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126 GUSTAFSON, E. R. & PARKER, G. R. Relationships between landcover proportion and indices of landscape. Landscape Ecology. v.7, n.2, p.101-110, 1992. HARRIS, L.D. The fragmented forest: island biogeography theory and the preservation of biotic diversity. Chicago: University of Chicago, 1984. 229 p. HELLMUND, P. Quabbin to Wachusett Wildlife Corridor Study. Cambridge, MA: Harvard Graduate School of Design, 1989. JONGMAN, R.H.G.; K¨ULVIK, M.; KRISTIANSEN, I. European ecological networks and greenways. Landscape Urban Planning. n. 68, p. 305–319, 2004. KAREIVA, P. Population dynamics in spatially complex environments: theory and data. Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society of London. série b., v.330, p.175-190, 1990. LEITÃO, A.B.; AHERN, J. Applying landscape ecological concepts and metrics in sustainable landscape planning. Landscape Urban Planning. n. 59, p. 65–93, 2002. LI, Z.; WANG, L.R.; GUAN, D.S. Landscape heterogeneity of urban vegetation in Guangzhou. Chin. J. Appl. Ecol. n. 11, p. 127–130, 2000. (in Chinese). LINEHAN, J.; GROSS, M.; FINN, J. Greenway planning: developing a landscape ecological network approach. Landscape Urban Planning. n. 33, p. 179–193, 1995. LUCK, M.; WU, J. A gradient analysis of urban landscape pattern: a case study from the Phoenix metropolitan region, Arizona, USA. Landscape Ecol. n. 17, p. 327–339, 2002. MCGARIGAL, K.; MARKS, B.J. Fragstats: Spatial Pattern Analysis Program for Quantifying Landscape Structure. General Technical Report PNW-GTR-351. Pacific Northwest Research Station, USDA-Forest Service, Portland, 1995, 122 p. METZGER, J.P.; GOLDENGERB, R.; BERNACCI, L.C. Caminhos da biodiversidade. Ciência Hoje. v. 25, n. 146, p. 62-64, 1999. SMITH, D. S. & HELLMUND, P. L. Ecology of Greenways. Minneapolis, MN: University of Minnesota Press, 1993. 222 p. THORNE, J. F. Landscape Ecology. IN: SMITH, D. S.; HELLMUND, P. L. (eds.). Ecology of Greenways. Minneapolis, MN: University of Minnesota Press., 1993. 222p. TRAFICANTE, C. Análise da capacidade de uso da terra como subsídio ao planejamento ambiental do território. Aplicação nas terras do município de Agudos, SP. Bauru: 2007a. 32 p. (enviado para publicação) TRAFICANTE, C. O sistema verde e as redes ecológicas: o triangulo Agudos-Bauru- Piratininga. Bauru: 2007b. 22 p. (enviado para publicação)

127 TURNER, M. G. Landscape ecology: the effect of pattern on process. Annual Review of Ecology and Systematics. v. 20, p.171-197, 1989. URBAN, D.L.; O’NEILL, R.V.; SHUGART, JR.H.H. Landscape ecology: a hierarchical perspective can help scientists understand spatial patterns. BioScience. v.37, p. 119-127, 1987. VALENTE, R. O. A. Análise da estrutura da paisagem na bacia do Rio Corumbataí, SP. Piracicaba, SP: USP, out. 2001. Originalmente apresentada como dissertação de mestrado em Recursos Florestais, Área de Concentração em Conservação de Ecossistemas Florestais), Escola Superior de Agricultura “Luiz de Queiroz”, Universidade de São Paulo, Piracicaba, 2001. WU, J. ; JELINSKI, D.E. ; LUCK, M. ; TUELLER, P.T. Multi-scale analysis of landscape heterogeneity: scale variance and pattern metrics. Geogr. Inform. Sci. n. 6, p. 6–19, 2000. ZHANG, L.; WU, J.; ZHEN, Y.; SHU, J. A GIS-based gradient analysis of urban landscape pattern of Shanghai metropolitan area, China. Landscape Urban Planning. n. 69, p. 1–16, 2004. ZHANG, L.; WANG, H. Planning an ecological network of Xiamen Island (China) using landscape metrics and network analysis. Landscape and Urban Planning. n. 78, p. 449-456, 2006.

127<br />

TURNER, M. G. Landscape ecology: the effect of pattern on process. Annual Review of<br />

Ecology and Systematics. v. 20, p.171-197, 1989.<br />

URBAN, D.L.; O’NEILL, R.V.; SHUGART, JR.H.H. Landscape ecology: a hierarchical<br />

perspective can help scientists understand spatial patterns. BioScience. v.37, p. 119-127, 1987.<br />

VALENTE, R. O. A. Análise da estrutura da paisagem na bacia do Rio Corumbataí, SP.<br />

Piracicaba, SP: USP, out. 2001. Originalmente apresentada como dissertação de mestrado em<br />

Recursos Florestais, Área de Concentração em Conservação de Ecossistemas Florestais),<br />

Escola Superior de Agricultura “Luiz de Queiroz”, Universidade de São Paulo, Piracicaba,<br />

2001.<br />

WU, J. ; JELINSKI, D.E. ; LUCK, M. ; TUELLER, P.T. Multi-scale analysis of landscape<br />

heterogeneity: scale variance and pattern metrics. Geogr. Inform. Sci. n. 6, p. 6–19, 2000.<br />

ZHANG, L.; WU, J.; ZHEN, Y.; SHU, J. A GIS-based gradient analysis of urban landscape<br />

pattern of Shanghai metropolitan area, China. Landscape Urban Planning. n. 69, p. 1–16,<br />

2004.<br />

ZHANG, L.; WANG, H. Planning an ecological network of Xiamen Island (China) using<br />

landscape metrics and network analysis. Landscape and Urban Planning. n. 78, p. 449-456,<br />


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