Ordem LEPIDOPTERA - Acervo Digital de Obras Especiais

Ordem LEPIDOPTERA - Acervo Digital de Obras Especiais Ordem LEPIDOPTERA - Acervo Digital de Obras Especiais

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98 INSETOS DO BRASIL WILLIAMS, J. L. 1942 - The internal genitalia of the evergreen bagworm and the relation of the female genital duets to the alimentary canal. Proc. Penn. Acad. Sci., 15:53-58, 2 figs. 1943 - A new relationship of the bursa copulatrix to the female reproductive system in Lepidoptera. Proc. Ent. Soc. Wash., 45: 45-50, 1 fig. ZANDER, E. 1903 - Beiträge zur Morphologie der männlischen Geschlechtsanhänge der Lepidopteren. Zeits. Wiss. Zool., 74: 557-615, esty. 29 e 15 figs. no texto. REPRODUÇÃO - DIMORFISMO BALBIANI, E. G. 1869 - Sur le méchanisme de la fécondation chez les Lépidoptères. C. R. Acad. Sci. Paris, 68: 781-784. BATAILLON, E. & TCHOU SU 1933 - Les processus cinétiques dans l'oeuf de Bombyx mori (fécondation normale, parthénogénèse, activation polyvoltinisante, dissociation expérimentale des rhythmes). Arch. Anat. Micr., 29: 285-372, 12 ests. BUGINI, F. 1931 - La partenogenesi naturale dimostrata nel filugello. Bol. Real. Inst. Agr. Milano, 2:116-149, 5 ests. 1932 - Nuove osservazioni ed esperienze nella partenogenesi naturale del filugello. Ibid., 3: 67-78. HEWER, A. R. 1934 - Studies in Zygaena (Lepidoptera). Part. II-The mechanism of copulation and the passage of the sperm in the female. Proc. Zool. Soc. London: 513-527, ests. 1 e 2 e fig. 1-10. KELLOGG, V. L. 1904 - Influence of the primary reproductive organs on the secondary sexual caracters. Jour. Exper. Zool., 1:601-615. KERVILLE, H. GADEAU DE 1901 - L'accouplement des Lépidoptères. Bull. Soc. Ent. Fr.: 76-81. KLATT, B. 1919 - Keimdrüsentransplantationen beim Sehwammspinners. Zeits. Indukt. Abstam. Vererbsl., 22: 1-50. 1920 - Beitrage zur Sexualphysiologie des Schwammspinners. Biol. Zentralbl., 40: 539-558, 3 figs.

LEPIDOPTERA 99 KOLTZOFF, N. K. 1932 - Ueber die kuustliche Parthenogenese des Seidenspinners. Biol. Zentralbl., 52: 626-642. KUSNEZOV, N. I. 1910 - On the probable viviparity in some Danaid and Pierid butterflies (em russo). Hor. Soc. Ent. Ross., 39(1909): 634-648 (res. ingl.: 648-651). MEISENHEIMER, J. 1907 - Ergebnisse einiger Fersuchsreihea über Extirpation und Transplantation der Geschlechtsdrüsen bei Schmetterlinge. Zool. Anz., 32: 393-400. 1910 - Zur Ovarialtransplantation bei Schmetterlinge. Zool. Anz., 35:446-450. MICHAEL, H. 1924 - Ueber den Bau der Geslechtsapparate und die Kopulation von Bombyx mori. Arch. Naturg., 89 (A):25-55, 26 figs. NICETA, F. 1930 - La partenogenesi naturale del Bombyx mori L. (Studio embriologico). Boll. Lab. Zool. Agr. Bachicolt. Real. Inst. Agr. Milano 1: 139-160, 6 ests. NIEDEN, F. 1907 - Der sexuelle Dimorphismus der Antennen bei den Lepidopteren. Zeits. Wiss. Insektenbiol.: 114-116. NORRIS, M. J. 1932 - Contributions towards the study of insect fertility. I. The struccture and operation of the reproductive organs of the genera Ephestia and Plodia (Lepidoptera, Phycitidae). Proc. Zool. Soc. London:595-611, 5 ests. 1933 ..- II. Experiments on the factors influencing fertility in Ephestia kühniella Z. (Lep. Phycitidae). Proc. Zool. Soc. London: 903-934. 1934.- III. Adult nutrition, fecundity and longevity in the genus Ephestia (Lepidoptera, Phycitidae). Proc. Zool. Soc. London: 333-360. PETERSEN, W. 1907 - Uber die Spermatophoren der Schmetterlinge. Zeits. Wiss. Zool., 88: 117-130, 1 est., 2 figs. PICTET, A. 1924 - Contribution à l'étude de la parthénogenèse chez les Lépidoptères. Bull. Soc. Lépidopterol. Genève, 5:107-118.


WILLIAMS, J. L.<br />

1942 - The internal genitalia of the evergreen bagworm and the relation<br />

of the female genital duets to the alimentary canal.<br />

Proc. Penn. Acad. Sci., 15:53-58, 2 figs.<br />

1943 - A new relationship of the bursa copulatrix to the female reproductive<br />

system in Lepidoptera.<br />

Proc. Ent. Soc. Wash., 45: 45-50, 1 fig.<br />

ZANDER, E.<br />

1903 - Beiträge zur Morphologie <strong>de</strong>r männlischen Geschlechtsanhänge<br />

<strong>de</strong>r Lepidopteren.<br />

Zeits. Wiss. Zool., 74: 557-615, esty. 29 e 15 figs. no texto.<br />


BALBIANI, E. G.<br />

1869 - Sur le méchanisme <strong>de</strong> la fécondation chez les Lépidoptères.<br />

C. R. Acad. Sci. Paris, 68: 781-784.<br />


1933 - Les processus cinétiques dans l'oeuf <strong>de</strong> Bombyx mori (fécondation<br />

normale, parthénogénèse, activation polyvoltinisante,<br />

dissociation expérimentale <strong>de</strong>s rhythmes).<br />

Arch. Anat. Micr., 29: 285-372, 12 ests.<br />

BUGINI, F.<br />

1931 - La partenogenesi naturale dimostrata nel filugello.<br />

Bol. Real. Inst. Agr. Milano, 2:116-149, 5 ests.<br />

1932 - Nuove osservazioni ed esperienze nella partenogenesi naturale<br />

<strong>de</strong>l filugello.<br />

Ibid., 3: 67-78.<br />

HEWER, A. R.<br />

1934 - Studies in Zygaena (Lepidoptera). Part. II-The mechanism<br />

of copulation and the passage of the sperm in the female.<br />

Proc. Zool. Soc. London: 513-527, ests. 1 e 2 e fig. 1-10.<br />

KELLOGG, V. L.<br />

1904 - Influence of the primary reproductive organs on the secondary<br />

sexual caracters.<br />

Jour. Exper. Zool., 1:601-615.<br />


1901 - L'accouplement <strong>de</strong>s Lépidoptères.<br />

Bull. Soc. Ent. Fr.: 76-81.<br />

KLATT, B.<br />

1919 - Keimdrüsentransplantationen beim Sehwammspinners.<br />

Zeits. Indukt. Abstam. Vererbsl., 22: 1-50.<br />

1920 - Beitrage zur Sexualphysiologie <strong>de</strong>s Schwammspinners.<br />

Biol. Zentralbl., 40: 539-558, 3 figs.

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