josé da silva carvalho - DSpace CEU

josé da silva carvalho - DSpace CEU josé da silva carvalho - DSpace CEU
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It appears to me that a sum less than £ 100 ought not to be proposed, but whatever it may be, if Your Excellency will only cause it to be delivered to him, or the Captain of the Cannon to be made over to General Bem only after bis departure, or to myself, I will desire that he shall be received to-morrow night, and taken off on Saturday from Portugal. I have the honour to be, Your Excellency's most obedient and humble servant. = Howard de Walden. DOC. CCXCIII Carla do almirante Napier a Silva Carvalho Pedindo-lhe que se interesse pelos melhoramentos na armada e pelo premio dos servicos prestados por elle, Napier, que foi esquecido, emquanto Saldanha e Terceira foram recompensados Lisbon, June 8th 1834. My dear Sir.—I have received such pressing invitations from my friends at Portsmouth to stand for the Borough, Mr. Baring having become Secretary to the Treasury, that I have obtained from the Emperor a few weeks' leave of absence to go to England. The Duchess of Braganza will land me at Portsmouth, and then go to Brest for the ships. Let me beg and entreat, you will endeavour to get Margiochi to decide on what I have proposed for the Navy. You know very well I can have no prívate interest to serve in improving it, I have a strong feeling for a profession that has rendered such services to Portugal, and it is my pride to render it equal to the British Navy, but I can get the Minister to do nothing. Everything I am doing is for economy and order, and yet he will not move. If it could be so managed that you could take that department from the colonies, good would be done, and even the colonies is more work than you ever will get Margiochi to do. I have left everything in proper train, but I feel I shall be back ere he decides anything, and probably will upset all I have done for he is beset with a parcel of intriguers who have not the interest of their country at heart. I can do no more than I have done. I have written him such strong letters that I really am ashamed of them, for he is really a good, honest man. As to our prize money I leave it in your hands with perfect confidence, for I feel you will not let it slumber. I have never said a word about it till Don Miguel was out of the country. As for myself you must be aware

I have lost my rank and pensión in England, for which I ought to be remunerated agreable to the contract. I also lost everything as well as my family in the City of Waterford, so that I am absolutely ont of pocket. Grants, I observe, have been given to Terceira and Saldanha, bnt I have been pnt on one side, or rather with the exception of titiles which have titile valué in my eyes totally neglected, and indeed had I been consulted I should have preferred remaining a simple Admira!, for nothing is more ridiculous than a poor nobleman. Report says there is to be some slight changos in your ministry, do, my good friend, think of the Navy in that event, you may want it some day or other, and take my word for it, unless attention is paid to it yon will have no men 5th of July's. Should yon ever haré a dispute with the Brazils, unless you follow my advice, Portugal will be dishonoured, and instead of blockading Rio Janeiro, the Brazilians will blockade Lisbon. I speak to you frankly for I know you yourself are frank, and have the honour and glory of your country at heart. Believe me always your sincere friend.=Cape St. Vincent. P. 8.—As one proof of the way accounts have been kept the Purser of the «Cape St. Vinoent» is now in debt to Government 6 contos, which is more than all the Pursers united of the British Navy ever would be in debt. DOC. CCXCIV Carla do coronel Hodges 1 a Silva Carvalho Pedindo desoulpa das palavras Injustas que escreveu sobre a expediçao dos Acores de 1832 e acerca do Imperador e de alguns homens políticos de Portugal, bem como de ter recambiado as insignias da , Torre e Espada. É urna retractaçao completa e cabal. London, 7 Upper Soymour Street, West, 26 March 1835. Sir.—Having heard that Your Excellency was much dissatisfied with expressions used in a narrativo I published in the year 1833 of the late expedition from the Azores under the orders of His 1 Lé-se na Bibliotheca Açoriana, de Ernesto do Canto, pag. 167: Hodges (G. JAojá)—Late colond in the service of Her Mott Faithful Majesty íhe Queen of Portugal. Narrative of the expedition to Portugal in 1832. London, 1883, James Frazer, vol. 2 in 8.°, com um mappa.

I have lost my rank and pensión in England, for which I ought to<br />

be remunerated agreable to the contract. I also lost everything as<br />

well as my family in the City of Waterford, so that I am absolutely<br />

ont of pocket. Grants, I observe, have been given to Terceira and<br />

Sal<strong>da</strong>nha, bnt I have been pnt on one side, or rather with the<br />

exception of titiles which have titile valué in my eyes totally neglected,<br />

and indeed had I been consulted I should have preferred remaining<br />

a simple Admira!, for nothing is more ridiculous than a poor nobleman.<br />

Report says there is to be some slight changos in your ministry, do,<br />

my good friend, think of the Navy in that event, you may want it<br />

some <strong>da</strong>y or other, and take my word for it, unless attention is paid<br />

to it yon will have no men 5th of July's. Should yon ever haré a<br />

dispute with the Brazils, unless you follow my advice, Portugal will<br />

be dishonoured, and instead of blockading Rio Janeiro, the Brazilians<br />

will blockade Lisbon. I speak to you frankly for I know you yourself<br />

are frank, and have the honour and glory of your country at heart.<br />

Believe me always your sincere friend.=Cape St. Vincent.<br />

P. 8.—As one proof of the way accounts have been kept the<br />

Purser of the «Cape St. Vinoent» is now in debt to Government 6<br />

contos, which is more than all the Pursers united of the British Navy<br />

ever would be in debt.<br />


Carla do coronel Hodges 1<br />

a Silva Carvalho<br />

Pedindo desoulpa <strong>da</strong>s palavras Injustas que escreveu sobre a expediçao<br />

dos Acores de 1832 e acerca do Imperador e de alguns homens<br />

políticos de Portugal, bem como de ter recambiado as insignias <strong>da</strong><br />

, Torre e Espa<strong>da</strong>. É urna retractaçao completa e cabal.<br />

London, 7 Upper Soymour Street, West, 26 March 1835.<br />

Sir.—Having heard that Your Excellency was much dissatisfied<br />

with expressions used in a narrativo I published in the year 1833<br />

of the late expedition from the Azores under the orders of His<br />

1<br />

Lé-se na Bibliotheca Açoriana, de Ernesto do Canto, pag. 167:<br />

Hodges (G. JAojá)—Late colond in the service of Her Mott Faithful Majesty<br />

íhe Queen of Portugal.<br />

Narrative of the expedition to Portugal in 1832. London, 1883, James Frazer,<br />

vol. 2 in 8.°, com um mappa.

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