um detalhamento<br />

maior da montagem,<br />

confeccionan<strong>do</strong><br />

desenhos, onde a tarefa<br />

da montagem ficasse<br />

mais fácil de ser realizada,<br />

mesmo por um leigo em<br />

eletrônica.<br />

Este acopla<strong>do</strong>, trabalha<br />

muito bem numa faixa de<br />

freqüência compreendida<br />

entre 3 e 30 MHz, o que<br />

atende sobremaneira as<br />

escutas em <strong>Ondas</strong> <strong>Curtas</strong>,<br />

chegan<strong>do</strong> até a atuar<br />

numa parte da banda de<br />

<strong>Ondas</strong> Tropicais.<br />

Na figura seguinte<br />

mostramos o esquema<br />

eletrônico <strong>do</strong> acopla<strong>do</strong>r.

Na figura seguinte, vemos a disposição física básica <strong>do</strong> circuito, que nos mostra tratar-se de um acopla<strong>do</strong>r em “T “, com<br />

<strong>do</strong>is capacitores variáveis.<br />

Podemos afirmar que a “alma” deste acopla<strong>do</strong>r, está na bobina de sintonia, que formará a perna central <strong>do</strong> “T “, interligan<strong>do</strong><br />

o circuito á terra.<br />

Esta bobina será formada por diversos Taps, os quais `serão comutáveis através de uma chave seletora rotativa, muito<br />

conhecida como “chave de <strong>Ondas</strong>”.<br />

No desenho seguinte, fornecemos os detalhes da montagem desta bobina, e como conectá-la no circuito e também os<br />

detalhes de seus diversos taps, que deverão ser comuta<strong>do</strong>s pela chave seletora rotativa.<br />

Com estes detalhes, você poderá montar este simples e eficiente acopla<strong>do</strong>r de ante<strong>nas</strong>, que será um excelente apoio <strong>nas</strong><br />

suas escutas entre 3 e 30 MHz, quan<strong>do</strong> estiver atuan<strong>do</strong> sobre uma antena G5RV.<br />

Uma boa montagem a to<strong>do</strong>s.<br />

Caros amigos, ao final de mais uma coluna “Navegan<strong>do</strong> <strong>Ondas</strong> Tropicais”, continuamos solicitan<strong>do</strong> o retorno das opiniões,<br />

críticas e sugestões á coluna, através <strong>do</strong> E-Mail: adalberto.azeve<strong>do</strong>@gmail.com<br />

Um grande abraço a to<strong>do</strong>s,<br />

Adalberto Marques de Azeve<strong>do</strong>


BRASIL:<br />

4885 kHz - R Clube <strong>do</strong> Pará.<br />

Recebi<strong>do</strong> cartão QSL sem os da<strong>do</strong>s e carta confirmatória.<br />

Cerca de 30 dias.<br />

V/S: Camilo Centeno.<br />

(Fabricio Andrade Silva, Tubarão, SC, Brasil)<br />


BRASIL:<br />

5990 kHz - R. Sena<strong>do</strong> - Brasília/DF - B<br />

Recebi<strong>do</strong> cartão QSL e prospecto da emissora.<br />

31 dias.<br />

V/S: Ilegível.<br />

QTH: Praça <strong>do</strong>s Três Poderes s/nº, Brasília/DF, CEP 70165-900<br />

(Ivan Dias Jr., Sorocaba, SP, Brasil)<br />

8004 kHz - Yellow <strong>Radio</strong> - B<br />

Recebi<strong>do</strong> e-mail de agradecimento.<br />

02 dias.<br />

V/S: .<br />

QTH: sw_yellowradio@hotmail.com<br />

(Ivan Dias Jr., Sorocaba, SP, Brasil)<br />


11520 kHz - Family <strong>Radio</strong> (WYFR) - Paochung - TWN<br />

Recebi<strong>do</strong> belo cartão QSL (o novo da emissora comemorativo <strong>do</strong>s seus 50 anos e retratan<strong>do</strong> um belo receptor digital), 1 adesivo,<br />

livreto “El estúdio bíblico personal”, 2 selos, 2 boletins de horários e freqüências, 2 calendários de bolso e folheto religioso.<br />

38 dias.<br />

V/S: O QSL veio sem a assinatura <strong>do</strong> V/S.<br />

Informe envia<strong>do</strong> por e-mail: espanol@familyradio.com .<br />

QTH: Family Stations Inc, International Headquarters, 290 Hegenberger Road, Oakland, CA - 94621<br />

(Rubens Ferraz Pedroso, Bandeirantes, PR, Brasil)<br />

NIGERIA:<br />

15120 kHz - Voice of Nigeria<br />

Recebi<strong>do</strong> cartão QSL + schedule.<br />

40 dias.<br />

V/S: <br />

I.R. envia<strong>do</strong> para: englishvon@yahoo.com<br />

(Hector Goyena, Argentina)<br />

RADIO AMADORES, por Ru<strong>do</strong>lf Grimm, São Bernar<strong>do</strong>, SP, Brasil)<br />

PY5CJR, Geral<strong>do</strong>, Jacarezinho-PR, CW, 7 MHz<br />

PY1EAG, Pedro, Varre-Sai-RJ, fonia, 7 MHz<br />

PY4AY, Ricar<strong>do</strong>, Uberlandia-MG, fonia, 7 MHz<br />

WA2DTW, Steve, Erwinna-PA, USA, CW, 7 MHz<br />

F6GCP, Patrice, Faremoutiers, France, fonia, 18 MHz<br />

S56P, Bostja, Bistrica ob Dravi, Eslovenia, fonia, 21 MHz<br />

K5VYT, Rick, Arvada-CO, USA, 14 MHz, fonia<br />

PY4MVL, Myrthes, Belo Horizonte-MG, CW, 7 MHz<br />

PY2IAX, Valdelino, Jardinópolis-SP, CW, 7 MHz<br />

IZ3LEV, Giorgio, Concordia Sagittaria, Italy, 14 MHz, fonia<br />

ZW1BDR, 1° Encontro de <strong>Radio</strong>ama<strong>do</strong>res de Araruama-RJ, 7 MHz, fonia<br />

PY5UB, José Luiz, Cambé-PR, 7 MHz, CW<br />

PP5AVM, Lucio, Joinville-SC, 7 MHz, CW




Escutas de Rubens Ferraz Pedroso<br />

Bandeirantes-PR, Brasil<br />

Receptores: Sony ICF SW 7600G e Sony ICF SW7600GR<br />

Antena: Loop RGP3.<br />

BRASIL<br />

1260 Rádio Blumenau AM, Blumenau - SC, PP, mx „Não quero dinheiro” w/ Tim Maia, id OM: “------ aqui na sua Blumenau” 43333<br />

1410 Rádio Band AM, Brasília - DF, PP, 2047, 12/04, OM, tx de jogo Gama X São Pedro 43333<br />

1410 Rádio Garibaldi AM, Garibaldi - RS, PP, 2100, 12/04, OM, tx de jogo Caxias X 43333<br />

1580 Rádio Encanto AM, Encanta<strong>do</strong> - RS, PP, 0018, 12/04, id OM: “------ 57 anos a serviço da região <strong>do</strong> Vale”, em seguida<br />

foi ao ar o px “Apito Final” 43343<br />

1480 Unid, PP, 2035, 16/04, mx, id OM: “Estamos apresentan<strong>do</strong> ------”, advs “Barracão Supermerca<strong>do</strong>s” <br />

1570 Rádio Metrópole AM, Cachoeirinha - RS, PP, 0129, 25/04, id OM: “Essa é a Metrópole, a mais campeira <strong>do</strong> Brasil” 33333<br />

1530 Rádio Difusora, Itajaí - SC, PP, 0131, 25/04, OM, tx de jogo de futebol de areia feminino Estrela <strong>do</strong><br />

Sul X Holligans 33333<br />

580 Rádio Relógio Federal, Rio de Janeiro - RJ, PP, 0246, 25/04, bips de relógio, mx 43343<br />

660 Rádio Nossa Voz, São Paulo - SP, PP, 0252, 25/04, final <strong>do</strong> px “A hora milagrosa”, relg, OM 43343<br />

870 Rádio Central AM, Campi<strong>nas</strong> - SP, PP, 0256, 25/04, id OM: “Central AM”, anúncios 43343<br />

1530 Rádio Vale <strong>do</strong> Iguaçu, Verê - PR, PP, 2027, 27/04, id OM: “Você está em boa companhia, Rádio Vale <strong>do</strong> Iguaçu e o<br />

programa Brasil Caboclo” 33433<br />


1690 <strong>Radio</strong> Apocalipsys II, San Justo, SS, 0116, 25/04, OM, px relg 35233<br />

1680 <strong>Radio</strong> Getro, Lanús, SS, 0125, 25/04, OM/OM, talks, relg 45233<br />

1610 Unid (<strong>Radio</strong> Guaviyú), SS, 0238, 25/04, mx local, YL 43333<br />

530 LV de lãs Madres, Buenos Aires, SS, 0242, 25/04, OM/YL, talks 45333<br />

1110 <strong>Radio</strong> de la Ciudad, Buenos Aires, SS, 0300, 26/04, id YL: “AM 1110” 33333<br />


1020 <strong>Radio</strong> Ñanduti, Asunción, SS, 0258, 25/04, OM/YL, talks 43343<br />


Escutas de Lúcio Otávio Bobrowiec<br />

Embu SP Brasil<br />

Sony ICF SW40<br />

dipole 18m, 32m.<br />

9541, R. Solomon Islands BC, Haniara. April-24 0635-0650 English pop music selections, 0645 English announcements by<br />

YL, short music, OM talks. Some fading but good signal maybe by the proximity of gray-line there, at peak 44333.<br />

7254, R. Mauritanie, Nouakchott. April-24 0909-0922 French OM talks. Noisy, bad propagation this morning 24422.<br />

3985, Croatian <strong>Radio</strong>, Deanovec. April-25 Croatian(sch) 0300-0312 OM talks, YL seeming outside and alternating with<br />

studio OM, prevailling OM. 24322.<br />

4835, Bolivia, R. Virgen de Remedios(tentative), Tupiza. April-25 Spanish 0315 out male and studio female in a religious<br />

talks, "stay escuchan<strong>do</strong> Informe Católico Mundial", "jo soy Católico mas no demasia<strong>do</strong>", 0335 religious music "stay escuchan<strong>do</strong><br />

<strong>Radio</strong> Catolica Mundial", 0356 abrupt sign off. It could be R. Maranón but by modulation characteristics, massive<br />

religious content, the mentioning of R. Catolica Mundial already heard in others Virgen de Remedios' transmissions, my<br />

choice goes to V.R.. Despite after 41 minutes of religious content, i <strong>do</strong>n't heard a definitive ID. At peaks the signal was so<br />

good that it could be listenable outside L.A., 34333.<br />

4835, Bolivia, R. Virgen de Remedios, Tupiza. April-26, 27 Spanish at tune-in 2312 a religious ceremony with that reverb<br />

from inside of a church; finally, after the ceremony, a definitive ID by male at 0014 "R. Virgen de Remedios". I heard until<br />

0018, after much religious talks this week end. Sometimes much noise but getting stronger 24322.

