Catálogo EESC - Escola de Engenharia de São Carlos - USP

Catálogo EESC - Escola de Engenharia de São Carlos - USP

Catálogo EESC - Escola de Engenharia de São Carlos - USP


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<strong>Escola</strong> <strong>de</strong> <strong>Engenharia</strong> <strong>de</strong> São <strong>Carlos</strong><br />

São <strong>Carlos</strong> School of Engineering<br />

A <strong>Escola</strong> <strong>de</strong> <strong>Engenharia</strong> <strong>de</strong> São <strong>Carlos</strong> (<strong>EESC</strong>) da Universida<strong>de</strong> <strong>de</strong> São Paulo tem formado<br />

profissionais há mais <strong>de</strong> 50 anos, oferecendo 10 cursos <strong>de</strong> graduação em <strong>Engenharia</strong> (<strong>Engenharia</strong><br />

Aeronáutica, <strong>Engenharia</strong> Ambiental, <strong>Engenharia</strong> Civil, <strong>Engenharia</strong> <strong>de</strong> Computação, <strong>Engenharia</strong><br />

Elétrica/Eletrônica, <strong>Engenharia</strong> Elétrica/Sistemas <strong>de</strong> Energia e Automação, <strong>Engenharia</strong> Mecânica,<br />

<strong>Engenharia</strong> Mecatrônica, <strong>Engenharia</strong> <strong>de</strong> Produção Mecânica e <strong>Engenharia</strong> <strong>de</strong> Materiais e<br />

Manufatura) e um curso <strong>de</strong> Arquitetura e Urbanismo, que oferecem ao todo 450 vagas por ano.<br />

São mais <strong>de</strong> 200 professores, distribuídos em 9 <strong>de</strong>partamentos, que formaram, até o momento,<br />

mais <strong>de</strong> 7.700 profissionais. A <strong>Escola</strong> <strong>de</strong> <strong>Engenharia</strong> <strong>de</strong> São <strong>Carlos</strong> também oferece 9 Programas<br />

<strong>de</strong> Pós - Graduação em <strong>Engenharia</strong> (<strong>Engenharia</strong> Hidráulica e Saneamento, <strong>Engenharia</strong> Elétrica,<br />

<strong>Engenharia</strong> Mecânica, <strong>Engenharia</strong> <strong>de</strong> Transportes, Geotecnia, <strong>Engenharia</strong> Civil (<strong>Engenharia</strong> <strong>de</strong><br />

Estruturas), Ciências da <strong>Engenharia</strong> Ambiental e <strong>Engenharia</strong> <strong>de</strong> Produção), um programa <strong>de</strong> pósgraduação<br />

em Arquitetura e Urbanismo e dois programas interunida<strong>de</strong>s (Ciência e <strong>Engenharia</strong> <strong>de</strong><br />

Materiais; Bioengenharia). Todos os programas possuem nível <strong>de</strong> mestrado e doutorado, formando<br />

a cada ano, aproximadamente, 220 mestres e 90 doutores em <strong>Engenharia</strong> e Arquitetura.<br />

The São <strong>Carlos</strong> School of Engineering (<strong>EESC</strong> - University of São Paulo) has educated professionals for over 50<br />

years. It offers 10 un<strong>de</strong>rgraduate Engineering courses, which provi<strong>de</strong>s enrollment for 450 stu<strong>de</strong>nts every year<br />

(Aeronautics Engineering, Environmental Engineering, Civil Engineering, Computation Engineering, Electrical/<br />

Electronic Engineering, Electrical/Energy Systems and Automation Engineering, Mechanical Engineering,<br />

Mechatronic Engineering, Mechanical Production Engineering and Materials and Manufacturing Engineering)<br />

and an Architecture and Urbanism course. There are over 200 teachers distributed in 9 <strong>de</strong>partments, from<br />

which so far more than 7,700 professionals have graduated. The School of Engineering of São <strong>Carlos</strong> also<br />

offers 9 Graduate Programs in Engineering (Hydraulics and Sanitation Engineering, Electrical Engineering,<br />

Mechanical Engineering, Transport Engineering, Geotechnical, Structural Engineering, Engineering of<br />

Environmental Sciences and Production Engineering) in Architecture and Urbanism and two inter-unit<br />

programs (Materials Science and Engineering and Bioengineering). All programs offer master’s and doctoral<br />

<strong>de</strong>grees, and each year approximately 220 master’s and 90 PhD stu<strong>de</strong>nts receive their <strong>de</strong>grees in Engineering<br />

and Architecture.

Por que estudar na <strong>EESC</strong>?<br />

Why Study in the <strong>EESC</strong>?<br />

A engenharia no Brasil adquiriu uma dimensão vital para prover infra-estrutura para o país,<br />

<strong>de</strong>senvolver as ativida<strong>de</strong>s produtivas visando o aumento da produtivida<strong>de</strong> e competitivida<strong>de</strong><br />

e criar as condições necessárias para o <strong>de</strong>senvolvimento da socieda<strong>de</strong> como um todo. Os<br />

profissionais <strong>de</strong>vem estar preparados para enfrentar um mundo on<strong>de</strong> o conhecimento passa a<br />

ser o principal ativo das empresas.<br />

A <strong>Escola</strong> <strong>de</strong> <strong>Engenharia</strong> <strong>de</strong> São <strong>Carlos</strong> possui 11 cursos <strong>de</strong> graduação e 9 Programas <strong>de</strong> Pós-<br />

Graduação <strong>de</strong> excelência que dispõem <strong>de</strong> uma infra-estrutura <strong>de</strong> mais <strong>de</strong> 70.000 m² <strong>de</strong> área<br />

construída, alocada em 84 salas <strong>de</strong> aula/apoio/estudo, 168 laboratórios, 9 <strong>de</strong>partamentos e uma<br />

biblioteca. Essa infra-estrutura serve a mais <strong>de</strong> 5.000 alunos matriculados. O corpo docente é<br />

formado por 230 professores com titulação mínima <strong>de</strong> doutor. Os profissionais formados pela<br />

<strong>EESC</strong> trabalham em gran<strong>de</strong>s corporações privadas e entida<strong>de</strong>s públicas com competência<br />

reconhecida.<br />

In Brazil, engineering achieved consequential dimensions in or<strong>de</strong>r to provi<strong>de</strong> infrastructure to the<br />

country, to <strong>de</strong>velop productive activities aimed at increasing productivity and competitiveness in<br />

addition to creating the necessary conditions for the <strong>de</strong>velopment of society as a whole. The future<br />

professionals should be prepared to face a world where the main business asset is knowledge.<br />

