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YÁÑEZ-ESPINOSA, L. & TERRAZAS, T. Wood and bark anatomy of Annona glabra L. under flooding. Agrociencia, v. 35, n.1, 2001. ZANNE, A.E., WESTOBY, M., FALSTER, D.S., ACKERLY, D.D., LOARIE, S.R., ARNOLD, S.E.J. Angiosperm wood structure: global patterns in vessel anatomy and their relation to wood density and potential conductivity. Am. J. Bot., v. 97, p. 207- 215, 2010. ZIMMERMANN M. H. Transport in the xylem. P169-220. In: ZIMMERMANN, M.H. & BROWN, C.L. Trees structure and function. New York: Spring-Verlag, 1974. 336p. ZIMMERMANN, M. H. Functional xylem anatomy of angiosperm trees. p 59-70. In:BASS, P. New Perspectives in Wood Anatomy. Boston: Martinus Nijhoff/Dr. Junk Publishers, 1982. 252p. ZIMMERMANN M. H. Xylem structure and the ascent of sap. Berlin: Springer Series in Wood Science. Springer-Verlag, 1983. 142p. 55

YÁÑEZ-ESPINOSA, L. & TERRAZAS, T. Wood and bark anatomy of Annona glabra<br />

L. un<strong>de</strong>r flooding. Agrociencia, v. 35, n.1, 2001.<br />


ARNOLD, S.E.J. Angiosperm wood structure: global patterns in vessel anatomy and<br />

their relation to wood <strong>de</strong>nsity and potential conductivity. Am. J. Bot., v. 97, p. 207-<br />

215, 2010.<br />

ZIMMERMANN M. H. Transport in the xyl<strong>em</strong>. P169-220. In: ZIMMERMANN, M.H. &<br />

BROWN, C.L. Trees structure and function. New York: Spring-Verlag, 1974. 336p.<br />

ZIMMERMANN, M. H. Functional xyl<strong>em</strong> anatomy of angiosperm trees. p 59-70.<br />

In:BASS, P. New Perspectives in Wood Anatomy. Boston: Martinus Nijhoff/Dr.<br />

Junk Publishers, 1982. 252p.<br />

ZIMMERMANN M. H. Xyl<strong>em</strong> structure and the ascent of sap. Berlin: Springer<br />

Series in Wood Science. Springer-Verlag, 1983. 142p.<br />


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