Guia de Estudos - Faap

Guia de Estudos - Faap Guia de Estudos - Faap


Guia de Estudos / Study Guide / Guia de Estudios Executive Directorate (CTED) and also the UN Office on Drugs and Crime (UNODC) ought to complement efforts among member states. The UN a function to fill up gaps therefore the terrorists can not exploit it. Furthermore the UK prefers lay emphasis on resources that provides assistance to the countries that are considered most venerable where possible while terrorism is able to affect either State. France is not a major importer, exporter, or producer of diamonds, however, the country has had an important participation in global efforts to abolish the illegal trade of diamonds through its prestige and advantage of being a Permanent Member of the UNSC. Even though the country works along with other nations, supporting their measures to end the conflict diamond-related issues, it is known that the French government agrees to bring a less punitive approach to sanctions against leaders of “blood diamond” nations. Overall, France has been an important participant in the progress lead by the G8 in breaking the link between the international trade of illegal diamonds and armed conflicts. Since 1963, three protocols and thirteen conventions related to the combat versus terrorism have been assumed. An embracing project convention on terrorism covenant on terrorism is being considered, however, after divers years of service has not been finished yet because, particularly, a consent on the meaning of terrorism was not achieved. Germany has encouraged and followed the efforts taken by the UN and the European Union towards controlling the trade of illicit diamonds. This illicit market is responsible for financing and extending conflicts that threaten the stability in many parts of Africa, mostly Angola and Sierra Leone. However, because Germany is not a major exporter, importer, or source of diamonds, its influence on finding a solution to the illegitimate diamond conflict is limited. Because of its limited capacity to play a leadership role on this problem, the German government is assisting in another way, for example amongst with other efforts, Germany fomented the implantation of approximately 7000 soldiers as portion of peace missions ordered by the United Nations. Therefore the country is considered the fourth-largest collaborator to the budget related to the measures of peace-keeping, in other words, Germany has an essential help concerning the funding of the “blue helmets”. It has supported internation- al efforts, and has also participated actively in multilateral organizations that regard the matter. Portugal colonized Angola and dominated it for about 500 years, so it had a major influence in this African country. After the independence movement, the Angolans achieved autonomy to deal with their country. There are some African migrants who live in Portugal; many of which are Angolans. Portugal, as well as Angola, is part of the Kimberley Process, which means that it is willing to assist those in need, since the country is not involved in “blood diamond” issues itself. The countries that participate in this process believe that it is efficient as long as collaboration takes place. Asian Continent There are many countries in the continent part to the Kimberley Process, such as China, India, Lebanon and Russia. The Chinese government is concerned over smuggling problem related to stones; the level of value added tax (VAT) will be cut to zero for some diamonds, as an attempt to end the smuggling and to encourage and increase the number of legal business trading. The Chinese Government’s Official Web Portal states that: Those embarking on the unlawful business might be tempted to import through legal channels given the high risks they face and potential profits to be made because of the VAT reduction(…) It is expected that diamonds imported through legal transactions will make up a bigger share of the market in the future. Being a participating country in the Kimberley Process means that the government follows the measures instituted by it and is cooperating with the abolishment of “blood diamond” conflicts. It is known that China has been related in most conflicts in Africa, mainly when the topic is diamond. It participates in this process supplying weapons and war techniques to the African population. According to the Mail Online Web site, working alongside henchmen from one of ¬Africa’s most murderous regimes — headed by Robert Mugabe — the Chinese are overseeing Beijing’s investment in the world’s most controversial commodity: blood diamonds. It is also stated that there is sophisticated radar equipment, a fully-operational control tower and comfortable barracks for the Chinese officials overseeing the entire operation of search. 67

India has a very strong and important diamond industry that employs millions of people and earns billions of dollars. There is a large amount of certified stones from this industry, which means that the Indian government follows the measures established by the Kimberley Process and that the diamonds go through a certification scheme to verify that they are, indeed, legitimate and appropriate to enter the worldwide market, without fueling any conflict. Therefore it can be said that: 68 India has a well developed law on mutual assist criminal matters which enables it to seek from and extend cooperation to foreign States in respect of mutual legal assistance in criminal matters. India has concluded Mutual Legal Assistance Treaties with 26 countries and 5 more Treaties are under negotiation. To ensure a greater sense of security within the South Asian region, recently at the Fifteenth Summit of the SAARC, a Convention on Mutual Legal Assistance in Criminal Matters was adopted which allows Member States to provide each other the greatest measure of mutual assistance in criminal matters.. Russia is another country part to the Kimberley Process, adopting its measures in order to avoid the trade of diamonds originated in conflict areas. The diamonds from Russian origin go through a certification scheme to ensure that they are, in fact, licit and legitimate diamonds. The country is an important diamond source, being the world’s second largest, which means that a large amount of the diamonds being sent to worldwide market have their origin in the Russian country. The G8 Summit Declaration on Counter-Terrorism highlighted 12 priorities of anti-terrorist work jointly with partners from other countries, each of which are self explaining: • Implementing and upgrading the global legal framework on the counter-terrorism; • Assuring national legislation is adjusted, in an appropriate way, to lead new terrorist defi ance’s; • Attempts by terrorists must be repressed in or der to receive entrance to weapons and other wherewithal of mass destruction; • Engaging in assiduous dialogue with civilian so ciety to assist to prevent terrorism; VII Fórum FAAP de Discussão Estudantil - 2011 • Improving efforts to combat that terrorism is fi nanced based on consented standards; • Implementing and developing an successful strategy to fight against terrorist recruitment and publicity, including the ones related to the utilization of suicide bombers; • Successfully countering attempts to abuse cy berspace for terrorist finalities, including provo cation to perpetrate terrorist acts, to plan and communicate about terrorist acts, even as train ing and recruitment of terrorists; • Avoiding any misuse of the migration polity for terrorist reasons while at the equal legitimate travel is time facilitating; • Bringing to justice, in accordance with liabili ties beneath international law, the ones that are culprit of terrorist acts, likewise their sup porters and sponsors, those who stimulate ter rorist acts and those whose plans are the acts; • Assuring and foment respect for international law, with international human rights law as part of it, humanitarian law and refugee law in our entire counter-terrorism efforts; • Promoting supplies chain safety, based on pre vailing international best practices and stan dards;; • Promoting international cooperation in road safety, subway and rail and increase standards in maritime security and aviations. Lebanon has been involved in the importation of rough diamonds, creating concern that the profit coming from these illicit diamonds could be used to finance African conflicts and consequently fund the terrorism in the continent. Lebanon customs data published online showed that industrial rough diamonds worth US$ 156 million were imported during 2005, investigation has taken place, but nobody has been charged or has been under investigation.

