Curitiba - Centro Brasil Design

Curitiba - Centro Brasil Design Curitiba - Centro Brasil Design


242 243 Design Innovation Labs

Adélia Borges Jornalista, curadora especializada em design e professora na FAAP- SP. Autora de seis livros, entre eles “Designer não é Personal Trainer”. Foi diretora do Museu da Casa Brasileira. Escreveu para várias publicações, como a revista Design & Interiores. Journalist, curator specializing in design, and a professor at FAAP- SP. Author of six books, including “Designer não é Personal Trainer” (“A Designer is not a Personal Trainer”). She was the director of the Brazilian House Museum and has written for various publications, such as “Design & Interiors magazine”. Ed Hebblethwaite Diretor da Seymourpowell, seus projetos abrangem um amplo espectro de disciplinas – publicidade, marketing, design gráfico, design para o segmento de varejo, grandes empresas e produtos –, e sua motivação é usar novas ideias e estímulos para liberar o potencial das marcas. Director of Seymourpowell, his projects cover a broad spectrum of disciplines – advertising, marketing, graphic design, design for the retail segment, large companies and products – and his source of inspiration is to use new ideas and stimuli for unleashing the potential of brands. Darragh Murphy Atua como consultor no National Centre for Product Design & Development Research (PDR) no Reino Unido. Designer de produto, colaborou na criação do prêmio Design Management Europe (DME) e organizou a edição 2008 em Cardiff. É constantemente convidado como palestrante em conferências de inovação da Europa. He acts as a consultant for the National Centre for Product Design & Development Research (PDR) in the UK. A product designer, he collaborated on the creation of the Design Management Europe Award (DME) and organized the 2008 edition in Cardiff. He is regularly invited as a speaker at innovation conferences in Europe. Emiliano Martus Barelli Formado em engenharia mecânica pela USP, pós-graduado com MBA pela FGV em gestão empresarial. Há 10 anos na Natura, trabalhou nas áreas de engenharia de processos, manufatura e nos últimos 5 anos na área de desenvolvimento de embalagens. Ocupa atualmente o cargo de gerente geral de Desenvolvimento de Embalagens. Graduated in Mechanical Engineering from USP, and did postgraduate studies at the FGV where he received an MBA in Business Management. During his ten years at Natura, he has worked in the areas of process engineering and manufacturing, and during the last five years in the area of packaging development. At present, he holds the position of General Manager of Packaging Development. Elodie Ternaux Engenheira e designer, atualmente é diretora da matériO – biblioteca de materiais de Paris, onde realiza programas de treinamento e workshops. É uma das autoras do novo livro “da matériO’s: Materiology”. Como consultora em materiais e tecnologias, já atendeu Leroy Merlin, SEB, Waterman, PSA, L’Oréal e Cartier. Engineer and designer, she is currently the director of “matériO – materials” library in Paris where she conducts training programs and workshops. She is one of the authors of a new book from matériO: “Materiology”. As a consultant in materials and technologies, she has provided services for Leroy Merlin, SEB, Waterman, PSA, L’Oréal and Cartier. Fred Gelli Sócio da Tátil Design de Ideias, empresa de branding e design com clientes como Natura, Nokia e Coca-Cola. Conquistou mais de 80 prêmios de design, entre eles o iF Design Award, IDEA–USA, D&AD, Cannes Lions, Caboré. Professor de ecoinovação e biomimética da PUC-RJ. Partner of Tátil Design de Ideias, a Branding and Design firm, with clients such as Natura, Nokia and Coca-Cola. He has won over 80 design awards, including the iF Design Award, IDEA – USA, D&AD, Cannes Lions, Caboré. Professor of Eco-innovation and Biomimetics at PUC-RJ. Bernadete Brandão Ecodesigner, formada em design industrial pela UFPR, e com especialidade em administração estratégica pela FAE/CDE. Foi coordenadora do curso de Ecodesign na Unindus/Fiepr, e professora da Pós-Graduação em Gestão do Design de Móveis da UTFPR. É diretora da Uia Eco Design. Ecodesigner, graduate in Industrial Design from UFPR, with a specialization in Strategic Administration from FAE/ CDE. She was the coordinator of the Ecodesign course at Unindus/Fiepr, and Professor for the Postgraduate program in Furniture Design Management at UTFPR. She is presently the director of Uia Eco Design. Henrik Otto É vice-presidente sênior de Design Global da Electrolux. Formado pela Universidade de Gothenburg em 1990 e mestre em design industrial. Antes de ingressar na Electrolux, em 2004, Henrik foi vice-presidente de