Escutas de Ivan Dias<br />

Sorocaba-SP, Brasil<br />

Receptor RFSpace SDR-IQ ,<br />

Loop Wellbrook ALA1530S+ Rotor Philips SDW1850/17.Fasea<strong>do</strong>r JPS ANC-4<br />

5890 01/05 0701 USA WWCR, Nashville, px rlg em EE //5935 45444<br />

5920 01/05 0703 USA WBOH, Newport, OM EE + mx instrumental 33443<br />

5950 01/05 0705 USA WYFR, Okeechobee, px rlg em EE //5985 22332<br />

5965 01/05 0707 CTR REE, Cariari, YL tlk abt dia <strong>do</strong> trabalho 55444<br />

5980 01/05 0708 USA R. Marti, Greenville, OM tlk abt gripe suína //6030 22342<br />

6019,4 01/05 0713 PRU R. Victoria, Lima, px rlg IPDA 45444<br />

6055 01/05 0730 RRW R. Rwanda, Kigali, NA 25232<br />

Escutas de Jorge Freitas<br />

Feira de Santana-BA, Brasil<br />

Degen DE 1103<br />

Antena Dipolo de 16 metros e balum 4:1 em toroide.Direção Leste /Oeste<br />

11615 25/04 1402 (MRA) Northern Mariana Isl, in Chinese, from Agignan Point 1, with 100 kW, beginning of tx, OMs Talk ,<br />

despite the weak signal, but audible, for a while without Jammer of China, 25332.<br />

11915 25/04 1346 (B) BRASIL, R Gaucha, PP, from Porto Alegre, with 7.5 kW, ADVS of games of SESI 2009, temperature<br />

of 24° and nx the F1, good reception which is not common, 44433.<br />

11960 25/04 1252 (EQA) ECUADOR, HCJB, SS, from Quito-Pifo, with 100 kW, a program for children, like story telling, YL<br />

at 1257 UTC and disseminate e-mail and address, at 1259 UTC abrupt interruption of the tx while talking OM, at 1300 UTC<br />

restart the tx, but for a different direction and the signal falls, 35333, after the 1300 UTC SINPO 25222.<br />

11990 25/04 1339 (RUS) RUSSIA , VOA, CC, from Novosibirsk , with 200 kW, suffering strong interference of CRI in<br />

Mandarin,that according to EIBI is a Jammer, 32332.<br />

7200 26/04 0301 (SDN) SUDAN, Sudan RTVC , in Arabic, OM makes an emphatic reading of what appears to be the<br />

Koran, at 0300 UTC OM says the time and start a news program with reference to Obama , confirmation by the link<br />

http://74.125. 65.132/translate _chl=pt- BR&sl=ar&u=http://www. sudanradio. info/media/&prev=/search% 3Fq%3DSudan%<br />

2BRTVC%26hl% 3Dpt-BR%26sa% 3DG&usg=ALkJrhhv97l7J1n N_qb4se0UHVXQ1i3 YFA , degrading signal, 24332.<br />

4845 29/04 0906 BRASIL, <strong>Radio</strong> Meteorologia Paulista, Ibitinga-SP, px “Jornal da Manhã” em rede com a Jovem Pan SAT , 24332.<br />

12085 04/29 1021 (MNG) MONGOLIAN, Voice of Mongolian, in Chinese, from Ulaanbaatar, with 250 kW, an interview in a<br />

studio of YL a OM, end of transmission with the ID by OM, the 1030 UTC start the program in English by YL, new interview<br />

in the studio, 35333.<br />

12105 04/29 1012 (GUM) GUAM, KTWR, in Chinese, from Agana, with 100 kW, YL Talk and said address, at 1015 UTC<br />

short music and OM talks, degrading signal, 25332.<br />

15800 04/29 1105 (BUL) BULGARIA, R Bulgaria, SS, from Plovdiv, with 170 kW, YL with nx, at 1110 UTC ID, short mx and<br />

YL e OM Talk, at 1114 UTC pop mx, 25332.<br />

3345 19/04 2002 (INS) INDONESIA, RRI Ternate, in In<strong>do</strong>nesian, from Ternate, with 10 kW, OM Talk, after a military band<br />

style song, 25332, recorded in http://www.ipernity .com/<strong>do</strong>c/ 75006/4688999/.<br />

Escutas de Anker Petersen<br />

Skovlunde, Dinamarca<br />

4826.49 0125-0135 PRU 27.04 R Sicuani, Sicuani (p) Spanish talk 25232.<br />

N4834.90 0110-0120 BOL 27.04 R Virgen de Remedios, Tupiza (t) Spanish (t) talk 13111. Brazilian DX-er Lúcio<br />

Otavio identified this station which has moved from 4554.3. First I could only hear a rather strong carrier, but later I think I<br />

heard a man talking very, very weak. The carrier had disappeared at 0147. Moderate CODAR QRM.<br />

6090.00 0259-0310 ETH 25.04 Amhara Reg. State R, Geja Dera (t) Vernacular ann, weird music 44433 Stronger<br />

than University Network, Anguilla in nglish.<br />

6140 0930-1000* D Su 26.04 R Gloria International, via Wertachtal English/German ann, ID, English pop music,<br />

2 IRC for a QSL-card, 55544.<br />

6915 0345-0348 USA 26.04 WYFR Family R, via Okeechobee, FL English quotations from the Bible 35343<br />

Actually I was looking for the new station in Somalia on 6915, R Hage, Galkayo, but this was not audible.<br />

7145.06 1650-1740 SOM 25.04 R Hargeisa, Somaliland Somali ann, folksongs, 1700 news 34233 CWQRM and noise.<br />

15650 *1700-1710 CLA 25.04 Miraya FM, Juba, via Rimavska Sobota Arabic ann, ID's, reports via phone, children<br />

singing, talk 35444.

Escutas de Carlos Gonlçalves<br />

Lisboa , Portugal<br />


4780 R.TV de Djibouti, Doraleh, 1902-2102*, 26 Apr, Vercular, news (p),..., songs prior to 2100, announcements+ID followed<br />

by natl. anthem; 45433, weaker & fluttery at 2100.<br />

EUROPirates<br />

3900 Skyline Int'l R, HOL, 2101-..., 25 Apr, Dutch English, folk music, IDs, QSY 3905.15 at 2104, then back to 3900; 45343.<br />


5990.8 R.Ethiopia, Geja Dera, 1817-1846, 26 Apr, Vernacular, radioplay (), talks; 45444; \\ 7110 vy. good, 9704.2 just fair.<br />

7110 R.Ethiopia, Geja Dera, 2046-2100*, 25 Apr, Vernacular, Horn of Africa music, news at 2055, some announcements<br />

and natl. anthem; 45433.<br />

KOREA, North<br />

6250.5 PBS, Pyongyang, 1823-..., 24 Apr, Korean, songs; 23441, adj. QRM de GNE 6250 & EGY 6255; \\ 6398.8.<br />


7295 Traxx FM via RTM, Kajang, 1549-1615, 26 Apr, english, pops, ID prior to 1600 TS, newscast, more pops; 34433, but<br />

better at 1700+.(<br />


11725 R.NZi, Rangitaiki, 0624-0658*, 23 Apr, Business Report, other reports from the Pacific, freq. announcement & IS prior<br />

to tx shut <strong>do</strong>wn; 35533. At 0659, they moved to 6170, rated at 55433<br />

UGANDA<br />

4750 Dunamis R (p), Mukono, 1842-1900*, 26 Apr, Vernacular, songs, some talks; 25332; tx off at 1901.<br />


9559.5 R.Ethiopia, Geja Jawe, 0730-0750, 30 Apr, Somali () (listed), talks; 15331, so extremely bad, I gave up observing this.<br />

HAWAII<br />

10320 AFN, Lualualei, 0735-0814, 30 Apr, infos, pops, some chatter; 25442. This was not parallel to 5446.5 Florida.<br />

MALI<br />

5995 R.Mali, Kati, 2115-2135, 28 Apr, French+Vernacular, talks & phone-ins about family matters; 45433, but deteriorating.<br />

This is normally vy. strong, even if observed here in Lisbon.<br />

5995 R. Mali, 0628-0802*, 30 Apr, Vernacular, tribal songs; French at 0700 for news bulletin, talks, IS at 0802; 44333, and<br />

very poor at sign off, which should be quite readable if received by the coastline.<br />


4845 R.Mauritanie, Nouakchott, 0711-0811, 30 Apr, Vernacular, newscast, talks; unreadable even prior to 0800; 34433,<br />

CODAR QRM. It is normally readable right until s/off (possibly around or prior to 0830), if received near the coast.<br />


13730 R.NZi, Rangitaiki, *2051-2112, 28 Apr, IS, freq. announcements, local newspaper headlines & Pacific Business Report<br />

prior to the 09PM newscast; 25422, extremely poor by news end which was followed by sports news.(<br />

PERU ()<br />

4790 R.Visión (p), Chiclayo, 0714-f/out 0750, 30 Apr, Castilian, talks, advertisments; 25321.<br />

6019.4 R.Vitoria, Lima, 0723-0750, 29 Apr, Portuguese, IPDA preacher, songs; 35433, but deteriorating fast. I couldn't pick<br />

up their parallel signal on 9720, not audible. (<br />


11735 R.Tanzania, Dole, Zanzibar, 2039-2153, 28 Apr, Swahili, Arabic like songs, talks; 35433, but deteriorating rapidly.<br />

Weak modulation/audio during speech.<br />

USA<br />

5446.5 AFN, Saddlebunch Keys FL, 0718-0815, 30 Apr, pops, chatter, refs. to the Poney Express sce., more talks at 0800<br />

followed by more music; 35433, but deteriorating of course. Not parallel to 10320 Hawaii.<br />

YEMEN<br />

9780.2 Rep. of Yemen R, San'a, 2056-2120, 28 Apr, Arabic, talks & phone-ins; 45433, but deteriorating fast.<br />

Escutas de José Miguel Romero<br />

Burjasot (Valencia), Espanha<br />

Sangean ATS 909<br />

Antena <strong>Radio</strong> Master A-108<br />


11770 Xradio Tambov, Juelich, 15:10-15:20, escuchada el 1 de mayo en ruso a locutor presentan<strong>do</strong> temas de música pop<br />

ligera internacional, cuña de ID “Xradio...”, se aprecia en colisión con el servicio en suahili de la Voz de Nigeria que emite<br />

en la misma frecuencia de 1500 a 1530, SINPO 33443

CUBA<br />

11770 <strong>Radio</strong> Habana Cuba, La Habana, 21:00-21:15, escuchada el 1 de mayo en español, sintonía, ID “Esta es <strong>Radio</strong> Habana<br />

Cuba...”, anuncian frecuencias, para Europa de 2100 a 2300 por 11770, locutora y locutor con presentación, titulares,<br />

segmento musical, SINPO 44444<br />


15650 <strong>Radio</strong> Miraya FM, Rimavska Sobota, 15:22-15:30, escuchada el 1 de mayo en dialecto africano sin identificar a locutor<br />

en conversación con invitada, referencias a Sudan, cuña de ID “Miraya FM”, cuña en inglés “Sudan Tunay”, locutor con<br />

comentarios en inglés, SINPO 45554<br />

SAO TOMÉ<br />

12077 Voz de América, Pinheira, 20:03-20:10, escuchada el 28 de abril en francés a locutora con noticias y segmento de<br />

música pop, SINPO 45444<br />

9827 Voz de América, Pinheira, 21:15-21:25, escuchada el 27 de abril en francés a locutor en conversación con invita<strong>do</strong>,<br />

noticias de Dakar, locutora con ID, locutora anuncian<strong>do</strong> E-mail y dirección web, música de sintonía, SINPO 45444<br />


12050 <strong>Radio</strong> Biafra, 19:00-19:10, escuchada el 28 de abril, sintonía, cuña de ID “<strong>Radio</strong> Biabra ...Lon<strong>do</strong>n...”, presentación,<br />

locutor con comentarios, referencia a Biafra, SINPO 55555<br />

9840 <strong>Radio</strong> República, 21:28-21:41, escuchada el 27 de abril en español a locutora en conversación con invita<strong>do</strong>, referencias<br />

a Cuba, cuña de iD, cuña del programa “Barrio Adentro”, SINPO 44444 Frecuencia no listada en Eibi ni en Aoki,<br />

