Forbidden Lands Players Handbook


EXAMPLETo spice up the fight against the orcs, hiddencombinations are used. It’s time for a newround and since Orc 1 is Broken, Orc 2 actsfirst. He attacks Nirmena, and both thereforechoose hidden combinations.The orc is the attacker and the GMsecretly chooses the card sequence PRE-PARE+STRIKE for him. Nirmena choosesHINDER+STRIKE, very risky because sheexposes herself to the orc’s attack. First,both the orc and Nirmena show their firstcards: the orc’s PREPARE against Nirmena’sHINDER. The orc, who didn’t expect Nirmena’sbold move and can’t stop it, decidesto follow through on his plan and uses hisfirst action to SWING WEAPON (to increasethe damage of the planned attack in step 2).Nirmena SHOVES. She can’t use hershortsword (as it has no HOOK), but rollswell and succeeds nonetheless. The orc fallsdown! In step 2, both have chosen to STRIKE.The orc goes first, but as he is prone he can’tattack. It’s Nirmena’s turn. She SLASHESat him with her sword and gets a +2 bonusas the orc is prone. The attack hits and theorc is Broken.RANGEWhen you shoot at someone, it is harder to hityour target the further away they are. At SHORTrange, you get a –1 penalty, and at LONG rangeit’s a –2. At ARM’S LENGTH, you get –3 since it’svery hard to draw a bead on an opponent thatclose to you. This does not apply if you areshooting at a defenseless or completely obliviousopponent at ARM’S LENGTH – in that case,you get a +3 bonus instead.SHOOTING RANGERANGEMODIFICATIONArm’s Length –3/+3Near –Short –1Long –2Distant –3 (requires Aim)ACTIONSThe actions available in ranged combat are notas numerous as in close combat, but there area few options.RANGED COMBATWhen you attack someone from a distance, youroll MARKSMANSHIP. You need a ranged weapon,even if it’s simply something to throw. Thetable on page 103 describes various weaponsand indicates the maximum range at which theweapon can be used.READY WEAPON: Fast action. Before youcan fire your bow or sling, you must READYit – prepare the weapon by nocking an arrowor placing a stone in your sling. Once you haveREADIED your weapon, you can’t take any slowaction other than SHOOT and no fast actionother than AIM (see below) – if you do anythingelse, you must READY the weapon again before97combat & damage

you can SHOOT. Note that the FAST SHOOTERtalent allows you to fire bows and slings withoutusing an action to READY the weapon.Crossbows don’t need to be READIED. Instead,you must LOAD a crossbow (slow action)before each shot. You can carry a LOADED crossbowaround as long as you like.AIM: Fast action. Before you SHOOT, you canAIM. This gives you a +1 bonus to the attack.You must AIM and SHOOT in the same round– you cannot save the bonus for a later round.Please note that you cannot READY your weapon,AIM and SHOOT in the same round, as thatis a total of three actions. It’s possible if youhave the FAST SHOOTER talent, however.You can’t AIM at an aware opponent atARM’S LENGTH – he is too close for you to beable to draw a bead on.SHOOT: Slow action. Roll for MARKSMANSHIPand the weapon’s Gear Bonus. Can be DODGED,but to PARRY a ranged attack the target must havea shield. If you hit, your target takes WeaponDamage on his Strength. For every additionalx rolled, the damage increases by 1. If the targetsuffers a critical injury, roll on the table for stabwounds if you used a bow or throwing knife anduse the table for blunt force if you used a sling ora thrown rock.DODGE: Fast reactive action. You throw yourselfout of the way of your opponent’s attack.Roll MOVE (not MELEE). Every x you roll eliminatesone x from the attacker’s roll. Any excessx have no effect. When you DODGE, you fallprone. You can choose to remain standing, atthe cost of a –2 penalty.PARRY: Fast reactive action. To be able toPARRY a ranged attack, you must either have ashield or a weapon with the PARRYING featureand at least level 2 in the talent for the relevantweapon type (see Chapter 4). Roll using MELEEand the weapon’s Gear Bonus. Every x you rolleliminates one x from the attacker’s roll. Anyexcess x have no effect.REACTIVE ACTIONSJust like in close combat, your opponent mustdeclare if he intends to DODGE or PARRY beforeyou roll to attack. DODGE and PARRY are reactiveactions and break the normal initiative orderin the round.EXAMPLEThe last remaining orc RETREATS and thenRUNS. In the next round, Tyrgar DRAWS hiscrossbow and then SHOOTS it. The range is nowSHORT which gives Tyrgar a –1 penalty. Yet herolls two x, and with the crossbow’s WeaponDamage of 2 he inflicts 3 points of damage.SOCIAL CONFLICTSometimes, you can make things go your waywithout resorting to violence. Instead, youtrick or convince your opponents withoutdrawing your weapon. This might even be possiblein the midst of combat, if the GM judgesit plausible. For non-violent conflicts, you usethe MANIPULATION skill.What you ask of your opponent or whatyou want him to do must be within reason –98chapter 5

you can SHOOT. Note that the FAST SHOOTER

talent allows you to fire bows and slings without

using an action to READY the weapon.

Crossbows don’t need to be READIED. Instead,

you must LOAD a crossbow (slow action)

before each shot. You can carry a LOADED crossbow

around as long as you like.

AIM: Fast action. Before you SHOOT, you can

AIM. This gives you a +1 bonus to the attack.

You must AIM and SHOOT in the same round

– you cannot save the bonus for a later round.

Please note that you cannot READY your weapon,

AIM and SHOOT in the same round, as that

is a total of three actions. It’s possible if you

have the FAST SHOOTER talent, however.

You can’t AIM at an aware opponent at

ARM’S LENGTH – he is too close for you to be

able to draw a bead on.

SHOOT: Slow action. Roll for MARKSMANSHIP

and the weapon’s Gear Bonus. Can be DODGED,

but to PARRY a ranged attack the target must have

a shield. If you hit, your target takes Weapon

Damage on his Strength. For every additional

x rolled, the damage increases by 1. If the target

suffers a critical injury, roll on the table for stab

wounds if you used a bow or throwing knife and

use the table for blunt force if you used a sling or

a thrown rock.

DODGE: Fast reactive action. You throw yourself

out of the way of your opponent’s attack.

Roll MOVE (not MELEE). Every x you roll eliminates

one x from the attacker’s roll. Any excess

x have no effect. When you DODGE, you fall

prone. You can choose to remain standing, at

the cost of a –2 penalty.

PARRY: Fast reactive action. To be able to

PARRY a ranged attack, you must either have a

shield or a weapon with the PARRYING feature

and at least level 2 in the talent for the relevant

weapon type (see Chapter 4). Roll using MELEE

and the weapon’s Gear Bonus. Every x you roll

eliminates one x from the attacker’s roll. Any

excess x have no effect.


Just like in close combat, your opponent must

declare if he intends to DODGE or PARRY before

you roll to attack. DODGE and PARRY are reactive

actions and break the normal initiative order

in the round.


The last remaining orc RETREATS and then

RUNS. In the next round, Tyrgar DRAWS his

crossbow and then SHOOTS it. The range is now

SHORT which gives Tyrgar a –1 penalty. Yet he

rolls two x, and with the crossbow’s Weapon

Damage of 2 he inflicts 3 points of damage.


Sometimes, you can make things go your way

without resorting to violence. Instead, you

trick or convince your opponents without

drawing your weapon. This might even be possible

in the midst of combat, if the GM judges

it plausible. For non-violent conflicts, you use


What you ask of your opponent or what

you want him to do must be within reason –


chapter 5

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