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BARNETT, J.P. How seed orchard culture affects seed quality: Experience with the<br />

southern pines. The Forestry Chronicle, Ottawa, v.72, n.5, p.469-473, 1996.<br />

BARNETT, J.P. McLEMORE, B.F. Storing southern pine seeds. Journal of Forestry,<br />

Washington, v.68, n. 1, p. 24-27, 1970.<br />

BARROS, N.F; et al; Efeitos de recipientes na sobrevivência e no crescimento de<br />

mudas de Eucalyptus grandis S. Hill ex Maiden, no viveiro e no campo. Revista<br />

Árvore, Viçosa, MG, v. 2, n. 2, p. 141-151, 1978.<br />

BELCHER, E.W.; LEACH, G.N.; GRESHAM, H.H. Sizing slash pine seeds as a<br />

nursery procedure. Tree Planters’ Notes, Washington, v. 35, p.5-10, 1984.<br />

BELING, R. R.; Madeira serrada e aglomerada. Anuário Brasileiro da Silvicultura,<br />

Santa Cruz do Sul, p.110-112, 2006.<br />

BERGMANN, A. Variation in flowering and its effect on seed cost. Raleigh:<br />

School of Forest Resources, North Carolina State University. 63p. 1968. Technical<br />

Report, n.38<br />

BONNET-MASIMBERT, M; WEBBER, J.B.; From flower induction to seed production<br />

in forest tree orchards. Tree Physiology, Victoria, v. 15, p.419- 426, 1995.<br />

BORGES , E. E. de; RENA, A. B. Germinação de sementes. In: AGUIAR, I. B; PINA-<br />

RODRIGUES, F. C. M.; FIGLIOLIA, M. B. Sementes florestais tropicais, Brasília,<br />

DF: ABRATES, 1993. p.83-127.<br />

BORGES, R.C.G. et al; Correlações entre caracteres de crescimento em Eucalyptus<br />

grandis S. Hill ex Maiden. Revista Árvore. Viçosa, MG, v.4, n.2, p.146-156, 1980.<br />

BRAMLETT, J. P.; DELL, T.R.; PEPPER, W.D. Genetic and maternal influences on<br />

Virginia pine seed germination. Silvae Genetica, Frankfurt, v. 32, n.1-2, p.1- 4.1983.<br />


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