¿nuevo servicio, ¿desde <strong>do</strong>nde transmite.<br />


7530 <strong>Radio</strong> Free North Korea, Yerevan-Gavar, 19:03-19:06, escuchada el 26 de abril en coreano a locutora con comentarios,<br />

SINPO 34443<br />

COREA<br />

6600 Voice of The People, Kyonggi-<strong>do</strong>, 20:50-20:55, escuchada el 27 de abril en coreano, locutora con comentarios y segmento<br />

música de opera, SINPO 22322 Audio: http://jmromero7820 04.po<strong>do</strong>matic. com/<br />

Pirata<br />

6220 Mystery <strong>Radio</strong>, 18:48-18:58, escuchada el 26 de abril con emisión de música disco dance de los años 70 y 80, “Bony<br />

M”, tema pop melódico, cuña de ID, SINPO 34443<br />

6870 Playback Int., 19:08-19:15, escuchada el 26 de abril con emisión musical, cuña de ID, música de los años 50 y 60, SINPO 45444<br />

Escutas de Manuel Méndez<br />

Lugo, Espanha<br />


15476, LRA 36, <strong>Radio</strong> Nacional Arcángel San Gabriel, Base Esperanza, 1847-1905 , 28-04, canciones latinoamerica<strong>nas</strong>,<br />

tangos, comentarios, locutora. Señal débil hoy. 14321.<br />

Escuta de Arnal<strong>do</strong> Slaen<br />

Buenos Aires, Argentina<br />

15650 Miraya FM, via Rimavska Sobota, *1505-1515, April 26, Vernacular, News by male, short music at 1510, tlk by other<br />

speaker, SINPO: 34433<br />

Escutas de Glenn Hauser<br />

Enid-OK, Esta<strong>do</strong>s Uni<strong>do</strong>s<br />

BIAFRA [non]. Only had time for a quick check on the portable of 17520, Friday April 24 at 1952, and could barely detect a<br />

signal there, presumably still V. of Biafra International for the third week in a row. Not on 15665 or 11885, anyway.<br />

CHINA. Firedrake check April 25 at 1315: yes on 9000, no on 8400.<br />

RUSSIA [and non]. Looking for V. of Russia English to the Americas, UT April 25. Not much making it after 0100 --- trace on<br />

9890, not 9665, and no 9480 which is on some skeds, presumably intended to be German relay like A-08. After 0200, 9480<br />

not heard either, but there was a trace on 15425, couldn`t be sure it was VOR English, presumably from FE site, and much<br />

weaker than RTI via WYFR 15<strong>440</strong>. It would help if VOR/RUVR would put up accurate, complete and non-contradictory skeds<br />

on its own website. By 0600, unlike the night before when even 21 MHz had a signal, everything above 10 MHz was dead.<br />

U S A [non]. VOA In<strong>do</strong>nesian, 9945, Saturday April 25 at 1405 with rapid DJ, bits of interview with a female pop artiste in<br />

English, before voice-overs in In<strong>do</strong>nesian, still past 1430 and at 1432 a bit of Sousa. Per Aoki this is Thu-Fri-Sat only:<br />

9945 VOICE OF AMERICA 1400-1500 567 In<strong>do</strong>nesian 250 200 Tinang PHL 12037E 1521N IBB a09.

VENEZUELA [non]. Another Sunday with no trace of Aló Presidente via Cuba on new listed 12010, or any of the other frequencies,<br />

at 1600 UT check April 26.<br />

WESTERN SAHARA [non]. 6300, R. Nacional de la RASD, already on at 0600 April 25 with anthem by amateur/military<br />

band, 0601 sign-on in Arabic, but modulation just barely audible, then into its peculiar version of<br />

Qur`aning at full modulation.<br />

ALASKA. KNLS, 7355, April 28 at 1413 in English with Stories from the Bible in Contemporary English, ID; good signal.<br />

Could not hear the other transmitter in Chinese on 9795.<br />

CHINA. Firedrake, very good, and equal level on 8400 and 9000, April 27 [not 24 as in DXLD 9-036] at 1321 check, so I<br />

`enjoyed` the music for a while. At 1400 monitoring 9000, as usual went to open carrier; 1421 recheck both still going but<br />

weakening. On other occasions when both frequencies are on, one has been much weaker than the other, so something<br />

must be changing dynamically as to sites, powers and/or azimuths.<br />

Firedrake check April 28: at 1341 fair, about same level on 8400 and 9000; at 1423 found VG Firedrake on new 15600, //<br />

weakening 9000 and 8400. At 24 past each hour the segment features a ramshorn-like instrument, slow with some pauses,<br />

then into slow drumming, before building up to breakneck percussion again. This is when one might be able to detect its<br />

victim underneath, but could not. I quickly scanned the entire 13-19 MHz range but did not find any other FD. Ron Howard<br />

has been hearing 15600 12-13 hours earlier, so it may be on long hours in response to Sound of Hope which it seems has<br />

stepped up transmissions and frequency-jumping. Keith Perron says this time of year before Tiananmen anniversary is<br />

when ChiCom jamming reaches a peak, and additional censorship is imposed on CRI programming.<br />

HAWAII [and non]. AFN, Pearl Harbor, 10320-USB, barely audible broadcast talk as I was scanning for Firedrake, April 28<br />

at 1416. Not // Florida 12133.5, but seemed // to equally weak 5765 Guam. Aoki lists the power for each of these as 3 kW.<br />

INDONESIA. VOI, yet another Tuesday with input from RRI Banjarmasin, Kalimantan. 9525 at 1320 April 28, usual features<br />

but interspersed continuity is conversation between YL in Jak() and OM in Banj; 1330 Focus, on the VP elexion, which is<br />

apparently separate from the presidential; 1338 a feature about Banjarmasin, but too much accent and too much noise level<br />

to make much out of it.<br />

NORTHERN MARIANA ISLANDS. RFA Tinian, 17880 was audible again in nightmiddle, April 27 at 0520 in Chinese, //<br />

17615 but not 17640, which was in use on April 24 --- only Could also detect a carrier on 21550, on YB-400 only with internal<br />

wire antenna during storm. April 28 around 0530, 17880 again detectable.<br />

PHILIPPINES. 9700, Monday April 27 at 1325 weak audio but a big het; seems like one carrier is on the low side. 1328 audio<br />

improved; not helped by SSB intruder around 9696. 1330 sounds like Vietnamese, anyway with ``phat-thanhs``. Per Aoki<br />

this is FEBC, 50 kW from Iba site due west in various minolity languages between 1300 and 1400 in a convoluted schedule<br />

depending on day of week. On Mondays supposed to go from Muong to Cham at 1330. Eibi says it`s Eastern Cham. Could<br />

the het be jamming Iba may well be off-frequency. Per online listings, nothing else is intentionally scheduled on 9700 at<br />

this hour, except maybe Sofia in DRM.<br />

PHILIPPINES. VOA, 9760, April 28 at 1405 news in English but occasional audio breakups and transmission also cut off for<br />

several seconds. Aoki shows between 13 and 15 there are two 250 kW Tinang transmitters here, one at 21 degrees usward<br />

and the other 270 degrees westward, so when one fails, VOA may still be heard more weakly.<br />

RUSSIA [and non]. VOR check at 0302 UT April 28:<br />

7395, gone, replaced by 9735, q.v.<br />

9665, VOR English UNDER CRI in Spanish via Brasília, with fast rippling SAH. This is a monumental failure in frequency<br />

management, a collision going on year after year at 01-03 and 03-04, plus additional periods of open carrier from Brasil<br />

9735, VOR Spanish via French Guiana, very good, ex-7395<br />

9890, fluttery signal in Russian; scheduled earlier in English<br />

5425, VOR English, good via Far East<br />

Another check at 0422:<br />

9665, VOR in Spanish, now QRMless; apparently new, not on schedule<br />

9735, VOR still Spanish via GUF, not English as claimed by some <strong>do</strong>wnunderite during this hour<br />

13775, VOR English, good, having switched FE site from 15425.<br />

U S A. WEWN has made some frequency changes, upwards for summer, altho they claim that the current schedule at http://<br />

www.ewtn.com/radio/freq.htm went into effect March 29 --- not true! For example, new 12050 in Spanish // 11550, April 27<br />

at 1315 with religious discussion.<br />

U S A. Haven`t heard KJES on 11715 in weeks, but there again April 28 at 1420: S9+20 signal but barely audible<br />

modulation, adult OM with catechisms in English, mixed with someone singing. Once again this seems to<br />

correlate with sporadic E opening on HF if not VHF, as WWCR 13845 was strong vs usual barely audible, and<br />

15825 was poor vs usual inaudible.<br />

CHINA [and non]. 15635, at 0616 April 29, two programs in Chinese mixing. Per Aoki, this is a R. Free Asia Chinese frequency<br />

at 0300-0700, 500 kW, 152 degrees via Irkutsk, RUSSIA, plus ChiCom jamming. I cannot be sure whether I was<br />

hearing RFA at all or just <strong>do</strong>uble jamming. See also USA [non] 11605.<br />

Firedrake check April 29: At 1436, just barely audible on 13970, where we used to hear it months ago; At 1438 stronger on<br />

15150, and even stronger on 15600, all // and presumably against inaudible Sound of Hope. At 1<strong>440</strong> I thought I heard a<br />

couple of words spoken among all the music. At 1451, still audible on two more //, 8400 and 9000.

CUBA. RHC must have changed their program feed routing, and/or transmitter site arrangement for English, checked at<br />

0622 April 29. Previously, 6000 and 6010 had been an echo apart, but now they are synchronized, altho 6000 is still modulated<br />

very much less than 6010. 6000 also has a squeal audible on the low side. 6140 is also undermodulated, 6060 normal<br />

modulation, and all of them synchronized. BTW, after about four days, the outdated schedule on their redesigned website<br />

has been replaced by more or less correct one.<br />

CUBA [non]. <strong>Radio</strong> República added another broadcast. Tnx to tip from José Miguel Romero, Spain that it was very strong<br />

on 9840 during the 21 UT hour April 27, I started checking the frequency April 28. During the 19 UT hour, WHRI was still on it;<br />

nothing heard after 2000. At 2115-2135 I was getting R. República, only fair signal with deep fades, no jamming, so suspect<br />

UK site instead of Canada. 2200 ID with no frequency announcement, ``Entre Jóvenes`` show. Not heard at 2302 recheck. So<br />

schedule on 9840 is tentatively 2100-2300, then over to jammed 9545. I expect the jamming on 9840 will start ASAP.<br />

Lingering jamming against R. Martí, 7365, instead bothering WHRI at 0627 April 29, ID in English with contact info<br />

atop jam pulses.<br />

1431 April 29 on 12000, monitored RHC frequency announcement. Got most of it right, but omitted 11760, which I quickly<br />

confirmed was really on the air as usual.<br />

GERMANY [non]. DRM on 6125-6130-6135 outstix like a sorethumb in middle of 49m, April 29 at 0623. Surely strong<br />

enough to decode, altho listed as DW English via Sines, PORTUGAL, 0600-0700, 90 kW at 30 degrees, far from usward.<br />