design da Volvo Car Corporation, tendo sido responsável pelos modelos Volvo S40/ V50. He is the senior vice president of Global Design at Electrolux. A graduate from the University of Gothenburg, in 1990, and a master in industrial design. Before joining Electrolux in 2004, Henrik was vice president of design at the Volvo Car Corporation and was responsible for the Volvo S40/V50 models. John Thackara Sócio da The Young Foundation (Reino Unido); consultor sênior de indicadores de sustentabilidade para a Agência France Presse; autor de “The Bubble: Designing In A Complex World” e diretor do projeto Doors of Perception. Partner of the Young Foundation (UK); senior consultant of sustainability indicators for Agence France Presse; author of “The Bubble: Designing in a Complex World” and director of the project, Doors of Perception. Kleber Celadon Doutorando em gestão da inovação - CENTRIM - Freeman Centre - Universidade de Brighton. Membro do Chartered Management Institute do Reino Unido, é sócio-fundador da empresa de consultoria Klock Management. PhD student in Innovation Management - CENTRIM - Freeman Centre - Brighton University. Member of the Chartered Management Institute in the UK, he is a founding partner of the consulting firm, Klock Management. Gisele Raulik-Murphy Além da experiência como designer gráfica, atuou em centros de design no Brasil e no Reino Unido. Atualmente trabalha para o Design Wales na coordenação do SEE project, rede financiada pela Comissão Europeia para o estudo de políticas de design e inovação. Doutoranda pela Universidade de Gales. Besides her experience as a graphic designer, she has worked in design centers in Brazil and the United Kingdom. She currently works for Design Wales, in coordinating the SEE project, a European Commission-funded network for the study of design and innovation policies. PhD student at the University of Wales. Lujan Cambariere Jornalista, atua há quinze anos na mídia especializada em design. Editora do suplemento M2, da revista Barzón e colunista de design sustentável do programa de TV Recurso Natural. Dirige o Satorilab – Oficinas de Design Experimental com Resíduos e o projeto de transferência de design Marca Cárcel X Satorilab. A journalist, she has worked for fifteen years in specialized design media. Editor of the M2 supplement, of Barzón magazine, and sustainable design columnist for the TV program, Natural Resources. She directs Satorilab – Workshops in Experimental Design with Waste and the Marca Cárcel X Satorilab design transfer project. 244 245 John Heskett Professor catedrático da Escola de Design da Universidade Politécnica de Hong Kong. É autor de “Industrial Design” (1980) e “Toothpicks and Logos: Design in Everyday Life” (2002). Trabalhou como consultor de empresas e governos pelo mundo. Professor at the Hong Kong Polytechnic University School of Design. Author of “Industrial Design” (1980) and “Toothpicks and Logos: Design in Everyday Life” (2002). He has worked as a consultant for companies and governments around the world. Mana Bernardes Designer de joias e artista plástica. Suas peças circulam do Chelsea Art Museum, em Nova York, às ruas de comércio popular. Seu trabalho faz uso do tripé educação, arte e design. Já realizou oficinas em todo o Brasil e exposições na França, Londres, Paris e Tókio. Jewelry designer and plastic artist. Her pieces can be found both at the Chelsea Art Museum, in New York, and on popular shopping streets. Her work uses the tripodal foundation of education, art and design. She has held workshops throughout Brazil and exhibitions in France, London, Paris and Tokyo. Julio Frias PhD pela Nottingham University Business School, atualmente é presidente do Diseña Mexico, organização que atuou na proposição de uma política de design para o México, e diretor do Centro de Design no Instituto de Tecnologia Monterrey. PhD from Nottingham University Business School, he is currently President of Diseña Mexico, an organization that worked on a design policy proposal for Mexico, as well as the director of the Design Center at the Monterrey Institute of Technology. Kleber Puchaski PhD (RCA) é diretor de design da Feel the Future, Consultoria de Design e Inovação focada no desenvolvimento de produtos, serviços e ambientes. Na UFPR é coordenador de Transferência de Tecnologia da Agência de Inovação e professor de design de produtos. With a PhD (from the RCA), he is the Design Director of Feel the Future, Design and Innovation Consultancy, which is focused on developing products, services and environments. At UFPR, he is the Technology Transfer coordinator of the Innovation Agency and a professor of Product Design. Palestrantes | Speakers

