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II Encontro dos Programas de Pós-Graduação em Geociências, 2008<br />



E-mail: pedro@rc.unesp.br<br />

Orientador: Prof. Dr. Reinaldo José Bertini<br />

The Paleozoic strata, in the Goiás State, containing fossil vertebrates, up to now are<br />

restricted to the Irati and Corumbataí formations. The first one, from the Lower Permian<br />

Period, have yielded a vast number of mesosaurid remains. The second, Middle Permian<br />

in age, also outcrops on Central Goiás State, presenting some isolated and fragmented<br />

undescribed fish remains (teeth and scales).<br />

There are some areas in Brazil where, considering Upper Cretaceous strata, show<br />

several representative remains of a significative biotic diversity. One of the most<br />

important of these areas is the Bauru Basin, divided in two lithostratigraphic units,<br />

named Caiuá and Bauru groups. As one of the most expressive continental fossil<br />

assemblages from Brazil, the Bauru Group contains fossils associated to strata formed<br />

in depositional enviroments, mainly fluvial and lacustrine, covering areas in the states<br />

of Goiás, Mato Grosso, Mato Grosso do Sul, Minas Gerais, Paraná and São Paulo. The<br />

Bauru Group has an expressive occurrence on the Southern-Central portion of the Goiás<br />

State, where there are some Adamantina and Marília Formations outcrops. The<br />

Adamantina Formation has furnished several remains of vertebrate fossils, such as<br />

fishes, testudines, lacertilians, crocodyliforms, theropodomorphs, sauropods and<br />

mammals, from Minas Gerais and São Paulo states. Otherwise the Marília Formation<br />

occurs in the states of Goiás, Minas Gerais, and São Paulo. It has been rich in fossil<br />

remains, representing a wide array of taxons, such fishes, testudines, crocodyliforms,<br />

maniraptoriforms and sauropodomorphs. Despite both Marília and Adamantina<br />

formations, rich in fossil vertebrates, occur in the Goiás State, the fossil record related<br />

to these Cretaceous sequences only mentions some fossil localities, presenting citations,<br />

not descriptions of materials, about remains associated to theropodomorphs and<br />

sauropodomorphs. Therefore in these circumstances one may suppose that there are<br />

some regions on Southern-Central Goiás State that could shelter interesting<br />

prospectable vertebrate fossil outcrops. Then detailed searching and prospecting in these<br />

litostratigraphic units of the Bauru Basin, on the Goiás State, could yield new fossil<br />

remains, aiding to improve our understanding of the paleoecological, biochronological,<br />

paleobiogeographical comparisons to the vertebrate faunas previously revered in the<br />

Bauru Basin, especially from Minas Gerais and São Paulo states. In the same way it<br />

would also permit paleoecological, biochronological, paleobiogeographical<br />

comparisons to the Cambambe Group area, not associated to the Bauru Basin, located<br />

on the Mato Grosso State, until now not well known.<br />

Besides there are some areas, in the Goiás State, that have furnished some remains of<br />

fossil mammals, from both Pleistocene and sub-Holocene epochs.<br />

So this study aims to outline the vertebrate fossil fauna of this part of the Central Brazil,<br />

comprehending Permian and Cretaceous periods, besides Pleistocene Epoch. All<br />

bibliographic records about these groups, as well as detailed analysis of the housed<br />

materials in some institutional collections spread through Brazil, will improve our<br />

knowledge and understanding of the fossil vertebrates occurrences in the Goiás State,<br />


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