The São <strong>Carlos</strong> School of Engineering has 11 high-quality un<strong>de</strong>rgraduate courses and 9 graduate<br />

programs and an infrastructure of over 70,000 m² built area, distributed over 84 support/study/<br />

classrooms, 168 laboratories, including 9 <strong>de</strong>partments and a library. This infrastructure is at the service<br />

of more than 5,000 enrolled stu<strong>de</strong>nts. The faculty consists of 230 teachers who hold PhD <strong>de</strong>grees as a<br />

minimum requirement. The professionals who complete their studies at <strong>EESC</strong> later work in prominent<br />

large private corporations and renowned public entities.<br />


O Profissional<br />

The Professional<br />

O que os engenheiros e arquitetos<br />

fazem?<br />

Os engenheiros e arquitetos são profissionais capacitados a equacionar<br />

e contribuir substancialmente para a solução dos problemas <strong>de</strong> infraestrutura<br />

urbana, industrial, científica e tecnológica do país: projetam<br />

e constroem cida<strong>de</strong>s, barragens, estradas, estações <strong>de</strong> tratamento <strong>de</strong><br />

água e esgoto, aviões, automóveis, robôs para automação industrial,<br />

computadores; avaliam e minimizam impactos ambientais; <strong>de</strong>senvolvem,<br />

implantam e gerenciam sistemas industriais e sistemas <strong>de</strong> planejamento<br />

e controle <strong>de</strong> produção.<br />

What do engineers and architects<br />

do?<br />

Engineers and architects are professionals trained to i<strong>de</strong>ntify difficult situations and<br />

contribute to solving urban, industrial, scientific and technological infrastructure<br />

problems in the country and this inclu<strong>de</strong>s the <strong>de</strong>sign and building of cities,<br />

dams, highways, wastewater treatment plants, airplanes, automobiles, industrial<br />

automation robots and computers. They also assess and minimize environmental<br />

impacts as well as <strong>de</strong>velop, implant and manage industrial production planning<br />

and control systems.<br />


graduação<br />

Un<strong>de</strong>rgraduate<br />

<strong>Engenharia</strong> Elétrica<br />

Ênfase em Eletrônica<br />

Forma profissionais capacitados a elaborar<br />

estudos, projetos, <strong>de</strong>senvolvimentos, constru<br />

ção, fiscalização, ensaio, operação e manut<br />

e nç ã o d e s i s t e m a s , e q u i p a m e n t o s e d i s p os i ­<br />

ti vos eletro-eletrônicos para aplicações<br />

mé di cas, industriais, resi<strong>de</strong>nciais e outras.<br />

Po<strong>de</strong>rão trabalhar em Universida<strong>de</strong>s, institutos<br />

<strong>de</strong> pesquisa, empresas privadas e/ou públicas,<br />

<strong>de</strong>senvolver sua própria empresa, dar<br />

consul toria e atuar em administração.<br />

Electrical Engineering<br />

Emphasis on Electronics<br />

Educates future professionals to be prepared to<br />

elaborate studies, <strong>de</strong>signs, <strong>de</strong>velopment, construction,<br />

inspection, testing, operation and maintenance<br />

of systems, equipment and electro-electronic <strong>de</strong>vices<br />

for medical, industrial, resi<strong>de</strong>ntial applications<br />

and others. They may work in universities, research<br />

institutes, private and/or public companies, <strong>de</strong>velop<br />

their own business, provi<strong>de</strong> consultancy and work<br />

in administration.<br />

Guia do Estudante Abril:<br />

Vagas/ Enrollment: 50<br />

www.eesc.usp.br/coc-eletrica<br />

coc.eletrica@eesc.usp.br<br />

<strong>Engenharia</strong> Elétrica<br />

Ênfase em Sistemas <strong>de</strong> Energia e Automação<br />

Forma profissionais capacitados a atuar no<br />

planejamento, projeto, construção e administração<br />

<strong>de</strong> sistemas <strong>de</strong> geração, transmissão,<br />

distribuição e aplicação <strong>de</strong> energia elétrica,<br />

em concessionárias <strong>de</strong> energia, no parque<br />

industrial, em firmas <strong>de</strong> engenharia, ou <strong>de</strong><br />

forma autônoma. Possui conhecimentos nas<br />

áreas <strong>de</strong> Automação e Sistemas Inteligentes,<br />

voltados ao uso mais eficiente da energia<br />

elétrica.<br />

Electrical Engineering<br />

Emphasis on Energy Systems and Automation<br />

Trains future professionals to work with planning,<br />

<strong>de</strong>sign, construction and administration of<br />

generation systems, transmission, distribution and<br />

application of electric energy in power plant companies,<br />

in industrial <strong>de</strong>velopment parks, in engineering<br />

companies, or in<strong>de</strong>pen<strong>de</strong>ntly. This individual is<br />

prepared to have professional expertise in the areas<br />

of Automation and Intelligent Systems for the most<br />

efficient use of electricity.<br />

Guia do Estudante Abril:<br />

Vagas/ Enrollment: 50<br />

www.eesc.usp.br/coc-eletrica<br />

coc.eletrica@eesc.usp.br<br />


<strong>Engenharia</strong> <strong>de</strong> Produção Mecânica<br />

O processo <strong>de</strong> aprendizagem do curso visa<br />

obter profissionais aptos a projetar, implantar,<br />

operar e melhorar sistemas produtivos <strong>de</strong><br />

bens e serviços. O núcleo profissionalizante é<br />

composto por: Qualida<strong>de</strong>, Projeto da Fábrica<br />

e Produto, Gestão da Produção e Organização,<br />

Logística, Sistemas <strong>de</strong> Informação,<br />

Gestão Econômica e <strong>Engenharia</strong> <strong>de</strong> Métodos<br />

e Fabricação.<br />

<strong>Engenharia</strong> Mecânica<br />

Forma profissionais capacitados a projetar<br />

e <strong>de</strong>senvolver novos produtos, planeja e supervisiona<br />

a fabricação <strong>de</strong> motores, turbinas,<br />

bombas, automóveis, máquinas operatrizes,<br />

geradores <strong>de</strong> vapor, vasos <strong>de</strong> pressão, compressores,<br />

sistemas térmicos, tubulações<br />

industriais, sistemas <strong>de</strong> controle <strong>de</strong> máquinas<br />

e processos. Controla a qualida<strong>de</strong> <strong>de</strong> produtos<br />

