pdf- Tamanho - Grupo CCR

pdf- Tamanho - Grupo CCR

pdf- Tamanho - Grupo CCR


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Governance, commitments and engagement<br />

Governance<br />

4.1 Organization’s governance structure Corporate governance (Pages 25 - 30) / www.grupoccr.com.br/ri<br />

4.2 Indication whether the president of the highest Corporate governance (Page 28) / www.grupoccr.com.br/ri<br />

governance group is also an executive director<br />

4.3 Declaration of the number of independent members, Corporate governance (Page 28) / www.grupoccr.com.br/ri<br />

or nonexecutives, of the highest governance group<br />

4.4 Mechanisms for shareholders and employees to make Corporate governance (Page 28) / www.grupoccr.com.br/ri<br />

recommendations to the highest governance group<br />

4.5 Relationship between the remuneration of the Corporate governance (Pages 28 - 29) / www.grupoccr.com.br/ri<br />

members of the highest governance group, board of<br />

directors, and other executives, and the performance of<br />

the organization, including socioenvironmental<br />

4.6 Processes of top management for preventing conflicts Corporate governance (Page 26) / www.grupoccr.com.br/ri<br />

of interest<br />

4.7 Process for determining the qualifications and Corporate governance (Page 29) / www.grupoccr.com.br/ri<br />

knowledge of the members of the highest governance<br />

group<br />

4.8 Mission and value declarations, codes of conduct, and<br />

internal principles<br />

4.9 Procedures of the highest governance group for<br />

supervising the management of economic, environmental<br />

and social performance<br />

4.10 Processes for self-evaluation of the performance of<br />

the highest governance group<br />

Commitments to external initiatives<br />

<strong>CCR</strong> Group / Corporate governance<br />

(Pages 20 - 22 and 31) / www.grupoccr.com.br/ri<br />

Corporate governance (Page 30) / www.grupoccr.com.br/ri<br />

Corporate governance (Page 30) / www.grupoccr.com.br/ri<br />

4.11 Precautionary principle The activities of the <strong>CCR</strong> Group do not require the use of the precautionary principle.<br />

4.12 Letters, sets of principles, or other voluntary<br />

initiatives developed externally, of an economic and<br />

socioenvironmental nature, that the organization<br />

subscribes to or endorses<br />

4.13 Participation in national/international associations<br />

and/or organizations where the organization has a<br />

seat, takes part in projects or committees, contributes<br />

significant resources and/or considers its involvement as a<br />

member as being strategic<br />

The <strong>CCR</strong> Group agrees with the eight Millennium Development Objectives (MDO), established<br />

by the United Nations (UN), in 2000. Furthermore, via its concessionaires, it participates in<br />

the “In the Right Direction” Program, which is a social initiative for fighting the sexual and<br />

commercial exploitation of children and adolescents along Brazilian highways.<br />

The <strong>CCR</strong> Group has a seat in several representative organizations, including: the Brazilian<br />

Association of Highway Concessionaires (Associação Brasileira de Concessionárias de<br />

Rodovias-ABCR), International Bridge, Tunnel and Turnpike Association (IBTTA), and the<br />

National Association of Cargo Transportation and Logistics (Associação Nacional dos<br />

Transportes de Carga e Logística-NTC). The organization also participates in other industry<br />

entities, including: the Brazilian Association of Infrastructure and Basic Industries (Associação<br />

Brasileira da Infra-Estrutura e Indústrias de Base-ABDIB), the Brazilian Institute of Corporate<br />

Governance (Instituto Brasileiro de Governance Corporativa-IBGC), the Association of Sales<br />

and Marketing Directors of Brazil (Associação dos Dirigentes de Vendas e Marketing do Brasil-<br />

ADVB), and the Brazilian Association of Corporate Communication (Associação Brasileira de<br />

Comunicação Empresarial-ABERJE).<br />

Engagement of interested parties<br />

4.14 List of groups of stakeholders engaged in the Vision of Sustainability (Pages 34 and 38 - 46)<br />

organization<br />

4.15 Basis for identifying and selecting stakeholders Vision of Sustainability (Pages 34 - 35)<br />

4.16 Approaches to engaging stakeholders Vision of Sustainability (Pages 34 - 35)<br />

4.17 Main subjects and concerns raised by stakeholders Vision of Sustainability (Pages 38 - 46)<br />

Sustainability in practice (Pages 50 - 52)<br />


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