Preferência alimentar de espécies de Aplysia sp. sobre ... - Proac

Preferência alimentar de espécies de Aplysia sp. sobre ... - Proac

Preferência alimentar de espécies de Aplysia sp. sobre ... - Proac


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protein from the purple gland of the sea hare, <strong>Aplysia</strong> dactylomela, Rang 1828. Toxicon,<br />

38: 1415-1427.<br />

Paul, V. J. & Hay, M. E. (1986). Seaweed susceptibility to herbivory – chemical<br />

and morphological correlates. Marine Ecology-Progress Series, 33: 255-264.<br />

Paul, V. J. & Van Alstyne, K. L. (1988). Chemical <strong>de</strong>fense and chemical variation<br />

in some tropical Pacific <strong>sp</strong>ecies of Halimeda (Halimedaceae; Chlorophyta). Coral Reefs,<br />

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Paul, V. J. & Pennings, S. C. (1991). Diet-<strong>de</strong>rived chemical <strong>de</strong>fenses in the sea<br />

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Pennings, S. C. (1990a). Size-related shifts in herbivory: <strong>sp</strong>ecialization in the sea<br />

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Pennings, S. C., Na<strong>de</strong>au, M. T & Paul V. J. (1993). Selectivity and growth of the<br />

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Pennings, S. C. & Paul, V. J. (1993). Sequestration of dietary secondary<br />

metabolites by three <strong>sp</strong>ecies of sea hares: location, <strong>sp</strong>ecificity and dynamics. Marine<br />

Biology, 117: 535-546.<br />

Pennings, S. C., Paul, V. J., Dunbar, D. C., Hamann, M. T., Lumbang, W. A.,<br />

Novack, B. & Jacobs, R. S. (1999). Unpalatable compounds in the marine gastropod<br />

Dolabella auricularia: Distribution and effect of diet. Journal of Chemical Ecology, 21:<br />

735-755.<br />


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