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137 PONI, S.; BERNIZZONI, F.; REINOTTI, M. Whole-canopy and single leaf gas-exchange, responses to partial rootzone drying in potted ‘Cabernet Sauvignon’ grapevines. Acta Horticulturae, Hague, v. 689, p. 277-284, 2005. PORRO, D. et al. Lo SPAD nella diagnosi dello stato nutrizionale della vite. Informatore Agrario, Verona, v. 57, n. 26, p. 49-55, 2001. POSSNER, D. R. E.; KLIEWER, W. M. The localization of acids, sugars, potassium and calcium in developing grape berries.Vitis, Siebeldingen, v. 24, p. 229-240, 1985. PREGNOLATTO, W.; PREGNOLATTO, N. P. Normas analíticas do Instituto Adolfo Lutz: metodosquimicos e físicos para análise de alimentos. 3. ed. São Paulo: Instituto Adolfo Lutz, v. 1, 1985. PREMACHANDRA, G. S. et al. Osmotic adjustment and stomatal response to water deficits in maize. Journal of Experimental Botany, Oxford, v. 43, n. 256, p.1451-1456, 1992. PRIETO, J. A.; GALANT GIORDI, E.; PEREZ PEÑA, J. Modelling photosynthetic-light response on Syrah leaves with different exposure. Vitis, Siebeldingen, v. 49, n. 3, p.145-146, 2010. PROTAS, J. F. S.; CAMARGO, U. A.; MELLO, L. M. R. Viticultura brasileira: regiões tradicionais e pólos emergentes. Informe Agropecuário, Belo Horizonte, v. 27, n. 234, p. 7- 15, 2006. QUEREIX, A. Analyse et modélisation du fonctionnementstomatique de lavigne Vitis vinifera L. 2001. 132 f. Thèse (Doctorat)-Université de Bordeaux, Bordeaux, 2001. RADIN, J.W. In vivo assay of nitrate reductase in cotton leaf discs. Plant Physiology, Minneapolis, v. 51, n. 2, p. 332-336, 1973. ROBY, G.; MATTHEWS, M. A. Relative proportions of seed, skin and flesh, in ripe berries from Cabernet Sauvignon grapevines grown in a vineyard either well irrigated or under water deficit. Australian Journal of Grape and Wine Research, Adelaide, v. 10, p. 74-82, 2004. ROBY, G. et al. Berry size and vine water deficits as factors in winegrape composition: anthocyanins and tannins. Australian Journal of Grape and Wine Research, Adelaide, v. 10, p. 100-107, 2004. RODRIGUES, M. L. et al. Osmotic adjustment in water stress grapevine leaves in relation to carbon assimilation. Australian Journal of Plant Physiology, Adelaide, v. 20, p. 309-321, 1993. RODRIGUES, M. L. et al. Hydraulic and chemical signalling in the regulation of stomatal conductance and plant water use of field grapevines growing under deficit irrigation. Functional Plant Biology, Victoria, v. 35, p. 565-579, 2008. ROITSCH, T.; GONZÁLEZ, M. C. Function and regulation of plant invertases: sweet sensations. Trends in Plant Science, London, v. 9, p. 606-613, 2004.

137<br />

PONI, S.; BERNIZZONI, F.; REI<strong>NO</strong>TTI, M. Whole-canopy and single leaf gas-exchange,<br />

responses to partial rootzone drying in potted ‘Cabernet Sauvignon’ grapevines. Acta<br />

Horticulturae, Hague, v. 689, p. 277-284, 2005.<br />

PORRO, D. et al. Lo SPAD nella diagnosi dello stato nutrizionale della vite. Informatore<br />

Agrario, Verona, v. 57, n. 26, p. 49-55, 2001.<br />

POSSNER, D. R. E.; KLIEWER, W. M. The localization of acids, sugars, potassium and<br />

calcium in developing grape berries.Vitis, Siebeldingen, v. 24, p. 229-240, 1985.<br />

PREG<strong>NO</strong>LATTO, W.; PREG<strong>NO</strong>LATTO, N. P. Normas analíticas do Instituto Adolfo<br />

Lutz: metodosquimicos e físicos para análise de alimentos. 3. ed. São Paulo: Instituto Adolfo<br />

Lutz, v. 1, 1985.<br />

PREMACHANDRA, G. S. et al. Osmotic adjustment and stomatal response to water deficits<br />

in maize. Journal of Experimental Botany, Oxford, v. 43, n. 256, p.1451-1456, 1992.<br />

PRIETO, J. A.; GALANT GIORDI, E.; PEREZ PEÑA, J. Modelling photosynthetic-light<br />

response on Syrah leaves with different exposure. Vitis, Siebeldingen, v. 49, n. 3, p.145-146,<br />

2010.<br />

PROTAS, J. F. S.; CAMARGO, U. A.; MELLO, L. M. R. Viticultura brasileira: regiões<br />

tradicionais e pólos emergentes. Informe Agropecuário, Belo Horizonte, v. 27, n. 234, p. 7-<br />

15, 2006.<br />

QUEREIX, A. Analyse et modélisation du fonctionnementstomatique de lavigne Vitis<br />

vinifera L. 2001. 132 f. Thèse (Doctorat)-Université de Bordeaux, Bordeaux, 2001.<br />

RADIN, J.W. In vivo assay of nitrate reductase in cotton leaf discs. Plant Physiology,<br />

Minneapolis, v. 51, n. 2, p. 332-336, 1973.<br />

ROBY, G.; MATTHEWS, M. A. Relative proportions of seed, skin and flesh, in ripe berries<br />

from Cabernet Sauvignon grapevines grown in a vineyard either well irrigated or under water<br />

deficit. Australian Journal of Grape and Wine Research, Adelaide, v. 10, p. 74-82, 2004.<br />

ROBY, G. et al. Berry size and vine water deficits as factors in winegrape composition:<br />

anthocyanins and tannins. Australian Journal of Grape and Wine Research, Adelaide, v.<br />

10, p. 100-107, 2004.<br />

RODRIGUES, M. L. et al. Osmotic adjustment in water stress grapevine leaves in relation to<br />

carbon assimilation. Australian Journal of Plant Physiology, Adelaide, v. 20, p. 309-321,<br />

1993.<br />

RODRIGUES, M. L. et al. Hydraulic and chemical signalling in the regulation of stomatal<br />

conductance and plant water use of field grapevines growing under deficit irrigation.<br />

Functional Plant Biology, Victoria, v. 35, p. 565-579, 2008.<br />

ROITSCH, T.; GONZÁLEZ, M. C. Function and regulation of plant invertases: sweet<br />

sensations. Trends in Plant Science, London, v. 9, p. 606-613, 2004.

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