TAIWAN. 11875 in soft In<strong>do</strong>nesian talk about saxophone, then sax music, 1418 April 29; 1428 ID as RTI. Good signal in the<br />

clear. Per Aoki it`s 250 kW, 205 degrees from Tainan at 1400-1500.<br />

U S A [and non]. KJES, Va<strong>do</strong> NM, again audible April 29, at 1415 on 11715, YL proclaiming Biblical quotes, immediately<br />

repeated robotically by OM. Very undermodulated still, and also with SAH, which per Aoki is VOA English via Tinang, PHIL-<br />

IPPINES at 1400-1500, 50 kW, 220 degrees.<br />

U S A [non]. 9760 via Tinang, Philippines, VOA English at 1250 April 29, report on Kokomo vs auto industry cuts, 1255 USG editorial<br />

on LTTE. But marred by audio dropouts every few seconds. Standard remarx about weakest link, anyone paying attention, need for<br />

backup feeds. Same programming repeated two hours later at 1450 without the dropouts; at least they have redundancy.<br />

11605, April 29 at 1315, a total mess, must be at least three programs mixing. Two of them would be ChiCom jamming as<br />

the only thing really scheduled is R. Free Asia in Tibetan via TINIAN, 250 kW, 309 degrees at 1300-1400. Recheck at 1414<br />

found Vietnamese in the clear, which is also RFA, but now 250 kW, 250 degrees via Tanshui, TAIWAN, at 1400-1500, per<br />

Aoki. Moral: Tibetans should learn Vietnamese (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)<br />

CHINA [and non]. Not only <strong>do</strong>es the new Firedrake frequency 15600 block the newly discovered RHC mixing product in our<br />

mornings, Commies vs Commies, but at 2145 UT I was again hearing Firedrake on 15600, now underneath some religionist<br />

in Spanish, which would be WFYR 44 degrees to Europe at 1900-2245 including this hour in Spanish. Per Aoki, other collateral<br />

damage victims on 15600 are Iran in English at 1030-1127, and CRI in Malaysian via Kunming at 1230-1327.<br />

East Asian conditions were excellent the morning of April 30, on 9-12 MHz but not higher: 13970 Firedrake was just barely<br />

audible at 1305, but not on 15600; and 13970 was missing at next check 1312. Perhaps the ChiCom determined that Sound<br />

of Hope was off the air by then. At 1338, FD on 9000 was good but much weaker on // 8400. Numerous CNR1 program<br />

jammers were to be found inside the 9 and 11 MHz bands, such as 9605, 9845, 11775, 11785, 12040.<br />

CUBA. Altho previously RHC English on 6000 and 6010 were found to be synchronized, they were again an echo apart with<br />

different feed routings when checked at 0528 UT April 30.<br />

My local noise level abated, I fear only temporarily, April 30 at 1312 so I could make out RHC in Spanish on 13880, the weak<br />

leapfrog mixing product of 13680 over 13780.<br />

CUBA [non]. R. República`s new 9840, via UK Survived another day without being hit by the DentroCuban Jamming Command,<br />

as still in the clear at 2145 check April 29; presumably running 2100-2300.<br />

KOREA NORTH [and non]. 9665v, April 30 at 1347, harmonious Juche music from KCBS, low het no <strong>do</strong>ubt from Mongolia<br />

as confirmed by Martien Groot, Netherlands. VOM might have picked a better new frequency. VOK also inbooming in stilted<br />

English, different music on 9335 and 11710.<br />

SOLOMON ISLANDS. 9541.5, giveaway off-frequency for SIBC, making a good het with China 9540.0, April 30 at 1329 during<br />

above normal FE conditions. I was able to make out a bit of BBC English and // 9740 Singapore altho not synchronized<br />

during news headlines on the half-hour. But at 1332 they went their separate ways. I wonder which BBC stream feed SIBC<br />

is getting to relay I also wonder why they bother as BBCWS is surely better audible on several of its own frequencies in the<br />

Pacific during these hours, but no complaints as this at least audiblizes Solomons even unto Central North America.<br />

THAILAND [and non]. 9455, R. Thailand via U<strong>do</strong>rn, April 30 at 1336 in Thai, but with co-channel QRM, off-frequency enough<br />

to make a rumble. Seems to be another Asian language! 1345 heard the QRM giving an address in USA, and YFR theme.<br />

Theme again at 1358. R. Thailand also had QRM from the Brother Scare spur on 9453 from WWRB 9385, no thanks to Dave<br />

Frantz, and as usual that was even stronger on the 9317 match. Thailand has English after 1400, but altho the co-channel<br />

was off by then, reception deteriorated, as Thailand switched from favorable 54 degree azimuth to unfavorable 132.<br />

Per Aoki, the offender is YFR in Vietnamese via Tainan, Taiwan, 1300-1400, 100 kW at 267 degrees. So during that hour we<br />

have Taiwan and Thailand crossing beams on 9455. During the first semihour, Thailand is 54 in Japanese, then 30 in Mandarin.<br />

Taiwan transmissions are forbidden by the ChiCom to appear in HFCC, so IBB, which handles frequency management for NBT<br />

Thailand, may have assumed there is no collision. If one actually monitors the channel as far away as Oklahoma, or consults<br />

the unofficial Aoki list, one learns the truth. Perhaps IBB should also get together with the YFR frequency manager.

ZAMBIA [and non]. 13590, April 30 at 1310 a guy in English sounding rather like Keith Perron until he started going on and<br />

on about God --- i.e. CVC Lusaka at 315 degrees toward Upper Michigan. But with co-channel from something unintelligible.<br />

That must be VOR Mongolian service via Novosibirsk, as scheduled with 100 kW, 110 degrees per Aoki.<br />

CUBA. RHC, 11820 in Spanish, at 2222 check April 30, much stronger than // 11800, altho 11820 is for Europe. Little did I know<br />

that this was the farewell broadcast of RHC on 11820, as José Miguel Romero reports that per Arnie Coro, RHC moves May<br />

1 to 11770 for this European transmission in Portuguese, Arabic and Spanish at 2000-2300. Arnie has not notified me directly,<br />

nor thanked me for bringing their collision with Saudi Arabia immediately to attention! How will 11770 be Nothing there that I<br />

can find, not much on 11765, but it may be tough for Barbi Bridges from a Lesser Antille on 11775 until 2215v.<br />

16m was cooperating at 2212 April 30 with RHC on new 17660 in French, good signal but distorted modulation; no ID needed<br />

as who else would be talking about Committees for the Defense of the Revolution About same signal level on 17705<br />

in Portuguese, but more distorted.<br />

9640 confirmed as the new Mesa Re<strong>do</strong>nda frequency, ex-9820, apparently just getting under way at 2230 April 30; undermodulated.<br />

Nominal span is 22-24, but I think it usually starts at 2230, and not necessarily on the air every weekday. I wonder<br />

how the ChiCom feel about this overlapping their own Spanish broadcast daily from Kashi to Spain until 2300 on 9640.<br />

CUBA [non]. Altho <strong>Radio</strong> República`s new 9840 had been heard the past three days, both before and after 2200, it was<br />

missing on April 30 when checked at 2207. Nor was there any jamming on the frequency. Possibly it was still on during the<br />

2100 hour, but more likely a brief test period has ended. A quick scan of other bands 7-18 MHz failed to find a replacement<br />

for 9840. I was standing by on the other frequency 9545, which at 2259 already had jamming ramping up, and a few seconds<br />

after 2300 on came R. República with theme, ID, no frequencies mentioned, and into ``Encuentro Informativo``.<br />

EGYPT. R. Cairo, 11590 in English to NAm, April 30 at 2310 with Arabic music, undermodulated but sufficient. At 2315 timesignal<br />

17 seconds late, so why bother if you can`t <strong>do</strong> better than that News march theme, and YL with presumed news<br />

in English, but now the modulation is so low I can`t make anything out; the propagational fading is louder than she is from<br />

the speaker. Par for the course for this totally incompetent station.<br />

ROMANIA [and non]. As I tuned across RRI in English on 9790, Thursday April 30 at 2227, they were just starting their<br />

mailbag program, reading a report from one Joseph Padula in Mont Albert, Australia. This fellow born in 1939, touts his<br />

professionalism, an award he got, his restored California bungalow. I suspect he is very closely related to Robert J. Padula,<br />

a.k.a. Bob. But why would anybody switch from a perfectly good first name to a middle name Perhaps he is starting over<br />

his QSL-collecting career under a new identity.<br />

RRI was also well audible when checked earlier at 2213 on // 9675 and 11940, the latter bothered by buzz bleeding over up to<br />

11950 from the DentroCuban Jamming Command on 11930 vs Martí, but not on the low side. Commies vs ex-Commies!.<br />

SAUDI ARABIA. 11915 with Qur`an, fair with SAH April 30 at 2212, but NO BUZZ. This has often been reported with buzz,<br />

same BSKSA Riyadh transmitter as we hear on 15435 at 15-18 and on several others before and after. It is sporadic, and I<br />

<strong>do</strong>ubt the problem has been permanently fixed.<br />

U S A. WWRB, 9385 with plus and minus 68 kHz spurs on approx. 9317, and weaker 9453, April 30 at 2237 as Alex Scourby<br />

was ponderously pontificating. With E-W longwire aimed at Manchester TN and preselector peaked on each frequency, I<br />

read the FRG-7 S-meter as S9+22 on 9385, +15 on 9317 and +12 on 9453.<br />

U S A. WRMI still has not resumed weekday afternoon broadcasts on 9955. Nothing there, no jamming either, at 2207<br />

check April 30. Jeff White says they are still waiting on some maintenance to be <strong>do</strong>ne. Unless time is sold, the 8-hour<br />

period of 16-24 UT M-F is scheduled to be filled by World <strong>Radio</strong> Network relays in English, as I assume it still is on<br />

WRMI`s webcast. Maybe in May.<br />

U S A [non]. Sem Limites, the CVC Brazilian service show of snippets of popular classical music bits mixed with evangelism,<br />

on 15410 via Chile, April 30 at 2239 until 2257 when cut abruptly to rock music. This show is a travesty, not presenting any<br />

piece in its entirety, just chopping them up and cutting them off abruptly, such as at 2248. These people have no appreciation<br />

or respect for classical music, but are just using it for one hour a day to try to reach a different audience than otherwise.<br />

Here`s their hard-sell announcer: http://www.radiocvc.com/Grfx/Jose001.jpg<br />

Per schedule at http://www.radiocvc.com/programas2008.htm this is supposed to be at 20-21 hours Brasília time, and so<br />

I had expected it to be at 2300 UT, its original time before Brazil started fooling with DST. That ended this year already on<br />

February 15, but apparently CVC did not shift its Miami-based programming one UT hour later to keep it at the same local<br />

time in parts of Brazil going on and off DST! So it is still running at 22-23 UT.<br />

Despite my disgust, I kept listening for a while, as this could be the final SW broadcast of CVC in Portuguese, which was previously<br />

reported to be ending at Aprilend for financial reasons, tho continuing on internet and satellite feed to affiliates. Yet to be<br />

confirmed, but just try to find any mention of their last remaining SW frequency on website. We`ll find out on May Day.<br />

VENEZUELA [non]. RNVCI via CUBA, 13680 // 15250, VG April 30 at 2302 as YL is opening in stilted English with program<br />

summary, the latter part of the hour to be back in Spanish. Gave date April 30. Then starting with ``Informative Short News``<br />

about Venezuela preparing for swine flu tho no cases yet.<br />

CHILE. Despite reports in April that the Brazilian service of CVC, A Sua Voz, would cease SW at the end of the month, it was<br />

still there on 15410 May 1, at 1336 check, Portuguese mixing with Hausa from DW via Rwanda, 5 Hz away.<br />

Other collisions are 15-17 <strong>Radio</strong> Farda via Lampertheim, 1730-1900 VOA English via Greenville, but after that should<br />

be in the clear until closing at 0100, or is it 0200 So did the service get a reprieve because of Brazilian SW listeners`<br />

objexions, or what.

