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Jakub Świerkocki<br />

Writer<br />

Illustration: Freepik // pikisuperstar<br />

Jay Voltaire<br />

Writer<br />

The first pride parade was held on June 28, 1970. People were<br />

marching in New York, Los Angeles, and Chicago in the United<br />

States. It was the first anniversary of the Stonewall uprising of the<br />

riots against police raids of gay clubs, of these demonstrations of<br />

brutality and blatant queerphobia. One of the most known names<br />

that makes history in this event was that of Marsha P. Johnson, the<br />

black drag queen and activist.<br />

In 2023, the big question is: How Pride looks now. From one side<br />

we can see that it is still an event for the people. On the other side,<br />

voices say that it is for and by the corporations. We want to discuss<br />

the two sides of this.<br />

Pride parade is still for the people. Queer people around the world<br />

have to still fight for basic human rights. Laws are still being<br />

changed. Countries where people can be killed or beaten for their<br />

sexuality or gender not assigned at birth still persist. Countries that<br />

don’t have equal rights for queer or trans people, where couples<br />

cannot adopt or where you may not change your gender markers<br />

on identification.<br />

While I was talking to people at Pride, the most shocking thing<br />

to me was that people are still needing to fight for trans rights<br />

here in Norway. Here, transgender people need to go through a<br />

long process to get basic gender affirming care. If you want to<br />

transition, whenever you are in the country, you have to go to a<br />

clinic in Oslo. And the general knowledge about the trans and<br />

nonbinary community is still lacking. There is still fear that any<br />

therapist or professional you may talk to will judge you based on<br />

your presentation, your appearance.<br />

Parades gather people from an amplitude of different communities.<br />

It’s a time to feel love, joy, and freedom. It’s a time when people<br />

know that they are not alone in their struggles. The atmosphere is<br />

reassuring and comforting, you feel the understanding that you do<br />

not get from family or school. Pride also serves people in the arena<br />

of publicizing current minority issues. It ensures that problems<br />

people have are heard.<br />

Let’s talk about the other side now.<br />

That Pride has become the platform for politicians and corporations<br />

to use to gain prestige. They don’t care what Pride is about and<br />

what they are fighting for. The latter one used them to sell good<br />

marketing public relations, when the former one use it to gain<br />

votes. They appear at Pride, cheering with everyone, but then when<br />

it comes to action, they do nothing to resolve minority issues. At the<br />

parade they make meaningless promises that they will not think<br />

about if they get into parliament. Many engage in pinkwashing, the<br />

strategy that uses the parade as a source of improving the brand<br />

image. They do the bare minimum to look better in the public eyes<br />

and get more customers.<br />

Since June is the Pride month (And various localized Pride weeks,<br />

such as the one recently in Kristiansand), every corporation is<br />

‘turning gay’. They put on rainbow logos, producing numerous<br />

products marketed for queer people. But what they care about is<br />

money. With every new limited edition pride product produced,<br />

Pride is becoming more corporate than queer. The side that creates<br />

the “accepted” form of the queer people pushing out who are less<br />

to the taste of everyday people, for example polycules, non-typical,<br />

nonbinary people or the kinkier side of the LQBTQ+ community.<br />

The nonheteronormative people are getting objectified for<br />

corporations. They become the solution to achieving their monthly<br />

goals.<br />

So here we are now, in 2023, when the first parade started as a<br />

voice of the riots in Stonewall to now, when Pride is getting<br />

corrupted by the organizations that care more about money than<br />

nonheteronormative freedom. The only thing, we want you to<br />

think of at the event, is that enjoy the parade as much as you can.<br />

Have fun, make friends and be happy. When the parade is over,<br />

check the corporations that were there. Watch them and criticize.<br />

Use your voice so the pinkwashing will not go unnoticed. This is the<br />

call for action because people have power. Stonewall gave us that,<br />

so let’s not waste it.<br />

The parade is a time to be free. People may express themselves<br />

however they want. They can do it by singing, by being a drag king<br />

or queen, and wear what they want. Particularly in homophobic<br />

countries this is of paramount importance, as in everyday life<br />

people will try to blend in to stay in the closet and avoid violence.<br />


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