Tese Michele Fagundes.pdf - Caunesp

Tese Michele Fagundes.pdf - Caunesp Tese Michele Fagundes.pdf - Caunesp

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ROTTA, M.A.; GONDA. M.F. “Ictioproveta” para a biometria indireta do peso se surubins (pintado e cachara) utilizando seu volume e densidade. Informativo técnico Embrapa. Cuiabá- MS, ISSN 1517-4875, 2004. ROUBACH, R.; GOMES, L.D.C. Uso de anestésico durante o manejo de peixes. Panorama da Aqüicultura, v. II, n.66, p.37-40, 2001. ROUBACH, R.; CORREIA, E.S.; ZAIDEN, S.F.; MARTINO, R.C.; CAVALLI, R.O. Aquaculture in Brazil. World Aquaculture, v.34, n.1, p.28-34, 2003. SAKAI, M. Current research status of fish immunostimulants. Aquaculture, v.172, p.63-92, 1999. SALARO, A.L.R.K.; ZUANON, J.A.S.; SIROL, R.N.; SAKABE, R.; ARAUJO, W.A.; SOUTO, E.E.F. Desenvolvimento de trairão (Hoplias lacerdae) na ausência de luz. Acta Scientiarum. Biological Sciences, v.28, n1, p.47-50, 2006. SATO, Y.; CARDOSO, E.L.; SALLUM, W.B.; GODINHO, H.P. Indução experimental da desova do surubim Pseudoplatystoma corruscans. In: MIRANDA, M.O.T. Surubim. IBAMA. Coleção Meio Ambiente, série Estudos Pesca, Belo Horizonte, v.19, p.69-79, 1997. SMALL, B.C. Anesthetic efficacy of metomidate and comparison of plasma cortisol responses to tricaine methanesulfonate, quinaldine and clove oil anesthetized channel catfish Ictalurus punctatus. Aquaculture, v.218, p.177-185, 2003. SOTO, C.; BURHANUDDIN, A. Clove oil as a fish measuring length and weight of rabbitfish (Siganus lineatus). Aquaculture, v.136, p.149-152, 1995. SPECKER, J.L.; SCHRECK, C.B. Stress responses to transportation and fitness for marine survival in coho salmon (Oncorhynchus kisutch) smolts. Canadian Journal of Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences, v.37, p.765-769, 1980. 36

STAURNES, M.; SIGHOLT, T.; PEDERSEN, H.P.; RUSTAD, T. Physiological effects of simulated high-density transport of Atlantic cod (Gadus morhua). Aquaculture, v.119, p.381-391, 1994. STEFANSSON, S.O.; HANSEN, T.J.; TARANGER, G.L. Growth and parr-smolt transformation of Atlantic salmon (Salmo salar L.) under different light intensities and subsequent survival and growth in seawater. Aquacultural Engineering, v.13, p.231- 243, 1993. TAKAHASHI, L.S.; ABREU, J.S.; BILLER., J.D.; URBINATI, E.C. Efeito do ambiente pós-transporte na recuperação dos indicadores de estresse de pacus juvenis (Piaractus mesopotamicus). Acta Scientiarum. Animal Sciences, v.28, p.469-475, 2006. TOLEDO, L.R. Novo hóspede dos açudes. Globo Rural, São Paulo, p.54-61, 1991. TROTTER, A.J.; BATTAGLENE, S.C.; PANKHURST, P.M. Effects of photoperiods and light intensity on initial swimming bladder inflation, growth and post inflation viability in cultured stripped trumpeter (Latris lineatus) larvae. Aquaculture, v.224, n.1-4, p.141-158, 2003. TYTLER, P.; HAWKINS, A.D. Vivisection, anaesthetics and minor surgery. In: HAWKINS, A.D. (Editor). Aquarium Systems. Academic Press, New York, p.247- 278, 1981. URBINATI, E.C.; CARNEIRO, P.C.F. Metabolic and hormonal responses of matrinxã, Brycon cephalus (Teleost: Characidae), to transport stress under influence of benzocaine. Journal of Aquaculture in the Tropics, v.16, n.1, p.75-85, 2001. URBINATI, E.C.; ABREU, J.S.; CAMARGO, A.C.S.; LANDINES, M.A. Loading and transport stress of juvenile matrinxã (Brycon cephalus, Characidae) at various densities. Aquaculture, v.229, p.389-400, 2004. 37

ROTTA, M.A.; GONDA. M.F. “Ictioproveta” para a biometria indireta do peso se<br />

surubins (pintado e cachara) utilizando seu volume e densidade. Informativo técnico<br />

Embrapa. Cuiabá- MS, ISSN 1517-4875, 2004.<br />

ROUBACH, R.; GOMES, L.D.C. Uso de anestésico durante o manejo de peixes.<br />

Panorama da Aqüicultura, v. II, n.66, p.37-40, 2001.<br />


Aquaculture in Brazil. World Aquaculture, v.34, n.1, p.28-34, 2003.<br />

SAKAI, M. Current research status of fish immunostimulants. Aquaculture, v.172,<br />

p.63-92, 1999.<br />


SOUTO, E.E.F. Desenvolvimento de trairão (Hoplias lacerdae) na ausência de luz.<br />

Acta Scientiarum. Biological Sciences, v.28, n1, p.47-50, 2006.<br />

SATO, Y.; CARDOSO, E.L.; SALLUM, W.B.; GODINHO, H.P. Indução<br />

experimental da desova do surubim Pseudoplatystoma corruscans. In: MIRANDA,<br />

M.O.T. Surubim. IBAMA. Coleção Meio Ambiente, série Estudos Pesca, Belo<br />

Horizonte, v.19, p.69-79, 1997.<br />

SMALL, B.C. Anesthetic efficacy of metomidate and comparison of plasma cortisol<br />

responses to tricaine methanesulfonate, quinaldine and clove oil anesthetized channel<br />

catfish Ictalurus punctatus. Aquaculture, v.218, p.177-185, 2003.<br />

SOTO, C.; BURHANUDDIN, A. Clove oil as a fish measuring length and weight of<br />

rabbitfish (Siganus lineatus). Aquaculture, v.136, p.149-152, 1995.<br />

SPECKER, J.L.; SCHRECK, C.B. Stress responses to transportation and fitness for<br />

marine survival in coho salmon (Oncorhynchus kisutch) smolts. Canadian Journal of<br />

Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences, v.37, p.765-769, 1980.<br />


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