Unikum 08 October nett

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“Sitting beside Elisabeth are the twins, Gaab and Gabriel.”

Next to the manic girl is a young boy, huddling in a black sweater,

on his head a giant pair of glasses resides, the glass made up of

a hundred tiny hexagons. He looks to be around 14-years old. He

smirks at Azalea with a mischievous smile. Right by his side is an

adult man, in the same sweater, however, two hoods are additionally

attached to it. Despite the massive size of the clothing, Azalea could

at first glance see how anorexically thin he is by staring at his

famished features. He did not meet Azalea’s gaze, instead staring

into his empty plate. At first Azalea thought the twins remark was

merely a joke considering their clothing, but as she deciphers their

features, she realizes they share overtly many.

“And then there’s Luc- no, excuse me my dear, did not notice the

costume change, there’s Lilith.”

Opposite of him sat a woman, draped in the most beautiful, blonde

hair Azalea had ever seen. She is applying make-up, the lipstick

viciously painting her plumb lips, and with a delicate finger, she

erases the excess. Once her gaze is ripped from the mirror, she

notices Azalea’s gaze and she winks at her.

“Of course, can’t forget our dear Ma-”

“It’s Wary now,” the girl interjects.

“Wary, right.”

The final guest is a young girl, her hair a concoction of the blackest

black and brightest red, matching her garments. Azalea could

sense the adolescence of her, the girl’s attitude conveying as much,

as she deliberately avoided Azalea’s gaze, everybody’s gaze for that

matter. She plays with a suspiciously sharp pick.

“And finally, Sarah.”

The picture which previously was turned now stood in the empty

chair atop what seems like a speaker. The woman in the picture has

radiant, brown hair, braided in breathtaking patterns, tied with a

pink bow. But what radiance that lacked is in her eyes, no spark

can be found within them.

“As you can surmise, she could not attend. She has…a condition


“I’m…here. Hello, whoever is…listening,” it sputters from the

speaking beneath the frame.

At first Azalea thought the speakers were of suboptimal quality, then

realized that the sluggishness is not caused by the transmission,

but by the speaker.

“Now, let’s feast, for the night will be long, but the fruits we shall

reap will be worth the labor,” Adam announces.

Awkwardness lingers in the air, as the family starts trading plates

and dishes, exchanging bare conversations and empty platitudes

with one another. The more Azalea observed them the less they

appear to be a family, more so six strangers. No one engages with

Azalea, except the occasionally pinch by Elisabeth or the kiss

Lilith would blow. Gaab and Gabriel squanders with one another,

Wary attempts to burn her meat with a lighter and an occasional

struggling moan erupts from Sarah’s radio. Finally, Adam claps his

hand together:

“Now that we’ve all met and feel ready for the challenges to come,

it’s finally time to provide our dear Azalea with some answers.”

Azalea leans forward in her chair, before realizing the impolite

implications and retreats back.

“We do possess the power which you seek. But, this power is not

merely just for resurrection, quite frankly, it is so much more. And

before relinquishing it, we, the family Alighieri must determine

if you are worthy of it. How do you prove your worth? Simple.

Everyone here has a precious possession, retrieve it from them,

and I shall grant you passage to the resting place of the power you

desire. If you want to resign from this trial, you are free to do so at

any time. Have I made myself clear?”

The entire dinner table turns towards Azalea, a grin plastered on

everyone’s faces. The boiling in her gut occasionally releases a

sputter of searing pain, but she clenches her teeth, finding comfort

in her hopes, for within those rules, is the safety she needed. An

exact description of the power she needs, the power she must find,

not merely the resurrection of her hopes.

But the resurrection of her mother.

“Yes, all is understood. If that is what you demand of me, I will do

it, I promise,” she responds, some of her words shaking underneath

the pressure of her counterfeit resolution.

“Perfect,” Adam says and with a simple snap, the family disappears.

All that is needed, is to retrieve the family’s possessions. She would

persuade every single one of them. Suddenly, it all becomes more

feasible, a goal which is obtainable. For what had once been obscure

dreams and promises are now real objectives, all which Azalea is

determined to overcome. Adam walks slowly around the table until

he has completely closed the space between him and Azalea.

“You may attempt to persuade them, but some of the family will not

relinquish their possession with ease. No, perhaps persuasion will

not work at all on them,” he says.

Then, he leans in, closing any empty space between his face and

Azalea’s ear:

“I will not judge your methods of retrieval, what matters to me is

your acquirement of the possessions. Simply put, if you feel it’s the

only way, I will not stop you.

Even if you have to kill them.”

Continues in November...


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