Algoritmos Heurísticos de Cobertura de Arcos

Algoritmos Heurísticos de Cobertura de Arcos

Algoritmos Heurísticos de Cobertura de Arcos


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Esta Unida<strong>de</strong> contém as rotinas <strong>de</strong> representação gráfica<br />

// dos grafos manhattan, e a animação dos roteiros.<br />

// Versão 2. Junho <strong>de</strong> 2003.<br />

unit AnimaGrafo;<br />

interface<br />

uses<br />

Windows, Messages, SysUtils, Classes, Graphics, Controls, Forms, Dialogs,<br />

StdCtrls, ExtCtrls, Math, ExtDlgs;<br />

type<br />

TForm10 = class(TForm)<br />

Button1: TButton;<br />

Button2: TButton;<br />

Button3: TButton;<br />

Button4: TButton;<br />

OpenDialog1: TOpenDialog;<br />

OpenPictureDialog1: TOpenPictureDialog;<br />

Image1: TImage;<br />

PaintBox1: TPaintBox;<br />

Button5: TButton;<br />

procedure Button1Click(Sen<strong>de</strong>r: TObject);<br />

procedure PaintBox1Paint(Sen<strong>de</strong>r: TObject);<br />

procedure Button2Click(Sen<strong>de</strong>r: TObject);<br />

procedure Button3Click(Sen<strong>de</strong>r: TObject);<br />

procedure Button4Click(Sen<strong>de</strong>r: TObject);<br />

procedure Button5Click(Sen<strong>de</strong>r: TObject);<br />

private<br />

{ Private <strong>de</strong>clarations }<br />

public<br />

{ Public <strong>de</strong>clarations }<br />

end;<br />

var<br />

Form10: TForm10;<br />

implementation<br />

uses Urandgraf, NegCircuit, UPrincipal, ConstRe<strong>de</strong>;<br />

{$R *.DFM}<br />

Type<br />

TLink = Record<br />

Tipo: Integer; // Tipo <strong>de</strong> Link no arquivo original:<br />

// 0: aresta 1: arco<br />

Noi: Integer;<br />

Nof: Integer;<br />

End;<br />

TNo = Record<br />

ci:Integer; // coor<strong>de</strong>nada i<br />

cj:Integer; // coor<strong>de</strong>nada j<br />

End;<br />

TRota = Record<br />

Noi: Integer;<br />

Nof: Integer;<br />

Tipo: String[1]; // Tipo <strong>de</strong> link no arquivo rota: + - > D<br />

Arc: Integer;<br />

Or<strong>de</strong>m:Integer;<br />

FreqTotal:Integer;<br />

end;<br />

Var Raio:Integer;<br />

Re<strong>de</strong>,Roteiro:TextFile;<br />

ArqNome,ArqSol,ArqMapa:String;<br />

CompArco,PenaNormal,PenaDiag: Integer;<br />


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