LETTER OF INTENT - Zoonoses - Universidade Federal do Paraná

LETTER OF INTENT - Zoonoses - Universidade Federal do Paraná LETTER OF INTENT - Zoonoses - Universidade Federal do Paraná

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LETTER OF INTENT between PURDUE UNIVERSITY West Lafayette, Indiana, USA (“Purdue”) UNIVERSIDADE FEDERAL DO PARANÁ Curitiba, Paraná, Brazil (“UFPR”) The College of Veterinary Medicine at Purdue University and the College of Veterinary Medicine at Universidade Federal do Paraná establish this Letter of Intent to foster international cooperation in education, research and extension (outreach). 1. Both parties agree to encourage the following activities, in particular to promote international academic cooperation: a) Exchange of materials in education, research and extension (outreach), publications, and academic information; b) Exchange of faculty and research scholars; c) Exchange of undergraduate and graduate students; d) Joint research and meetings for education, research and extension (outreach); e) Technical scientific assistance Before these activities can be implemented, both parties shall discuss the problems involved to the benefit of each party and enter into specific activity agreements based on the mutually agreed objectives and outcomes of the partnership. 2. This Letter of Intent shall be applicable to educational, research and extension (outreach) organizations attached to each party. 3. This Letter of Intent constitutes the entire agreement between the parties, and all prior discussions, agreements, and understandings, whether verbal or in writing, are merged in this agreement. 4. This Letter of Intent is not considered to be a contract creating legal and financial relationships between the parties. Rather, it is designed to facilitate and develop a genuine and mutually beneficial exchange process/research relationship, and so forth. 1

<strong>LETTER</strong> <strong>OF</strong> <strong>INTENT</strong><br />

between<br />


West Lafayette, Indiana, USA<br />

(“Purdue”)<br />


Curitiba, Paraná, Brazil<br />

(“UFPR”)<br />

The College of Veterinary Medicine at Purdue University and the College of Veterinary<br />

Medicine at <strong>Universidade</strong> <strong>Federal</strong> <strong>do</strong> Paraná establish this Letter of Intent to foster<br />

international cooperation in education, research and extension (outreach).<br />

1. Both parties agree to encourage the following activities, in particular to promote<br />

international academic cooperation:<br />

a) Exchange of materials in education, research and extension (outreach), publications,<br />

and academic information;<br />

b) Exchange of faculty and research scholars;<br />

c) Exchange of undergraduate and graduate students;<br />

d) Joint research and meetings for education, research and extension (outreach);<br />

e) Technical scientific assistance<br />

Before these activities can be implemented, both parties shall discuss the problems<br />

involved to the benefit of each party and enter into specific activity agreements based on<br />

the mutually agreed objectives and outcomes of the partnership.<br />

2. This Letter of Intent shall be applicable to educational, research and extension<br />

(outreach) organizations attached to each party.<br />

3. This Letter of Intent constitutes the entire agreement between the parties, and all<br />

prior discussions, agreements, and understandings, whether verbal or in writing, are<br />

merged in this agreement.<br />

4. This Letter of Intent is not considered to be a contract creating legal and financial<br />

relationships between the parties. Rather, it is designed to facilitate and develop a genuine<br />

and mutually beneficial exchange process/research relationship, and so forth.<br />


5. This Letter of Intent shall become effective as of the date of signatures of both parties.<br />

It may be amended by the written consent of the parties.<br />

6. This Letter of Intent should be reviewed every five years to evaluate the progress and<br />

the quality of the mutual cooperation. It may be extended for additional five year periods<br />

upon the written consent of both parties. If the Letter of Intent is not renewed by mutual<br />

consent, then it will conclude at the end of the specified time period, or after activities in<br />

progress have concluded.<br />

7. This Letter of Intent may be terminated by either party with a minimum of 60 days<br />

written notice. Activities in progress at the time of termination shall be permitted to<br />

conclude as planned unless otherwise agreed.<br />

8. Both institutions subscribe to a policy of equal opportunity and will not discriminate<br />

on the basis of race, religion, color, sex, age, national origin or ancestry, marital status,<br />

parental status, disability, or veteran status.<br />

9. Each party shall designate a person or office to serve as liaison for implementing this<br />

Letter of Intent. For Purdue University, the contact person will be J. Catharine Scott-<br />

Moncrieff, 625 Harrison Street, West Lafayette IN 47907, USA. Office: +1 765 494-1107,<br />

scottmon@purdue.edu. For <strong>Universidade</strong> <strong>Federal</strong> <strong>do</strong> Paraná, the contact person will be<br />

Alexander Bion<strong>do</strong>, Rua <strong>do</strong>s Funcionários 1540, Curitiba, PR 80.035-050, Brasil. Office: +55<br />

41 3350-5723, abion<strong>do</strong>@illinois.edu.<br />

10. This Letter of Intent is written both in English and in Portuguese and the texts are<br />

equally official.<br />

Signing for<br />

School of Veterinary Medicine,<br />

Purdue University<br />

Signing for<br />

<strong>Universidade</strong> <strong>Federal</strong> <strong>do</strong> Paraná<br />

