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CHASSIN, L., MANN, L. M. e SHER, K. J. (1988) – Self-Awareness Theory, Family History of Alcholism and Adolescent Alcohol Involvement. Jorunal of Alnormal Psychology, 97, 206-217. CHAVIN, A. (1969) – Toward na Understanding of Teenagers: Alternatives to Drug Abuse. Clinical Pediatrics, 8, pp. 6-12. CHNG, C. L. (1980) – A Critique of Valves: Clarification in Drug Education. Journal of Drug Education, 10, pp. 119-125. CHRISTIANSEN, B. A.; GOLDMAN, M. S. e INN, A. (1982) – Development of Alcohol -related Expectancies in Adolescents. Journal of Consulting and Clinical Psychology, 50, pp. 336-344. CHRISTIANSEN, B. A.; SMITH, G. T.; ROEHLING, P. V. e GOLDMAN, M. S. (1989) – Using Alcohol Expectancies to Predict Adolescent Drinking Behavior After one Year. Journal os Consulting and Clinical Psychology, 57, pp. 93-99. CHRYSTELLO, J. Chys (2001) – O Suicídio não é uma Arma: uma Visão do Alcoolismo nas Artes e Letras.In: Psiquiatria Clínica. Coimbra. Vol. 22, nº 1 (Janeiro/Abril), pp. 159- 161. CIDRAIS, A. (2000) – A Droga, o Doente e o Mercado. In: Medicina & Saúde. Lisboa. Ano 3, nº 34, pp. 24-25 CLAES, M. (1990) – Os Problemas da Adolescência. 2ª edição. Lisboa: Editorial Verbo. CLAIR, D. e JENEST, M. (1986) – Variables Associate with the Adjustment of Offspring of Alcoholic Fathers. Jorunal of Studies on Alcohol. CLARK, D. A.; OATES, T. (1995) Daily Hassless, Major and Minor Life Events, and their Interaction With Sociotropy and Autonomy. Behavior Research Therapy, 33, pp. 819- 823. CLARK, D. A.; STEER, A. T. e ROSS, L. (1995) – Psychometric Characteristies of Revised Sociotropy and AutonomyScales in College Students. Behavior Research Therapy, 33, pp. 325-334. CLONINGER, C. R. e LI, T. K. (1985) – Alcoholism: Na Inherited Diesease. Citado por COX, W. M.; KLINGER, E. (1988). “A Motivational Modelo f Alcohol Use”. Journal of Abnormal Psychology, 97, pp. 168-180. CLONINGER, C. R. (1987) – Neurogenetic Adaptive Mechanisms in Alcoholin. Science, 236, 410-416. COELHO, M. P. (2003) – Álcool nas Estradas: Prevenção e Fiscalização: Eis a Solução (I). In: Medicina e Saúde. Lisboa. Ano 6, nº 66 (Abril), pp. 16-17. COHEN, A. J. (1968) – Relieving Acid Ingestion: Psychological and Social Dynamics Related to Halluginogenic Drug Abuse. Bureau of Narcotics and Dangerivs Drugs. Washington, D. C. COHEN, A. J. (1971) – The Journey Behond Trips: Alternatives to Drugs. Journal of Psychedelic Drugs, 3, pp. 16-21. 8

COLLE, François-Xavier (2001) – Toxicomanias, Sistemas e Famílias: Onde as Drogas Encontram as Emoções.1ª ed.. Lisboa: Climepsi. COLLINS, R. L. e MARLATT, G. A. (1981) – Social Modeling a Determinant of Drinking Behavior: Implications for Prevention and Treatmen. Assictive Behavior, pp. 233-239. COLLINS, R.; PARKS, G. e MARLATT, G. A. (1985) – Social Determinantesof Alcohol Consumption: The Effects of Interaction and Model Status on the Self-Administration of Alcohol. Journal of Consulting and Clinical Psychology. COLLINS, W. A.; SPRINTHLL, N. A. (2003) – Psicologia do Adolescente: uma Abordagem Desenvolvimentalista. 3ª ed. Lisboa: Fundação Calouste Gulbenkian. Conferencia Ministrial de Estocolmo. O.M.S. Estocolmo. Suécia 19/2/2001. CONNORS, G. J.; TARBOX, A. R. (1985) – Macroenvironmental Factors as Determinants of Substance Abuse. In M. Galizio e S. A. Maisto (Eds.), “Determinants of Substance Abuse: Biological, Psychological, and Environmental Factors. New York: Plenum Press, pp. 283-316. COOK, R. F. e MORSE, C. (1980) – The Role of Alternative Activities in Drug Abuse Prevention: Research Results and na Emmerging Model. Comunicação Apresentada ao National Alcohol and Drug Coalition. Washington, D.C. COOK, R. F. (1985) – The Alternatives Approach Revisited: A Biopsychological Model and Guidelines for Application. International Journal of the Addictions, 20, pp. 1399-1419. COOPER, M. L. (1994) – Motivations for Alcohol Use Adolescentes: Development and Validation of a four- factor model. Psychology Assessment, 2, pp. 117-128. COOPER, M. L.; e RUSSEL, M.; GEORGE, W. H. (1988) – Coping, Expectancies, and Alcohol Abuse: A Testo f Social Learning Formulations. Journal of Abnormal Psychology, 97, pp. 218-230. COOPER, M.; RUSSEL, M.; SKINNER5, J. B. e WINDLE, M. (1992) – Development and Validation of a Three-Dimensional Measure of Drinking Motives. Journal of Consulting and Clinical Psychology, 4, pp. 123-132. CORCORAN, K. J. e SEGRIST, D. J. (1993) – Personal Expectancies and Group Influences Affect Alcohol Beverage Selection: The Interaction of Personal and Situational Variables. Assictive Behaviors, 18, pp. 577-582. CORDEIRO, J. C. D. (1979) – O Adolescente e a Família: Abordagem Educativa e Psicoterapêutica na Perspectiva Familiar. Lisboa: Moraes Ed. CORDEIRO, J. C. D. (1987) – A Saúde Mental e a Vida. Lisboa: Ed. Salamandra. CORDEIRO, M. (1996) – Os Adolescentes e a Droga. Lisboa: Margens e Editora. CORDEIRO, M. (1999) – Ainda (ou Novamente) o Álcool. Pais e Filhos, nº 104, pp. 90 -91. CORDO, M. (1998) – O alcoolismo e a Família – Sinais de Co-Dependência. Hospitalidade. Lisboa. Ano 62, nº 62, nº 245 (Out.Dez.), pp. 9-12. CORMILLOT, A. e COMBARDINI, J. C. (1994) – Beber o no Beber? Es esa la Cuestion? Barcelona: Paidos. 9