e supervisiona a manutenção <strong>de</strong> máquinas.<br />

Mechanical / Production Engineering<br />

The learning process of the course aims to educate<br />

future professionals to be able to <strong>de</strong>sign, implement,<br />

operate and improve production systems and<br />

services. The core training is composed of: Quality,<br />

Factory Project and Product, Production Management<br />

and Organization, Logistics, Information Systems,<br />

Economic Management and Methods and<br />

Manufacturing Engineering.<br />

Mechanical Engineering<br />

Educates future professionals to be able to <strong>de</strong>sign<br />

and <strong>de</strong>velop new products, plan and oversee the<br />

manufacture of engines, turbines, pumps, cars,<br />

tool machines, steam generators, pressure vessels,<br />

compressors, thermal systems, industrial piping,<br />

control systems of machines and processes,<br />

control product quality and oversee machinery<br />

maintenance.<br />

Guia do Estudante Abril:<br />

Vagas/ Enrollment: 50<br />

www.eesc.usp.br/coc-producao<br />

coc.producao@eesc.usp.br<br />

Guia do Estudante Abril:<br />

Vagas/ Enrollment: 50<br />

www.eesc.usp.br/coc-mecanica<br />

coc.mecanica@eesc.usp.br<br />


<strong>Engenharia</strong> <strong>de</strong> Computação<br />

Forma profissionais capacitados para atuar<br />

em áreas que utilizam e <strong>de</strong>senvolvem computadores<br />

pessoais e <strong>de</strong> gran<strong>de</strong> porte; re<strong>de</strong>s<br />

locais, metropolitanas e <strong>de</strong> longa distância;<br />

comunicação entre e por computadores; visão<br />

computacional; programação; gerência <strong>de</strong><br />

sistemas; telefonia fixa e celular; robótica; processamento<br />

<strong>de</strong> voz, som e imagem, e projetos<br />

<strong>de</strong> circuitos integrados.<br />

<strong>Engenharia</strong> Civil<br />

Forma profissionais capacitados para o planejamento,<br />

projeto e execução <strong>de</strong> edificações,<br />

pontes, barragens, túneis, fundações, contenção<br />

e estabilida<strong>de</strong> <strong>de</strong> talu<strong>de</strong>s, abastecimento<br />

<strong>de</strong> água, recursos hídricos, aproveitamentos<br />

hidrelétricos, tratamento <strong>de</strong> água e esgoto,<br />

disposição <strong>de</strong> resíduos sólidos e controle da<br />

poluição hídrica, sistemas <strong>de</strong> transportes, portos,<br />

aeroportos, vias navegáveis e estradas.<br />

Computer Engineering<br />

Educates future professionals to perform in areas that<br />

use and <strong>de</strong>velop personal and large-scale computers;<br />

local, metropolitan and long-distance networks; communication<br />

between and by computers; computer<br />

vision; programming; management systems; fixed and<br />

mobile telephony; robotics; voice, sound and image<br />

processing, and integrated circuit <strong>de</strong>signs.<br />

Civil Engineering<br />

Trains future professionals in the planning, <strong>de</strong>sign<br />

and implementation of buildings, bridges, dams,<br />

tunnels, foundations, embankment stability and<br />

containment, water supply, water resources, uses of<br />

hydroelectric power, water and sewage treatment,<br />

solid waste disposal and control of water pollution,<br />

transport systems, ports, airports, waterways and<br />

roads.<br />

Guia do Estudante Abril:<br />

Vagas/ Enrollment: 40<br />

www.eesc.usp.br/coc-computacao<br />

coc.computacao@eesc.usp.br<br />

Guia do Estudante Abril:<br />

Vagas/ Enrollment: 50<br />

www.eesc.usp.br/coc-civil<br />

coc.civil@eesc.usp.br<br />


<strong>Engenharia</strong> Ambiental<br />

Forma profissional capacitado a criar, <strong>de</strong>senvolver,<br />

gerenciar e aplicar novas tecnologias<br />

para a prevenção e controle da poluição<br />

ambiental, estabelecendo os fundamentos da<br />

sustentabilida<strong>de</strong> do ambiente.<br />

Environmental Engineering<br />

Educates future professional to create, <strong>de</strong>velop,<br />

manage and implement new technologies for<br />

the prevention and control of environmental pollution,<br />

establishing environmental sustainability<br />

foundations.<br />

Guia do Estudante Abril:<br />

Vagas/ Enrollment: 40<br />

www.eesc.usp.br/coc-ambiental<br />

coc.ambiental@eesc.usp.br<br />

Arquitetura e Urbanismo<br />

Forma profissionais capacitados a conceber,<br />

<strong>de</strong>senvolver, pensar o ambiente construído<br />

no âmbito dos edifícios, das cida<strong>de</strong>s e do<br />

território.<br />

Architecture and Urbanism<br />

Educates future professionals to <strong>de</strong>sign, <strong>de</strong>velop and<br />

address livable and sustainable built environments<br />

within the scope of buildings, cities and territories.<br />

Guia do Estudante Abril:<br />

Vagas/ Enrollment: 30<br />

www.eesc.usp.br/coc-arquitetura<br />

coc.arquitetura@eesc.usp.br<br />

<strong>Engenharia</strong> Aeronáutica<br />

Forma profissionais capacitados a projetar,<br />

homologar e fazer manutenção <strong>de</strong> aeronaves,<br />

para atuar na indústria aeronáutica e da<br />

aviação.<br />

Aeronautical Engineering<br />

Trains future professionals to <strong>de</strong>sign, accredit and<br />

perform aircraft maintenance, to serve in the aeronautic<br />

industry and in aviation.<br />

Guia do Estudante Abril:<br />

Vagas/ Enrollment: 40<br />

www.eesc.usp.br/coc-aeronautica<br />

coc.aeronautica@eesc.usp.br<br />

<strong>Engenharia</strong> Mecatrônica<br />

Forma profissionais capacitados a projetar,<br />

<strong>de</strong>senvolver e automatizar produtos tecnológicos<br />

e processos industriais <strong>de</strong> fabricação.<br />

Mechatronic Engineering<br />

Mechatronics Engineering trains and capacitates<br />

professionals to <strong>de</strong>sign, implement and automate<br />

new technological products and industrial<br />

processes.<br />

Guia do Estudante Abril: sem classificação<br />

Vagas/ Enrollment: 50<br />

www.eesc.usp.br/coc-mecatronica<br />

coc.mecatronica@eesc.usp.br<br />


<strong>Engenharia</strong> <strong>de</strong> Materiais e Manufatura<br />

Forma engenheiros com conhecimentos<br />

integrados do ciclo <strong>de</strong> fabricação do produto,<br />

<strong>de</strong>s<strong>de</strong> o projeto, seleção e <strong>de</strong>senvolvimento<br />