Adélia Borges<br />

Jornalista, curadora especializada<br />

em design e professora na FAAP-<br />

SP. Autora de seis livros, entre eles<br />

“<strong>Design</strong>er não é Personal Trainer”. Foi<br />

diretora do Museu da Casa <strong>Brasil</strong>eira.<br />

Escreveu para várias publicações,<br />

como a revista <strong>Design</strong> & Interiores.<br />

Journalist, curator specializing in<br />

design, and a professor at FAAP-<br />

SP. Author of six books, including<br />

“<strong>Design</strong>er não é Personal Trainer” (“A<br />

<strong>Design</strong>er is not a Personal Trainer”).<br />

She was the director of the Brazilian<br />

House Museum and has written for<br />

various publications, such as “<strong>Design</strong><br />

& Interiors magazine”.<br />

Ed Hebblethwaite<br />

Diretor da Seymourpowell, seus<br />

projetos abrangem um amplo espectro<br />

de disciplinas – publicidade,<br />

marketing, design gráfico, design<br />

para o segmento de varejo, grandes<br />

empresas e produtos –, e sua<br />

motivação é usar novas ideias e<br />

estímulos para liberar o potencial das<br />

marcas.<br />

Director of Seymourpowell, his projects<br />

cover a broad spectrum of disciplines<br />

– advertising, marketing, graphic<br />

design, design for the retail segment,<br />

large companies and products – and<br />

his source of inspiration is to use new<br />

ideas and stimuli for unleashing the<br />

potential of brands.<br />

Darragh Murphy<br />

Atua como consultor no National Centre<br />

for Product <strong>Design</strong> & Development<br />

Research (PDR) no Reino Unido.<br />

<strong>Design</strong>er de produto, colaborou na<br />

criação do prêmio <strong>Design</strong> Management<br />

Europe (DME) e organizou a edição<br />

2008 em Cardiff. É constantemente<br />

convidado como palestrante em<br />

conferências de inovação da Europa.<br />

He acts as a consultant for the<br />

National Centre for Product <strong>Design</strong> &<br />

Development Research (PDR) in the UK.<br />

A product designer, he collaborated on<br />

the creation of the <strong>Design</strong> Management<br />

Europe Award (DME) and organized the<br />

2008 edition in Cardiff. He is regularly<br />

invited as a speaker at innovation<br />

conferences in Europe.<br />

Emiliano Martus Barelli<br />

Formado em engenharia mecânica pela<br />

USP, pós-graduado com MBA pela<br />

FGV em gestão empresarial. Há 10<br />

anos na Natura, trabalhou nas áreas de<br />

engenharia de processos, manufatura<br />

e nos últimos 5 anos na área de<br />

desenvolvimento de embalagens. Ocupa<br />

atualmente o cargo de gerente geral de<br />

Desenvolvimento de Embalagens.<br />

Graduated in Mechanical Engineering<br />

from USP, and did postgraduate studies<br />

at the FGV where he received an MBA in<br />

Business Management. During his ten<br />

years at Natura, he has worked in the areas<br />

of process engineering and manufacturing,<br />

and during the last five years in the area<br />

of packaging development. At present, he<br />

holds the position of General Manager of<br />

Packaging Development.<br />

Elodie Ternaux<br />

Engenheira e designer, atualmente<br />

é diretora da matériO – biblioteca<br />

de materiais de Paris, onde realiza<br />

programas de treinamento e workshops.<br />

É uma das autoras do novo livro<br />

“da matériO’s: Materiology”. Como<br />

consultora em materiais e tecnologias,<br />

já atendeu Leroy Merlin, SEB,<br />

Waterman, PSA, L’Oréal e Cartier.<br />

Engineer and designer, she is currently<br />

the director of “matériO – materials”<br />

library in Paris where she conducts<br />

training programs and workshops.<br />

She is one of the authors of a new<br />

book from matériO: “Materiology”.<br />

As a consultant in materials and<br />

technologies, she has provided services<br />

for Leroy Merlin, SEB, Waterman, PSA,<br />

L’Oréal and Cartier.<br />

