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136 ANAIS DA TERCEIRA RETJNIÂO <strong>BRASILEIRA</strong> DE CIÊNCIA <strong>DO</strong> <strong>SOLO</strong><br />

3. Nesta experiência, foi notada uma diminuiçâo de teor de nitratos<br />

em dezembro, que foge ao critério anterior. Admitiu-se comocausa,<br />

a lavagem, bem como a absorçâo intensa dos nitratos do solopelo<br />

mato que cresce. Pode-se explicar, por êsse fenômeno, a falta de<br />

reacao das adubaçoes nitrogenadas minerais, preconizando-se o parcelamènto<br />

do adubo para esta época. Contudo, esta experiência de<br />

variabilidade de nitratos nâo leva a resultados definitivos, pois indica<br />

apenas possibilidade de se resolver o problema de adubaçoes nitrogenadas<br />

minerais no Estado de S. Paulo.<br />

4. A experiência efetuada nâo permite que se aceite uma ascençâo<br />

de sais nas épocas de sêca no Estado, porque nâo houve enriquecimento<br />

de NO3~~ nesses periodos.<br />

5. Existem associadas perdas de NO3~ com as chuvas, porém.<br />

0 fenômeno nâo pôde ser medido quantitativamente.<br />


From the study of the variation of nitrates in Terra Roxa Misturada<br />

Soil the following conclusion may be drawn:<br />

1. The nitrates content of this soil, show a periodicity correlated,<br />

with the different seasons of the year. This seems to hold for the<br />

greater part of S. Paulo solis, which must have the same periodicity<br />

of the general uniformity of their climate, with minor exceptions.<br />

2. As nitrification proceeds at a higher rate in hot and wet.<br />

seasons (September-May) than in sold and dry ones (May-September),,<br />

nitrates accumulate in the soil during the first period and desapear<br />

in the second. However there appear to be an exception to the above<br />

rule, when it was found a decrease of nitrates in December. This<br />

may be due either to the leaching by rain or from the absorption by<br />

weeds at the time growing in the experimental field. Since nitric<br />

and ammonium nitrogen fertilizers do not generaly yield good results<br />

in S. Paulo, it is logic to assign the decrease of nitrogen content to<br />

the leaching of the soil, although this work do not permit conclusive<br />

explanation about nitrogen fertilizers.<br />

3. This study does not support the theory of the possible uprising<br />

of salts during dry months in the soil since it was found nitrates<br />

to man tain the same level in the soil during these months.<br />

4. Although the author was able to associate losses of nitrates<br />

with mm of rainfall, he was unable to determine this correlation.<br />

quantitatively.<br />


1 — BATHAM, H. N. e L. S. NIGAM — Periodicity of the nitrate content of<br />

Soils. Soil Sei. 29:181-190. 1930.<br />

2 — COSTA VERDADE, F. — Dosagem dos nitratos pelo método do âcido fenoldisulfônico.<br />

Apresentado à II Reuniäo Brasileira de Ciência do Solo<br />

e em publicaçao.<br />

3 — DEMOLON, A. e E. BASTISSE — Results of Lysimeter Experiments. Soil Sei.<br />

46:1-7. 1938.<br />

4 — GOWDA, R. N. — Nitrates and nitrification in field soils. Soil Sei.<br />

77:333-342. 1924.<br />

5 — HALL, T. D. — Nitrification in some South African Soils. Sil Sei. XII:<br />

301-363. 1921.<br />

6 — HALL, T. D.>— Nitrification in some South African Soils. Part II. Soil<br />

Sei. 18:219-235. 1924.<br />

7 — SACHS, W. H. — Effect of cultivation on Moisture and nitrate of field.<br />

soil. Univ. of Arkansas Agric. Exp. Sta. Bul. 205.<br />

8 — SMITH, J. B. — Distribuition of nitrates in three layer of fallow Soil-<br />

Soil Sei. 26:347-350. 1928.

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