<strong>de</strong> materiais, até a escolha dos processos <strong>de</strong><br />

fabricação. O profissional estará habilitado<br />

a <strong>de</strong>senvolver ou alterar materiais visando<br />

aten<strong>de</strong>r as diferentes restrições e oportunida<strong>de</strong>s<br />

no projeto e na manufatura. O caráter<br />

inovador <strong>de</strong>ste profissional está na sua formação<br />

multidisciplinar, capacitando-o a superar<br />

os diferentes <strong>de</strong>safios <strong>de</strong> um mercado globalizado<br />

e comprometido com o <strong>de</strong>senvolvimento<br />

sustentável.<br />

Materials and Manufacturing Engineering<br />

This course is <strong>de</strong>signed to produce innovative engineers<br />

with an integrated knowledge of product<br />

manufacturing cycle from the <strong>de</strong>sign, selection and<br />

<strong>de</strong>velopment of engineering materials, to the choices<br />

of manufacturing processes. These engineers will be<br />

capable of <strong>de</strong>veloping or altering materials in or<strong>de</strong>r<br />

to meet the different restrictions and opportunities<br />

in <strong>de</strong>sign and manufacture. This multidisciplinary<br />

course responds to the formation of future engineers<br />

and prepares them with professional attributes,<br />

qualifying them to overcome the different challenges<br />

of a globalized market and committed to sustainable<br />

<strong>de</strong>velopment.<br />

Guia do Estudante Abril: sem classificação<br />

Vagas/ Enrollment: 50<br />

www.eesc.usp.br/coc-materiais<br />

coc.materiais@eesc.usp.br<br />


Atualização Profissional<br />

Professional Update<br />

Estágios<br />

Os estágios curriculares são realizados em<br />

empresas e instituições, públicas ou particulares,<br />

que tenham condições <strong>de</strong> propiciar<br />

experiência prática na linha <strong>de</strong> formação <strong>de</strong><br />

estudante/ estagiário. A realização do estágio<br />

dar-se-á mediante ao Termo <strong>de</strong> Compromisso<br />

<strong>de</strong> Estágio, celebrado entre a empresa e o<br />

estudante, sendo obrigatória a interveniência<br />

da <strong>EESC</strong>-<strong>USP</strong>. Procure a seção <strong>de</strong> estágios<br />

antes <strong>de</strong> iniciar o estágio.<br />

Cursos <strong>de</strong> Extensão<br />

A <strong>Escola</strong> <strong>de</strong> <strong>Engenharia</strong> <strong>de</strong> São <strong>Carlos</strong> possui<br />

cursos <strong>de</strong> extensão com o objetivo <strong>de</strong> atingir<br />

o cidadão comum ou profissional engajado<br />

no mercado <strong>de</strong> trabalho. Eles possuem diversas<br />

modalida<strong>de</strong>s, tais como a Universida<strong>de</strong><br />

da Terceira Ida<strong>de</strong>, os cursos <strong>de</strong> Difusão Cultural<br />

e os cursos <strong>de</strong> Atualização Profissional.<br />

Apprenticeships<br />

The training program curriculum is carried out in<br />

public or private enterprises and institutions that<br />

can provi<strong>de</strong> practical experience in the stu<strong>de</strong>nt’s<br />

line of training. The apprenticeship is carried out<br />

by the Apprenticeship Commitment Term, agreed<br />

on between the company and the stu<strong>de</strong>nt, with a<br />

mandatory mediation by <strong>EESC</strong>-<strong>USP</strong>. Before starting<br />

the internship check the apprenticeship section.<br />

Extension Courses<br />

The São <strong>Carlos</strong> School of Engineering offers extension<br />

courses in or<strong>de</strong>r to reach the community and<br />

ordinary citizens or professionals engaged in the<br />

work market. The extension courses offer different<br />

modalities, such as the University of the Third<br />

Age, Cultural Diffusion courses and Professional<br />

Updating courses.<br />


Programas Especiais<br />

Special Programs<br />

Programa <strong>de</strong> Mobilida<strong>de</strong> Acadêmica<br />

na Graduação<br />

O Programa <strong>de</strong> Mobilida<strong>de</strong> Acadêmica na<br />

Graduação permite ao aluno regularmente<br />

inscrito na Universida<strong>de</strong> <strong>de</strong> São Paulo cursar<br />

disciplinas em uma Instituição Estrangeira <strong>de</strong><br />

Ensino Superior. Para este fim, a Comissão<br />

<strong>de</strong> Cooperação Internacional (CCInt) <strong>de</strong>termina<br />

as condições em que se efetivarão os<br />

intercâmbios. Os objetivos são abrir horizontes,<br />

aumentar a empregabilida<strong>de</strong>, enriquecer<br />

o repertório cultural e a experiência individual<br />

do aluno. O período <strong>de</strong> intercâmbio é por seis<br />

meses, po<strong>de</strong>ndo ser prorrogado para até dois<br />

anos, não ultrapassando quatro semestres.<br />

Un<strong>de</strong>rgraduate Aca<strong>de</strong>mic Mobility Program<br />

The Un<strong>de</strong>rgraduate Aca<strong>de</strong>mic Mobility Program<br />

allows stu<strong>de</strong>nts enrolled at the University of São<br />

Paulo to study in a higher education foreign institution.<br />

To this end, the Commission for International<br />

Cooperation (CCInt) <strong>de</strong>termines the conditions<br />

un<strong>de</strong>r which the exchanges will take place. The<br />

goal is to wi<strong>de</strong>n horizons, increase employability,<br />

and enrich the stu<strong>de</strong>nt’s cultural repertoire and<br />

individual experience. The exchange period lasts six<br />

months and may be exten<strong>de</strong>d for up to two years,<br />

not exceeding 4 (four) semesters.<br />

Convênios <strong>de</strong> Duplo Diploma <strong>de</strong><br />

Graduação<br />

Os convênios <strong>de</strong> Duplo Diploma dão oportunida<strong>de</strong><br />

ao aluno da <strong>Escola</strong> <strong>de</strong> <strong>Engenharia</strong><br />

