Ordem LEPIDOPTERA - Acervo Digital de Obras Especiais

Ordem LEPIDOPTERA - Acervo Digital de Obras Especiais Ordem LEPIDOPTERA - Acervo Digital de Obras Especiais

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74 INSETOS DO BRASIL BABERS, F. H. & P. A. WOKE 1937 - Digestive enzymes in the Southern army-worm. Jour. Agric. Res., 54:547-550. 1938..- An analysis of the blood of the sixth instar of the southern armyworm, Prodenia eridania. Jour. Agric. Res., 60:249-251. BOEHMEL, W. 1937 - Untersuchungen über die Nahrungsaufnahme von berüsselten Kleinschmetterlingen und derem Bekämfung durch Giftköder. Arb. Phys. Angew. Ent., Berlin-Dahlem, 4:169-192, 2 figs. 16 ests. BORDAS, L. 1910..- Les glandes céphaliques (glandes séricigènes et glandes mandibulaires) des chenilles des Lépidoptères. Ann. Sci. Nat., Zool. (9)10:125-198, figs. 1911 - L'appareil digestif et les tubes de Malpighi des larves des Lépidoptères, Ann. Sci. Nat., Zool. (9) 14:191-273. 1920 - Étude anatomique et histologique de l'appareil digestif des Lépidoptères a dultes. Ann. Sci. Nar., Zool. (10)3:175-250. BROCHERT, A. 1935..- Ueber den Frasscheden und die Ernährung der Larven der grossen Wachsmotte (Galleria mellonella L.). Zool. Jahrb., Syst., 60:399-400 BROWN, F. M. 1930..- The utilization of hexose carbohydrates by lepidopterous larvae Ann. N. Y. Acad. Sci., 32:221-230. BRUES, C. T. 1920 - The selection of food plants by insects, with special reference to Lepidoptera larvae. Amer. Nat., 54:313-332. BUCHMANN, W. W. 1928 - Zur Ernithrungsphysiologie normaler und hungerder Pyraustaraupen, 1. Ueber die Zellveränderungen im Mitteldarm während der Sekretion. Zool. Anz., 79:223-243, figs. CLARK, A. H. 1926 - Carnivorous butterflies. Ann. Rep. Smiths. Inst., 1925:439-508. CROWELL, H. H. 1941 - The utilization of certain nitrogenous and carbohydrate substances by the southern armyworm, Prodenia eridania Cram. Ann. Ent. Soc. Amer., 34:503-512, 1 fig. 1943 - Feeding habits of the southern armyworm and rate of passage of food through its gut. Ann. Ent. Soo. Amer., 36:243-249.

DAUBERSCHMIDT, K. LEPIDOPTERA 75 1943 - Vergleichende Murphologie des Lepidopterendarmes und seiner Anhängen. Zeits. Angew. Entom., 20:20t-267, figs. DICKMAN, A. 1933 - 1933 - Studies on the wax moth, Galleria mellonella with particular reference to the digestion of wax by the larvae. Jour. Cell. Comp. Phys., 3:223-246. DITMAN, L. P. & G. S. WEILAND 1933 - The metabolism of the corn ear worm. II Glycogen and moisture. Ann. Ent. Soc. Amer., 26:578-587. 1938 - Metabolism in the corn ear worm. I. Studies on fat and water. Univ. Maryland Agr. Exp. Sta., Bull. 414:183-206. DUMONT C. 1928 - Expériences sur la modification profonde du régime alimentaire de diverses ehénilles. Anu. Soc. Ent. Fr., 97:59-104. DUSPIVA, F. 1934 - Ein Beitrag zur Kenntnis der Verdaung der Wachsmottenraupen Zeits. Vergl. Physiol., 21:632-641, 1 fig. DUSPIVA, F. & K. LINDERSTROM-LANG 1935 - Die Keratinverdaung der Larven vou Tincola biselliella. Verh. Deuts. Zool. Gesel., 37:126-131. ERTOGROUL, T. 1929 - Sur l'origine de la membrane péritrophique chez le ver à soie. C. R. Acad. Sci., Paris, 188:652 654, 3 figs. EVANS, A. C. 1939 - The utilization of food by certain lepidopterous larvae. Trans. Roy. Ent. Soc. London, 89:13 22, 1 fig. GILBERT, H. A. 1939 - Explorations of the hypopharynx in noctuid larvae. Canad. Ent., 71:231-237, figs. HAYDAK, N. H. 1936 - Is wax a necessary constituent of the diet of wax moth larvae? Ann. Ent. Soc. Amer., 29:581-588. HENSON, H. 1931 - The structure and post-embryonic development of Vanessa urticae Lepidoptera. I. The larva alimentary canal. Quart. Jour. Micr. Sci., 74:321-360, 10 figs., est. 14. JUCCI, C. 1935 - Dissociazione tra permeabilità intestinale e permeabilità ghiandolare aí corotinoidi nella discendenza di alcuni incroci travarie razze de bachi da seta. Soll. Boc. ltal. Biol. Sper., 10:218-219.


