Superfamília ICHNEUMONOIDEA - Acervo Digital de Obras Especiais

Superfamília ICHNEUMONOIDEA - Acervo Digital de Obras Especiais Superfamília ICHNEUMONOIDEA - Acervo Digital de Obras Especiais
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48 INSETOS DO BRASIL CUSHMAN, R. A. 1930 - A revision of the North American species of ichneumonflies of the genus Odontomerus. Ibid., 77 art. 3(2826):15p., 4 figs. 1938 - A new species of Calliephialtes from Brazil, with a key to the Neotropical species (Hymenoptera: Ichneumonidae). Rev. Ent., 9:11-13. ENDERLEIN, G. 1919 - Beiträge zur Kenntnis aussereuropaischer Ichneumoniden, IV - Einige neue Pimpliden. S. B. Ges. Naturf. Fr. Berlin: 146-153. GRAHAM, B. B. 1947 - Feeding of Pimpla examinator Ratz. on host pupae exposed for parasitism. 77th Rep. Ent. Soc. Ontario (1946):44-55. HASE, A. 1924 - Die Schlupfwespen als Gifttiere. Biol. Zbl., 44:209-243. IMMS, A. D. 1918 - Observations on Pimpla pomorum Ratz. a parasite on the apple blossom weevil. Ann. Appl. Biol., 4:211-227, 1 est. JACKSON, D. J. 1937 - Host selection in Pimpla examinator F (Hymenoptera). Proc. R. Ent. Soc. London, (A) 12:81-91, 1 est. LABOULBÈNE, A. 1858 - Histoire d'un Ichneumon parasite des araignées (Pimpla fairmairei). Ann. Ent. Soc. Fr., (3)6:707-817, est. 17 (2). LICHTENSTEIN, J. L. & E. RABAUD 1922 - Le comportment des Polysphincta, Ichneumonides parasites des araignées. Bull. Biol. Fr. Belg., 55:267-287, 11 figs. LIMA, A. DA COSTA 1919 - Contribuição para o conhecimento dos microhymenoptetos parasitos da lagarta rosea da Pectinophora gossypiella (Saunders) no Brasil. Arch. Esc. Sup. Agr. Med. Vet., 3:57-63.

HYMENOPTERA 49 LIMA, A. DA COSTA 1945 - Sobre dois insetos galicolas (Curculionidae - Cryptorhynchinae e Ichneumonidae - Pimplinae). Bol. Soc. Bras. Agron., 8:189-192, 2 ests. 1951 - (V. bibl. Ichneumonidae). MEYER, N. F. 1925 - Zur Biologie und Morphologie von Pimpla examinator F. Z. Angew. Ent., 11:202-212. MILLAN, E. & L. DE SANTIS 1958 - (V. bibl. Cryptinae). MOCSÁRY, Á. 1905 - Rhyssae sociarunque species in collectione Musei Nationalis Hungarici. Ann. Mus. Nat. Hung., 3:1-20. MONTGOMERY, B. E. 1935 - Notes on the biology and developmental stages of Glypta rufiscutellaris Cress. (Ichneumonidae, Hymenoptera), a larval parasite of the Oriental fruit moth. J. Econ. Ent., 28:371-376, figs. 53-54. MORLEY, C. 1914 - (V. bibl. 8 - Ichneumonidae). NIELSEN, E. 1923 - Contributions to the life history of Pimpline spider parasites (Polysphincta, Zaglyptus, Tromatobia) (Hym. Ichneum.). Ent. Medd., 14:137-205, 34 figs. 1935 - A third supplementary note upon the life-histories of Polysphincta (Hym. Ichneum.). Ibid., 19:191-215, 14 figs. PECK, O. 1937 - The male genitalia in the Hymenoptera (Insecta) specially the family Ichneumonidae (Pimplinae). Proc. U.S. Nat. Mus., 57(2315):379-396, 14 figs. PERKINS, J. F. 1939 - The Ephialtes (Hym. Ichn.) parasiting the codling moth. Bull. Ent. Res., 30:307-308, 4 figs. 1941 - A synopsis of the British Pimplini, with notes on the European species (Hymenoptera, Ichneumonidae). Trans. R. Ent. Soc. London, 91:637-659, 52 figs.


CUSHMAN, R. A.<br />

1930 - A revision of the North American species of ichneumonflies<br />

of the genus Odontomerus.<br />

Ibid., 77 art. 3(2826):15p., 4 figs.<br />

1938 -<br />

A new species of Calliephialtes from Brazil, with a key<br />

to the Neotropical species (Hymenoptera: Ichneumonidae).<br />

Rev. Ent., 9:11-13.<br />


1919 - Beiträge zur Kenntnis aussereuropaischer Ichneumoni<strong>de</strong>n,<br />

IV - Einige neue Pimpli<strong>de</strong>n.<br />

S. B. Ges. Naturf. Fr. Berlin: 146-153.<br />

GRAHAM, B. B.<br />

1947 - Feeding of Pimpla examinator Ratz. on host pupae<br />

exposed for parasitism.<br />

77th Rep. Ent. Soc. Ontario (1946):44-55.<br />

HASE, A.<br />

1924 - Die Schlupfwespen als Gifttiere.<br />

Biol. Zbl., 44:209-243.<br />

IMMS, A. D.<br />

1918 - Observations on Pimpla pomorum Ratz. a parasite on<br />

the apple blossom weevil.<br />

Ann. Appl. Biol., 4:211-227, 1 est.<br />

JACKSON, D. J.<br />

1937 - Host selection in Pimpla examinator F (Hymenoptera).<br />

Proc. R. Ent. Soc. London, (A) 12:81-91, 1 est.<br />


1858 - Histoire d'un Ichneumon parasite <strong>de</strong>s araignées (Pimpla<br />

fairmairei).<br />

Ann. Ent. Soc. Fr., (3)6:707-817, est. 17 (2).<br />


1922 - Le comportment <strong>de</strong>s Polysphincta, Ichneumoni<strong>de</strong>s parasites<br />

<strong>de</strong>s araignées.<br />

Bull. Biol. Fr. Belg., 55:267-287, 11 figs.<br />


1919 - Contribuição para o conhecimento dos microhymenoptetos<br />

parasitos da lagarta rosea da Pectinophora gossypiella<br />

(Saun<strong>de</strong>rs) no Brasil.<br />

Arch. Esc. Sup. Agr. Med. Vet., 3:57-63.

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