<strong>de</strong> São <strong>Carlos</strong> (<strong>EESC</strong>) <strong>de</strong> cumprir disciplinas<br />

e estágios em instituições <strong>de</strong> ensino estrangeiras,<br />

como um aluno regular da instituição,<br />

recebendo, ao término, o diploma. Ao retornar<br />

para a <strong>EESC</strong>, o coor<strong>de</strong>nador do curso e<br />

a Comissão <strong>de</strong> Graduação avaliam o estágio<br />

no exterior para <strong>de</strong>terminar os créditos faltantes<br />

para que o aluno receba o seu diploma <strong>de</strong><br />

graduação brasileiro.<br />

Double Diploma Program Agreements<br />

The Double Diploma agreement provi<strong>de</strong>s stu<strong>de</strong>nts<br />

of the São <strong>Carlos</strong> School of Engineering (<strong>EESC</strong>) the<br />

opportunity to complete study subjects and apprenticeships<br />

in foreign education institutions as a regular<br />

stu<strong>de</strong>nt of the institution, receiving the diploma upon<br />

completion. Upon returning to the <strong>EESC</strong>, the course<br />

coordinator and the Un<strong>de</strong>rgraduate Commission<br />

assess the apprenticeship abroad in or<strong>de</strong>r to <strong>de</strong>termine<br />

the missing credits for the stu<strong>de</strong>nts to receive<br />

their Brazilian diploma.<br />

Convênios <strong>de</strong> Duplo Diploma <strong>de</strong><br />

Pós-Graduação - Acordos <strong>de</strong> co-tutela<br />

A obtenção <strong>de</strong> duplo diploma, no programa<br />

<strong>de</strong>nominado co-tutela, constitui-se uma<br />

modalida<strong>de</strong> na qual os bolsistas efetuam a<br />

Pós-Graduação nos dois países envolvidos<br />

no programa e assim obtêm diploma duplo,<br />

conferido pelas instituições <strong>de</strong> cada país.<br />

Obrigatoriamente, a tese é <strong>de</strong>fendida na instituição<br />

<strong>de</strong> origem.<br />

Graduate Double Diploma Agreement<br />

The double diploma program, called co-guardianship,<br />

is a modality in which scholarship stu<strong>de</strong>nts<br />

study for their Graduate Diploma in both countries<br />

of the program and thereby obtain a double <strong>de</strong>gree<br />

awar<strong>de</strong>d by the institutions of each country. It is<br />

obligatorily for the final thesis to be <strong>de</strong>fen<strong>de</strong>d in the<br />

original institution.<br />

Maiores informações/ For more information visit:<br />

www.ccint.usp.br<br />


Pós-Graduação<br />

Graduate<br />

<strong>Engenharia</strong> <strong>de</strong> Produção<br />

Desenvolve pesquisas nas áreas <strong>de</strong> processos<br />

e gestão <strong>de</strong> operações (Pesquisa Operacional,<br />

Re<strong>de</strong>s produtivas e logística integrada,<br />

Gestão <strong>de</strong> melhoria e mudança) e Economia,<br />

Organizações e Gestão do Conhecimento<br />

(Economia e Finanças Corporativas, Análise<br />

<strong>de</strong> Organizações do Trabalho, Gestão do Conhecimento<br />

e Sistemas <strong>de</strong> Informação), assim<br />

como em processos avançados para manufatura<br />

(usinagem e conformação <strong>de</strong> metais).<br />

Production Engineering<br />

Carries out research in the areas of processes<br />

and peration management (Operational Research,<br />

Productive Networking and Integrated logistics,<br />

improvement and change management) and Economics,<br />

Organizations and Knowledge Management<br />

(Corporate Finance and Economy, Analysis<br />

of Labor Organizations, Knowledge Management<br />

and Information Systems), as well as in advanced<br />

manufacturing process (metal cutting and metal<br />

forming).<br />

Nível: mestrado e doutorado<br />

Level: master’s and doctorate <strong>de</strong>gree<br />

Nota CAPES/ CAPES classification: 5<br />

www.eesc.usp.br/ppg-sep<br />

Ciências da <strong>Engenharia</strong> Ambiental<br />

Aborda a temática “ambiental, socioambiental e<br />

sustentabilida<strong>de</strong>”, com um forte caráter multidisci<br />

plinar. O Programa contempla aspectos da ecologia<br />

qualitativa e quantitativa; ecotoxicologia<br />

aquá tica; ecologia florestal; áreas especialmente<br />

protegidas; planejamento e gerenciamento <strong>de</strong> recursos<br />

hídricos; governança das águas; hidrometria<br />

aplicada; instrumentos <strong>de</strong> gestão ambiental;<br />

climatologia dinâmica; ecologia industrial e instrumentação<br />

aplicada às ciências da engenharia<br />

ambiental.<br />

Environmental Engineering Science<br />

Addresses the “environmental, socioenvironmental and<br />

sustainability” theme with a strong multidisciplinary<br />

input. The program covers aspects of qualitative and<br />

quantitative ecology; aquatic ecotoxicology; forest<br />

ecology; particularly protected areas; planning and<br />

management of water resources; governance in water<br />

resources; applied hydrometrics; environmental management<br />

tools; dynamic climatology, industrial ecology<br />

and instrumentation applied to the environmental engineering<br />

science.<br />

Nível: mestrado e doutorado<br />

Level: master’s and doctorate <strong>de</strong>gree<br />

Nota CAPES/ CAPES classification: 4<br />

www.eesc.usp.br/ppg-sea<br />

<strong>Engenharia</strong> Hidráulica e Saneamento<br />

Desenvolve pesquisas em tratamento <strong>de</strong><br />

águas residuárias (industriais e domésticas) e<br />

<strong>de</strong> abastecimento; em hidrologia, hidráulica e<br />

recursos hídricos; em disposição e tratamento<br />

<strong>de</strong> resíduos sólidos e em controle da poluição<br />

atmosférica.<br />

Hydraulic and Sanitation Engineering<br />

Carries out research in treatment of wastewater<br />

(industrial and domestic) and water supply; hydrology,<br />

hydraulics and water resources; treatment and<br />

disposal of solid wastes and air pollution control.<br />

Nível: mestrado e doutorado<br />

Level: master’s and doctorate <strong>de</strong>gree<br />

Nota CAPES/ CAPES classification: 7<br />

www.eesc.usp.br/ppg-shs<br />


<strong>Engenharia</strong> Elétrica<br />

Tem por objetivo formar profissionais capacitados<br />

e especializados para os setores produtivo, acadêmico<br />

e técnico-científico, além <strong>de</strong> contribuir para a<br />

evolução da <strong>Engenharia</strong> Elétrica. Caracteriza suas<br />

pesquisas em torno das áreas <strong>de</strong> concentração:<br />

Processamento <strong>de</strong> Sinais e Instrumentação, Sistemas<br />

Dinâmicos, Sistemas Elétricos <strong>de</strong> Potência<br />

e Telecomunicações. Dispõe <strong>de</strong> infra-estrutura e<br />

pro fissionais <strong>de</strong> alto nível, além <strong>de</strong> uma quantida<strong>de</strong><br />

