Forbidden Lands Players Handbook

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the attack. If the defender has already used one of

his actions for the round, one of his two cards in

the hidden combination must be AWAIT. If he has

used up both actions, there is no need to choose

hidden combinations as the defender cannot act

at all.

TWO STEPS: Your attack is divided into two

steps. Your first action, as well as the defender’s

first action, take place during step 1. Your second

action, and the defender’s second action, take

place during step 2. The defender’s action is resolved

at the attacker’s turn in the initiative order,

even if he wants to, for example, SLASH the


RESOLUTION: Reveal the cards you have chosen

for step 1 and state which exact action you perform

in step one. The attacker must declare his

action first, then the defender. The action that

is chosen by the attacker and the defender can

affect each other.

The attacker’s action in step 1 is then resolved

first, followed by the defender’s – except

DODGE and PARRY actions, which are simultaneous

with the attack. A defender choosing an

offensive action like SLASH takes a big risk, as he

exposes himself to the attacker’s action which is

resolved first.

When step 1 is resolved, immediately proceed

to step 2 and repeat the procedure. Remember

to turn the initiative cards for both attacker

and defender, to indicate how many actions they

have performed in the round.

PAIN: Being hit in close combat is painful, even if

you are not critically wounded – painful enough

that you may be temporarily dazed. If you are the

defender in close combat and suffer damage (at

least 1 point) from a hit, your action in the same

step (unless you PARRY or DODGE) is forfeit. The

action is lost and cannot be performed later in

the round. Your action in step 2 is not affected by

damage you suffer in step 1. The PAIN RESISTANT

talent makes you less susceptible to pain.

EXTRA ACTIONS: Some talents give you extra

attacks, PARRIES, or other actions in combat.

Such bonus actions always take place outside of

the hidden combinati0n. For example, a Fighter

with PATH OF THE BLADE who wants to spend a

WP to perform an extra attack does so after the

hidden combination is resolved. A hidden combination

never has more than two steps.

MONSTERS never use hidden combinations.


You can mix close combat

with other actions in the same

round, even in the advanced

close combat system. For

example, you can RUN up to an

enemy and then SLASH him. At

this point, choose hidden combinations

only when you attack

your enemy. As you only have

one action left, your exchange

will only have one step and

both you and your opponent

choose only one card each.


chapter 5

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