Fred Gelli<br />

Sócio da Tátil <strong>Design</strong> de Ideias,<br />

empresa de branding e design com<br />

clientes como Natura, Nokia e<br />

Coca-Cola. Conquistou mais de 80<br />

prêmios de design, entre eles o iF<br />

<strong>Design</strong> Award, IDEA–USA, D&AD,<br />

Cannes Lions, Caboré. Professor<br />

de ecoinovação e biomimética da<br />

PUC-RJ.<br />

Partner of Tátil <strong>Design</strong> de Ideias, a<br />

Branding and <strong>Design</strong> firm, with clients<br />

such as Natura, Nokia and Coca-Cola.<br />

He has won over 80 design awards,<br />

including the iF <strong>Design</strong> Award, IDEA<br />

– USA, D&AD, Cannes Lions, Caboré.<br />

Professor of Eco-innovation and<br />

Biomimetics at PUC-RJ.<br />

Bernadete Brandão<br />

Ecodesigner, formada em design<br />

industrial pela UFPR, e com<br />

especialidade em administração<br />

estratégica pela FAE/CDE. Foi<br />

coordenadora do curso de Ecodesign<br />

na Unindus/Fiepr, e professora da<br />

Pós-Graduação em Gestão do <strong>Design</strong><br />

de Móveis da UTFPR. É diretora da<br />

Uia Eco <strong>Design</strong>.<br />

Ecodesigner, graduate in Industrial<br />

<strong>Design</strong> from UFPR, with a specialization<br />

in Strategic Administration from FAE/<br />

CDE. She was the coordinator of the<br />

Ecodesign course at Unindus/Fiepr, and<br />

Professor for the Postgraduate program<br />

in Furniture <strong>Design</strong> Management at<br />

UTFPR. She is presently the director of<br />

Uia Eco <strong>Design</strong>.<br />

Henrik Otto<br />

É vice-presidente sênior de <strong>Design</strong><br />

Global da Electrolux. Formado pela<br />

Universidade de Gothenburg em 1990<br />

e mestre em design industrial. Antes<br />

de ingressar na Electrolux, em 2004,<br />

Henrik foi vice-presidente de design<br />

da Volvo Car Corporation, tendo sido<br />

responsável pelos modelos Volvo S40/<br />

V50.<br />

He is the senior vice president of Global<br />

<strong>Design</strong> at Electrolux. A graduate from<br />

the University of Gothenburg, in 1990,<br />

and a master in industrial design. Before<br />

joining Electrolux in 2004, Henrik was<br />

vice president of design at the Volvo Car<br />

Corporation and was responsible for the<br />

Volvo S40/V50 models.<br />

John Thackara<br />

Sócio da The Young Foundation<br />

(Reino Unido); consultor sênior de<br />

indicadores de sustentabilidade para a<br />

Agência France Presse; autor de “The<br />

Bubble: <strong>Design</strong>ing In A Complex<br />

World” e diretor do projeto Doors of<br />

Perception.<br />

Partner of the Young Foundation<br />

(UK); senior consultant of<br />

sustainability indicators for Agence<br />

France Presse; author of “The Bubble:<br />

<strong>Design</strong>ing in a Complex World”<br />

and director of the project, Doors of<br />

Perception.<br />

Kleber Celadon<br />

Doutorando em gestão da inovação<br />

- CENTRIM - Freeman Centre -<br />

Universidade de Brighton. Membro<br />

do Chartered Management Institute<br />

do Reino Unido, é sócio-fundador<br />

da empresa de consultoria Klock<br />

Management.<br />

PhD student in Innovation<br />

Management - CENTRIM - Freeman<br />

Centre - Brighton University. Member<br />

of the Chartered Management<br />

Institute in the UK, he is a founding<br />

partner of the consulting firm, Klock<br />

Management.<br />

Gisele Raulik-Murphy<br />

Além da experiência como designer<br />

gráfica, atuou em centros de design no<br />

<strong>Brasil</strong> e no Reino Unido. Atualmente<br />

trabalha para o <strong>Design</strong> Wales na<br />

coordenação do SEE project, rede<br />

financiada pela Comissão Europeia<br />

para o estudo de políticas de<br />

design e inovação. Doutoranda pela<br />

Universidade de Gales.<br />

Besides her experience as a graphic<br />

designer, she has worked in design<br />

centers in Brazil and the United<br />