significativa <strong>de</strong> recursos financeira para pesquisa,<br />

refletidos em sua excelente avaliação junto à CAPES<br />

Electrical Engineering<br />

Its objective is to educate future qualified and specialized<br />

professionals for the productive, aca<strong>de</strong>mic and technicalscientific<br />

sectors, and also contribute for the <strong>de</strong>velopment<br />

of Electrical Engineering. Its research focuses on: Instrumentation<br />

and Signal Processing, Dynamical Systems,<br />

Electrical Power Systems and Telecommunications. It<br />

counts on high-level infrastructure and professionals, in<br />

addition to a significant amount of financial resources for<br />

research, reflected in its excellent ranking by CAPES.<br />

Arquitetura e Urbanismo<br />

O programa tem por objetivo principal<br />

a formação avançada <strong>de</strong> professores,<br />

pesquisadores e profissionais, capacitando-os<br />

para o ensino e para a pesquisa.<br />

A formação enfatiza perspectivas críticas<br />

no âmbito teórico e historiográfico<br />

e perspectivas inovadoras no âmbito<br />

tecnológico e projetual, no campo da<br />

Arquitetura e do Urbanismo.<br />

Architecture and Urbanism<br />

The Graduate Program prepares stu<strong>de</strong>nts<br />

who wish to <strong>de</strong>velop careers in teaching,<br />

research and the advanced practice in the<br />

fields of Architecture and Urbanism. Throughout<br />

the curriculum the emphasis is on the<br />

critical perspectives within a theoretical and<br />

historiographical scope and on innovative approaches<br />

concerning technology and project<br />

in the field of Architecture and Urbanism.<br />

Nível: mestrado e doutorado<br />

Level: master’s and doctorate <strong>de</strong>gree<br />

Nota CAPES/ CAPES classification: 6<br />

www.eesc.usp.br/ppg-sel<br />

Nível: mestrado e doutorado<br />

Level: master’s and doctorate <strong>de</strong>gree<br />

Nota CAPES/ CAPES classification: 5<br />


<strong>Engenharia</strong> <strong>de</strong> Transportes<br />

Abrange as áreas <strong>de</strong> planejamento, projeto,<br />

construção, operação, manutenção, gerenciamento<br />

e avaliação <strong>de</strong> sistemas <strong>de</strong> transportes<br />

e geomática aplicada aos transportes.<br />

<strong>Engenharia</strong> <strong>de</strong> Estruturas<br />

Desenvolve pesquisas teóricas e experimentais<br />

referentes aos materiais estruturais aço,<br />

concreto, argamassa armada, ma<strong>de</strong>ira e<br />

mate riais compostos.<br />

Transport Engineering<br />

Covers the areas of planning, <strong>de</strong>sign, construction,<br />

operation, maintenance, management and evaluation<br />

of transport systems and geomatics applied to<br />

transport.<br />

Nível: mestrado e doutorado<br />

Level: master’s and doctorate <strong>de</strong>gree<br />

Nota CAPES/ CAPES classification: 5<br />

www.eesc.usp.br/ppg-stt<br />

Structural Engineering<br />

Carries out theoretical and experimental research<br />

related to structural materials - steel, concrete, ferrocement,<br />

wood and composite materials<br />

Nível: mestrado e doutorado<br />

Level: master’s and doctorate <strong>de</strong>gree<br />

Nota CAPES/ CAPES classification: 7<br />

www.eesc.usp.br/ppg-set<br />

<strong>Engenharia</strong> Mecânica<br />

Atua nas áreas <strong>de</strong> aeronáutica, dinâmica <strong>de</strong><br />

máquinas e sistemas, manufatura, materiais,<br />

projeto mecânico e térmica e fluídos.<br />

Mechanical Engineering<br />

Carries out research in the areas of Aeronautics,<br />

Dynamic of Systems Manufacturing, Materials, Mechanical<br />

Design and Thermal and Fluids.<br />

Nível: mestrado e doutorado<br />

Level: master’s and doctorate <strong>de</strong>gree<br />

Nota CAPES/ CAPES classification: 5<br />

www.eesc.usp.br/ppg-sem<br />

Geotecnia<br />

Atua nas áreas <strong>de</strong> Geologia <strong>de</strong> <strong>Engenharia</strong>,<br />

Mecânica dos Solos e Mecânica das Rochas,<br />

Geotecnia Ambiental, Melhoria dos Solos e<br />

Geossintéticos.<br />

Geotechnical Engineering<br />

Operates in the areas of Geology Engineering, Soil<br />

Mechanics and Rocks Mechanics, Environmental/<br />

Geotechnical Engineering, Lands and Geosynthetics<br />

Improvement.<br />

Nível: mestrado e doutorado<br />

Level: master’s and doctorate <strong>de</strong>gree<br />

Nota CAPES/ CAPES classification: 5<br />

www.eesc.usp.br/ppg-sgs<br />


Interunida<strong>de</strong>s em Ciência e <strong>Engenharia</strong> <strong>de</strong> Materiais<br />

Desenvolve pesquisas para materiais <strong>de</strong> uso na engenharia,<br />

<strong>de</strong>senvolvimento <strong>de</strong> polímeros e materiais cerâmicos funcionais,<br />

nanotecnologia, laser aplicado ao processamento e <strong>de</strong>senvolvimento<br />

<strong>de</strong> materiais, tribologia, fadiga e fratura, recobrimento<br />

passivo e ativo e novos processos para indústria automobilística,<br />

ceramista, moveleira e aeronáutica, entre tantos outros.<br />

Materials Science and Engineering Interunits<br />

Carries out materials engineering research such as: <strong>de</strong>velopment of<br />

polymers and functional ceramics, nanotechnology, laser applied to the<br />

processing and <strong>de</strong>velopment of materials, tribology, fatigue and fracture,<br />

passive and active coatings and new processes for the automotive, ceramics,<br />

furniture and aerospace industry, among many others.<br />

Nível: mestrado e doutorado<br />

Level: master’s and doctorate <strong>de</strong>gree<br />

Nota CAPES/ CAPES classification: 4<br />

www.eesc.usp.br/ppg-smm<br />

Interunida<strong>de</strong>s Bioengenharia<br />

Desenvolve técnicas e instrumentos para auxiliar no diagnóstico<br />

<strong>de</strong> patologias, assim como novas soluções terapêuticas para<br />

problemas relacionados com o reparo e a reabilitação <strong>de</strong> tecidos<br />

biológicos.<br />

Bioengineering Interunits<br />

Develops techniques and tools to assist in the diagnosis of diseases, in<br />

addition to new therapeutic solutions for problems related to the repair<br />

and rehabilitation of biological tissues.<br />

Nível: mestrado e doutorado<br />

Level: master’s and doctorate <strong>de</strong>gree<br />

Nota CAPES/ CAPES classification: 4<br />

www.eesc.usp.br/ppg-bio<br />


Campus <strong>USP</strong> São <strong>Carlos</strong><br />

São <strong>Carlos</strong> <strong>USP</strong> Campus<br />

Sobre o campus<br />

O campus <strong>USP</strong> <strong>de</strong> São <strong>Carlos</strong> é formado por quatro unida<strong>de</strong>s <strong>de</strong> ensino (<strong>Escola</strong><br />