India has a very strong and important diamond industry<br />

that employs millions of people and earns billions<br />

of dollars. There is a large amount of certified<br />

stones from this industry, which means that the Indian<br />

government follows the measures established by the<br />

Kimberley Process and that the diamonds go through<br />

a certification scheme to verify that they are, in<strong>de</strong>ed,<br />

legitimate and appropriate to enter the worldwi<strong>de</strong> market,<br />

without fueling any conflict. Therefore it can be said<br />

that:<br />

68<br />

India has a well <strong>de</strong>veloped law on mutual assist criminal<br />

matters which enables it to seek from and extend cooperation<br />

to foreign States in respect of mutual legal assistance in<br />

criminal matters. India has conclu<strong>de</strong>d Mutual Legal Assistance<br />

Treaties with 26 countries and 5 more Treaties are un<strong>de</strong>r<br />

negotiation. To ensure a greater sense of security within<br />

the South Asian region, recently at the Fifteenth Summit<br />

of the SAARC, a Convention on Mutual Legal Assistance in<br />

Criminal Matters was adopted which allows Member States<br />

to provi<strong>de</strong> each other the greatest measure of mutual assistance<br />

in criminal matters..<br />

Russia is another country part to the Kimberley Process,<br />

adopting its measures in or<strong>de</strong>r to avoid the tra<strong>de</strong><br />

of diamonds originated in conflict areas. The diamonds<br />

from Russian origin go through a certification scheme<br />

to ensure that they are, in fact, licit and legitimate diamonds.<br />

The country is an important diamond source,<br />

being the world’s second largest, which means that a<br />

large amount of the diamonds being sent to worldwi<strong>de</strong><br />

market have their origin in the Russian country. The G8<br />

Summit Declaration on Counter-Terrorism highlighted<br />

12 priorities of anti-terrorist work jointly with partners<br />

from other countries, each of which are self explaining:<br />

• Implementing and upgrading the global legal<br />

framework on the counter-terrorism;<br />

• Assuring national legislation is adjusted, in<br />

an appropriate way, to lead new terrorist <strong>de</strong>fi<br />

ance’s;<br />

• Attempts by terrorists must be repressed in or<br />

<strong>de</strong>r to receive entrance to weapons and other<br />

wherewithal of mass <strong>de</strong>struction;<br />

• Engaging in assiduous dialogue with civilian so<br />

ciety to assist to prevent terrorism;<br />

VII Fórum FAAP <strong>de</strong> Discussão Estudantil - 2011<br />

• Improving efforts to combat that terrorism is fi<br />

nanced based on consented standards;<br />

• Implementing and <strong>de</strong>veloping an successful<br />

strategy to fight against terrorist recruitment<br />

and publicity, including the ones related to the<br />

utilization of suici<strong>de</strong> bombers;<br />

• Successfully countering attempts to abuse cy<br />

berspace for terrorist finalities, including provo<br />

cation to perpetrate terrorist acts, to plan and<br />

communicate about terrorist acts, even as train<br />

ing and recruitment of terrorists;<br />

• Avoiding any misuse of the migration polity for<br />

terrorist reasons while at the equal legitimate<br />

travel is time facilitating;<br />

• Bringing to justice, in accordance with liabili<br />

ties beneath international law, the ones that<br />

are culprit of terrorist acts, likewise their sup<br />

porters and sponsors, those who stimulate ter<br />

rorist acts and those whose plans are the acts;<br />

• Assuring and foment respect for international<br />

law, with international human rights law as<br />

part of it, humanitarian law and refugee law in<br />

our entire counter-terrorism efforts;<br />

• Promoting supplies chain safety, based on pre<br />

vailing international best practices and stan<br />

dards;;<br />

• Promoting international cooperation in road<br />

safety, subway and rail and increase standards<br />

in maritime security and aviations.<br />

Lebanon has been involved in the importation of<br />

rough diamonds, creating concern that the profit coming<br />

from these illicit diamonds could be used to finance<br />

African conflicts and consequently fund the terrorism in<br />

the continent. Lebanon customs data published online<br />

showed that industrial rough diamonds worth US$ 156<br />

million were imported during 2005, investigation has<br />

taken place, but nobody has been charged or has been<br />

un<strong>de</strong>r investigation.

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