Curitiba - Centro Brasil Design

Curitiba - Centro Brasil Design Curitiba - Centro Brasil Design


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112 Produtos e projetos desenvolvidos pelos designers homenageados na mostra. Products and projects developed by the designers honored at the exhibition. Quando o Centro de Design do Paraná apresentou a ideia de trazer ao nosso Estado a Bienal Brasileira de Design, nós, do Conselho de Administração do Centro Internacional de Inovação (C2i) da FIEP, nos entusiasmamos por vislumbrar a diferença que essa ação traria para as nossas indústrias. E aconteceu! Curitiba respirou design por 48 dias, e o evento continua nos blogs, debates, outras exposições, etc. Mas o mais importante é o reconhecimento de que design é estratégico na inovação e muito mais amplo do que pensamos. Como a Bienal bem mostrou, o design que inova também inspira. E a inspiração ainda está no ar. When the Paraná Design Center presented us with the idea of bringing the Brazilian Design Biennial to our state, we we from the Board of Directors of the International Innovation Center (C2i) at FIEP (Paraná Federation of Industries) became excited at the opportunities this initiative would create for our manufacturers. And it happened! Curitiba lived and breathed design for 48 days and the event lives on in blogs, debates, other exhibitions, etc. But what was most important was the recognition that design is a strategic factor in innovation and a much broader subject than we tend to think. As the Biennial demonstrated, design that innovates also inspires. And the inspiration is still in the air. Ronaldo Duschenes Vice-presidente da Federação das Indústrias do Estado do Paraná, designer e presidente do Conselho de Administração da Flexiv Vice-chairman of the Federation of Industries of the State of Paraná, designer and Chairman of the Flexiv Management Board

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Produtos e projetos desenvolvidos pelos designers homenageados na mostra.<br />

Products and projects developed by the designers honored at the exhibition.<br />

Quando o <strong>Centro</strong> de <strong>Design</strong> do Paraná apresentou a ideia de trazer<br />

ao nosso Estado a Bienal <strong>Brasil</strong>eira de <strong>Design</strong>, nós, do Conselho<br />

de Administração do <strong>Centro</strong> Internacional de Inovação (C2i) da<br />

FIEP, nos entusiasmamos por vislumbrar a diferença que essa ação<br />

traria para as nossas indústrias.<br />

E aconteceu! <strong>Curitiba</strong> respirou design por 48 dias, e o evento<br />

continua nos blogs, debates, outras exposições, etc. Mas o mais<br />

importante é o reconhecimento de que design é estratégico na<br />

inovação e muito mais amplo do que pensamos. Como a Bienal<br />

bem mostrou, o design que inova também inspira. E a inspiração<br />

ainda está no ar.<br />

When the Paraná <strong>Design</strong> Center presented us with the idea of<br />

bringing the Brazilian <strong>Design</strong> Biennial to our state, we we from<br />

the Board of Directors of the International Innovation Center (C2i)<br />

at FIEP (Paraná Federation of Industries) became excited at the<br />

opportunities this initiative would create for our manufacturers.<br />

And it happened! <strong>Curitiba</strong> lived and breathed design for 48 days<br />

and the event lives on in blogs, debates, other exhibitions, etc.<br />

But what was most important was the recognition that design is a<br />

strategic factor in innovation and a much broader subject than we<br />

tend to think. As the Biennial demonstrated, design that innovates<br />

also inspires. And the inspiration is still in the air.<br />

Ronaldo Duschenes<br />

Vice-presidente da Federação das Indústrias do Estado<br />

do Paraná, designer e presidente do Conselho de<br />

Administração da Flexiv<br />

Vice-chairman of the Federation of Industries of the State of<br />

Paraná, designer and Chairman of the Flexiv Management Board

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