<strong>de</strong> <strong>Engenharia</strong> <strong>de</strong> São <strong>Carlos</strong>, Instituto <strong>de</strong> Física <strong>de</strong> São <strong>Carlos</strong>, Instituto <strong>de</strong><br />

Ciências Matemáticas e <strong>de</strong> Computação e o Instituto <strong>de</strong> Química <strong>de</strong> São <strong>Carlos</strong>).<br />

Possui também o Centro <strong>de</strong> Divulgação da Coor<strong>de</strong>nadoria Científica, o Centro <strong>de</strong><br />

Informática e a Prefeitura do Campus Administrativo.<br />

Além <strong>de</strong> duas áreas urbanas, o campus engloba área junto à represa do Lobo (Broa),<br />

on<strong>de</strong> está instalado o Centro <strong>de</strong> Recursos Hídricos e Ecologia Aplicada.<br />

About the campus<br />

The São <strong>Carlos</strong> <strong>USP</strong> campus consists of four teaching units (São <strong>Carlos</strong> School of Engineering,<br />

São <strong>Carlos</strong> Institute of Physics, Institute of Mathematics and Computer Science and São <strong>Carlos</strong><br />

Institute of Chemistry). It also comprises the Center for Scientific Coordination Divulgation,<br />

The Center for Informatics and the Campus Administration Offices.<br />

In addition to two urban areas, the campus inclu<strong>de</strong>s an area near the Lobo (Broa) dam, where<br />

the Center for Water Resources and Applied Ecology is located.<br />


Apoio ao aluno<br />

O campus dispõe <strong>de</strong> quatro prédios <strong>de</strong> alojamentos para estudantes, distribuídos <strong>de</strong> acordo<br />

com critérios sócio-econômicos.<br />

No campus há dois restaurantes. No Serviço <strong>de</strong> Proteção Social, o aluno po<strong>de</strong> se informar<br />

como obter a bolsa-alimentação e a bolsa-trabalho. Este Serviço oferece também orientação<br />

psicológica e faz encaminhamentos a hospitais e a grupos <strong>de</strong> alcoólicos anônimos. O<br />

campus conta com o apoio da Unida<strong>de</strong> Básica <strong>de</strong> Saú<strong>de</strong>.<br />

Há um ginásio poliesportivo e o Centro <strong>de</strong> Educação Física e Esportes e Recreação oferece<br />

ativida<strong>de</strong>s esportivas. O Centro Cultural promove exposições <strong>de</strong> artes plásticas, concertos,<br />

palestras, cursos gratuitos <strong>de</strong> inglês e dá apoio ao grupo <strong>de</strong> teatro e ao coral do campus.<br />

Stu<strong>de</strong>nt support<br />

The campus has four stu<strong>de</strong>nt housing buildings, distributed according to socio-economic criteria.<br />

There are two campus restaurants. Stu<strong>de</strong>nts can obtain information about how to become eligible<br />

for food-work scholarship at the Office for Social Protection. This service also offers psychological<br />

assistance and referrals to hospitals and alcoholics anonymous groups. The campus also inclu<strong>de</strong>s a<br />

Basic Health Unit.<br />

There is a sports gym and the Center for Physical Education and the Sports and Recreation that offers<br />

sports activities. The Cultural Center promotes regular exhibitions of plastic arts, concerts, lectures,<br />

free English courses and provi<strong>de</strong>s support to the theater group and the campus choir.<br />


CAASO<br />

Os alunos da <strong>Escola</strong> <strong>de</strong> <strong>Engenharia</strong> <strong>de</strong> São <strong>Carlos</strong> po<strong>de</strong>m<br />

associar-se ao Centro Acadêmico Armando Salles<br />

<strong>de</strong> Oliveira (CAASO) que promove a integração sóciocultural<br />

dos alunos na vida acadêmica do Campus <strong>de</strong><br />

São <strong>Carlos</strong>.<br />

CAASO<br />

The stu<strong>de</strong>nts of the School of Engineering of São <strong>Carlos</strong> can<br />

join the Aca<strong>de</strong>mic Center Armando <strong>de</strong> Salles Oliveira (CAASO),<br />

which promotes stu<strong>de</strong>nt’s socio-cultural integration in the<br />

aca<strong>de</strong>mic life of the São <strong>Carlos</strong> campus.<br />

Feira das profissões<br />

A Feira das Profissões (FEP<strong>USP</strong>) é um evento itinerante,<br />

criado pela Pró-Reitoria <strong>de</strong> Cultura e Extensão Universitária,<br />

da Universida<strong>de</strong> <strong>de</strong> São Paulo (<strong>USP</strong>) com o<br />

objetivo <strong>de</strong> apresentar aos vestibulandos e estudantes<br />

do ensino médio os cursos <strong>de</strong> graduação das Unida<strong>de</strong>s<br />

da <strong>USP</strong> no interior do Estado: Bauru, Lorena, Piracicaba,<br />

Pirassununga, São <strong>Carlos</strong> e Ribeirão Preto.<br />

Professions and careers fair<br />

FEP<strong>USP</strong> is an itinerant event, created by the Pro-Rectory for<br />

Culture and University Extension of the University of São Paulo<br />

(<strong>USP</strong>) in or<strong>de</strong>r to present to pre-university and high school<br />

stu<strong>de</strong>nts the un<strong>de</strong>rgraduate courses offered at the <strong>USP</strong> State<br />

units: Bauru, Lorena, Piracicaba, Pirassununga, São <strong>Carlos</strong> and<br />

Ribeirão Preto.<br />


<strong>EESC</strong><br />

<strong>Escola</strong> <strong>de</strong> <strong>Engenharia</strong> <strong>de</strong> São <strong>Carlos</strong><br />

Venha nos visitar<br />

Come visit us<br />

Av. Trabalhador São-carlense, 400<br />

CEP 13566-590<br />

São <strong>Carlos</strong> - SP<br />

Telefone/ phone: +55 (16) 3373-8191<br />

website: www.eesc.usp.br

<strong>EESC</strong> EM NÚMEROS - 2008 (Fonte: Anuário Estatístico da <strong>USP</strong>)<br />

