Robert L. Brandt e Zenas J - Assembléia de Deus em Paudalho

Robert L. Brandt e Zenas J - Assembléia de Deus em Paudalho Robert L. Brandt e Zenas J - Assembléia de Deus em Paudalho
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Teologia Bíblica da Oração Lockyer, Herbert. Ali the Prayers o f the Bible. Grand Rapids: Zondervan Publishing House, 1959. ______________ . How I Can M ake P ray er M ore E ffective. Grand Rapids: Zondervan Publishing House, 1953- Macaulay, J. C. D ev otion al Studies in St. J o h n ’s Gospel. Grand Rapids: Wm. B. Eerdmans Publisher Company, 1945. MacDonald, Alexander B. Christian Worship in the Primitive Church. Edimburgo: T. & T. Clark, 1934. Maclachlan, Lewis. Intelligent Prayer. Com prefácio de L. W. Grensted. Greenw ood, Carolina do Norte: The Attic Press, 1977. M atthew H en ry’s Com m entary on the Whole Bible. 6 volumes. Nova Iorque: Fleming H. Revell Company, s. d. McGraw, Louise Harrison. Does God Answer Prayer? Grand Rapids: Zondervan Publishing House, 1941. M emoirs o f the Rev. D avid B rainerd. New Haven: S. Converse, 1822. Miller, Basil. P rayer Meetings that M ade History. Anderson, Indiana: Warner Press, 1938. Mitchell, Curtis C. Praying Je s u s ’ Way. Old Tappan, Nova Jérsei: Fleming H. Revell Company, 1977. More, Hannah. The Spirit o f Prayer. Grand Rapids: Zondervan Publishing House, 1986. Munyon, Tim. “The Scourge of Individualism”, Advance, 1 de janeiro de 1990, página 9. Murray, Andrew. The Ministry o f Intercession. Nova Iorque: Fleming H. Revell Company, 1898. _____________ . The Prayer-Life. Garden City, Nova Iorque: Doubleday, Doran & Company, 1929- _____________ . With Christ in the School o f Prayer. Nova Iorque: Fleming H. Revell Company, 1885. Myers, Warren e Ruth. Pray: How to be Effective in Prayer. Colorado Springs: Navpress, 1983. Nee, Watchman. The P rayer Ministry o f the Church. Nova Iorque: Christian Fellowship Publishers, 1973- Newburn, Armon. “The significance of the Altar Service”. C o n feren ce on the H oly Spirit Digest. Volume 2. Gwen Jo n es, editor. Springfield, Missouri: Gospel Publishing House, 1983. Ogilvie, Llloyd John. Praying with Power. Ventura, Califórnia: Regai Books, 1983. Orr, James, editor. International Standard Bible Encyclopedia. Grand Rapids: Wm. B. Eerdmans Publisher Company, 1939. 398

Bibliografia Orr, J. Edwin. Campus Aflame. Glendale, Califórnia: Regai Books, 1971. Parker, William R. e Elaine St. Johns. P rayer Can Change Your Life. Englew ood Cliffs, Nova Jérsei: Prentice- Hall, Incorporated, 1957. Parkhurst, L. G., Jr. Charles G. F inney’s Answers to Prayer. Minneapolis: Bethany House Publishers, 1983- Petuchowski, Jacob e Michael Brocke, editores. The L ord ’s P ray er a n d Jew ish Liturgy. Nova Iorque: The Seabury Press, 1978. Poloma, Margaret M. e George H. Gallup, Jr. The Varieties o f Prayer. Filadélfia: Trinity Press International, 1991- Ravenhill, Leonard. Revival Praying. Minneapolis: Bethany Fellowship, 1962. Ridderbos, J. Isaiah . Traduzido por John Vriend. Grand Rapids: Zondervan Publishing House, 1985. Rinker, Rosalind. Prayer: Conversing with God. Grand Rapids: Zondervan Publishing House, 1959- Robinson, Charles E. Praying to Change Things. Springfield, Missouri: Gospel Publishing House, 1928. Sanders, J. Oswald. P rayer Pow er Unlimited. Minneapolis: World Wide Publications, 1977. Scroggie, W. Graham. M ethod in Prayer. Londres: Pickering & Inglis, 1955. _____________ . PauTs Prison Prayers. Grand Rapids: Kregel Publications, 1981. Seiss, Joseph A. Gospel in Leviticus. Filadélfia: Lindsay & Blakiston, 1860; reim pressão, Grand Rapids: Kregel Publications, 1981. Shank, Robert. Elect in the Son: A Study o f the Doctrine o f Election. Springfield, Missouri: Westcott Publishers, 1970. Simpson, Robert L. The In terp retation o f P ra y er in the Early Church. Filadélfia: The Westminster Press, 1965. Spear, Wayne R. The Theology o f Prayer. Grand Rapids: Baker Book House, 1979- Spence, H. D. M. e Joseph S. Exell, editores. The Pulpit C om m entary. 49 volum es. Wm. B. Eerdmans Publisher Company, 1950. Spencer, William David e Aida Basançon Spencer. The P ray er L ife o f Jesu s. Lanham, Maryland: University Press of America, 1990. Sproul, R. C. Effective Prayer. Wheaton, Illinois: Tyndale House Publishers, 1984. Stedman, Ray C. Jesu s T eaches on Prayer. Waco, Texas: Word Books, 1975. 399

