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131<br />

LOBATO, A. K. S. et al. Biochemical and physiological behavior of Vigna unguiculata (L.)<br />

Walp. under stress duringthevegetativephase. Asian Journal of Plant Sciences, v. 7, p. 44-49,<br />

2008.<br />

LOPES, C. Influência do sistema de conducão no microclima do coberto, vigor e<br />

produtividade da videira (Vitis vinífera L.). 1994. 205 f. Tese (Doutorado)-Instituto<br />

Superior de Agronomia, Lisboa, 1994.<br />

LOPES, C. M. A. Relationships between leaf water potential and photosynthetic activity of<br />

field-grown grapevines under a mediterranean environment. Acta Horticulturae, Hague, v.<br />

493, p. 287-292, 1999.<br />

LOPES, C. et al. Rega da vinha no Alentejo. Dotações e época de aplicação. In: SIMPÓSIO<br />

DE VITIVINICULTURTA DO ALENTEJO, 5., 2001, Évora. Actas... Évora: ATEVA/<br />

CCRA, 2001. p. 99-105.<br />

LOVEYS, B. R. Diurnal changes in water relations and abscisic acid in field grown Vitis<br />

vinifera cultivars. III. The influence of xylem-derived abscisic acid on leaf gas exchange. New<br />

Phytologist, Cambridge, v. 98, p. 563-573, 1984.<br />

LOVEYS, B. R.; KRIEDEMANN, P. E. Rapid changes in ABA-like inhibitors following<br />

alterations in vine leaf water potential. PhysiologiaPlantarum, Copenhagen, v. 28, p. 476-<br />

479, 1973.<br />

LOVEYS, B. R. et al. Progress in the development of partial rootzone drying. Australian<br />

Grapegrower and Winemaker, Goodwood, v. 403, p. 18-20, 1997.<br />

LOVEYS, B. et al. Partial rootzone drying stimulates stress responses in grapevine to improve<br />

water use efficiency while maintaining crop yield and quality. Australian Grape Grower<br />

and Winemaker, Goodwood, v. 414, p. 108-113, 1998.<br />

LOVEYS, B. R.; STOLL, M.; <strong>DA</strong>VIES, W. J. Physiological approaches to enhance water use<br />

efficiency in agriculture: exploiting plant signalling in novel irrigation practice. In: BACON,<br />

M. A. (Ed.). Water use efficiency in plant biology. Lancaster: University of Lancaster, 2004.<br />

p. 113-141.<br />

LOVISOLO, C.; SCHUBERT, A. Effects of water stress on vessel size and xylem hydraulic<br />

conductivity in Vitis vinifera L. Journal of Experimental Botany, Oxford, v. 49, n. 321, p.<br />

693-700, 1998.<br />

LOVISOLO, C. et al. Mercurial inhibition of root hydraulic conductance in Vitisspp.<br />

rootstocks under water stress. Environmental and Experimental Botany, Elmsford, v. 63, p.<br />

178-182, 2008.<br />

LOWELL, C. A.; TOMLISON, P. T.; KOCH, K. E. Sucrose metabolizing enzymes in<br />

transport tissues and adjacent sink structures in developing citrus fruit. Plant Physiology,<br />

Minneapolis, v. 90, p. 1394-1402, 1989.

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