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My final shot<br />

To sum up, Norway has traditionally opted for strict alcohol regulations and even prohibited most beverages during the early 1910s<br />

and 1920s. According to the statistics, Norway does indeed manage to discourage drinking, as is reflected in one of the lowest alcohol<br />

consumption rates among European countries. However, the SHoT study has shown that a large number of the Norwegian student<br />

population are struggling with responsible alcohol consumption despite the strict regulatory approach.<br />

While linking the revenue of selling alcohol to the welfare system is in my opinion a good approach that should be implemented more<br />

widely across countries, I am not entirely convinced that the harsh regulations, especially regarding opening hours and the prohibition<br />

of consuming alcohol in public places, are the best solutions. Such measures may actually increase the alcohol consumption from<br />

black markets and incentivize the production of homemade alcohol which can be detrimental to health and contradict the goals of the<br />

Alcohol Act. Don’t get me wrong, alcohol can have negative side effects and these should not be dismissed, and awareness campaigns<br />

are important in this regard, but I do believe that the more you restrict something, the more interesting it becomes and as long as people<br />

want to drink alcohol they will find a way to do so and will not be disincentivized by harsh regulations.<br />

References<br />

Act on the Sale of Alcoholic Beverages, etc. (Alcohol Act), (1990).<br />

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Götestam, K. G., & Röstum, O. (1983). Alcohol Control Policy in the Nordic Countries (Denmark, Finland,<br />

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OECD. (n.d.). Alcohol consumption among adults. OECDiLibrary.<br />

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<strong>DESEMBER</strong> 2023 <strong>UNIKUM</strong> NR 10 13

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