CUBA. It`s a big day in Cuba, not only MayDay, but the official 48th anniversary of RHC (which started earlier in 1961 as Onda<br />

Corta Experimental Cubana; I remember hearing that from the outset.) At 1326 on 13780 I found a phone interview in Spanish<br />

with Arnie Coro in progress, as he was recounting the foundation of RHC in which he was heavily involved, how they started<br />

out without any studios but were provided space on the fifth and sixth floors of <strong>Radio</strong> Progreso (where they still are). Didn`t<br />

yet have steel towers in place for anten<strong>nas</strong> at Bauta. The first frequency was 11760, still beloved and still in use.<br />

Arnie asserted that he had already received congratulatory messages from English speaking listeners in the USA, where tnx to<br />

the journalistic quality of RHC, people are better informed! He is missing the celebrations in the Plaza de la Revolución as he<br />

is staying home to monitor to be sure everything is going well, and says all transmitters are well-modulated (if so, that would be<br />

a first!). Ended at 1333 and more lo-fi phone reports from correspondents around the country about local celebrations.<br />

The interview with Arnie would normally repeat in the 17 UT hour on the webcast-only playback of Despertar con Cuba, but might<br />

be pre-empted today for live coverage of the festivities. Still one might tune in earlier than 1726 to try to hear the rest of it. I also<br />

would not be surprised if there are additional SW broadcasts today when RHC normally takes a siesta between 15 and 20 UT.<br />

U S A. VOA News, 9760 via Philippines, VG May 1 at 1305 with in-depth report by Dan Robinson, about Somali piracy, many<br />

clips of comments from Capitol Hill.<br />

One of the many `improvements` in VOA`s website redesign is that a gallery of its English-language broadcasters is no longer to be<br />

found. Just these 12 mostly non-English despite the word in the URL: http://www.voanews.com/english/About/talent-gallery.cfm<br />

This news hour is presented by one Philip Alexia (spelling). But that name, nor any other likely spelling, is not even on the long<br />

drop-<strong>do</strong>wn list of correspondent names where one can search out text reports via http://www.voanews.com/english/search.cfm<br />

But then, he`s an anchor, not a correspondent. He puts a lot of expression into his announcing, so much that it may be a<br />

turnoff to some listeners; I wonder if he`s a refugee from commercial radio.<br />

Escutas de Robert Wilkner<br />

Pompano Beach, FL, Esta<strong>do</strong>s Uni<strong>do</strong>s<br />

28 April Florida Logs<br />

3329.62 Peru, <strong>Ondas</strong> del Huallaga, Huánuco 1020 to 1040 om en espanol, music after 1030, yipping excellent Peru high<br />

flutes, and variety of music, <strong>Ondas</strong> del Huallaga ID by locutor. 28 April. Noted 0000 and 1020 for last week or two. .<br />

4699.32 Bolivia <strong>Radio</strong> San Miguel, Riberalta, 0950 om en espanol, fair signal 28 April.<br />

4716.73 Bolivia <strong>Radio</strong> Yura, Yura 1015 usual excellent music, fair to good signal. 28 April.<br />

4796.4. Bolivia <strong>Radio</strong> Lipez, Uyuni absent 1000 to 1100 on 27 and 28 April.<br />

4805 Brasil <strong>Radio</strong> Difusora <strong>do</strong> Amazo<strong>nas</strong>,Manaus, Amazo<strong>nas</strong> 0945 to 1010 fading with Portuguese extended talk by om, 21 April.<br />

4814.95 Ecua<strong>do</strong>r <strong>Radio</strong> El Buen Pastor,Saraguro Loma Loja 1010 to 1100+ April 24 to 28 with good signal [Wilkner &<br />

Florida DXers]<br />

4824.50 Peru La Voz de la Selva, Iquitos 1020 to 1050 blasting in with traditional Peru music. "repeated "Ai ya ya ya" in<br />

one musical selection, 24 April, very hyper om dj 1045 with music. 23 April.<br />

4826.45 Peru <strong>Radio</strong> Sicuani, Sicuani noted 1020 - 1045 under CODAR, om with mx 28 April.<br />

4834.93 Bolivia, R. Virgen de Remedios, Tupiza.presumed 2330 to 0010 fair signal.... per Lúcio Otávio Bobrowiec tips and<br />

logs 27 & 28 April.<br />

Escutas de Brian Alexander<br />

Mechanicsburg, PA, Esta<strong>do</strong>s Uni<strong>do</strong>s<br />

Equipment: TenTec RX-340<br />

two 100 foot longwires<br />


4780, <strong>Radio</strong> Djibouti, *0300-0330, April 26, sign on with National Anthem. Local flute & vocals followed by Qur`an at 0301.<br />

Arabic talk at 0311. Horn of Africa music at 0330. Fair but with CODAR QRM.<br />


7110, <strong>Radio</strong> Ethiopia, 0330-0350, April 26, talk in listed Amharic. Horn of Africa music. Local pop music. Good signal. Fair<br />

on // 9704.19. Very weak on // 5990.63.<br />


5009.94, RTV Malagasy, 0345-0358, April 26, Presumed with African choral music. Talk. Poor with low modulation. Full AM<br />

mode. Not in reduced carrier USB.<br />

ZIMBABWE [non]. via Madagascar<br />

9895, <strong>Radio</strong> Voice of the People, *0400-0455*, April 26, sign on with opening multi-lingual ID announcements, including<br />

English. Vernacular talk at 0402. Short breaks of African music. Many IDs. Mentioned _www.radiovop.com_ (http://www.<br />

radiovop.com) website. Contact information. English at 0441-0455 with news about human rights, violence and the judicial<br />

process in Zimbabwe. English difficult to understand due to accents. Fair to good overall signal.

Escutas de Scott R. Barbour Jr.<br />

Intervale, NH Esta<strong>do</strong>s Uni<strong>do</strong>s<br />

NRD-545, RX-350D<br />

MLB1, 200' Bevs, 60m dipole<br />

3339.98, HONDURAS, HRMI Comayaguela, 0935-1005, April 20, Spanish. Easy-listening ballads; ancr over mx at 0958 w/<br />

ID announcment; back to mx; fair.<br />

5059.35, PERU, tentative LV de las Huarinjas Huancabamba, 2353-0005, April 23, Spanish. Rough copy w/ talk by various<br />

ancrs; short mx bit at 0000 w/ W ancr & talk; brief flute mx bit at 0003 into M ancr; very poor under band QRN; still there at<br />

0022 re-check.<br />

7200, SUDAN, R. Omdurman Al Fitahab, 0222-0305, April 23, Arabic. Talk w/ up-beat wind instrumental; somber-toned M<br />

ancr until presumed Call to Prayer beginning at 0230, sounded "live" w/ occasional response, w/ break for ancr at 0240;<br />

presumed radio drama from 0251; martial-like mx & "Huna Omdurman..." ID ancment at 0300; presumed nx headlines followed<br />

by mx bit; single pip or tone of sorts; brief fanfare & presumed nx in detail; good, clear signal. It's logging stuff like this<br />

that keeps me excited about DXing.<br />

9525, INDONESIA, V. of In<strong>do</strong>nesia Jakarta, 1030-1050, April 21, English. W ancr w/ talk & short mx bits; ID & freq schedule at<br />

1033; lengthy talk over piano mx; another ID at 1039 into mx program; poor-fair; just fair enough to ID but too poor to detail.<br />

9615, PHILLIPINES, R. Veritas Asia Palauig, 1114-1132, April 20, Mandarin. Ancrs w/ talk; mostly over piano mx; W ancr<br />

thru BoH w/ what appeared to be an interview via telephone; fair-good.<br />

15190. EQ. GUINEA, presumed R. Africa Bata, 2052-2103, April 23, English. Preacher w/ usual bible talk until 2100; minute<br />

of open carrier right into " Bible Broadcast" at 2101; poor-fair.<br />



edited by DSWCI Chairman, Anker Petersen.<br />

ISSN 1399-8218<br />

The 52 years old DSWCI which counts experienced DX-ers in 33 countries all over the world as members, has just issued<br />

the 11th Edition of its annual Domestic Broadcasting Survey. This survey is divided into four parts:<br />

Part 1: The 37th edition of the Tropical Bands Survey covering all ACTIVE broadcasting stations on 2300 - 5700 kHz.<br />

Part 2: Domestic stations on international shortwave bands above 5700 kHz broadcasting to a <strong>do</strong>mestic audience.<br />

Part 3: All ACTIVE Clandestine shortwave stations are now listed in one frequencyorder with schedules and identifications.<br />

Part 4: Deleted frequencies between 2 and 30 MHz which have not been reported heard during the past five years, but<br />

may reappear.<br />

This new Survey is based upon many official sources and DX-bulletins. A09 schedules are included when available.<br />

In order to make the DBS reliable, our own monitors around the world have checked throughout the period May 2008 - April<br />

2009, if each of the 1000 station frequencies is on the air. ACTIVE stations are marked with an A (”Regular”), B (”Irregular”)<br />

or C (”Sporadic”) in the list. D means ”Likely inactive”.<br />

A unique feature is the right column called ”Last log”. It shows the last month and year before DBS deadline on April 27, 2009<br />

when the particular station was reported logged by a DX-er somewhere in the world. This is another way of indicating the<br />

current audibility of the station. To avoid inactive stations in this DBS, most frequencies which have not been heard during<br />

the past year, have been deleted and are moved to Part 4.<br />

Other useful features for easy identification (ID) are the parallel frequencies and reference to Station ID slogans.<br />

Three sample extracts from the DBS-11 are shown the next page. Reviews can be found on www.dswci.org<br />

All buyers of DBS-11 will get a username and password to the monthly updates on the tropical bands published as "Tropical Bands<br />

Monitor" on our website. The similar data from 2005, 2006, 2007 and 2008 are available at www.dswci.org/tbm to anybody.<br />

The 35 pages A-4 size DBS-11 is available by e-mail as pdf-format (about 452 KB). A limited number is also available<br />

printed on paper.<br />

It is sold by the treasurer:<br />

DSWCI,<br />

c/o Bent Nielsen, Egekrogen 14, DK 3500 Vaerloese, DENMARK<br />

E-Mail edition: DKK 40,00 or USD 8.00 or EUR 5,00 or GBP 5,00 or SEK 60,00 or IRC 5.<br />

Printed edition: DKK 80,00 or USD 16.00 or EUR 10,00 or GBP 10,00 or SEK 120,00 or IRC 9.<br />

Payment by cash notes are accepted whereas checks and postal money orders are not accepted.<br />

DSWCI Bank is Danske Bank, 2-12 Holmens Kanal, DK-1092 Copenhagen K.<br />

BIC/SWIFT : DABADKKK. IBAN: DK 44 3000 4001 528459.<br />

Danish buyers please use: Reg. 3001- konto 4001528459.<br />

If you have EURO as national currency, you are advised to pay to our representative in Germany, Andreas Schmid.<br />

If you want to pay via PAYPAL, please unconditionally contact Andreas Schmid for information.<br />

Andreas Schmid, Lerchenweg 4, D-97717 Euer<strong>do</strong>rf, Germany.<br />

Account 2912472076 at Citibank BLZ: 30020900. BIC: CIPRDEDD. IBAN: DE24300209002912472076 .<br />