CHASSIN, L., MANN, L. M. e SHER, K. J. (1988) – Self-Awareness Theory, Family History of<br />

Alcholism and A<strong>do</strong>lescent Alcohol Involvement. Jorunal of Alnormal Psychology, 97,<br />

206-217.<br />

CHAVIN, A. (1969) – Toward na Understanding of Teenagers: Alternatives to Drug Abuse.<br />

Clinical Pediatrics, 8, pp. 6-12.<br />

CHNG, C. L. (1980) – A Critique of Valves: Clarification in Drug Education. Journal of Drug<br />

Education, 10, pp. 119-125.<br />

CHRISTIANSEN, B. A.; GOLDMAN, M. S. e INN, A. (1982) – Development of Alcohol -related<br />

Expectancies in A<strong>do</strong>lescents. Journal of Consulting and Clinical Psychology, 50, pp.<br />

336-344.<br />

CHRISTIANSEN, B. A.; SMITH, G. T.; ROEHLING, P. V. e GOLDMAN, M. S. (1989) – Using<br />

Alcohol Expectancies to Predict A<strong>do</strong>lescent Drinking Behavior After one Year. Journal<br />

os Consulting and Clinical Psychology, 57, pp. 93-99.<br />

CHRYSTELLO, J. Chys (2001) – O Suicídio não é uma Arma: uma Visão <strong>do</strong> Alcoolismo nas<br />

Artes e Letras.In: Psiquiatria Clínica. Coimbra. Vol. 22, nº 1 (Janeiro/Abril), pp. 159-<br />

161.<br />

CIDRAIS, A. (2000) – A Droga, o Doente e o Merca<strong>do</strong>. In: Medicina & Saúde. Lisboa. Ano 3, nº<br />

34, pp. 24-25<br />

CLAES, M. (1990) – Os Problemas da A<strong>do</strong>lescência. 2ª edição. Lisboa: Editorial Verbo.<br />

CLAIR, D. e JENEST, M. (1986) – Variables Associate with the Adjustment of Offspring of<br />

Alcoholic Fathers. Jorunal of Studies on Alcohol.<br />

CLARK, D. A.; OATES, T. (1995) Daily Hassless, Major and Minor Life Events, and their<br />

Interaction With Sociotropy and Autonomy. Behavior Research Therapy, 33, pp. 819-<br />

823.<br />

CLARK, D. A.; STEER, A. T. e ROSS, L. (1995) – Psychometric Characteristies of Revised<br />

Sociotropy and AutonomyScales in College Students. Behavior Research Therapy,<br />

33, pp. 325-334.<br />

CLONINGER, C. R. e LI, T. K. (1985) – Alcoholism: Na Inherited Diesease. Cita<strong>do</strong> por COX, W.<br />

M.; KLINGER, E. (1988). “A Motivational Modelo f Alcohol Use”. Journal of Abnormal<br />

Psychology, 97, pp. 168-180.<br />

CLONINGER, C. R. (1987) – Neurogenetic Adaptive Mechanisms in Alcoholin. Science, 236,<br />

410-416.<br />

COELHO, M. P. (2003) – Álcool nas Estradas: Prevenção e Fiscalização: Eis a Solução (I). In:<br />

Medicina e Saúde. Lisboa. Ano 6, nº 66 (Abril), pp. 16-17.<br />

COHEN, A. J. (1968) – Relieving Acid Ingestion: Psychological and Social Dynamics Related to<br />

Halluginogenic Drug Abuse. Bureau of Narcotics and Dangerivs Drugs. Washington,<br />

D. C.<br />

COHEN, A. J. (1971) – The Journey Behond Trips: Alternatives to Drugs. Journal of<br />

Psychedelic Drugs, 3, pp. 16-21.<br />


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