Algoritmos Heurísticos de Cobertura de Arcos

Algoritmos Heurísticos de Cobertura de Arcos

Algoritmos Heurísticos de Cobertura de Arcos


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o arco artificial no final da lista<br />

WriteLn(Re<strong>de</strong>,'$ Arquivo Original (Links Requeridos)');<br />

AssignFile(Re<strong>de</strong>Orig,ArqTemp);<br />

Reset(Re<strong>de</strong>Orig);<br />

II:=0;<br />

Read(Re<strong>de</strong>Orig,M1Orig,N,NL,NC,i,i);<br />

Write(Re<strong>de</strong>,M1,' ',N,' ',NL,' ',NC,' ',MA,' ',ME,' ');<br />

ReadLn(Re<strong>de</strong>Orig,Linha);<br />

WriteLn(Re<strong>de</strong>,Linha);<br />

For JJ:= 1 To M1Orig do<br />

begin<br />

Readln(Re<strong>de</strong>Orig,a,Tip,Noi,I,J,Nof,I1,J1,d,Requerido);<br />

If Requerido = 1 then<br />

begin<br />

II:=II+1;<br />

Writeln(Re<strong>de</strong>,II,' ',Tip,' ',Noi,' ',I,' ',J,' ',Nof,' '<br />

,I1,' ',J1,' ',d);<br />

end;<br />

end;<br />

CloseFile(Re<strong>de</strong>);<br />

CloseFile(Re<strong>de</strong>Orig);<br />

End;<br />

procedure Tform2.Button1Click(Sen<strong>de</strong>r: TObject);<br />

Var NomeAbr:String;<br />

TempoInicio,TempoFinal:TDateTime;<br />

begin<br />

Inf:=99999;<br />

MenosInf:=-StrToInt(Form1.Edit8.Text);<br />

Penalida<strong>de</strong>:=StrToInt(Form1.Edit10.Text);<br />

Form1.StatusBar1.SimpleText := 'Escolhe o Grafo a ser lido';<br />

Form1.ListBox1.Enabled :=true;<br />

Form1.ListBox1.Items.Clear;<br />

//OpenDialog1.InitialDir := 'C:\Arquivos <strong>de</strong> programas\Borland\Delphi4\Projects\DadosMcpp\';<br />

OpenDialog1.InitialDir := 'C:\Meus documentos\Doutorado\MCPPgls Demo\';<br />

If OpenDialog1.Execute<br />

Then ArqNome := OpenDialog1.FileName<br />

Else Exit;<br />

Form1.StatusBar1.SimpleText := 'Transformando o grafo';<br />

DefineInicioEFimDoRoteiro(Form1.Edit11,Form1.Edit12);<br />

LerArq;<br />

Form1.GroupBox2.Enabled:=true;<br />

NomeAbr:=ArqNome;<br />

If Length(ArqNome)>20<br />

Then NomeAbr := Copy(ArqNome,Length(ArqNome)-19, 16);<br />

Form1.GroupBox2.Caption := 'Grafo ativo : ...'+NomeAbr;<br />

Form1.Label9.Caption := 'Nós: '+IntToStr(N);<br />

Form1.Label10.Caption := '<strong>Arcos</strong>: '+IntToStr(MA);<br />

Form1.Label11.Caption := 'Arestas: '+IntToStr(ME);<br />

Form1.GroupBox2.Update;<br />

TempoInicio:=Time;<br />

ArqErrado:=false;<br />

Transform;<br />

If ArqErrado Then exit;<br />

Form1.StatusBar1.SimpleText := 'O Grafo já foi transformado. Calculando agora a matriz <strong>de</strong> distâncias';<br />

Floyd;<br />

AjusteGTSP;<br />

TempoFinal:= Time;<br />

Form1.Label15.Caption:='Tempo CPU: '+TimeToStr(TempoFinal-TempoInicio);<br />

Form1.StatusBar1.SimpleText := 'Salve o grafo transformado com um nome diferente';<br />

If Rural then ReduzirRuralPostman;<br />

GravaArq(SaveDialog1,OpenDialog1,Form1.ListBox1);<br />

NomeAbr := ArqNomeTxt;<br />

If Length(NomeAbr) > 20<br />

Then Delete(NomeAbr,1,Length(NomeAbr)-20);<br />


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