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Arquivo completo em PDF - Imip Arquivo completo em PDF - Imip


12 9. Abstract Introduction: They are scarce the studies on the maternal transmission of the malaria to the newly born. In Angola, in spite of the malaria occurrence in pregnant women and newly born to be frequent, there are not studies on the congenital malaria. Objectives: To determine the malaria frequency in the mothers and their children and to investigate associated factors to the maternal-foetal transmission in the Maternities Lucrécia Paim (MLP). Methods: A data set derived from a cross-sectional study, of hospital base, in the period of June to August of 2007. The drop thickens it was obtained through samples of the pregnant woman peripheral blood, blood of the placenta, umbilical string and peripheral blood of the newly born. They were also gathered information on the maternal antecedents through standardized questionnaire and clinical data of the newly born. Results: 500 parturient admitted in the Central Maternity of Luanda participated in the study and 507 newly born, being observed that 22 (4,4%) of the mothers they had samples of the positive outlying blood for malaria for P. falciparum. Among the positive mothers, parasitism was detected in 100% of the samples of the placenta, umbilical string and of the concept. It was verified that the malaria maternal statistically was strongly associated to the prenatal accompaniment. Women that didn't accomplish the prenatal almost had five times more chances of transmitting malaria to the concept, compared the ones that they had accomplished (p=0,018). The non accomplishment of the prophylaxis during the gestation was associated a congenital malaria occurrence three times more than the ones that had been submitted to preventive measurements (p=0,021). There was no significant association statistically to the mother's age, the number of childbirths, number of consultations prenatal and malaria report during the pregnancy. Although it was observed a decreasing tendency of the malaria occurrence with the increase of the weight of the newly born, there was not association statistically significant with none of the investigated conditions. Conclusions: Characteristic of the newly born associated to the congenital malaria, denoting the importance of if carrying through the precocious laboratorial diagnosis in the children whose mothers’ present positive thick drop for malaria. Although if it has found a prevalence of 4,4% to the transmission for malaria was of 100% what it denotes high transmission of the illness. The diagnosis is difficult; it must have the support of the new techniques of the diagnosis. The infection is during the gestation, this hypothesis supports the findings of the present study. The congenital malaria has with few studies of inquiry for a serious problem of health publishes. The maternalfetal occurrence of transmission in Angola and the high transmission of the illness to the RN is a reality. The variation of 1.000 64.000p/c sufficiently is raised, pointing the peculiar characteristics of the studied population and the high rate of transmission of the illness. The diagnosis accomplish through in the first 12 hours of life obtained important discoveries for the diagnosis of congenital malaria in Angola. KEYWORDS: malaria; Plasmodium falciparum; pregnancy; newborn.

13 Sumário Página DEDICATÓRIA AGRADECIMENTOS LISTA DE SIGLAS LISTA DE FIGURA, E TABELAS. NOTA DE ESCLARECIMENTO RESUMO ABSTRACT i ii iv v vi vii viii I INTRODUÇÃO 1 1.1 Magnitude do problema 1 1.2 Biologia do plasmodio e ciclo de transmissão da malária 4 1.3 Quadro clínico 6 1.4 Transmissão da malária da gestante para o concepto 7 10 Figura1. modelo preditivo da associação entre condições socioeconómicas e factores associados á malária congénita II OBJECTIVOS 11 2.1 Objectivo geral 11 2.2 Objectivos específicos 11 III MÉTODOS 12 3.1 Desenho do estudo 12 3.2 Local do estudo 12

13<br />

Sumário<br />

Página<br />






RESUMO<br />


i<br />

ii<br />

iv<br />

v<br />

vi<br />

vii<br />

viii<br />


1.1 Magnitude do probl<strong>em</strong>a 1<br />

1.2 Biologia do plasmodio e ciclo de transmissão da malária 4<br />

1.3 Quadro clínico 6<br />

1.4 Transmissão da malária da gestante para o concepto 7<br />

10<br />

Figura1. modelo preditivo da associação entre condições socioeconómicas<br />

e factores associados á malária congénita<br />


2.1 Objectivo geral 11<br />

2.2 Objectivos específicos 11<br />

III MÉTODOS 12<br />

3.1 Desenho do estudo 12<br />

3.2 Local do estudo 12

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