BABERS, F. H. & P. A. WOKE<br />

1937 - Digestive enzymes in the Southern army-worm.<br />

Jour. Agric. Res., 54:547-550.<br />

1938..- An analysis of the blood of the sixth instar of the southern<br />

armyworm, Pro<strong>de</strong>nia eridania.<br />

Jour. Agric. Res., 60:249-251.<br />

BOEHMEL, W.<br />

1937 - Untersuchungen über die Nahrungsaufnahme von berüsselten<br />

Kleinschmetterlingen und <strong>de</strong>rem Bekämfung durch Giftkö<strong>de</strong>r.<br />

Arb. Phys. Angew. Ent., Berlin-Dahlem, 4:169-192, 2 figs.<br />

16 ests.<br />

BORDAS, L.<br />

1910..- Les glan<strong>de</strong>s céphaliques (glan<strong>de</strong>s séricigènes et glan<strong>de</strong>s mandibulaires)<br />

<strong>de</strong>s chenilles <strong>de</strong>s Lépidoptères.<br />

Ann. Sci. Nat., Zool. (9)10:125-198, figs.<br />

1911 - L'appareil digestif et les tubes <strong>de</strong> Malpighi <strong>de</strong>s larves <strong>de</strong>s Lépidoptères,<br />

Ann. Sci. Nat., Zool. (9) 14:191-273.<br />

1920 - Étu<strong>de</strong> anatomique et histologique <strong>de</strong> l'appareil digestif <strong>de</strong>s<br />

Lépidoptères a dultes.<br />

Ann. Sci. Nar., Zool. (10)3:175-250.<br />

BROCHERT, A.<br />

1935..- Ueber <strong>de</strong>n Frassche<strong>de</strong>n und die Ernährung <strong>de</strong>r Larven <strong>de</strong>r grossen<br />

Wachsmotte (Galleria mellonella L.).<br />

Zool. Jahrb., Syst., 60:399-400<br />

BROWN, F. M.<br />

1930..- The utilization of hexose carbohydrates by lepidopterous larvae<br />

Ann. N. Y. Acad. Sci., 32:221-230.<br />

BRUES, C. T.<br />

1920 - The selection of food plants by insects, with special reference<br />

to Lepidoptera larvae.<br />

Amer. Nat., 54:313-332.<br />

BUCHMANN, W. W.<br />

1928 - Zur Ernithrungsphysiologie normaler und hunger<strong>de</strong>r Pyraustaraupen,<br />

1. Ueber die Zellverän<strong>de</strong>rungen im Mitteldarm während<br />

<strong>de</strong>r Sekretion.<br />

Zool. Anz., 79:223-243, figs.<br />

CLARK, A. H.<br />

1926 - Carnivorous butterflies.<br />

Ann. Rep. Smiths. Inst., 1925:439-508.<br />

CROWELL, H. H.<br />

1941 - The utilization of certain nitrogenous and carbohydrate substances<br />

by the southern armyworm, Pro<strong>de</strong>nia eridania Cram.<br />

Ann. Ent. Soc. Amer., 34:503-512, 1 fig.<br />

1943 - Feeding habits of the southern armyworm and rate of passage<br />

of food through its gut.<br />

Ann. Ent. Soo. Amer., 36:243-249.

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