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ESTUDOS MIGRATORIOS. Revista <strong>Galega</strong> de Análise <strong>da</strong>s Migracións, Vol. I, Núm. 2 (2008). ISSN 1136-0291. pp. 7-29<br />


Erica <strong>da</strong> Silva Sarmiento<br />

RESUMO<br />

O estudo que <strong>aquí</strong> se presenta pretende encher un pequeno espazo que insiste en manterse<br />

baleiro: os estudos relacionados coa emigración galega ao Río de Xaneiro. A través <strong>da</strong>s fontes<br />

do Consulado Español e o Hospital Español, localizados nesta ci<strong>da</strong>de, atopamos as primeiras<br />

informacións substanciais acerca dos galegos a Río desde a segun<strong>da</strong> metade do século xix ata<br />

a déca<strong>da</strong> dos 30 do pasado século. Esas dúas fontes permitiron construír unha tipoloxía <strong>da</strong><br />

comuni<strong>da</strong>de galega, a partir de <strong>da</strong>tos como o ano de chega<strong>da</strong>, lugar de orixe, i<strong>da</strong>de, etc. Neste<br />

artigo aparecen soamente algúns aspectos dos emigrantes –froito <strong>da</strong>s investigacións iniciais– que<br />

nos levaran a facer as primeiras reflexións sobre quen eran os que representaban a colectivi<strong>da</strong>de<br />

galega en Río. Partindo dos lugares de orixe, como os municipios e as parroquias, achegándonos<br />

aos microuniversos, podemos desenre<strong>da</strong>r as cadeas migratorias que se desenvolveron ao longo<br />

de máis dun século <strong>da</strong> historia <strong>da</strong> emigración galega.<br />

Palabras clave: emigración, Galicia, Río de Xaneiro, Hospital Español, Consulado Español.<br />


The study presented here seek to fill a small vacuum that insists on remaining empty: the<br />

studies related to the Galician emigration to Rio de Janeiro. Through the sources of the Spanish<br />

consulate and the Spanish Hospital, located in this city, we have found the first substantial<br />

information on the Galicians that went to Rio de Janeiro from the second half of the 19th<br />

century to the 1930s. These two sources have made it possible to build up a typology of the<br />

Galician community based on information such as the year of arrival, place of origin, age,<br />

etc. This article shows only a few insights on the emigrants (which are the result of the initial<br />

research work), which led us to make a first reflection on those who represented the Galician<br />

collective in Rio. Based on the places of origin, including the towns and parishes, and looking at<br />

the micro-universes, we can unravel the migration chains that were put together over a period<br />

of more than one century in the history of Galician emigration.<br />

Key words: emigration, Galicia, Rio de Janeiro, Spanish Hospital, Spanish Consulate.<br />

Recibido: 10-05-2007 Aceptado: 05-10-2007<br />

[ ESTUDOS MIGRATORIOS. Revista <strong>Galega</strong> de Análise <strong>da</strong>s Migracións, Vol. I, Núm. 2, 2008 (7-29) ]

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