Best 73's,<br />

Anker Petersen and Bent Nielsen

Excelente programa sau<strong>do</strong>sista na Rádio 9 de julho.<br />

O pessoal que gosta de Flash Back, deve fazer a sintonia <strong>do</strong> programa A Volta <strong>do</strong> Sucesso, que é<br />

apresenta<strong>do</strong> de segundas á sextas-feiras, de 1505 ás 1600 UTC, pelo Alteris Barbiero, na Rádio Nove<br />

de Julho de São Paulo.<br />

O programa é totalmente produzi<strong>do</strong>, com a apresentação de sucessos populares das décadas de 1970<br />

e 1980, e a Rádio 9 de julho emite <strong>nas</strong> freqüências de 1.600 kHz, e 9.820 kHz.z.Hz<br />

Rádio Véritas Ásia comemorou 40 anos.<br />

Segunda emissora católica no mun<strong>do</strong> em volume e extensão, a Rádio Veritas Ásia, com emorou em<br />

16 de abril passa<strong>do</strong> o 40 º aniversário <strong>do</strong> início das suas emissões sobre o tema “Crossing Borders, a<br />

partilha de Cristo”. E ‘a segunda empresa <strong>do</strong> mun<strong>do</strong> em volume e âmbito de aplicação, após a Rádio<br />

Vaticano, com transmissões de ondas curtas em 17 idiomas para 20 países na Ásia, incluin<strong>do</strong> China<br />

e <strong>do</strong> Vietname. As celebrações <strong>do</strong> aniversários foram abertas pelo Núncio Eucarístico, em Manila e<br />

foram presidi<strong>do</strong>s pelo Presidente <strong>do</strong> Pontifício Conselho para as Comunicações Sociais, Dom Claudio<br />

M. Celli, juntamente com o núncio apostólico <strong>nas</strong> Filipi<strong>nas</strong>, <strong>do</strong>is cardeais e 17 bispos locais. A Rádio<br />

Veritas Ásia (RVA), foi lança<strong>do</strong> em Dezembro de 1958, quan<strong>do</strong> os delega<strong>do</strong>s da Conferência Episcopal<br />

<strong>do</strong> Sudeste Asiático decidiram iniciar uma estação, inaugurada oficialmente em Quezon City (Filipi<strong>nas</strong>)<br />

em 11 de Abril de 1969.É uma emissora patrocinadas pela Federação das Conferências Episcopais<br />

da Ásia (FABC). Cerca de 90% <strong>do</strong>s seus ouvintes, segun<strong>do</strong> os da<strong>do</strong>s da emissora, não são cristãos.<br />

Fonte: Informativo Zenith.<br />

Ótimo endereço para ser visita<strong>do</strong> por SWLs.<br />

O radioama<strong>do</strong>r e <strong>Radio</strong> Escuta, VE7BPO, mantém uma excelente pági<strong>nas</strong> sobre SWL, ante<strong>nas</strong>, Baluns,<br />

e mil e uma outras informações sobre nosso hobby, no endereço http://www.qrp.pops.net/swl.asp<br />

Vale a pena visitar o endereço, pois traata-se de uma ótima página de pesquisa técnica.<br />

Programa mais antigo <strong>do</strong> Rádio Catarinense.<br />

A Rádio Marconi, ZYT-22, de Urussanga, que há mais de 55 anos, opera em 780 kHz e tem uma<br />

área de abrangência de 17 municípios <strong>do</strong> Sul Catarinense, apresenta em sua grade de programação,<br />

o conheci<strong>do</strong> programa “An<strong>do</strong>rinha Mensageira”, considera<strong>do</strong> o programa mais antigo <strong>do</strong> Rádio<br />

Catarinense, ainda no ar.<br />

Engenheiro cria nova tecnologia para ante<strong>nas</strong><br />

Um engenheiro <strong>do</strong> Departamento de Física da Universidade Rhode Island, Esta<strong>do</strong>s Uni<strong>do</strong>s, Rob<br />

Vincent, confirmou mais uma vez que a necessidade é a mãe da invenção. Rádio-ama<strong>do</strong>r desde<br />

criança, ele sempre sofreu com a impossibilidade de montar uma grande antena em sua casa.<br />

“O Cálice Sagra<strong>do</strong> da tecnologia de ante<strong>nas</strong> é a criação de uma pequena antena com alta eficiência<br />

e banda larga,” explica Vincent. “De acor<strong>do</strong> com a teoria atual, você tem que deixar de la<strong>do</strong> um <strong>do</strong>s<br />

três - tamanho, eficiência ou largura de banda - para obter os outros <strong>do</strong>is.” Após décadas de testes,<br />

combina<strong>do</strong>s com uma experiência de 30 anos como engenheiro, Vicent inventou uma nova tecnologia<br />

de ante<strong>nas</strong> que é revolucionária. Suas ante<strong>nas</strong> monopolo de carga distribuída são peque<strong>nas</strong>, têm alta<br />

eficiência e mantêm uma largura de banda de boa a excelente. E têm múltiplas aplicações. Com esta

tecnologia, será possível pelo menos <strong>do</strong>brar o alcance <strong>do</strong>s rádios utiliza<strong>do</strong>s pela polícia, bombeiros e<br />

pessoal de segurança. Outras aplicações possíveis são: ante<strong>nas</strong> portáteis para uso militar, navios e até<br />

monitores de bebês. Até as RFID, etiquetas inteligentes que deverão substituir os códigos de barras de<br />

produtos, deverão ser beneficiadas. “Ela pode até mesmo tornar o relógio de pulso <strong>do</strong> Dick Tracy, com<br />

todas as suas características, como acesso à Internet, uma possibilidade,” afirma o inventor.<br />

Os testes confirmaram que as ante<strong>nas</strong> de Vincent têm entre um nono e um terço <strong>do</strong> tamanho das<br />

ante<strong>nas</strong> comerciais de mesmo desempenho. Normalmente as ante<strong>nas</strong> peque<strong>nas</strong> têm uma eficência<br />

entre 8 e 15 por cento. Mas as novas mini-ante<strong>nas</strong>, criadas a partir de um programa de computa<strong>do</strong>r que<br />

simula seu comportamento, atingem entre 80 e 100 por cento de eficiência. A Universidade requereu a<br />

patente da invenção e deverá licenciá-la para que as novas ante<strong>nas</strong> possam chegar ao merca<strong>do</strong>.<br />

O endereço <strong>do</strong> Rádio Galena.<br />

A página http://www.bienservida.eu/radiogalena.html é o endereço correto, para aqueles que<br />

desejam aprender um pouco sobre o que vem a ser Rádio Galena, e também para os que desejarem<br />

se aprofundar um pouco mais nesta vertente radiofônica. Pois neste endereço se enco ntra não só<br />

o detalhamento completo <strong>do</strong>s princípios de funcionamento de um galena, como diversos projetos<br />

detalha<strong>do</strong>s de montagem, com cálculos e desenhos das bobi<strong>nas</strong>, construção de capacitores variáveis<br />

e os mais varia<strong>do</strong>s e criativos projetos dentro desta área.<br />

Para verificar a Gray-line, em tempo real.<br />

Aqueles que desejarem acompanhar em tempo real a posição da Gray-Line, poderão fazê-lo através<br />

<strong>do</strong> endereço http://www.fourmilab.ch/cgi-bin/uncgi/Earth/actionopt=-p<br />

Nesta página, que funciona on-line, pode-se fazer atualização da área iluminada pelo sol, da área<br />

iluminada pela lua, <strong>do</strong> la<strong>do</strong> escuro da terra, entrar com as coordenadas geográficas e obter a altitude<br />

<strong>do</strong> local, etc...<br />

As <strong>Ondas</strong> <strong>Curtas</strong> da R. Inconfidência estão em Manutenção.<br />

O Luiz Chaine Neto, de Limeira, SP, fez contato telefônico, com o engenheiro Marcos, responsável<br />

técnico da Rádio Inconfidência de Belo Horizonte, e foi informa<strong>do</strong> que as emissões em <strong>Ondas</strong> <strong>Curtas</strong><br />

estão fora <strong>do</strong> ar, temporariamente, pois eles estão realizan<strong>do</strong> uma manutenção e a migração da<br />

potência atual de 5 kW para a nova portência de 25 kW.<br />

A Rádio Inconfidência, emite em <strong>Ondas</strong> <strong>Curtas</strong>, na freqüência de 6.010 kHz.<br />

Lista Nagoya A-09 já foi atualizada.<br />

A lista Nagoya, publicou a Schedule atualizada para o perío<strong>do</strong> A-09, que se iniciou no mês de março<br />

passa<strong>do</strong> e seguirá até o mês de outubro deste ano.<br />

A relação atualizada poderá ser baixada no endereço http://www.geocities.jp/binewsjp/<br />

Programa Antena<strong>do</strong>s, na Rádio Bandeirantes.<br />

To<strong>do</strong>s os sába<strong>do</strong>s, de 1500 ás 1600 UTC, a Carolina Ercolin, apresenta o programa Antena<strong>do</strong>s, na<br />

Rádio Bandeirantes.<br />

Este programa é uma seleção de dicas culturais para aproveitar o fim de semana, sem deixar a informação<br />

e a prestação de serviços de la<strong>do</strong>. O Antena<strong>do</strong>s dará dicas de filmes, shows e espetáculos em cartaz na<br />

cidade de São Paulo, sugestões de pratos para o almoço de <strong>do</strong>mingo e ainda as novidades <strong>do</strong> mun<strong>do</strong><br />

virtual. A Rádio Bandeirantes emite <strong>nas</strong> freqüências de 840 kHz, 6.090 kHz, 9.645 kHz e 11.925 kHz.<br />

Baixa atividade solar intriga os cientistas.<br />

O portal de notícias da UOL, no endereço http://noticias.uol.com.br/bbc/2009/04/21/ult2282u1659.jhtm<br />

, divulga um texto <strong>do</strong> BBC Brasil.com, no qual apresenta que os cientistas estão intriga<strong>do</strong>s com a atual<br />

baixa atividade solar.

O sol passa por um de seus perío<strong>do</strong>s mais quietos por quase um século, praticamente sem manchas<br />

solares (explosões na atmosfera solar) e emitin<strong>do</strong> poucas chamas.<br />

O sol normalmente passa por ciclos de atividade de 11 anos. Em seu pico, ele tem uma atmosfera<br />

efervescente que lança chamas e “pedaços” gasosos super quentes <strong>do</strong> tamanho de pequenos planetas.<br />

Depois deste pico, o astro normalmente passa por um perío<strong>do</strong> de calmaria.<br />

Esperava-se que o sol voltasse a esquentar no ano passa<strong>do</strong> depois de uma temporada de calmaria.<br />

Mas em vez disso, a pressão <strong>do</strong> vento solar chegou ao seu nível mais baixo em 50 anos, as emissões<br />

radiológicas são as mais baixas <strong>do</strong>s últimos 55 anos e as atividades mais baixas de manchas solares<br />

<strong>do</strong>s últimos 100 anos. E como sabemos, esta calmaria solar afeta muito negativamente a propagação<br />

das <strong>Ondas</strong> de Rádio.<br />

Magnífico trabalho sobre o rádio <strong>do</strong> passa<strong>do</strong>.<br />

O psicoterapeuta Luiz Uchida, de 52 anos, sau<strong>do</strong>sista, e amante de rádio, desenvolveu, em Power<br />

point, á partir de 2005, uma apresentação de slides, com o objetivo de manter a memória <strong>do</strong> rádio,<br />

com aquilo que viveu nos anos 70 e dividir as emoções que sente com outras pessoas que viveram ou<br />

ouvem falar sobre aquela época. No Blog “Peças Raras”, pode-se encontrar este trabalho. O endereço<br />

da página é http://pecasraras.blogspot.com/2008/07/o-rdio-<strong>do</strong>s-anos-70-oua-luiz-uchida.html<br />

