Doutoramento Lidia do Rosrio Cabral Agosto2007.pdf - Repositório ...

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ABSTRACT The adolescence is a phase of the vital cycle where the risk for the psychoactive substance consumption increases. Young people perceives that the alcohol can brighten up the anguish moments and intervene with its feelings, but does not perceive the consequences of this consumption. The academics rituals/customs are integrative activities and integrators of the young just admitted, to higher education. In these festivities, an exaggerated ingestion of alcoholic beverages with main prominence for the beer consumption and distilled drinks is observed. But how and why they ingest so exaggerated amounts of drink during the academics rituals/customs? To analyzing the motivations that take the young people to the consumption of alcoholic beverage and the existing relation between social representation, personal expectations and beliefs about alcohol, risk analyses and levels of consumption among the students of public higher education in Viseu in academics rituals/customs a quantitative study, epidemiologist, description-correlacional, analytical, retrospective and with longitudinal drawing were developed. To collect the data a questionnaire was used, constructed for this study – effect of alcohol consumption in academics rituals/customs and a scale “of expectations and personal beliefs concerning the alcohol” (Gouveia, 1993) applied on a sample of students who are at public higher education in Viseu, in 2004 May and 2005 May with the same students. The data were inserted and processed by a software “SPSS” version 13 for Windows. The study revelled the existence of predominance of students of the feminine sex, with averages of ages of 21.17 years, living the majority with colleagues or friends, the education level of the parents is low and about 13,9% belongs to families where some o f its members consumes alcoholic beverage in excess. The students nourish a feeling of “acceptance” and some “admiration” for the colleagues who do not consume and a feeling of “acceptance” for the colleagues who consume. The social representations of the students do not improve with the acquisition of new scientific knowledge. Approximately 62% of the students consume alcoholic beverage during the academics rituals/customs, 12% of tem initiated in basic education, 74% in secondary and 14% in the higher education. The main reason for the non consumption are related with issues of health and the reasons for the consumption are related with recreational justification. Approximately 15% of the students went at lessons tipsy and 16% and 6%, respectively, felt not motivated by the school activities and the course that they are. The drink consumption becomes preferential in party days and with friends, in bars, discos and parties, being the beer, shots and vodka the most consumed. In 32% the consumption originated the XVI

absence to the lessons, in 22.6% produced memory loss, 77% consumed many kinds of beverages and more than 50% had inebriated during the academics rituals/customs. The expectations and beliefs are increased in males in all factors, and the students who had been inebriated in the academics rituals/customs possess higher expectations and beliefs concerning the alcohol. Males are also who presents higher estimates of risk, classifying of high risk 38.6 and 45.0% of the students in two phases, respectively. In the second phase of the study, were verified an increase of high risk and a reduction of low risk. Is on the high risk students that observes lower risk estimative and higher average values in all the factor of the social representative scale. The positives global effects, and the easier social interaction, the reduction of negative feelings of itself and the evaluation anxiety, the escape from negative emotional states the sexual desinhibit, the total social representation had constituted predictor of the risk estimate in the first moment of the study. In the second moment of the study the sexual desinhibit is total, as well as the social representation. On the first phase, 47,0% of the girls were classified as high consumers, in the next phase was 44,7% for the boys. Between the risk estimate and consumption levels exists a positive relation with an explicative value of 26.3%. The students with high consumption are the ones shows expectations and personal beliefs more elevated, constituting the total social representation and the sexual desinhibition in the first phase the predictor to the consumption values. In the second phase the predictor for the consumption values were the sexual desinhibition and the recreational justification. Keywords: alcohol; adolescents; students; academic rituals/customs, social representation, expectations and beliefs. XVII

absence to the lessons, in 22.6% produced memory loss, 77% consumed many kinds of<br />

beverages and more than 50% had inebriated during the academics rituals/customs.<br />

The expectations and beliefs are increased in males in all factors, and the students<br />

who had been inebriated in the academics rituals/customs possess higher expectations and<br />

beliefs concerning the alcohol. Males are also who presents higher estimates of risk,<br />

classifying of high risk 38.6 and 45.0% of the students in two phases, respectively. In the<br />

second phase of the study, were verified an increase of high risk and a reduction of low risk.<br />

Is on the high risk students that observes lower risk estimative and higher average values in<br />

all the factor of the social representative scale. The positives global effects, and the easier<br />

social interaction, the reduction of negative feelings of itself and the evaluation anxiety, the<br />

escape from negative emotional states the sexual desinhibit, the total social representation<br />

had constituted predictor of the risk estimate in the first moment of the study. In the second<br />

moment of the study the sexual desinhibit is total, as well as the social representation.<br />

On the first phase, 47,0% of the girls were classified as high consumers, in the next<br />

phase was 44,7% for the boys. Between the risk estimate and consumption levels exists a<br />

positive relation with an explicative value of 26.3%.<br />

The students with high consumption are the ones shows expectations and personal<br />

beliefs more elevated, constituting the total social representation and the sexual desinhibition<br />

in the first phase the predictor to the consumption values. In the second phase the predictor<br />

for the consumption values were the sexual desinhibition and the recreational justification.<br />

Keywords: alcohol; a<strong>do</strong>lescents; students; academic rituals/customs, social<br />

representation, expectations and beliefs.<br />


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