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86 IEA. Análises de indicadores do agronegócio, São Paulo, v. 6, n. 2, 2011. Disponível em: . Acesso em: 12 abr. 2011. ISTEK, A. et al. Biodegradation of Abies bormülleriana (Mattf.) and Fagus orientalis (L.) by the rot fungus Phanerochaete chrysosporium. International Biodeterioration & Biodegradation, London, v. 55, p. 63-67, 2005. KACHLISHVILI, E. et al. Effect of nitrogen source on lignocellulolytic enzyme production by white-rot basidiomycetes under solid-state cultivation. World Journal of Microbiology & Biotechnology, Dordrecht, v. 22, n. 4, p. 391-397, 2005. KAYE, T. N.; SMITH, M. B.; THIES, W. G. Long-term effects of post-harvest stump removal and N-fertilization on understory vegetation in Western USA forests. Forest Ecology and Management, Amsterdan, v. 256, p. 732-740, 2008. KAWASE, K. Chemical components of wood decayed under natural conditions and their properties. Journal of the Faculty of Agriculture, Hokkaido Diagaku Sapporo, v. 52, p. 186- 245, 1962. KILE, G.A. Wood root rots of eucalypts. In: KEANE, P.J.; KILE, G.A.; PODGER, F.D.; BROWN, B.N. Diseases and pathogens of eucalypts. CSIRO: Queensland, 2000, p. 293-306. KLEIN, D. A.; PASCHKE, M. W. Filamentous fungi: the indeterminate lifestyle and microbial ecology. Microbial Ecology, New York, v. 47, p. 224-235, 2004. KLUCZEK-TURPEINEN, B. et al. Degradation and enzymatic activities of three Paecilomyces inflatus strains grown on diverse lignocellulosic substrates. International Biodeterioration & Biodegradation, London, v. 59, p. 283-291, 2007. KOGA, M.E.T. Matérias-primas fibrosas. In: PHILIPP, P.; D’ALMEIDA, M.L.O. (Orgs.) 2. ed. Celulose e papel, São Paulo: IPT, 1981. v. 1, p. 665-696. KOKER, T. H. et al. Isolation and enzymatic characterization of South African white-rot fungi. Mycological Research, London, v. 104, n. 7, p. 820-824, 2000.

86<br />

IEA. Análises de indicadores do agronegócio, São Paulo, v. 6, n. 2, 2011. Disponível em:<br />

. Acesso em: 12 abr. 2011.<br />

ISTEK, A. et al. Biodegradation of Abies bormülleriana (Mattf.) and Fagus orientalis (L.) by<br />

the rot fungus Phanerochaete chrysosporium. International Biodeterioration &<br />

Biodegradation, London, v. 55, p. 63-67, 2005.<br />

KACHLISHVILI, E. et al. Effect of nitrogen source on lignocellulolytic enzyme production by<br />

white-rot basidiomycetes under solid-state cultivation. World Journal of Microbiology &<br />

Biotechnology, Dordrecht, v. 22, n. 4, p. 391-397, 2005.<br />

KAYE, T. N.; SMITH, M. B.; THIES, W. G. Long-term effects of post-harvest stump removal<br />

and N-fertilization on understory vegetation in Western USA forests. Forest Ecology and<br />

Management, Amsterdan, v. 256, p. 732-740, 2008.<br />

KAWASE, K. Chemical components of wood decayed under natural conditions and their<br />

properties. Journal of the Faculty of Agriculture, Hokkaido Diagaku Sapporo, v. 52, p. 186-<br />

245, 1962.<br />

KILE, G.A. Wood root rots of eucalypts. In: KEANE, P.J.; KILE, G.A.; PODGER, F.D.;<br />

BROWN, B.N. Diseases and pathogens of eucalypts. CSIRO: Queensland, 2000, p. 293-306.<br />

KLEIN, D. A.; PASCHKE, M. W. Filamentous fungi: the indeterminate lifestyle and microbial<br />

ecology. Microbial Ecology, New York, v. 47, p. 224-235, 2004.<br />

KLUCZEK-TURPEINEN, B. et al. Degradation and enzymatic activities of three Paecilomyces<br />

inflatus strains grown on diverse lignocellulosic substrates. International Biodeterioration &<br />

Biodegradation, London, v. 59, p. 283-291, 2007.<br />

KOGA, M.E.T. Matérias-primas fibrosas. In: PHILIPP, P.; D’ALMEIDA, M.L.O. (Orgs.) 2. ed.<br />

Celulose e papel, São Paulo: IPT, 1981. v. 1, p. 665-696.<br />

KOKER, T. H. et al. Isolation and enzymatic characterization of South African white-rot fungi.<br />

Mycological Research, London, v. 104, n. 7, p. 820-824, 2000.

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