Tese Michele Fagundes.pdf - Caunesp

Tese Michele Fagundes.pdf - Caunesp Tese Michele Fagundes.pdf - Caunesp

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KEBUS, M.J.; COLLINS, M.T.; BROWNFIELD, M.S.; AMUNDSON, C.H.; KAYES, T.B.; MALISON, J.A. Effects of rearing density on stress response and growth of rainbow trout. Journal of Aquatic Animal Health, v. 4, p. 1-6, 1992. MATTERI, R.L.; CAROL, J.A.; DYER, C.J. Neuroendocrine responses to stress. In: OBERG, G.P.; MENEH, J.A. (Ed.). The biology of animal stress. Oxon, England: CABI, Pulishing, p. 43-76, 2000. MOMMSEN, T.P.; VIJAYAN, M.M.; MOON, T.W. Cortisol in teleost: dynamics, mechanisms of action, and metabolic regulation. Fish Biology and Fisheries, v. 9, p. 211-268, 1999. NOESKE, T.A.; SPILLER, R.E. Photoperiod and diel variations of serum cortisol, thyroxine and protein in goldfish, Carassius auratus L. Journal of Fish Biology, v.23, p.705–710, 1983. NOLAN, D.T. Skin response of fish to stressors. Tese de Doutorado. Universidade Católica de Nijmegen, Holanda, 2000. In: SAKURAGUI, M.M. Respostas ao estresse osmótico e hipotóxico em traira, Hoplias malabaricus (Teleostei, Erythirinidae) aspectos fisiológicos e adaptativos. Universidade Federal de São Carlos, Brasil, 2006. PAVLIDIS, M.; PASPATIS, M.; KOISTINEN, M.; PAAVOLA, T.; DIVANACH, P.; KENTOURI, M. Diel rhythms of serum metabolites and thyroid hormones in red porgy held in different photoperiod regimes. Aquaculture International, v. 7, p. 29-44, 1999. RANDALL, D.; BURGGREN, W.; FRENCH, K. Fisiologia animal mecanismos e adaptações. Editora Guanabara, 4ª Ed., 2000. REUSS, S. Components and connections of the circadian timing system in mammals. Cell Tissue Res. 285, 353-378, 1996. ROENNEBERG, T.; MERROW, M. Life before the clock: modeling circadian evolution. Journal of Biological Rhythms, v. 17, n.6, p. 495-505, 2002. 54

SHEEBA, V.; SHARMA, V.K.; JOSHI, A. Adaptive significance of circadian rhythms. Resonance, p. 73-75, 1999. SPILLER, R.E.; NOESKE, T.A. Effects of photoperiod and feeding schedule on diel variations of locomotor activity, cortisol, and thyroxine in goldfish. Transactions of the American Fisheries Society, v.113, p.528-539, 1984. SUMPTER, J.P. The endocrinology of stress. In IWAMA, G.K.; PICKERING, A.D.; SUMPTER, J.P.; SCHRECK, C.B. Fish stress and health in aquaculture. Cambridge University Press, New York, p. 95-118, 1997. VAN DER BOON, J.; VAN DEN TRILLART, G.E.E.J.M.; ADDINK, A.D.E. The effect of cortisol administration on intermediary metabolism in teleost fish. Comparative Biochemistry and Physiology, v.100A. n.1, p. 47-53, 1991. VIJAYAN, M.M.; REDDY, P.K.; LEATHERLAND, J.F.; MOON, T.W. The effects of cortisol on hepatocyte metabolism in rainbow trout: a study using the steroid analogue RU486. General and Comparative Endocrinology, v.96, p. 75-84, 1994. WENDERLAAR BONGA, S.E. The stress response in fish. Physiological Reviews, v. 77, n. 3, p. 591-625, 1997. ZUCKER, I. Light, behavior, and biologic rhythms. In: KRIEGER, D.T., HUGHES, J.C. (Eds.), Neuroendocrinology. Sinauer Associates, Sunderland, MA, pp. 93-101, 1980. 55

SHEEBA, V.; SHARMA, V.K.; JOSHI, A. Adaptive significance of circadian rhythms.<br />

Resonance, p. 73-75, 1999.<br />

SPILLER, R.E.; NOESKE, T.A. Effects of photoperiod and feeding schedule on diel<br />

variations of locomotor activity, cortisol, and thyroxine in goldfish. Transactions of<br />

the American Fisheries Society, v.113, p.528-539, 1984.<br />

SUMPTER, J.P. The endocrinology of stress. In IWAMA, G.K.; PICKERING, A.D.;<br />

SUMPTER, J.P.; SCHRECK, C.B. Fish stress and health in aquaculture. Cambridge<br />

University Press, New York, p. 95-118, 1997.<br />


effect of cortisol administration on intermediary metabolism in teleost fish.<br />

Comparative Biochemistry and Physiology, v.100A. n.1, p. 47-53, 1991.<br />

VIJAYAN, M.M.; REDDY, P.K.; LEATHERLAND, J.F.; MOON, T.W. The effects of<br />

cortisol on hepatocyte metabolism in rainbow trout: a study using the steroid analogue<br />

RU486. General and Comparative Endocrinology, v.96, p. 75-84, 1994.<br />

WENDERLAAR BONGA, S.E. The stress response in fish. Physiological Reviews, v.<br />

77, n. 3, p. 591-625, 1997.<br />

ZUCKER, I. Light, behavior, and biologic rhythms. In: KRIEGER, D.T., HUGHES,<br />

J.C. (Eds.), Neuroendocrinology. Sinauer Associates, Sunderland, MA, pp. 93-101,<br />

1980.<br />


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