A Voz da Nigéria é boa paga<strong>do</strong>ra de QSLs.<br />

O dexista Hector Goyena, de Buenos Aires, Argentina, publicou na Condig List, que recebeu em 40<br />

dias o cartão QSL de uma escuta feita da Rádio Voice of Nigéria, em 15.120 kHz. O informe deve ir<br />

para englishvon@yahoo.com<br />

Rádio Taiwan deseja contratar locutor.<br />

Se você está interessa<strong>do</strong> em trabalhar na Rádio Taiwan Internacional, este é o momento, pois a<br />

emissora est’as á procura de locutor, para trabalho em tempo parcial, no departamento espanhol.<br />

Os pré requisitos solicita<strong>do</strong>s são: <strong>do</strong>mínio <strong>do</strong> idioma espanhol, ter o curso superior, estar residin<strong>do</strong> em<br />

Taiwan, ter bom <strong>do</strong>mínio de textos em chinês, ter permissão para trabalhar no país. Os interessa<strong>do</strong>s devem<br />

enviar currículo, para o endereço eletrônico rtiesp@gmail. Estas informações estão no site da emissora.<br />

Renato Uliana apresenta artigo sobre Rádio Digital.<br />

O pessoal que deseja se informar sobre o <strong>Radio</strong> Digital, DRM, IBOC (HD Rádio) tem na página <strong>do</strong> Renato<br />

Uliana um excelente material versan<strong>do</strong> sobre o assunto, de maneira acessível, fácil e de entendimento<br />

direto. Este material está no endereço http://www.amantes<strong>do</strong>radio.com.br/drm/index.htm<br />

Programação e pesquisa com prêmios na DW.<br />

O serviço português da Deutsche welle, neste perío<strong>do</strong> A09 que se iniciou em março passa<strong>do</strong>, apresenta<br />

uma programação e esquema de transmissões, constan<strong>do</strong> de duas emissões diárias, uma de 0530<br />

ás 0600 UTC, em 9700 kHz e 13.800 kHz; e a segunda de 1930 ás 2000 UTC, em 6.150 kHz, 11.795<br />

kHz, 15.620 kHz e 17.860 kHz.<br />

Nas duas emissões, de segunda a sexta feira é da<strong>do</strong> maior ênfase ás notícias nacionais e internacionais,<br />

porém nos finais de semana a emissora está divulgan<strong>do</strong> bastante o programa “learning by ear” (Aprender<br />

de ouvi<strong>do</strong>), que é apresenta<strong>do</strong> <strong>nas</strong> emissões <strong>do</strong>s sába<strong>do</strong>s e também aos <strong>do</strong>mingos. Neste programa,<br />

eles desejam a interação com os ouvintes, responden<strong>do</strong>, a uma pesquisa de opinião onde desejam saber<br />

<strong>do</strong> ouvinte, porque ouvem o programa, em que o programa tem a ver com a sua vida, se o programa lhe<br />

acrescenta conhecimentos, o que o surpreendeu no programa e as sugestões que desejam apresentar.<br />

As respostas poderão ser enviadas, até 31 de julho, por via postal para Deutsche Welle, Programa<br />

português, 53110 Bona, Alemanha ou por meio de E-Mail para afriportug@dw-world.de<br />

Ás participantes será envia<strong>do</strong>, de acor<strong>do</strong> com a qualidade de suas respostas, diversos brindes da<br />

emissoras que mencionam como: Receptores de <strong>Ondas</strong> <strong>Curtas</strong>, Bonés e chaveiros da emissora.

Guerra de RF: EUA x Talibãns.<br />

Segun<strong>do</strong> a lista BCLNews publicou, ten<strong>do</strong> como fonte notícias da ANSA, os Esta<strong>do</strong>s Uni<strong>do</strong>s lançaram<br />

iniciativas no Afeganistão e no Paquistão para impedir que o Taliban utilize de estações de rádio e<br />

sites. Eles acreditram que os rebeldes se utilizariam destes meios para intimidar a população civil<br />

e para organizar ataques contra os EUA e as forças da OTAN. O Pentágono e A inteligência Norte<br />

Americana, estão crian<strong>do</strong> bloqueios eletrônicos contra as emissoras talibãs existentes na fronteira<br />

entre o Paquistão e o Afeganistão, e além disso também estão crian<strong>do</strong> bloqueios cibernéticos para<br />

bloquear chats e sites.<br />

LRA36 sen<strong>do</strong> captada com freqüência no Brasil.<br />

Ultimamente, tem apareci<strong>do</strong> muito nos diais <strong>do</strong>s dexistas brasileiros, a LRA-36 Rádio Nacional Arcángel<br />

San Gabriel que é uma emissora argentina que transmite da Base Esperanza, na Antárctica, algumas<br />

horas por semana, na freqüência de 15476 kHz. Esta emissora costuma se identificar como:”Transmite<br />

en español para el mun<strong>do</strong> LRA36 <strong>Radio</strong> Nacional Arcangel San Gabriel, desde Base Esperanza,<br />

Antartida Argentina, Republica Argentina, en su frecuencia de 15476 khz, en la banda de 19 metros.” ,<br />

e o seu endereço de E-Mail é LRA36@infovia.com.ar.<br />

Emissões em espanhol da Rádio Romênia Internacional.<br />

O serviço español, da Rádio Romênia Internacional, apresenta, neste perío<strong>do</strong> A09, quatro emissões<br />

diárias, dentro <strong>do</strong> seguinte esquema: de 1900 ás 2000 UTC, <strong>nas</strong> freqüências de 9.580 kHz e 11.715<br />

kHz; de 2100 ás 2200 UTC, <strong>nas</strong> freqüências de 9.755 kHz e 11.965 kHz; de 2300 ás 2400 UTC, <strong>nas</strong><br />

frequências de 6.100 kHz, 9.655 kHz, 9.745 kHz e 11.955 kHz e a última emissão, de 0200 ás 0300<br />

UTC, <strong>nas</strong> freqüências de 5. 975 kHz, 9. 520 kHz, 9. 645 kHz e 11. 945 kHz.<br />

Programa preventivo da TWR, em português para Angola.<br />

Sempre aos <strong>do</strong>mingos, ás 2120 UTC a TWR-África emite um programa para Angola, em português,<br />

falan<strong>do</strong> e exclarecen<strong>do</strong> seus ouvintes sobre HIV e AIDS. O programa é emiti<strong>do</strong> em português, na<br />

freqüência de 6.130 kHz, na banda de 49 metros. O endereço postal desta emissora é Trans World<br />

<strong>Radio</strong>-Africa; P.O. Box 4232;1620, Kempton Park Republic of South Africa.<br />

Emissora Andina que sempre aparece nos nossos diais.<br />

Uma emissora andina que volta e meia é captada aqui no Brasil é a OAX7T, Rádio Sicuani, licenciada<br />

para 4.835 kHz, e que emite com um transmissor Harris de 1 kW, conecta<strong>do</strong> a uma antena dipolo de ½<br />

onda, costuma se identificar, pomposamente como: “Aqui y en to<strong>do</strong> lugar <strong>Radio</strong> Sicuani desde Sicuani,<br />

<strong>do</strong>s frecuencias para el mun<strong>do</strong>: OAX7T 4835kc onda corta internacional banda de 60 metros y OAX7R<br />

1365kc onda media. <strong>Radio</strong> Sicuani, seguimos ocupan<strong>do</strong> el corazón del pueblo”. O seu endereço postal<br />

é: Jr. 2 de Mayo 206, Sicuanio, Provincia de Canchis, Departamento de Cusco. - P.O.Box 45, Sicuani.<br />

Rádio Minsk no perío<strong>do</strong> A09.<br />

A Rádio Minsk, que emite desde a Bielo Rússia (Belarus), neste perío<strong>do</strong> A09 que se iniciou em março<br />

passa<strong>do</strong> e seguirá até outubro deste ano, emitirá dentro <strong>do</strong> seguinte esquema: de 1100 ás 2300 UTC,<br />

<strong>nas</strong> freqüências de 7.390 kHz e 7.210 Khz; á partir de 2300 UTC, na freqüência de 7.255 kHz. Os<br />

informes de recepção devem ser envia<strong>do</strong>s para<br />

Departamento Técnico, 9, Makayonka St., Minsk, 220807, Belarus. O site da emissora está no endereço<br />

http://www.tvr.by/eng/ e o seu endereço de E-mail é radiostation-belarus@tvr.by<br />

Emissoras, Mexicana e Colombiana, se interferin<strong>do</strong> em 6.010 kHz.<br />

Pela troca de correspondência eletrônica, feita na Condig List, entre o Julián Santiago Díez de Bonilla,<br />

<strong>do</strong> México; o José Elias Diaz, de Barcelona, na Venezuela; e o Manuel Méndez, de Lugo, na Espanha,<br />

observamos que na freqüência de 6.010 kHz, existem duas emissoras se interferin<strong>do</strong> bastante e

“guerrean<strong>do</strong>” para tentar serem captadas. São elas, a Rádio Mil, <strong>do</strong> México, e a Rádio La Voz de tu<br />

Conciencia, da Colombia. Estes dexistas narraram que ora uma interfere sobre a outra, principalmente<br />

nos horários noturnos, impossibilitan<strong>do</strong> á cópia das modulações. O Julián Santiago, até informou que<br />

devi<strong>do</strong> as interferências causadas pela Rádio La Voz de tu Conciencia, o obrigaram a encerrar o<br />

espaço dexista da emissora, e parar com a política de QSLs, devi<strong>do</strong> a esta interferência que vem<br />

sofren<strong>do</strong> a Rádio Mil.<br />

Estes problemas de interferências da Rádio Mil, já são antigos, pois em 2002, ela, que foi planejada<br />

para emitir em 6060 kHz, mas devi<strong>do</strong> a presença da Family Rádio em 6065 kHz ocorriam interferências<br />

e eles tiveram que mudar a freqüência, e nestes anos já mudaram bastante, sem se fixar em uma que<br />

fosse limpa para as transmissões.<br />

Vatican<strong>do</strong> investin<strong>do</strong> alto em energia solar.<br />

Um projeto que irá custar aos cofres <strong>do</strong> Esta<strong>do</strong> da Cidade <strong>do</strong> Vaticano, cerca de 500 milhões de euros<br />

e será confia<strong>do</strong> ao grupo alemão SolarWorld AG, uma empresa especializada na construção de painéis<br />

solares; irá produzir uma quantidade de energia equivalente a 100 megawatts, não só para satisfazer<br />

as necessidades de rádio Vaticano, mas também o esta<strong>do</strong> e cerca de 40 mil famílias, e o excedente<br />

de energia, será então vendi<strong>do</strong> para a Itália.<br />

Os painéis fotovoltaicos serão instala<strong>do</strong>s em Santa Maria Galeria, localidade que que abriga as<br />

instalações da Rádio Vaticano. Já no Outono passa<strong>do</strong>, foram efetua<strong>do</strong>s testes de painéis solares para<br />

a Casa Paulo VI, no Vaticano, e foi anunciada a futura criação <strong>do</strong> sistema de captação de energia<br />

solar, que levará, em 2014, o Vaticano para o patamar de maior instalação de armazenamento de solar<br />

da Europa.(Via BCLNews)<br />

Programa Rádio DX<br />

O DX Clube <strong>do</strong> Brasil convida a to<strong>do</strong>s para ouvirem mais uma edição <strong>do</strong> tradicional programa Rádio<br />

