Forbidden Lands Players Handbook


COMBAT CARDS: To choose a hidden combination,use the custom cards for the game.These cards are divided into five categories:STRIKE, DEFEND, PREPARE, HINDER, and MANEU-VER. Each card describes the actions that arepossible when using the card in question.Added to these are the cards AWAIT (seebelow), and DOUBLE UP, which you use if youwant to perform two actions from the samecard during a single round. All cards are summarizedin the list to the left.You and your opponent should hold sevencards each, and choose two of these cards each.Place your two cards face down on the table infront of you, with the card describing your firstaction on top.THE COMBAT CARDSThe seven playing cards used tochoose a hidden combinationare summarized below:✥✥STRIKE. Lets you SLASH, STAB,✥✥✥✥PUNCH, or GRAPPLE.DEFEND. You can DODGE orPARRY with this card.PREPARE: Allows you toAWAIT: If the defender wants to save one orboth of his actions until later in the round, hechooses the AWAIT card, leaving himself open to✥✥✥✥✥✥✥✥DRAW WEAPON, SWING WEAP-ON or STAND UP.HINDER: Lets you SHOVE orDISARM.MANEUVER: You can FEINT orRETREAT with this card.AWAIT. Choose this card toperform no action at all,because you have alreadyused up one of them orwant to save them for laterin the round.DOUBLE UP. Choose this cardfor step 2 to perform an actionfrom the same categoryas your action in step 1.95combat & damage

the attack. If the defender has already used one ofhis actions for the round, one of his two cards inthe hidden combination must be AWAIT. If he hasused up both actions, there is no need to choosehidden combinations as the defender cannot actat all.TWO STEPS: Your attack is divided into twosteps. Your first action, as well as the defender’sfirst action, take place during step 1. Your secondaction, and the defender’s second action, takeplace during step 2. The defender’s action is resolvedat the attacker’s turn in the initiative order,even if he wants to, for example, SLASH theattacker.RESOLUTION: Reveal the cards you have chosenfor step 1 and state which exact action you performin step one. The attacker must declare hisaction first, then the defender. The action thatis chosen by the attacker and the defender canaffect each other.The attacker’s action in step 1 is then resolvedfirst, followed by the defender’s – exceptDODGE and PARRY actions, which are simultaneouswith the attack. A defender choosing anoffensive action like SLASH takes a big risk, as heexposes himself to the attacker’s action which isresolved first.When step 1 is resolved, immediately proceedto step 2 and repeat the procedure. Rememberto turn the initiative cards for both attackerand defender, to indicate how many actions theyhave performed in the round.PAIN: Being hit in close combat is painful, even ifyou are not critically wounded – painful enoughthat you may be temporarily dazed. If you are thedefender in close combat and suffer damage (atleast 1 point) from a hit, your action in the samestep (unless you PARRY or DODGE) is forfeit. Theaction is lost and cannot be performed later inthe round. Your action in step 2 is not affected bydamage you suffer in step 1. The PAIN RESISTANTtalent makes you less susceptible to pain.EXTRA ACTIONS: Some talents give you extraattacks, PARRIES, or other actions in combat.Such bonus actions always take place outside ofthe hidden combinati0n. For example, a Fighterwith PATH OF THE BLADE who wants to spend aWP to perform an extra attack does so after thehidden combination is resolved. A hidden combinationnever has more than two steps.MONSTERS never use hidden combinations.MIXED ACTIONSYou can mix close combatwith other actions in the sameround, even in the advancedclose combat system. Forexample, you can RUN up to anenemy and then SLASH him. Atthis point, choose hidden combinationsonly when you attackyour enemy. As you only haveone action left, your exchangewill only have one step andboth you and your opponentchoose only one card each.96chapter 5

COMBAT CARDS: To choose a hidden combination,

use the custom cards for the game.

These cards are divided into five categories:


VER. Each card describes the actions that are

possible when using the card in question.

Added to these are the cards AWAIT (see

below), and DOUBLE UP, which you use if you

want to perform two actions from the same

card during a single round. All cards are summarized

in the list to the left.

You and your opponent should hold seven

cards each, and choose two of these cards each.

Place your two cards face down on the table in

front of you, with the card describing your first

action on top.


The seven playing cards used to

choose a hidden combination

are summarized below:






DEFEND. You can DODGE or

PARRY with this card.

PREPARE: Allows you to

AWAIT: If the defender wants to save one or

both of his actions until later in the round, he

chooses the AWAIT card, leaving himself open to







HINDER: Lets you SHOVE or



RETREAT with this card.

AWAIT. Choose this card to

perform no action at all,

because you have already

used up one of them or

want to save them for later

in the round.

DOUBLE UP. Choose this card

for step 2 to perform an action

from the same category

as your action in step 1.


combat & damage

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