Kingdom. She currently works for<br />

<strong>Design</strong> Wales, in coordinating the SEE<br />

project, a European Commission-funded<br />

network for the study of design and<br />

innovation policies. PhD student at the<br />

University of Wales.<br />

Lujan Cambariere<br />

Jornalista, atua há quinze anos na<br />

mídia especializada em design.<br />

Editora do suplemento M2, da<br />

revista Barzón e colunista de design<br />

sustentável do programa de TV<br />

Recurso Natural. Dirige o Satorilab –<br />

Oficinas de <strong>Design</strong> Experimental com<br />

Resíduos e o projeto de transferência<br />

de design Marca Cárcel X Satorilab.<br />

A journalist, she has worked for fifteen<br />

years in specialized design media.<br />

Editor of the M2 supplement, of Barzón<br />

magazine, and sustainable design<br />

columnist for the TV program, Natural<br />

Resources. She directs Satorilab –<br />

Workshops in Experimental <strong>Design</strong><br />

with Waste and the Marca Cárcel X<br />

Satorilab design transfer project.<br />

244 245<br />

John Heskett<br />

Professor catedrático da Escola de<br />

<strong>Design</strong> da Universidade Politécnica<br />

de Hong Kong. É autor de “Industrial<br />

<strong>Design</strong>” (1980) e “Toothpicks and<br />

Logos: <strong>Design</strong> in Everyday Life”<br />

(2002). Trabalhou como consultor de<br />

empresas e governos pelo mundo.<br />

Professor at the Hong Kong<br />

Polytechnic University School of<br />

<strong>Design</strong>. Author of “Industrial <strong>Design</strong>”<br />

(1980) and “Toothpicks and Logos:<br />

<strong>Design</strong> in Everyday Life” (2002).<br />

He has worked as a consultant for<br />

companies and governments around<br />

the world.<br />

Mana Bernardes<br />

<strong>Design</strong>er de joias e artista plástica.<br />

Suas peças circulam do Chelsea Art<br />

Museum, em Nova York, às ruas de<br />

comércio popular. Seu trabalho faz<br />

uso do tripé educação, arte e design.<br />

Já realizou oficinas em todo o <strong>Brasil</strong> e<br />

exposições na França, Londres, Paris<br />

e Tókio.<br />

Jewelry designer and plastic artist.<br />

Her pieces can be found both at the<br />

Chelsea Art Museum, in New York,<br />

and on popular shopping streets. Her<br />

work uses the tripodal foundation of<br />

education, art and design. She has<br />

held workshops throughout Brazil and<br />

exhibitions in France, London, Paris<br />

and Tokyo.<br />

Julio Frias<br />

PhD pela Nottingham University<br />

Business School, atualmente é<br />

presidente do Diseña Mexico,<br />

organização que atuou na proposição<br />

de uma política de design para o<br />

México, e diretor do <strong>Centro</strong> de <strong>Design</strong><br />

no Instituto de Tecnologia Monterrey.<br />

PhD from Nottingham University<br />

Business School, he is currently<br />

President of Diseña Mexico, an<br />

organization that worked on a design<br />

policy proposal for Mexico, as well as<br />

the director of the <strong>Design</strong> Center at the<br />

Monterrey Institute of Technology.<br />

Kleber Puchaski<br />

PhD (RCA) é diretor de design<br />

da Feel the Future, Consultoria<br />

de <strong>Design</strong> e Inovação focada no<br />

desenvolvimento de produtos, serviços<br />

e ambientes. Na UFPR é coordenador<br />

de Transferência de Tecnologia da<br />

Agência de Inovação e professor de<br />

design de produtos.<br />

With a PhD (from the RCA), he is the<br />

<strong>Design</strong> Director of Feel the Future,<br />

<strong>Design</strong> and Innovation Consultancy,<br />

which is focused on developing<br />

products, services and environments. At<br />

UFPR, he is the Technology Transfer<br />

coordinator of the Innovation Agency<br />

and a professor of Product <strong>Design</strong>.<br />

Palestrantes | Speakers

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