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Illustration: Unikum // Sohpie Stubbe

As the twelfth chime echoes into the distant, devoured by the

emptiness and fog seemingly gathering around the outline of the

town, the giant door opens and grants her passage. Just as it closes

with finality behind her, it obstructs the sound of the thirteenth

strike, and she is spared a terrible fate.

What meets her, is a confirmation of her previous suspicions.

The entrance hall is filled with hundreds of burning candles, the

wax slowly dripping into the golden plates they reside on. What

had previously been dull and broken wooden panels plaguing

the flooring are now sparkling parquets, practically mirrors

in their shine and decorated with lavish and crimson-colored

carpets leading to two doors and a staircase. From the outside,

Azalea guessed approximately three floors, her initial visit neither

confirming nor denying her theory as the first-floor stairway was

broken upon her arrival. Yet now, it is fully intact, a gorgeous sight

as it leads to a stained-glass mural depicting a garden with a tree in

the middle, a mountain looming in its background. Azalea’s stare

follows the multitudes of luxuries and peculiar objects, oozing of

rich cultures from across the world, and some which she has never

seen the likes off.

her bag in the process.

“Excuse me, Miss Azalea?”

From a door underneath

the stairway, emerging

from a tiny door, a

stark contrast to

the being dwelling

within, a robust,

young man appears, a

butler’s outfit draping

him, the buttons on

his white shirt in

constant battle with

his chest, and a welltamed

jungle of brown

hair sprouting from

his head. His sudden

appearance causes

the ball of nervousness

planted within Azalea’s

gut to implode, sending a jolt of

shock through her system, dropping

“Ah, I’m sorry, I did not mean to startle you! Here let me help you!”

he excuses as he rushes to the bag’s aid.

“No, I’m sorry, I was lost in my own trail of thought, you don’t have


“You’re our esteemed guest, the first in a while actually, of course

I will help you!”

Azalea studies Eric, studies his body, his movement, his features,

as he swiftly moves to aid her. In her mind, veiled in a thick fog,

something is trying to reveal itself, but is lost to the gray sea, sunken

into its depths, but its shine penetrating the transparent surface.

Had she met him before? In her quest for remembrance, she had

forgotten civility, blushing at her own discourteousness.

“Yes. To your prior question I mean. I am Azalea. You don’t need

the miss part though,” she smiles between blossoming cheeks.

“Perfect! As I’ve said, we’ve been expecting you, or well, Mister

Alighieri has been, the entire family actually, but me too of course!

So I went ahead and prepared-!”

“A dinner party. How many moons have passed since our last

visitor? Not even the grandest of banquets could celebrate this

tremendous occasion.”

Obscuring the stained-glass mural is an outline of an adult, clad

in darkness. But as he inches closer, the darkness is revealed to be

merely a black suit. He walks so elegantly and effortlessly down the

staircase, one would easily confuse walking with levitating, a black

cane adorned with an emerald snake coiling around it, its jaws

wide, ready to gnaw at the red marble residing comfortably at the

top. His face provides no features, all tucked away and concealed

by a black mask, yet what the chiffon fabric can’t shroud are two

piercing, lavender eyes, measuring up every ounce of Azalea.

“I hope to remedy the lack of courtesy our butler exudes, do excuse

his lack of manners, I partially blame his lack of experience in our

house. My name is Adam Alighieri, I am the head of the House

Alighieri. And our easily excitable help here is Eric, no last name

needed, he is merely a spectator to tonight’s grand spectacle,” Adam

explains softly. Despite never sounding monotone, no intonations

nor word stress convey a single emotion, only the intricate semantic

web communicating his intentions.

Eric himself blushes at his own indiscretion:

“Oh my gosh, so sorry, I did forget to say my name! I’m Eric, so nice

to meet you!”

He sticks out a hand, but before Azalea can even consider returning

the civility, Adam smacks Eric’s hand with his cane.

“Do not sully our guest’s hand. Need I remind you of your position

here? You are not to interfere, you are merely here out of necessity,

nothing else. This is my house, my home. You will play your part if

needed, if not, we’ll have a vacant position to be filled, won’t we?”

Azalea quells a surprised yelp, then a bobbling desire to comfort

Eric, red marks trailing the outline of the cane’s impact on his hand.

However, disrespecting her host upon their first interaction would

not bode well, especially one which may aid her in her (quest/

pursuits?). Manners taught through harsh fashion is not uncharted

waters to her, yet she hopes that it is a dying tendency, seeing the


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