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Capítulo 7 15 Chwirot, W. B., "New Indication of Possible Role of DNA in Ultraweak Photon Emission from Biological Systems", in Journal of Plant Physiology, vol. 122, pp. 821 a 886. 16 Rattemeyer, M. e F. A. Popp, "Evidence of Photon Emission from DNA in Living Systems", in Naturwissenschaften, vol. 68, n? 5, p. 577. 17 Stuart, C. I. J. M. et al., 1979. 18 Thatcher, R. W. e E. R. John, Functional Neuroscience, vol. 1. 19 Marshall, I. N., "Excitations of a Bose-Einstein Condensate", no prelo. 20 Descartes, Meditations. 21 "Excitations of a Bose-Einstein Condensate", no prelo. 22 Stryker, Michael, "Is Grandmother an Oscillation?", in Nature, vol. 338, pp. 297/298. 23 Adey, W. R., "Frequency and Power Windowing in Tissue Interactions with Weak Electromagnetic Fields", in Proceedings of the IEEE, vol. 68, n? l, pp. 119 a 125; "Excitations of a Bose-Einstein Condensate", no prelo. 1 Meditations. 2 São Paulo, Epístola aos Romanos 7; 24/25. 3 Platão, Phaedo (Fédori), 66 a-e, in Edith Hamilton e Hunting-ton Cairns (editores), Collected Dialogues. 4 Jammer, M., "Mass", in The Encyclopedia of Philosophy, p. 177. 5 The View from Nowhere, p. 28. 6 Em Globus, Gordon G. et al. (editores), Consciousness and the Brain, p. 320. 7 McGinn, Colin, comentário feito no seminário Mente/Corpo em Oxford, 1988. 8 Tèller, Paul, "Relational Holism and Quantum Mechanics", in British Journal for the Philosophy of Science, vol. 37, pp. 71 a 81. 9 Platão, Timeaus (Timeu), 31c, in Collected Dialogues. 10 Buber, Martin, I and Thou, p. 14. 11 Heidegger, Martin, "The Origin of the Work of Art", in Albert Hofstadter e Richard Kuhns (editores), Philosophies of Art and Beauty, p. 680.

Capítulo 8 Capítulo 9 12 "The Origin of the Work of Art", p. 684. 13 Lucrécio, On the Nature ofíhe Universe, (Da Natureza), tomo 3. 1 Parfit, Derek, Reasons and Persons, p. 245. 2 Mortal Questions, p. 164. 3 Mortal Questions, p. 164. 4 Reasons and Persons, pp. 273 e 275. 5 Uma expressão usada por Parfit, Derek, Reasons and Persons, pp. 245 a 280. 6 Heidegger, Martin, Being and Time (Ser e Tempo), p. 329. 7 Reasons and Persons, p. 281. 8 Zukav, Gary, The Dancing Wu Li Masters, p. 96. 9 The Great Chain of Being, p. 29. 10 Neumann, Erik, The Origins and History of Consciousness, lª parte. 11 Parfit, Derek, "Personal Identity", in John Perry (editor), Personal Identity, pp. 218 a 219. 12 Eliot, T. S., The Four Quartéis (Quatro Quartetos). 1 Freud, Sigmund, Instincts and their Vicissitudes, vol. 14. 2 Gordon, Rosemary, "The Concept of Projective Identification", in Journal of Analytical Psychology, vol. 10, n? 2. 3 I and Thou, p. 5. 4 I and Thou, p. 4. 5 Being and Time (Ser e Tempo), pp. 160 a 163. 6 Sartre, Jean-Paul, Being and Nothingness (O Ser e o Nada), p. 282. 7 Rycroft, Charles, A Critical Dictionary of Psychoanalysis, p. 101. 8 Klein, Melanie, "The Emotional Life of the Infant", in "The Concept of Projective Identification", p. 128.

Capítulo 8<br />

Capítulo 9<br />

12 "The Origin of the Work of Art", p. 684.<br />

13 Lucrécio, On the Nature ofíhe Universe, (Da Natureza), tomo 3.<br />

1 Parfit, Derek, Reasons and Persons, p. 245.<br />

2 Mortal Questions, p. 164.<br />

3 Mortal Questions, p. 164.<br />

4 Reasons and Persons, pp. 273 e 275.<br />

5 Uma expressão usada por Parfit, Derek, Reasons and Persons, pp. 245 a 280.<br />

6 Heidegger, Martin, Being and Time (Ser e Tempo), p. 329.<br />

7 Reasons and Persons, p. 281.<br />

8 Zukav, Gary, The Dancing Wu Li Masters, p. 96.<br />

9 The Great Chain of Being, p. 29.<br />

10 Neumann, Erik, The Origins and History of Consciousness, lª parte.<br />

11 Parfit, Derek, "Personal Identity", in John Perry (editor), Personal Identity, pp.<br />

218 a 219.<br />

12 Eliot, T. S., The Four Quartéis (Quatro Quartetos).<br />

1 Freud, Sigmund, Instincts and their Vicissitudes, vol. 14.<br />

2 Gordon, Rosemary, "The Concept of Projective Identification", in Journal of<br />

Analytical Psychology, vol. 10, n? 2.<br />

3 I and Thou, p. 5.<br />

4 I and Thou, p. 4.<br />

5 Being and Time (Ser e Tempo), pp. 160 a 163.<br />

6 Sartre, Jean-Paul, Being and Nothingness (O Ser e o Nada), p. 282.<br />

7 Rycroft, Charles, A Critical Dictionary of Psychoanalysis, p. 101.<br />

8 Klein, Melanie, "The Emotional Life of the Infant", in "The Concept of<br />

Projective Identification", p. 128.

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