DX, irradia<strong>do</strong> pelas ondas da Rádio Christian Vision, neste 1º de maio. Vai ao ar, às 15h, na freqüência<br />

de 15410 kHz, na faixa de 19 metros. Também será reprisa<strong>do</strong> no sába<strong>do</strong>, às 9h, pela mesma freqüência<br />

e, no <strong>do</strong>mingo, às 18h, no mesmo canal. Também há uma reprise, às 23h, na hora de Brasília, no<br />

sába<strong>do</strong>, mas ape<strong>nas</strong> em www.radiocvc.com.<br />

A Rádio CVC havia anuncia<strong>do</strong> o corte de suas transmissões em ondas curtas para o final de abril,<br />

por medida de economia com seus transmissores de Santiago, no Chile. Entretanto, levan<strong>do</strong> em<br />

consideração a audiência conquistada nos últimos tempos em ondas curtas, a medida poderá ser<br />

evitada. A intenção é manter a emissão em 15410 kHz entre 9h e 22h, na hora de Brasília.<br />

Nesta edição, o Rádio DX apresentará a coluna Trans-Oceanic, com as principais escutas da semana,<br />

sob a condução de Marcelo Vieira. Também o segmento Conversan<strong>do</strong> com os <strong>Radio</strong>escutas, onde<br />

Ulysses Galetti abordará alguns cuida<strong>do</strong>s que o dexista deverá ter no manuseio com o seu receptor de<br />

rádio. Já Danilo Nonato interpretará uma colaboração especial <strong>do</strong> historia<strong>do</strong>r Sérgio Partamian a respeito<br />

da Rádio Chilique, uma emissora pirata que funcionou na década de 1980 em São Paulo (SP).<br />

Se você ainda não tem o QSL <strong>do</strong> Rádio DX, envie um informe de recepção para o seguinte endereço: Caixa<br />

Postal 51, CEP: 90.001-970, Porto Alegre (RS). Ou para o e-mail: dx@romais.jor.br. (Via <strong>Radio</strong>escutas)


Por Célio Romais<br />

Colaborações para:<br />

dx@romais.jor.br<br />

To<strong>do</strong>s os horários são no Tempo Universal Coordena<strong>do</strong> (UTC);<br />

ALEMANHA – Após 27 anos de trabalho na Deutsche Welle, Annelie Johannemann está se<br />

aposentan<strong>do</strong>. Ela era a responsável pelo contato entre a emissora e os monitores da programação em<br />

língua portuguesa.<br />

ARGENTINA – A Rádio Difusão Argentina Para o Exterior – RAE transmite em português, de segundas<br />

a sextas-feiras, entre 1000 e 1100, no Tempo Universal, em 11710 kHz.<br />

BRASIL – A Rádio Cultura Brasil, de São Paulo (SP), continua enfrentan<strong>do</strong> problemas técnicos em<br />

sua frequência de 9615 kHz, em 31 metros. Outra emissora que está espalhan<strong>do</strong> espúrios naquela<br />

faixa é a Rádio Globo, de São Paulo (SP), que retransmite a programação da igreja pentecostal Deus<br />

é Amor em 9580 kHz. Em sua identificação, a programação da igreja informa que quem retransmite a<br />

programação em 6030 e 11805 kHz, canais da Globo fluminense, seria uma emissora chamada Novo<br />

Milênio. Há coisas que somente a parceria entre o Sistema Globo e a igreja Deus é Amor explicam!<br />

BRASIL – Desde Curumim (RS), Édison Bocorny Júnior relata que as seguintes emissoras brasileiras<br />

estão inativas, no momento, em ondas curtas: Super Rádio Deus é Amor, em 6060 kHz; Inconfidência,<br />

em 6010 kHz; Clube Paranaense, em 6040 kHz; Guarujá, em 5980 kHz; Canção Nova, em 9675 kHz;<br />

Gazeta, em 9685 kHz; Tupi, em 11765 kHz; Marumby, em 11750 kHz; Guaíba, em 11785 kHz; Globo,<br />

em 11805 kHz; CBN Anhanguera, em 11830 kHz; Super Boa Vontade, em 11895 kHz; Gazeta, em<br />

15325 kHz; Cultura Brasil, em 17815 kHz.<br />

BRASIL – Desde Barreiras (BA), Ramón Aragão relata que tem escuta<strong>do</strong>, diariamente, a programação<br />

da Rádio Sena<strong>do</strong> <strong>Ondas</strong> <strong>Curtas</strong>, de Brasília (DF), na frequência de 5990 kHz. Recentemente, ele<br />

ouviu diversos relatos de ouvintes que se solidarizavam com os funcionários da emissora por causa<br />

da campanha difamatória veiculada na imprensa por ocasião <strong>do</strong>s escândalos envolven<strong>do</strong> o absur<strong>do</strong><br />

da existência de diretorias naquela Casa Legislativa. Segun<strong>do</strong> ele, a Rádio Sena<strong>do</strong> leu artigo escrito<br />

por este colunista. Como “um velho ouvinte de onda curta e amante <strong>do</strong> dexismo”, o Ramón classifica<br />

como “nobre” o ato <strong>do</strong>s que apoiam a Rádio Sena<strong>do</strong> <strong>Ondas</strong> <strong>Curtas</strong>.<br />

BRASIL – Conforme Édison Bocorny Júnior, a Super Boa Vontade, de Porto Alegre (RS), até mesmo<br />

desmontou o seu parque de transmissores de ondas curtas que fica nos arre<strong>do</strong>res da capital gaúcha.<br />

CHINA – As transmissões em português da Rádio Internacional da China vão ao ar no seguinte<br />

esquema: entre 1900 e 2000, em 7335 e 9620 kHz, para a Europa; entre 2200 e 2300, em 6175 e<br />

7260 kHz, para a Europa; das 1900 às 2000, em 5985, 7405, 9535 e 9765 kHz, para a África; das<br />

1930 às 2000, em 11640 e 13630 kHz, para a África; entre 2200 e 2300, em 9410 e 9685 kHz, para a<br />

América <strong>do</strong> Sul; das 2300 às 0000, em 9560 e 13650 kHz, para a América <strong>do</strong> Sul; das 0000 às 0100,<br />

em 9560 e 9710 kHz, para a América <strong>do</strong> Sul. To<strong>do</strong>s os horários são no Tempo Universal. Para entrar<br />

em contato com a Rádio Internacional da China de uma forma econômica, basta escrever para: Rua<br />

José Linhares, 137, Apart. 401, CEP: 22430-220, Rio de Janeiro (RJ).<br />

EQUADOR – As transmissões em português da HCJB vão ao ar no seguinte esquema: entre 1500 e<br />

1700, em 11705 kHz, em mo<strong>do</strong> DRM; das 1730 às 2000, em 15295 kHz; entre 2300 e 0230, em 11920<br />

kHz. To<strong>do</strong>s os horários são no Tempo Universal Coordena<strong>do</strong>.<br />

ESLOVÁQUIA – A programação em espanhol da Rádio Eslováquia Internacional pode ser captada<br />

facilmente, entre 2000 e 2030, no Tempo Universal, em 11650 kHz.<br />

ESPANHA – Uma lista atualizada com os horários e freqüências das transmissões em idioma espanhol<br />

pode ser conferida no seguinte link: http://www.mun<strong>do</strong>dx. net/portada_lista.asp.<br />

ESPANHA VIA CHINA – O retransmissor chinês de Xian de 120 kW joga longe a programação em<br />

espanhol da Rádio Exterior de España, entre 1200 e 1400, no Tempo Universal, que originalmente deveria<br />

atingir as Filipi<strong>nas</strong>. O sinal tem chega<strong>do</strong> com regular sintonia no Sul <strong>do</strong> Brasil, por volta de 1200.<br />

ESPANHA – Tem ti<strong>do</strong> regular sintonia, no Sul <strong>do</strong> Brasil, a programação em espanhol da Rádio Exterior<br />

de España, entre 0400 e 0800, no Tempo Universal, na frequência de 5965 kHz. Por volta de 0540. Em<br />

3 de maio, o sinal era muito bom, quan<strong>do</strong> a emissora retransmitia um programa da Rádio Nacional da<br />

Espanha sobre os <strong>do</strong>nos de terras que tiveram suas propriedades hipotecadas após a crise mundial.

ESPANHA – O Tabulero Deportivo de 2 de maio foi monitora<strong>do</strong>, em Porto Alegre (RS), por volta de<br />

1910, no Tempo Universal, em duas freqüências: 15110 e 17595 kHz, quan<strong>do</strong> o Barça venceu o Real<br />

Madrid por 6 a 2. Particularmente, o ouvinte brasileiro não entende o mo<strong>do</strong> espanhol de acompanhar<br />

os jogos de futebol, onde vários locutores se revezam narran<strong>do</strong> os lances mais perigosos e não ape<strong>nas</strong><br />

uma partida, como é feito aqui no Brasil.<br />

ESTADOS UNIDOS VIA CHILE - A Rádio CVC havia anuncia<strong>do</strong> o corte de suas transmissões em<br />

ondas curtas para o final de abril, por medida de economia com seus transmissores de Santiago, no<br />

Chile. Entretanto, levan<strong>do</strong> em consideração a audiência conquistada nos últimos tempos em ondas<br />

curtas, a medida poderá ser evitada. A intenção é manter a emissão em 15410 kHz entre 9h e 22h, na<br />

hora de Brasília.<br />

JAPÃO VIA ANTILHAS HOLANDESAS – A programação em espanhol da Rádio Japão pode ser ouvida,<br />

com boa sintonia, entre 0400 e 0430, em 6195 kHz. Grande parte <strong>do</strong>s informes que a emissora recebe<br />

dá uma boa performance de sintonia ape<strong>nas</strong> para esta freqüência.<br />

ROMÊNIA – Os novos transmissores da Rádio Romênia estão aprova<strong>do</strong>s! Em 1º de maio, acompanhei,<br />

em Porto Alegre (RS), a emissão em espanhol que era destinada à Europa, às 1900, no Tempo<br />

Universal, em 11715 kHz.<br />

RÚSSIA - Onda DX é o nome <strong>do</strong> programa de dexismo que a Voz da Rússia leva ao ar <strong>nas</strong> emissões,<br />

em português, das quartas-feiras. Tem a produção e a apresentação de Jo<strong>nas</strong> Bernardino.<br />

RÚSSIA – A transmissão em espanhol da Voz da Rússia que vai ao ar entre 2000 e 2100, possui<br />

excelente sintonia, no Sul <strong>do</strong> Brasil, na freqüência de 5920 kHz.<br />

TURQUIA – A programação em espanhol da Voz da Turquia possui regular sintonia, na América <strong>do</strong> Sul,<br />

das 0100 às 0200, no Tempo Universal, em 9870 kHz.<br />

URUGUAI – A Rádio Sarandi Sport, de Montevidéu, planeja voltar a transmitir em 6045 kHz<br />

dentro de 15 ou 20 dias. A informação é <strong>do</strong> Gustavo Cirino. A emissora utilizará uma potência<br />

de 3 kW, em mo<strong>do</strong> LSB.<br />

VIETNÃ VIA CANADÁ - Possui regular sintonia, no Sul <strong>do</strong> Brasil, a emissão em espanhol da Voz <strong>do</strong><br />

Vietnã, que vai ao ar, entre 0430 e 0500, em 6175 kHz, via relay da Rádio Canadá. Conforme Kariane<br />

Modelski Golembieski, de Nova Prata (RS), <strong>nas</strong> segundas-feiras, após o noticiário, você pode ouvir<br />

um resumos das principais notícias da semana na América Latina. Em seguida, a emissora leva ao ar<br />

reportagens e entrevistas sobre a cultura <strong>do</strong> Vietnã.<br />


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