Bibliografia<br />

Orr, J. Edwin. Campus Aflame. Glendale, Califórnia: Regai<br />

Books, 1971.<br />

Parker, William R. e Elaine St. Johns. P rayer Can Change<br />

Your Life. Englew ood Cliffs, Nova Jérsei: Prentice-<br />

Hall, Incorporated, 1957.<br />

Parkhurst, L. G., Jr. Charles G. F inney’s Answers to Prayer.<br />

Minneapolis: Bethany House Publishers, 1983-<br />

Petuchowski, Jacob e Michael Brocke, editores. The L ord ’s<br />

P ray er a n d Jew ish Liturgy. Nova Iorque: The Seabury<br />

Press, 1978.<br />

Poloma, Margaret M. e George H. Gallup, Jr. The Varieties<br />

o f Prayer. Filadélfia: Trinity Press International, 1991-<br />

Ravenhill, Leonard. Revival Praying. Minneapolis: Bethany<br />

Fellowship, 1962.<br />

Rid<strong>de</strong>rbos, J. Isaiah . Traduzido por John Vriend. Grand<br />

Rapids: Zon<strong>de</strong>rvan Publishing House, 1985.<br />

Rinker, Rosalind. Prayer: Conversing with God. Grand Rapids:<br />

Zon<strong>de</strong>rvan Publishing House, 1959-<br />

Robinson, Charles E. Praying to Change Things. Springfield,<br />

Missouri: Gospel Publishing House, 1928.<br />

San<strong>de</strong>rs, J. Oswald. P rayer Pow er Unlimited. Minneapolis:<br />

World Wi<strong>de</strong> Publications, 1977.<br />

Scroggie, W. Graham. M ethod in Prayer. Londres: Pickering<br />

& Inglis, 1955.<br />

_____________ . PauTs Prison Prayers. Grand Rapids: Kregel<br />

Publications, 1981.<br />

Seiss, Joseph A. Gospel in Leviticus. Filadélfia: Lindsay &<br />

Blakiston, 1860; reim pressão, Grand Rapids: Kregel<br />

Publications, 1981.<br />

Shank, <strong>Robert</strong>. Elect in the Son: A Study o f the Doctrine o f<br />

Election. Springfield, Missouri: Westcott Publishers, 1970.<br />

Simpson, <strong>Robert</strong> L. The In terp retation o f P ra y er in the<br />

Early Church. Filadélfia: The Westminster Press, 1965.<br />

Spear, Wayne R. The Theology o f Prayer. Grand Rapids:<br />

Baker Book House, 1979-<br />

Spence, H. D. M. e Joseph S. Exell, editores. The Pulpit<br />

C om m entary. 49 volum es. Wm. B. Eerdmans Publisher<br />

Company, 1950.<br />

Spencer, William David e Aida Basançon Spencer. The<br />

P ray er L ife o f Jesu s. Lanham, Maryland: University<br />

Press of America, 1990.<br />

Sproul, R. C. Effective Prayer. Wheaton, Illinois: Tyndale<br />

House Publishers, 1984.<br />

Stedman, Ray C. Jesu s T eaches on Prayer. Waco, Texas:<br />

Word Books, 1975.<br />


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