Quick facts / Guia rápido<br />

ÁREA I<br />

Área total (m 2 ) 324.819,71<br />

Área construída (m 2 ) 129.706,52<br />

Departamentos 9<br />

Salas <strong>de</strong> apoio/aula/estudo 47<br />

Laboratórios 148<br />

ÁREA II<br />

Área total (m 2 ) 978.027,85<br />

Área edificada (m 2 ) 15.062,78<br />

Salas <strong>de</strong> apoio/aula/estudo 12<br />

Laboratórios 15<br />

ÁREA II (CRHEA-<strong>EESC</strong>)<br />

Área total (m 2 ) 253.602,72<br />

Área edificada (m 2 ) 4.335,39<br />

Salas <strong>de</strong> apoio/aula/estudo 25<br />

Laboratórios 5<br />

<strong>EESC</strong> NUMBERS - 2008 (Source: <strong>USP</strong> Anual Report 2008)<br />

AREA I<br />

Total area (m 2 ) 324,819.71<br />

Constructed area (m 2 ) 129,706.52<br />

Departments 9<br />

Support/classrooms/ and 47<br />

Laboratories 148<br />

AREA II<br />

Total area (m 2 ) 978,027.85<br />

Built area (m 2 ) 15,062.78<br />

Support/ study classrooms 12<br />

Laboratories 15<br />

AREA II (CRHEA-<strong>EESC</strong>)<br />

Total area (m 2 ) 253,602.72<br />

Built area (m 2 ) 4,335.39<br />

Support/ study classrooms 25<br />

Laboratories 5<br />

DOCENTES 237<br />



Número <strong>de</strong> vagas 450<br />

Alunos Matriculados 2.492<br />

<strong>Engenharia</strong> Civil 337<br />

<strong>Engenharia</strong> Ambiental 218<br />

<strong>Engenharia</strong> Elétrica/Eletrônica 285<br />

<strong>Engenharia</strong> Elétrica/Sistemas <strong>de</strong> Energia e Autom. 244<br />

<strong>Engenharia</strong> Mecânica 286<br />

<strong>Engenharia</strong> Aeronáutica 218<br />

<strong>Engenharia</strong> <strong>de</strong> Produção Mecânica 172<br />

<strong>Engenharia</strong> <strong>de</strong> Computação 280<br />

<strong>Engenharia</strong> Mecatrônica 263<br />

<strong>Engenharia</strong> <strong>de</strong> Materiais e Manufatura (início 2010)<br />

Arquitetura e Urbanismo 189<br />




Number of enrollments 450<br />

Stu<strong>de</strong>nts Registered 2,492<br />

Civil Engineering 337<br />

Environmental Engineering 218<br />

Electric/Electronic Engineering 285<br />

Electrical Engineering / Energy Systems and Autom. 244<br />

Mechanical Engineering 286<br />

Aeronautic Engineering 218<br />

Mechanical Production Engineering 172<br />

Computer Engineering 280<br />

Mechatronic Engineering 263<br />

Materials and Manufacturing Eng. (begining 2010)<br />

Architecture and Urbanism 189<br />

Disciplinas ministradas/ano 692<br />

Formandos (1957 a 2008) 7.724<br />

Formandos (2008) 352<br />


Programas: Mestrado e Doutorado<br />

Arquitetura e Urbanismo, <strong>Engenharia</strong> Elétrica,<br />

Geotecnia, <strong>Engenharia</strong> Civil (<strong>Engenharia</strong> <strong>de</strong> Estruturas),<br />

<strong>Engenharia</strong> Mecânica, <strong>Engenharia</strong> <strong>de</strong> Transportes,<br />

<strong>Engenharia</strong> (Hidráulica e Saneamento), <strong>Engenharia</strong> <strong>de</strong><br />

Produção, Ciências da <strong>Engenharia</strong> Ambiental<br />

Dissertações <strong>de</strong> Mestrado (1970 a 2008) 3.616<br />

Teses <strong>de</strong> Doutorado (1970 a 2008) 1.260<br />

BIBLIOTECA - Acervo<br />

Livros 63.047<br />

Teses 6.693<br />

Títulos <strong>de</strong> Periódicos 3.849<br />

Volumes <strong>de</strong> Periódicos 211.403<br />

Courses ministered/year 692<br />

Graduated stu<strong>de</strong>nts (1957 to 2008) 7,724<br />

Graduated stu<strong>de</strong>nts (2008) 352<br />


Programs: Master’s and Doctorate<br />

Architecture and Urbanism, Electrical Engineering,<br />

Geotechnical Engineering, Structural Engineering,<br />

Mechanical Engineering, Transport Engineering,<br />

Hydraulic and Sanitation Engineering, Production<br />

Engineering,Environmental Engineering Science<br />

Master’s Dissertations (1970 to 2008) 3,616<br />

Doctorate Dissertations (1970 to 2008) 1,260<br />

LIBRARY - Collection<br />

Books 63,047<br />

Theses 6,693<br />

Titles of Journals 3,849<br />

Volume of Journals 211,403<br />


Bioengenharia (<strong>EESC</strong>/FMRP/IQSC)<br />

Dissertações <strong>de</strong> Mestrado (1977 a 2008) 212<br />

Ciência e <strong>Engenharia</strong> <strong>de</strong> Materiais (<strong>EESC</strong>/IFSC/IQSC)<br />

Dissertações <strong>de</strong> Mestrado (1992 a 2008) 227<br />

Teses <strong>de</strong> Doutorado (1992 a 2008) 134<br />


Estágios 592<br />

Intercâmbio Internacional 30<br />

Convênios 3<br />


Artigos, Manuais, Catálogos etc 1.238<br />

Início das ativida<strong>de</strong>s <strong>de</strong> ensino e <strong>de</strong> pesquisa em 1953<br />

http://sistemas.usp.br/anuario<br />


Bioengineering (<strong>EESC</strong>/FMRP/IQSC)<br />

Master’s Dissertations (1977 to 2008) 212<br />

Material Science and Engineering (<strong>EESC</strong>/IFSC/IQSC)<br />

Master’s Dissertations (1992 to 2008) 227<br />

Doctorate Dissertations (1992 to 2008) 134<br />


Apprenticeships 592<br />

International Exchange 30<br />

Agreements 3<br />


Articles, Manuals, Catalogs, etc. 1,238<br />

Initial teaching and research activities began in 1953<br />

Directory: http://sistemas.usp.br/anuario

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