Dr. Willie M Reed<br />

Dean - College of Veterinary Medicine<br />

Antonio Waldir Cunha da Silva<br />

Dean - College of Veterinary Medicine<br />

Date:<br />

Date:<br />



entre<br />


West Lafayette, Indiana, EUA<br />

(“Purdue”)<br />


Curitiba, Paraná, Brasil<br />

(“UFPR”)<br />

O Curso de Medicina Veterinária da <strong>Universidade</strong> de Purdue e o Curso de Medicina<br />

Veterinária da <strong>Universidade</strong> <strong>Federal</strong> <strong>do</strong> Paraná estabelecem esta Carta de Intenções para<br />

dar suporte a cooperação internacional em ensino, pesquisa e extensão.<br />

1. Ambas partes concordam em encorajar as seguintes atividades, em particular para<br />

promover cooperação acadêmica internacional:<br />

a) Intercâmbio de materiais de educação, pesquisa e extensão, publicações e informação<br />

acadêmica;<br />

b) Intercâmbio de professores e alunos bolsistas de pesquisa;<br />

c) Intercâmbio de estudantes de graduação e pós-graduação;<br />

d) Pesquisa conjunta e reuniões para ensino, pesquisa e extensão;<br />

e) Assistência técnico-científica<br />

Antes que as atividades sejam implementadas, ambas partes devem discutir os problemas<br />

envolvi<strong>do</strong>s no benefício de cada parte e entrar em acor<strong>do</strong>s de atividades específicas,<br />

basea<strong>do</strong> nos objetivos acorda<strong>do</strong>s mútuos e retornos da parceria.<br />

2. Esta Carta de Intenções deve ser aplicada a organizações de ensino, de pesquisa e de<br />

extensão vincula<strong>do</strong>s a cada parte.<br />

3. Esta Carta de Intenções constitui inteiro acor<strong>do</strong> entre as partes, e todas discussões,<br />

acor<strong>do</strong>s e entendimentos prévios, sejam verbais ou escritos, estão incluí<strong>do</strong>s neste acor<strong>do</strong>.<br />

4. Esta Carta de Intenções não é considerada um contrato crian<strong>do</strong> parceria legal ou<br />

financeira entre as partes. Ao contrário, é designa<strong>do</strong> para facilitar e desenvolver um<br />

processo de intercâmbio / parceria em pesquisa de benefício mútuo, e assim em diante.<br />

5. Esta Carta de Intenções tornar-se-á efetiva na data das assinaturas de ambas as<br />

partes. Pode ser melhorada por consentimento por escrito entre as partes.<br />


6. Esta Carta de Intenções deve ser revisada a cada cinco anos para avaliar o progresso e<br />

a qualidade da cooperação mútua. Pode ser prorrogada por perío<strong>do</strong>s adicionais de cinco<br />

anos sob consentimento por escrito entre as partes. Se a Carta de Intenções não for<br />

renovada por mútuo consentimento, será portanto concluída ao final <strong>do</strong> tempo específico<br />

<strong>do</strong> perío<strong>do</strong>, ou após as atividades em andamento terem si<strong>do</strong> concluídas.<br />

7. Esta Carta de Intenções pode ser encerrada por qualquer uma das partes com um<br />

mínimo de 60 dias de notificação escrita. Atividades em andamento no momento <strong>do</strong><br />

encerramento poderão ter permissão de conclusão como planejadas caso não haja acor<strong>do</strong><br />

em contrário.<br />

8. Ambas instituições subscrevem-se a uma política de oportunidade igualitária e não<br />

descriminatória seja por raça, religião, cor, sexo, idade, nacionalidade ou ascendência,<br />

esta<strong>do</strong> civil, esta<strong>do</strong> de filiação, desabilidade ou esta<strong>do</strong> de veterano (de guerra).<br />

9. Cada parte deverá designar uma pessoa ou escritório para servir de media<strong>do</strong>r na<br />

implementação desta Carta de Intenções. Pela <strong>Universidade</strong> de Purdue, a pessoa para<br />

contato será a Dra. J. Catharine Scott-Moncrieff, 625 Harrison Street, West Lafayette IN<br />

47907, USA. Escritório: +1 765 494-1107, scottmon@purdue.edu. Pela <strong>Universidade</strong><br />

<strong>Federal</strong> <strong>do</strong> Paraná, será o Dr. Alexander Bion<strong>do</strong>, Rua <strong>do</strong>s Funcionários 1540, Curitiba, PR<br />

80.035-050, Brasil. Escritório: +55 41 3350-5723, abion<strong>do</strong>@illinois.edu.<br />

10. Esta Carta de Intenções está escrita em Inglês e Português e os textos são igualmente<br />

oficiais.<br />

Signing for<br />

Purdue University<br />

Signing for<br />

<strong>Universidade</strong> <strong>Federal</strong> <strong>do</strong> Paraná<br />

Dr. Willie M Reed<br />

Dean - College of Veterinary Medicine<br />

Antonio Waldir Cunha da Silva<br />

Dean - College of Veterinary Medicine<br />

Date:<br />

Date:<br />


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